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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

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Dramatic decline in self-employed in cultural sector - Culture Monitor shows growth among architects and designers

Of the 1910 self-employed people still working behind the scenes of the performing arts in 2019, only 1090 will be left in 2022. So what we suspected turns out to be true: technicians have gone up onto the roof to install solar panels and heat pumps, audience workers found a destination in healthcare. Although the Culture Monitor does not capture this migration, it is clear 

New results of in-depth marketing research by Boekwerk KVB

CPNB annual figures: in search of the S10 of Dutch-language literature

'Dutch-language music has been unabatedly popular for years in a variety of genres; from pop to hip-hop, competing with English-language music. That's where you see what you can achieve with attention. The same can happen with books.' This quote by author Gustaaf Peek, recorded in a press release from the Authors' Union, is quite inspiring. The press release, in which the advocate of 1,750 Dutch writers... 

Photo of presentation with participants Cathelijne Broers, Renée Steenbergen and Rien van Gendt.

4 coming revolutions involving art and money.

The Dutch government distrusts citizens. And that stands in the way of a healthy art sector. This emerged on 17 January during a well-attended symposium at Amsterdam's Veem House. The occasion was the essay published in book form by Renée Steenbergen, who also published articles on this site. At the event, co-organised by Veem and Platform Beeldende Kunst, many makers were... 

Podium Gift Card 2023

Podium gift card sales in Corona year 2022 already back to 2013 level.

Nice message from the Theatre and Concert Visit Promotion Foundation: last year, we went out again quite often after the lockdowns, and also gave each other a unique experience as a gift quite often. 138,000 stage visits were gifted. That earned the SPTC a nice 6.6 million. That means the Pokadoka (Podium Gift Card) included an average gift of 48 euros.... 

Created with Midjourney AI, via the prompt: dog staring picasso style

Beware the new myths of anti-woke

Scored a new bullshit bingo card, today. 'Art must no longer tingle, I quit'. Big headline in a quality newspaper, with below it the terrible story of gallery owner Jeanette Dekeukeleires of Gallery Art Kitchen. The 60-year-old says she is quitting her job because nothing more is allowed. (Read the story here) For instance, she received complaints from young people about the famous PSP poster with that naked woman.... 

Verdwaalde oloifant wordt vriendelijk onthaald door de kudde

Cultuurpers heeft vanaf nu een eigen server op Mastodon. Lees hier waarom.

Deze site is groot geworden  dankzij Twitter en Facebook. We zijn ongeveer ook in dezelfde tijd ontstaan. In 2009 was Twitter net een beetje van de grond aan het komen, en Nederland dacht nog dat Hyves het helemaal zou worden, terwijl België al op Facebook zat. Enfin, tl;dr: de sociale media waren nog leuk. Pas in de jaren daarna werd… 

Midjourney AI makes this at the prompt 'people giving donations to a journalist'

These 28 unique stories generated the most donations in 2022!

As you know, Culture Press is an important voice in cultural news coverage. We were founded in 2009, at a time when all newspapers and broadcasters were reducing their arts editorships, and many zzp arts journalists were on the street. Publishers no longer wanted to pay for what they called 'low-hanging fruit' (reviews, interviews, announcements). Culture Press jumped into that gap, and in the nearly 14... 

created by Midjourney AI with the prompt: black female artist exposition

The art world is still white and male.

The website where the Dutch umbrella organisation of museums, the Museum Association, keeps track of audience and number of people employed by its members was unreachable today. Perhaps that is because today the leading website Artnet also came out with revealing figures on the arts sector in the US. The report, titled The Burns Halperin Report, includes an overview of the... 

'Don't shoot the rapper!' - The 3 things I learnt from No Man's Land 2022 #nml22

1: Het kunstmatige onderscheid tussen profs en amateurs werkt uitbuiting in de hand. In Nederland kunnen 115 schrijvers leven van de verkoop van hun boeken. De rest van de mensen die zich schrijver noemen, doen dat als bijverdienste. In de popmuziek zullen de cijfers niet heel veel anders liggen. Schrijvers met een paar euro verdienste op hun Lira-afrekening zullen niet… 

Nerd podcast Live: Marijn Lems, Erik Snel and Bran Remie on the value of audience and the need for criticism

Culture Press' new series of geek podcasts is about how to make theatre connect with your audience, and what happens when professional viewers continue to watch in their own way. And it's about the ambitions of 'the region'. So we also talk to Bran Remie, author and creator of the successful Enschede theatre series 'Huize Enschede', elsewhere on... 

Rumours are true: theatre can tap new audiences through local roots. Head to Enschede to see it.

Before, when I used to write about theatre for a national morning paper, my travel schedule was partly determined by the reach the paper had in a particular region. So, if I necessarily wanted to write about a theatre performance in Enschede, about Enschedean states, my chief's question was: how many subscribers do we have in Twente? So usually it didn't get there 

Hoe winnen we de ironie terug van extremisten? 

Wie in het werk van de mij tot nu toe volslagen onbekende schilder Rein Dool iets anders dan ironie ziet (zoals de schilder het ook heeft beschreven in een item op tv), heeft niet goed opgelet bij colleges literatuur- en kunstgeschiedenis. Rein Dool schilderde in 1974 een portret van het toenmalige College van Bestuur van de Leidsche Universiteit. We zien… 

Monday debate day. Follow our famous pointing updates live! (not just via the birther network) #tkculture

We grew up with it: live tweets from the heart of our democracy. Now, of course, debates on culture in recent years have been a bit different from what we expect now. There is no longer a need to fight over the reputation of the arts, as there was during all debates until a year ago. What is it about now? Energy, thinking... 

