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The child without a father became a father without a child. Auke Hulst wrote a novel about mourning an unborn child

Het is misschien wel zijn meest ambitieuze roman tot nu toe, en tegelijk de eerste waarover hij eigenlijk liever niet wil praten. In De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company snijdt schrijver Auke Hulst (46) namelijk een gevoelig en persoonlijk thema aan: de rouw om een ongeboren kind. Nabije toekomst  De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company is een roman zoals alleen Auke Hulst die schrijft.… 

Podcast KunstZINnig #2: Hanne Hagenaars: 'Art has deepened and in a way saved my life.'

In de tweede aflevering van de podcast KunstZINnig ga ik met kunstcurator en schrijver Hanne Hagenaars in gesprek over de manier waarop kunst zin geeft aan haar leven: ‘Kunst heeft mijn leven verdiept en in zekere zin ook gered.’ Hanne Hagenaars schreef in 2016 het boek ‘Geen Wolk: Hoe kunst mijn leven redde’. In dit boek bespreekt ze kunstwerken die… 

'My housemates teach me to feel and listen' Teun Toebes (22) lives in a nursing home to change the care of people with a faltering brain from within

Teun Toebes (22) deelt keuken, badkamer en wc niet met medestudenten maar met mensen met dementie. Hij schreef er een boek over: VerpleegThuis. Het boek kwam afgelopen week binnen op nummer 1 in de Bestseller 60. Tot zijn grote vreugde, want Toebes wil zoveel mogelijk mensen bereiken met zijn missie: de zorg voor mensen met een haperend brein veranderen. ‘Het… 

Schrijver en natuurkundige Paolo Giordano: ‘Ik wil niet vergeten dat er zoveel mensen zijn gestorven.’

Als natuurkundige maakte Paolo Giordano zich grote zorgen over de ontwikkeling van Covid-19. Als schrijver kon hij die gevoelens van verontrusting duiden en delen met het publiek. In Wat ik niet wil vergeten zijn Giordano’s artikelen gebundeld. ‘Het zou een zonde zijn als al dit lijden en al die doden voor niets zijn geweest.’ Bewust van het gevaar Toen hij… 

'I'm much happier than I was three years ago.' Singer Sam Bettens on his transition and new, 'revealing' music video

Vrienden noemen hem brother. Zijn kinderen zeggen papa. Ooit hoop hij opa te worden. Sam Bettens (49) was wereldwijd bekend als zangeres van de Belgische band K’s Choice toen hij besloot in transitie te gaan. En nu loopt hij in zwembroek over het strand: ‘Ik wil mezelf nooit meer verbergen.’ Tomboy Als jong meisje was Sam Bettens een tomboy en droeg hij de… 

Nerd podcast S2A3: With Cees Debets (National Theatre) and Marijn Lems (NRC) on the uncertain times in theatres

The theatres are struggling to fill up, technicians have hung up their lights, but tickets are not on sale for Het Nationale Theater's Trojan Wars. So in this long-awaited Nerd podcast (the AVROTROS thinks the tune is really terrible), we talk to Cees Debets, the director of that great theatre company from The Hague. Marijn Lems also happens to have a few... 

Stille Nacht Am Silbersee is a unique musical sound poem: 'A single word can evoke a world.' #novembermusic

'Every time I go to a beach, I see the sea through a filter of all the texts written about it.' Writer Joachim Robbrecht, at the request of Romain Bisschoff and together with writer brother Artun Alaska Arasli, created a sound poem for Ensemble Silbersee. During November Music, the work will finally premiere, after it had been a year... 

Jan-Peter De Graaff composes Parallax: 'I show how much effort people put into creating their own world' #novembermusic

Jan-Peter de Graaff (b. 1992) is and thinks big. As an islander, raised on Terschelling as a child of musicians, he also perhaps perceives things a little differently from the peripheral city. The height of the sky, the nothingness of a strip of land surrounded by the movement and power of water; they suggest infinity and the mystery of higher powers. That perspective... 

Forever a little uprooted. New novel Jesús Carrasco is a portrait of contemporary Spain

Terug naar huis, de nieuwe roman van de Spaanse schrijver Jesús Carrasco (49) is naast een portret van een familie en twee generaties, ook een portret van Spanje zelf.  ‘De huidige literatuur geeft sociale groepen een stem die ze eerder niet hadden.’ Drie jaar werk en twee complete romans belandden in de prullenbak voordat Jesús Carrasco zijn nieuwe roman Terug… 

'We're not going to talk about Jiskefet, are we?' For Michiel Romeyn, all of life is theatre

Even though the satirical programme Jiskefet has not existed for more than 15 years, Michiel Romeyn (66) is still recognised on the street as 'lullo' Van Binsbergen, 'the white nigger' Oboema or office clerk Storm. In Romeyn's existence, the dividing line between life and theatre is fluid. 'I like to disrupt things,' he says. 'We're hopefully not going to talk about Jiskefet after all.... 

Writer Domenico Starnone on his fascination with human relationships: 'We feel fear of the other, because it always remains "the other".'

Secrets is the title of Italian writer Domenico Starnone's (78) latest novel. But actually, as far as he is concerned, the secret is not what the story is about. 'It's about the fear we feel for the other, because the other always remains, under whatever circumstances, the ánder.' Human behaviour Domenico Starnone's finely crafted, concise novels... 

