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With text, movement, actors, sets.

ANGELA (a strange loop) 4 © Julian Röder

Susanne Kennedy's 'Angela - a strange loop at the Holland Festival: no new insights, rather clichés

Well, Angela... this 'posthuman' play by German-British director Susanne Kennedy, now at the Holland Festival, aims to touch on many things: life & death, time & space, truth & fake. The play begins with a text running across the walls announcing that everything in this story is real, based on diaries and facts. Soon after, this statement becomes... 

PR image This is ours by Alum

Reinout Bussemaker portrays the controversial J.P. Coen in new Alum performance "This is Ours"

Utrecht - Actor Reinout Bussemaker will portray the role of J.P. Coen in theatre group Aluin's new proposition "Dit is van Ons" from December. This zeitgeist comedy takes a critical look at the legacy of J.P. Coen, a historical figure that evokes both admiration and condemnation. Reinout Bussemaker is known for several television (The 12 of Oldenheim, The Prey,... 

pr-beeld Het Nut Holiday Show

Het NUT en Stadsschouwburg Utrecht presenteren: De Holidayshow  Theater, spelshow en diner vol glitter, glamour en prrrijzen. 

Op donderdag 26 oktober 2023 gaat De Holidayshow in première, het najaarsspektakel van het NUT i.s.m. de Stadschouwburg Utrecht. Op zondag 4 juni jl. is de kaartverkoop gestart via de website van de schouwburg. De voorstelling speelt een maand lang elke donderdag t/m zondag op een nog geheime locatie in Utrecht. Regie is handen van Ellen Goemans, tekst en spel door Joep Hendrikx, Floor… 

scene photo by Camilla Adams

'Drive Your Plough...' - Masterful narrative theatre by Simon McBurney is a lesson for every viewer #HF23

A word says more than a thousand images. This may seem strange in a world that thrives on visual culture, but it is a truism. If you have yet to see cows of all shapes and sizes, let the Holland Festival convince you. Yesterday, I saw the opening performance 'Drive Your Plough Over The Bones Of The Dead' and... 

ANGELA (a strange loop) 1 © Julian Röder

In Susanne Kennedy's Angela, you have a say as a spectator. #hf23

Not much happens in Angela (A Strange Loop) by Susanne Kennedy. That is not a bad thing; there is more art in which little happens. Beckett, for instance, was a master of it. Just as he caused confusion in the 1950s with pieces like Waiting for Godot, viewers and critics alike get a bit thrown off by Susanne... 

Hamlet Ophelia by Sanne Peper

Heady 'Hamlet and Ophelia' about Nancy Spungen and Sid Vicious

I saw Sid Vicious perform with the Sex Pistols at the illustrious Eksit in Rotterdam in 1977, more than 45 years later my teenage daughter toured Vicious's story in International Toneel Amsterdam's performance Hamlet and Ophelia. She still has a life to go, I immersed myself in memories. A (too long) look back According to the annals... 

Marmoucha' s summer calendar for May, June and July 2023!

Discover the enchanting world of Marmoucha. Immerse yourself in an intriguing documentary about three Andalusians, get enthralled by authentic Gnawa music and experience stunning modern orchestral arrangements. Experience an immersive musical theatre performance for children (8+) and be enchanted by the unforgettable Moroccan-Andalusian repertoire. Friday 26 May, Friday 2 June and Saturday 3 June Documentary "Children of Al-Andalus" 

Dox campaign image

National DOX Club auditions: we go for talent!

