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merlin twaalfhoven

The 'weird life' of all-rounder Jef Last is not over

Better to die standing than to live kneeling. The statement is fresh in memory after the murder in the Lange Leidse Dwarsstraat, as a mantra in praise of Peter R de Vries, his fearlessness, non-conformism, straightforwardness and honesty. This same statement jumps out even from the first paragraphs of the introduction to the biography of poet Jef Last, written by Rudi Wester.1.... 

In the Netherlands, time sings

Of course, it takes Italians to make this poetic statement about the Netherlands, the headline of this article. The old Italian saying refers to the carillon that signals time in public spaces. Typical tradition of the Low Countries. Since the fourteenth century. Nice and practical, of course, because then the whole city knows what time it is. Does everyone hear hits from the... 

René Ten Bos vertelt op SPOT-Live waarom we toneelspelen: ‘Op vier poten zien we er niet uit.’

‘Ik heb laatst een dag gewerkt met gemeentebestuurders. Het ging over bureaucratie. Nou, als er iets gaat over bureaucratie, dan is dat wel het werk van Samuel Beckett. Ik heb daarom ook theatermensen uitgenodigd om dat wat ik vertelde te illustreren met Becketiaanse teksten.’ Filosoof René ten Bosch, momenteel Denker des Vaderlands, is een van de drie curatoren van het… 

Daria Bukvić houdt op SPOT Live theaters en gezelschappen  een spiegel voor: ‘Ik schuw nieuwe vormen van marketing niet.’

‘Met mijn voorstellingen probeer ik altijd mensen het gevoel te geven dat ze echt een happening gaan missen. ‘De eerste voorstelling met persoonlijke verhalen van vier Marokkaans-Nederlands actrices in de grote zalen van Nederland, de nieuwste dit, de meest verrassende dat.’ Daria Bukvić is een van de spannendste makers die de afgelopen jaren de theaterwereld binnenkwam. Ze is niet alleen… 

Merlijn Twaalfhoven on SPOT-Live: 'Outside the Randstad lies a huge source of inspiration'

'I have knocked on the door of the Congres Podiumkunsten a few times in recent years on my own initiative, really from the idea that we can do much more as venues in the Netherlands. But then, every time I was there, people got enthusiastic, but does it stick?' Composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven is happy that he now serves as 'curator' of SPOT Live, the new... 

SPOT-LIVE takes you into the minds of leading, original and exciting creators and thinkers. 15 May 2018, Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie Leeuwarden

What happens when original and exciting makers and thinkers shape the SPOT-LIVE programme? If a leading philosopher, theatre-maker or musician is allowed to fill the stage with debate, what would it be about? If they were allowed to inspire you with work that touches them, what would they showcase? Get inspired by three curators who will share with you their views on... 

Bombarie on Bombarie? New festival in Utrecht has broad profile

In onze participatiesamenleving is Community Art ‘hip, hot & happening’. Er zijn dan ook veel projecten en initiatieven die amateurs en professionals samenbrengen. Gelukkig maar, want hoe breder kunstuitoefening en -beleving gedeeld en gedragen worden door zoveel mogelijk mensen, hoe mooier de wereld wordt, vind ik dus.

Monsieur Doumani

Dit schrijfsel mag dan ietwat vreemd beginnen, het eind gaat heel andere beelden oproepen: Er wordt van alles intern in gang gezet als ik me in het kleinste kamertje van mijn huis bevind. Dat komt doordat er – naast leuke, lieve kaarten van vrienden en familie – ook knipsels op de deur hangen, theatergidsen, krantenkaterns en slimmige magazines rondslingeren. Zo… 

Holland Festival 2016: urgent, challenging and inviting

Never before has the Holland Festival placed itself at the centre of society as it is today. The 2016 programme is steeped in the turbulent times in which we live. The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union this spring. Artistic director Ruth Mackenzie has taken this fact unflinchingly to give 'Europe' a wide place in the programming. In presenting... 

Amsterdam Prize 2015, local celebration of artists with international allure

At the Amsterdam Compagnietheater last night, the Amsterdam Prize of the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts was awarded. A 020 party, then, where 'tout art and culture' festively dressed up to put their own cultural gems in the limelight. The biblical torrential rain outside by no means stopped AFK director Clayde Menzo from sketching a sunny future picture of Amsterdam's cultural life in 2020. Old... 

Pierre Boulez is alive!?

He is the last surviving avant-gardist, and it will not have escaped new-music lovers that he turned 90 on Thursday, 26 March. I mean, of course, Pierre Boulez, the composer and conductor who once declared Schoenberg dead and suggested that maybe opera houses should be blown up because of their moldy programming. The same man then tirelessly broke a lance for the music of Arnold Schoenberg ... 

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