In the grip of mental illness. Jan van Mersbergen wrote a novel about the demise of his family

Als een van beide ouders niet stevig op z’n benen staat, hoe beïnvloedt dat dan een heel gezin? Daarover gaat Een goede moeder, de nieuwe roman van Jan van Mersbergen (50). Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de afgelopen jaren van zijn eigen leven. ‘Het moest geen afrekening worden.’ Avonturenroman Twee jaar geleden zei hij dat hij op zijn vijftigste, als… 

Tobias Kokkelmans starts as director of the Dutch Theatre Festival: 'More exchange between different groups in audiences and creators.'

‘Zoals voor veel mensen betekent het theaterfestival echt wel wat. Net als de Fringe is het niet meer weg te denken. Ik heb er artistieke vriendschappen mogen sluiten, ik heb er ruzies kunnen maken, ik heb er mensen ontmoet van wie ik dacht dat het tegenstanders waren, die medestrijders bleken te zijn. Want er zijn niet alleen voorstellingen, er wordt… 

Nerdpodcast s2a3: Guy Weizman praat met Wijbrand Schaap en Marijn Lems na over De Staat van het Theater.

‘We dachten dat het een goed idee was om na anderhalf jaar ellende niet meteen te beginnen met het meest kritische perspectief, maar juist te benadrukken hoe goed het was om weer bij elkaar te zijn.’ In deze podcast blikken Marijn Lems en Wijbrand Schaap met Guy Weizman terug op zijn ‘Staat van het Theater’, de traditionele opening van het… 

Writer Henk Pröpper's slow heartbeat

Writer and publicist Henk Pröpper had only just moved to his beloved Paris when the city came to a standstill, and so did his heart almost. Once fitted with a pacemaker, he took to the city in the one hour a day Parisians were allowed. A new world opened up for him. For Henk Pröpper (62), former director... 

Nerd podcast #s2e1: On the necessary lightness of something heavy. A conversation about reviews and witches with Club Gewalt #tfboulevard

There is a huge amount happening in theatre, this summer, as many summer festivals have special corona editions where they show a lot of what was made in attic rooms last year during the forced closure of theatres. One such show was Die Hexe, by Club Gewalt, a fresh point theatre band/theatre collective that is/was showing at Theatre Festival Boulevard this summer. Nerd... 

PODCAST - Guilherme Miotto: the wait is always for it to start flowing. #tfboulevard

Guilherme Miotto is artistic director of Corpo Maquina, an extraordinary dance company based in Breda and Tilburg. This year, among other things, he is at Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch with the performance Tak. A performance, stemming from an earlier project in an urban district of Den Bosch. Six women he worked with there now form an ensemble with whom he... 

PODCAST: Joseph Toonga at Theatre Festival Boulevard: 'My daughters help me bring empathy to Hiphop' (English)

This podcast is recorded in English. For those who do not speak the language, or who do not have time to listen to the full podcast, here are some quotes. 'Originally I didn't have a title. Someone came up with 'Born to' and then I thought it would be nice to put 'manifesto' after it. After all, it is about appearing,... 

PODCAST - Naomi Velissariou's permanent quest: 'I wonder if I should do interpretation or connection as an artist.'

Naomi Velissariou (1984) was actually supposed to be at the Bossche Festival Boulevard 2021 with more performances. This year, her entire trilogy 'Permanent Destruction' would be performed in a setting like club rave. Fierce musical theatre, based on playwrights Sarah Kane and Heiner Müller, and concluded with the more subdued work 'Pain against Fear'. All parts have received rave reviews from audiences and press, but... 

Nerd podcast #15 with Dick Zijp: 'Humour usually follows power, and is more effective in it than serious expressions.'

With his opinion piece in the Volkskrant, he drew the ire of such gein manufacturers as Bert Brussen and Hans Teeuwen. In no uncertain personal attacks, 'Suck My Dick Zijp' was accused of having a 'gender-neutral rotten head', which showed that 'woke' people had no humour. Reason for the woke nerds, Marijn Lems and I, aka the... 

Judith Uyterlinde (World Editions) - Animation fits well with the artistic and fictional nature of our novels

As in the animation sector, the book trade is hugely diverse. Within the Netherlands, around 4,500(!) publishing houses operate. From cooking and baking to self-help, from fact to fiction, an awful lot is written and published in the Netherlands. But there is also a publisher, World Editions, which does operate from the Netherlands, but focuses on the English market. They translate existing... 

A dangerously hurt little bird. Writer Caroline De Mulder delved into the world of girl gangs and sugardating

Girl gangs and sugar dating - these are the themes of Bambi likes you raw. Caroline De Mulder (44) wanted to talk about the violence of women rather than against women. 'I could work out the dark, aggressive sides in myself without bashing someone's head in.' Bambi's protagonist, 16-year-old Hilda, or Bambi, as her... 

On citation law, De Wereld Draait Door and John de Mol's claim robot (Angry Spirits Podcast with Ewout Jansen)

In 2014, The Cutter published a review of De Wereld Draait Door. What not many people will know is that prior to that moment, there was a weeks-long battle behind the scenes over this publication. De Wereld Draait Door tried with all its might to stop the episode by not giving permission to quote the footage. Initially,... 

animation michiel peeters programmer tivoli vredenburg

Michiel Peeters (TivoliVredenburg) - We want to make visual art a more prominent part of our programme

Public space is dressed up with visualisation, music video and art in many places, including TivoliVredenburg. Either via projection mapping on buildings during events, or via LED panels in shop windows and abris, but also as digital art during performances and lobbies in theatres. In TivoliVredenburg, in the heart of Utrecht, they even create separate events for it. Canvas is a programme that... 

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