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council for culture

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Situatie startende kunstenaars is nijpend en urgent

Is er sprake van een verloren generatie jonge kunstenaars door de coronacrisis? Die vraag bekroop de Raad voor Cultuur begin dit jaar tijdens gesprekken met bijna 40 startende kunstenaars en creatieven over hun ervaringen in coronatijd. Het is bekend dat starten als kunstenaar ook zonder lockdowns al geen sinecure was. Maar: “Het beeld uit de gesprekken is heftiger en zorgelijker… 

Deirdre Carasso appointed as member of Culture Council

Mevrouw drs. Deirdre Carasso wordt benoemd als lid van de Raad voor Cultuur. De ministerraad heeft daarmee ingestemd op voorstel van staatssecretaris Uslu van Cultuur en Media. De benoeming gaat in op 1 juli 2022 voor een periode van vier jaar. Deirdre Carasso studeerde Kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en Archivistiek A aan de Rijksarchiefschool. Sinds 2020 is zij… 

Culture review needs broad approach and more time

The Culture Council believes that there is now a unique opportunity to make the cultural and creative sector more agile and resilient, while at the same time creating space for the sector's recovery after corona. However, this requires a broad view of the cultural system as a whole and sufficient time to discuss this. The usual four-yearly... 

Heart's cry: Get cultural base in order in every municipality

Culture brings people together, and this often starts in one's own municipality. Unfortunately, in more and more municipalities, less and less money is available for basic cultural facilities, such as the library, amateur associations and cultural centres. This affects residents' well-being and living together. It also makes a municipality less attractive as a place of business. The Council's heartfelt cry... 

Culture Council supports action #hArtforUkraine

The cultural field is deeply shaken by the war in Ukraine. This weekend, the cultural sector is taking concerted action for Ukraine with #hArtforUkraine. To show solidarity and to express sympathy and support, participating organisations adorn their buildings in blue and yellow and donate proceeds to Giro 555 of the Cooperating Relief Organisations. The Culture Council supports... 

De les die we moeten leren van de verkoop van Primephonic – en wat de Raad voor Cultuur daarmee te maken heeft

The Every (Het Alles) is de naam van een succesvol en alom geliefd bedrijf, de grootste combinatie ter wereld van een tech-reus en een commerciële gigant. Dave Eggers beschrijft dit in zijn nieuwste roman “The Every”, opvolger van bestseller The Circle. Vanaf half november 2021 te koop bij de Amazons en de Bol.Coms, maar wie het eerder wilde kon al… 

Culture Council in advice: Smart approach to recovery and transition cultural system is now the trick

Het is aan de steunmaatregelen te danken dat de culturele sector niet ten onder is gegaan in de coronacrisis. Maar helaas is de pandemie nog niet voorbij. Er is tijd, geld en ruimte nodig om te voorkomen dat de cultuursector alsnog omvalt. Dat schrijft de Raad voor Cultuur aan demissionair minister Van Engelshoven (OCW). De raad wijst erop dat veel… 

'A big iconic building with a park around it'. Culture Councils Amsterdam and Empire set high bar for Slavery Museum

The Dutch Slavery Museum has moved a step closer, now that the Arts Council (Amsterdam) and the Council for Culture (Rijk) have issued an opinion on the exploration of a direction group presented earlier this year. This satisfies official procedural due diligence, although establishing the necessary museum in this way seems likely to take at least as much time.... 

Winnie Sorgdrager leads committee on transgressive behaviour cultural sector

Minister van Staat en oud-voorzitter van de Raad voor Cultuur Winnie Sorgdrager zit de commissie voor die adviseert over het tegengaan van grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de culturele en creatieve sector. Zoals eerder bekendgemaakt stelt de raad deze commissie in naar aanleiding van een adviesaanvraag van demissionair minister Van Engelshoven (OCW). Het advies moet zicht geven op wat er speelt op… 

Aan de makers, beleidsmakers en cultuurliefhebbers van Nederland: Statement van Kristel Baele, voorzitter Raad voor Cultuur, bij de opening van het culturele seizoen. 

“Dit weekend markeert de opening van het culturele seizoen, maar levert ook gemengde gevoelens op. Steeds meer mensen vinden de weg naar museum, theater en concertzaal langzamerhand weer terug. De klanken en kleuren daar grijpen ons aan, troosten ons en brengen ons weer samen. We ervaren de cultuur nu misschien wel als mooier dan ooit. We kijken er naar uit.… 

Joint committee considers plans national museum of slavery history

A joint committee of the Amsterdam Arts Council and the Council for Culture will examine plans for a national museum of slavery history in Amsterdam in the coming months. Amsterdam's Municipal Executive and outgoing minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) have asked the advisory councils for a joint opinion. The advice, expected this autumn, will, among other things, address... 

Culture Council to investigate cross-border behaviour across cultural sector

We are a bit done with sex, drugs & rock'n'roll in culture. At least, not in what is presented through our galleries, film screens and venues, but in how that comes about. Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven has asked the Council for Culture for advice, and the Council is going to set up a commission to do so. This was just announced via... 

The Council for Culture has a sense of purpose. And it's about time.

'In order to strengthen the position of self-employed workers, a regulation could be revisited that would make it easier to enter into several short-term contracts throughout the year with interim retention of benefits.' There is a lot of useful stuff in the Culture Council's opinion published today, but this sentence made me the happiest. Not so happy yet... 

Nerd podcast #12: Jeroen Bartelse of the Covid Taskforce Creative and Cultural Sector: It remains to be seen how quickly people can return, and how many people return.

Jeroen Bartelse is not only director of TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, the former director of the Council for Culture is also a prominent member of the Taskforce that lobbies for the cultural and creative sector to support culture in times of Corona. Marijn Lems and Wijbrand Schaap look back with him on the first corona year, summarised in... 

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Invest in culture for all

A strong cultural sector has an important economic and social driving function. Culture not only contributes positively to mental health and well-being, but is also an important building block in the recovery from the current corona crisis. To maximise this booster function, almost 500 million extra per year is needed. This is the conclusion of the Council for Culture in a letter to informateur Tjeenk... 

Nerd podcast 3: Why is youth theatre often so much stronger than theatre for big people? (With Marijn Lems and Henri Drost)

Today we are talking about youth theatre. A genre I myself first encountered in 1994, thanks to 'Mirad, een jongen uit Bosnië' by Ad de Bont, performed by Theatergroep Wederzijds. Marijn Lems got his love for youth theatre from his mother, who, like his father, was a librarian in Tilburg. What we agree on, in this podcast, the... 

Yet another hassle around MusicalMakers: Fleischmann becomes director despite objection from Culture Council

News arrived this week that Andreas Fleischmann, the highly esteemed director of Amsterdam's DeLaMar Theatre, has now officially become director-director of Stichting MusicalMakers, the foundation he had set up last year, a day before the deadline for grant applications for four-year state funding. And that is not allowed.

Everyone saved? Only a few festivals suffered heavy damage.

The total of eight festivals that were given a place in the Basic Cultural Infrastructure thanks to vigorous political lobbying are in the clear. They do not benefit from the extra millions released by the Cabinet on Budget Day to rescue the Performing Arts Fund, because they are not (or no longer) covered by it.

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