We zijn allemaal vloeibaar. Aluin maakt in Metamorfosen II voelbaar hoe troostrijk dat is

Marietje d’Hane Scheltema, haar naam zij geprezen. Wat vond ik haar vroeger oubollig met haar keurige rijmpjes waarmee ze klassiek Griekse en Romeinse drinkgelagen wist om te zetten naar Kralings-keurige bakvispartijtjes. En wat kon ik het dus mis hebben. Want wat werkt haar vertaalwerk van Ovidius’ Metamorfosen goed in de handen van de mensen van Aluin. Gisteren was de première… 

FAQ in Den Bosch: Een alchemistenfestival vol niches, nerds en drones #novembermusic

Niet iedereen vindt dat muziek ook iets is om naar te kijken. Geen gek idee, als je bedenkt dat sommige muziek zo gelaagd en complex is, dat je alle aandacht nodig hebt voor het luisteren. Moderne elektronische muziek speelt zich dus grotendeels in het donker af, ondervond ik tijdens twee avonden FAQ-Festival in Den Bosch. Daar ontdekte ik dat ik… 

Harpist Remy van Kesteren sets out to surprise November Music: 'Above all, I hope people will really listen' #novembermusic

Een orkest van huishoudelijke apparaten, een popconcert met zangeres Luwten, en een gospelkoor begeleid door de top van de Nederlandse muziek. Plus een DJ set met veel Faithless. Wie bij het begrip ‘harp’ mocht denken aan iets heiligs kan zich bij November Music laten verrassen door harpist des vaderlands Remy van Kesteren. Dit 33-jarige genie is, sinds hij als 5-jarige… 

The cultural sector needs to be protected from itself. Maryam Hassouni makes that crystal clear in What the Fak!

Patronisation! Woke terror! These were some of the reactions from the film world when there were calls for the appointment of an intimacy coordinator at Dutch film productions. As if anyone could allow or display sexually transgressive behaviour in a studio with 40 other staff around it. Impossible! Yesterday, the book Wat de Fak! by award-winning actress Maryam Hassouni was published and in it, it states... 

4 Reasons why theatre performance Light in Leidsche Rijn is not all that nice by chance

Light is the name of the latest production by NUT, a theatre company with close ties to Utrecht's Leidsche Rijn district. It is theatre in a bubble in Utrecht's largest city park, and it starts with good food and drink. I went to see it, and again became even more of a fan than I already was. A few reasons, why that came about.

The attack on The Girl with the Pearl Earring is the provisional low point of Instagram madness.

A temperature record will be broken in the Netherlands on 28 October. Yet another, and it is indeed incomprehensible that on this day people still book a plane for a weekend in Barcelona. It is unfortunately also incomprehensible that on this 27th October 2022, a young man sticks his head next to the head of The Girl with the... 

Genevieve Murphy, composer and theatrical performer: 'I like music with rhythm, feeling and drive. Music that makes me dance.' #novembermusic

‘Ik heb een bijzondere relatie met mijn spullen. Het heeft te maken met bepaalde emotionele ervaringen in mijn leven.’ Genevieve Murphy (Schotland, 1988) slaat met “The Spot Where I Find Myself’ een nieuwe weg in bij het verkennen van haar mogelijkheden als componist, muzikant, maar vooral ook theatraal performer. Wie Murphy al een paar jaar volgt, heeft haar veelzijdigheid al… 

Why you wish every artist peace of Camiel Corneille #festivalcircolo

There he sits, at the top, enjoying the view. Camiel Corneille has just conquered his own work, a hellish instrument made of a four-by-four wooden plate that can turn in all directions except the right one. A moving balance beam that can also give you a big whack. Camiel Corneille designed it himself and tackles the thing... 

Identity and diversity in circus: not hype but fascinating innovation #festivalcircolo

Nick van der Heyden, queer circus performer, garnered approving laughter from a room full of circus students in Tilburg. He just explained that he had found a new lease of life by doing his performances as an acrobat from now on as a drag queen. 'They thought something of that here at school. There, the new circus was mainly a matter of making it as simple as possible... 

Jesse Huygh balances high level with cystic fibrosis #festivalcircolo

When, at the end of his performance, he stands on top of a five-metre high pole, struggling to keep his balance, the audience holds its breath. As does Jesse himself, but he does not do so voluntarily. We watched him struggle for a performance with oxygen hoses and blood meters, pausing regularly to get air again. What if... 

We moeten anders met onze laatste dagen omgaan, zoveel maakt POW-WOW van Minou Bosua duidelijk. 

We gaan te laat dood. Meestal. Niemand wil immers de laatste levensjaren lekkend in een verpleeghuis doorbrengen, verzorgd door steeds weer ander personeel dat zijn stinkende best doet, maar niet tot de liefde in staat is die kinderen, of goede vrienden bij gebrek daaraan, zouden kunnen geven. Liever een pilletje dan dement, zeggen we, maar dan moet je wel ‘Ja!’… 

'I Say Sorry' masterfully makes tangible what a madness our slavery past is.  

Saying sorry seems to be difficult, if the songs about it are to be believed, and if we measure the time it takes Dutch governments to do it. But sorry is also very easy, if you consider how often you are not pushed aside in the queue for something or other, after the word 'sorry' has sounded behind you, or -... 

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