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Two voices on Sunken Garden @HollandFestival part 2. Thea Derks: 'Guilt & penance before, after, with and in death'

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Amsterdam, 5-6-2013 - It is difficult to go uninhibited to a production that has already caused so much controversy as Sunken Garden by Michel van der Aa. This "first 3D opera" was slammed as "soporific" after its premiere at London's Barbican Theatre last April, but also hailed as "the future of opera".

Two voices on Sunken Garden @HollandFestival, part 1. Henri Drost: "much more than 3D film opera"

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Forget all the fuss about the first-ever 3D film opera, forget all the fuss in British newspapers. Michel van der Aa himself sighed in interview that, on reflection, he would have loved to have made the second 3D film opera. And perhaps he had

Orchestre El Gusto lets sounds of Kashba Blues blow through @hollandfestival like warm desert wind

Holland Festival Holland Festival

They are gentlemen of age and therefore with a history. Grey or bespectacled or bald - or with a combination of all three. Their music has taken them everywhere. And now they are in a packed Carre: the Orchestre El Gusto. To their own delight, as they thank the audience for coming. The musicians from the kasbah of Algiers play the music as it is

Jan Lauwers with musical folk theatre at @hollandfestival: 'It's forbidden to memorise lyrics'

Holland Festival Holland Festival

An explosion in a crowded market square claimed 24 lives, including seven children. When the village commemorates that tragedy a year later, a little boy falls out of a window and a girl disappears before

A chamber opera blown up to impressive proportions at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

,,Het bijzondere aan Quartett is dat een intiem verhaal tussen twee personen tot indrukwekkende afmetingen opgeblazen wordt. De personages bevinden zich in een kamer, die lijkt te zweven. In deze beslotenheid speelt zich een geïsoleerd spel tussen een man en een vrouw af. Gigantische videoprojecties

Minicourse Opening @HollandFestival, part 1: Total theatre on slippery communication

Holland Festival Holland Festival
This year's Holland Festival opens with a performance of the opera 'Quartett'. It is a piece with a story, which needs some explanation. Maarten Baanders gives a short course on this performance. Also interesting for those who didn't happen to be able to buy a ticket.

Simon Stone adapts Ibsen for Australians: 'And why would you even go to the theatre if you live in Sydney?'

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Simon Stone (28) wrote a new play based on Henrik Ibsen's 1884 stage classic The Wild Duck. The Swiss-born Australian provided the Norwegian play with entirely contemporary language and dressing. The actors sit

‘Cineastas’ husselt theater, film en het alledaagse leven door elkaar

Holland Festival Holland Festival

In ‘Cineastas’ toont de Argentijnse regisseur Mariano Pensotti (1972) een gelaagd verhaal over vier cineasten uit Buenos Aires, die ieder worstelen met hun nieuwe films. Het is deels een portret van de stad, door de ogen van vier Argentijnse filmmakers, zegt

Moritz Eggert: 'I want to give Wagner back his innocence'

With Tragedy of a Friendship commemorates Flanders Opera the bicentenary of Richard Wagner's birth. It is a production by controversial artist Jan Fabre, author Stefan Hertmans and composer Moritz Eggert. When I approach the German tone poet for a conversation about this opera, he reacts with shock: there is ab-so-lutely no question of an opera! Could I please clear up this misunderstanding once and for all?

'Everyone is happy to be part of something so beautiful.' Stut Choir and Irish performers sing together for the first time. #vvu

Radiant faces and swinging bodies filled the rehearsal room of the Utrecht-based Stut Choir in Overvecht. For the first time, the members collaborated with Irish singer Lorna McLaughlin of The Henry Girls and conductors Neil Burns and Anna Nolan of the Inishowen Gospel Choir. On 21 June, the two choirs will join the three Henry Girls sisters on stage at the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.

Writers Unlimited 2013: about writers and people with a story #wu13

Whether Tahmina Akefi is a good writer, I dare not say. The Afghan beauty can at least glue sentences together, and knows how to add an erotic layer on top. But whether this means she surpasses the average penny novel, or whether she has nothing to offer but oriental soft porn anyway? Tricky.

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