In juni 2023 zijn de jaarlijkse DOX audities voor jongeren van 16 – 26 jaar die zich als performer verder willen ontwikkelen op het gebied van dans, theater, muziek, film en/of spoken word? Bij de DOX Club kan je een seizoen lang onderzoeken, creëren en leren met diverse makers van dit moment. Of je nu een vooropleiding hebt afgerond of… 

Flyer Storytelling festival

Theatre Kikker together with Utrecht partners presents the best stories from the city

Vertel! Storytellingfestival opent je blik naar de wereld om je heen. In samenwerking met Het Verhalenhuis en De Vertelacademie presenteert Theater Kikker op zaterdag 13 mei een unieke samensmelting van verhalen, muziek, culinaire hapjes, een inspirerende expositie en nog veel meer. Je luistert op deze dag naar de verhalen die onze stad rijk is. Kom naar Vertel! en maak kennis… 

Scene from Bros, photo by Luca del Pia

'Bros', Romeo Castellucci's theatrical liturgy of violence by men in uniform. To be seen in the Holland Festival

About 30 men in American police uniforms on stage, the kind we know from TV. But in Romeo Castellucci's show Bros, to be seen at the Holland Festival in June, you don't get to see chases and interrogations, but brutal violence. The show is about the anonymity offered by a uniform, in this case especially... 

Writer Nhung Dam is increasingly embracing her Vietnamese roots. 'My background is also a gift.'

Writer and theatre-maker Nhung Dam (38) tried to be as Dutch as possible, but is increasingly embracing her Vietnamese roots. Because these are precisely what make her unique, she now realises, and offer a wealth of stories. Including for her second novel, Definition of Love. Two worlds Nhung Dam (38) more or less grew up in two worlds. Her cradle was in... 

Happy Days 02 © Sanne Peper

The illusion of happiness and love with Antoinette Jelgersma and Erik Whien

"Another happy day. He listens to me ...Another very happy day, he speaks to me." Life reduced to its essence, with Winnie towering womanishly above the human molehill for her final episode. Antoinette Jelgersma, in Happy Days under Erik Whien, portrays a more monty version of Winnie, one of the toughest stage roles, with a monologue sitting still... 

Pr-picture The Toneelmakerij by Rachel Schraven

Paul Knieriem on his Hamlet for Amsterdam youth: 'Here you feel what representation and recognition does to a room'.

In mid-March, I went to see the Toneelmakerij's Hamlet, a performance specially made in and for Amsterdam-West. I had some questions about that performance, I wrote in the review, and we would discuss those questions in a podcast with Abdelkader Benali, the adaptor of the text, and Paul Knieriem, the director. An hour and a half before the recording... 

Tryater op Oerol 2014, foto Saris den Engelsman

Koningshuis beleeft preview Tryater-voorstelling Sâlt

Op woensdag 9 mei krijgt het Koninklijk Paar op Terschelling een exclusief voorproefje van de voorstelling Sâlt, die Tryater in de zomer op Oerol brengt. Het Paar doet Terschelling aan in een tournee langs de Waddeneilanden. Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Máxima worden in een uitgebreid programma geïnformeerd over de belangrijkste onderwerpen. Uiteraard is het Terschellingse Oerol onderdeel van het bezoek:… 

Yara Piekema and Roan Ten Cate answer questions from the audience (Photo: author)

Go see good youth theatre if you no longer believe in the adult offerings.

We have a huge need for magic and a miracle in our time. Some people think you lose that when you grow up and/or have children, but nothing could be further from the truth, of course. And in case you had any doubts, I'd give it to us if more theatre-makers for adults would once again revisit the magic you still had in your childhood... 

logo authors' union

Charlotte Köhler Prize 2023 for Peer Wittenbols

This year's Charlotte Köhler Prize, a triennial award for writers of prose, poetry or drama, has been awarded to Peer Wittenbols (1965). Wittenbols receives the €15,000 prize for his entire oeuvre and in particular for the youth-oriented play Trojan Wars (2020). The jury consisted of theatre scholar Sruti Bala, actor, writer and director Gable Roelofsen and... 

lottie Hellingman. Photo: Karin Jonkers

'Broos' impressively exposes frustrations in intensive care unit

'Broos' opens as a kind of cruel game show, with lead actress Lottie Hellingman in the centre of the stage, sitting on a chair above which hangs a large, grey rock. "I took happiness for granted," she begins resignedly. Hellingman's words are by director Madeleine Matzer. She wrote them down for 'Broos' after hearing a mother of a 17-year-old daughter with Down syndrome say 

Scene image of Hamlet by Sanne Peper

Why is this fascinating play, about the world of Amsterdam West, called Hamlet?

