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Maxima opens new home for youth opera house Holland Opera on 3 October

Indeed, the name Xynix was somewhat outdated. And since, thanks to the efforts of its own company and Yo! Opera, which started as a youth opera festival, opera nowadays turns out to be suitable for young people too, a more adult name is appropriate: Holland Opera.

The company has settled in Amersfoort in a former industrial building near the railway station: De Verensmederij. After a renovation, the building is now in use as a laboratory, theatre and rehearsal space for operas for the little ones among us. In De Verensmederij, the opera house, which is unique in the world, will present operas such as: 'Keizer is knetter' (7+), the Christmas performance 'Het meisje met de zwavelstokjes' (6+) and the jazz opera 'FEEKS' (12+).


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