I had to think for a while before I wrote something about the Hamlet performance that is now showing to an audience of mostly high school students in Amsterdam West. That was because I was sitting in the auditorium, on a legendarily uncomfortable stand in a fine frayed-edge breeding ground, among a schoolchildren's audience that sat watching in full attention for almost two hours, while at... 

Group photo The Navertellers by Jean van Lingen

The Navertellers play music until they drop dead

Just before the end of the performance, one of the musicians steps forward, whereupon a colleague tells him: he is dying soon, metastatic bladder cancer. Whereupon the victim confirms the doom himself. Who gets to sign off on this apotheosis we will leave in the middle because of the spoiler. The crazy thing is, no terrible shockwave goes through the well-filled... 

Campaign image by Inez van Vuuren

[PRESS RELEASE] Theatre show Broos with Lottie Hellingman tours the country from 30 March

Broos is an emotional and musical theatre production by MATZER Theatre Productions with Lottie Hellingman, touring the Netherlands from 30 March to 16 June. The story is about Kyra, an adventurous woman who has a special girl named Romy, who needs extra care. The show highlights the challenging and beautiful sides of a care story and how you can lose yourself in caring for another person. The show is enhanced by live music by Helge Slikker and debuts at the Bossche Verkadefabriek on 31 March.

Wuthering Heights PR-beeld DeLaMar Fotografie Steve Tanner

DeLaMar en het Holland Festival presenteren Londense theaterhit Wuthering Heights

Op 11 juni 2023 vindt in het Holland Festival de Nederlandse première plaats van de Britse 5-sterren muziektheatervoorstelling Wuthering Heights in DeLaMar in Amsterdam. Een van Londens invloedrijkste regisseurs, Emma Rice, bewerkte het literaire meesterwerk van Emily Brontë tot een vurige theatrale ervaring, met livemuziek, humor, poppenspel en dans. Wuthering Heights werd lovend ontvangen in Londen en toert op dit… 

scene image by Kurt van der Elst

Pregnancy director Nina Spijkers was challenging The National Theatre on completion of Coriolanus

"That's what I'm going to tell Nina first, that afterwards the young women were the first to stand up and applaud and yell with enthusiasm for our Coriolanus." Remco van Rijn, dramaturg at The National Theatre, speaking after a try-out, just before the premiere of Coriolanus on 18 February. And Nina = Nina Spijkers, the original director of the play What... 

PR-beeld Yara's wedding

[PERSBERICHT] Yara’s Wedding PREMIÈRE interdisciplinaire (bijna) musical door NITE en Schauspiel Hannover, regie Guy Weizman

Durven we onze vooroordelen écht te bevragen? Of zijn we te politiek correct geworden? Wat kunnen we leren van de stille stem? Framen Yara’s Wedding is een interdisciplinaire (bijna) musical onder regie van Guy Weizman, met tekst van Antigone Akgün, Rasit Elibol, Mohamedou Ould Slahi Houbeini en Rik van den Bos. Samen schreef deze unieke groep schrijvers, geïnspireerd door de… 

Lidewij Gerits and Erik Siebel

Mahler 11: Song of Desire. Gustav and Alma Mahler come to life in successful piece by Bart Vieveen

Zo lang is het dus nog niet echt geleden, dat een wereldberoemd componist tegen zijn 20 jaar jongere geliefde kon zeggen dat zij moest stoppen met componeren, omdat hij niet tegen competitie kon. En dat ze dat dan ook doet. Het is een detail uit de geschiedenis van Gustav en Alma Mahler, die bij ingewijden allang bekend was, maar die… 

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