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Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present a new season of contemporary chamber music concerts from May to December 2022!

Plein Theater and Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam present a new season of contemporary chamber music concerts from May to December 2022! The next concert at Plein Theater on Sunday 29 May features Greek violinist Tania Sikelianou as a guest in honour of the 100th birthday of Greek composer Iannis Xenakis. On Sunday 19 June, Trio Napolov, Fridman, Sandee will play on the piano,... 

A photo exhibition on the 1969 Kazal massacre in Haiti, on view at Framer Framed.

KAZAL - Narrating Haitian Memories is a photo project that traces the memories of François Duvalier's dictatorship in Haiti by looking at the history of Kazal. This village north of Port-au-Prince, is the site of a traumatic event in the country's contemporary history that has been erased from official history: the Kazal massacre.... 

ANTARCTICA - at the Holland Festival : World premiere of an opera about the mysterious continent on 5 and 6 June

Asko|Schönberg premieres Mary Finsterer's new opera at the Holland Festival. Antarctica takes us into the mysterious world of the southern continent. A multidisciplinary performance in which the Australian composer links historical, mythical and scientific images and stories about Antarctica. In doing so, she uses an enchanting combination of musical elements from old and new styles.... 


On Monday 16 May, the Safe on the Floor conference took place at Amare (The Hague). This conference was organised to address transgressive behaviour at the workplace in the cultural sector and discuss how to tackle it. The conference was opened by state secretary of culture and media Gunay Uslu. During the opening, NAPK board member Ernestine Comvalius presented... 

NRC asked when Wagner would be cancelled. At the Holland Festival, we get an answer to that question, via Schauspielhaus Zurich #HF22

'For me, the world of Wotan equals the world of Putin.' Christopher Ruping, director of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen to be shown in Amsterdam in June, makes no bones about it: 'Siegfried [central character of Wagner's monster production, ws] is a very problematic character. He kills the dragon without asking questions. We give the dragon... 

Theatre group Alum and Raymi Sambo Create performance on slavery history.

Who should apologise for the history of slavery and what happens when apologies are made? Theatre group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes are jointly creating the theatre performance Ik zeg toch sorry about the history of slavery. The premiere is next June during Oerol. After the summer, a theatre tour will follow from September to December 2022. I say sorry anyway is an exciting fusion... 


Bosch Parade 2022 is the 9th edition of this extraordinary art event on water with Hieronymus Bosch as its inspiration. This year's theme is 'seduction'. From 16 to 19 June, it promises to be another inspiring cruise of the incongruous through the historic centre of 's-Hertogenbosch, with nineteen quirky artworks in and on the water. For Bosch Parade... 

(Update) Nicolas Stemann on his version of 'der Besuch' at the Holland Festival: 'We do take such women very seriously these days.' #HF22

Update 11 May 2022

The comparison with the Derksen affair cited in this article no longer holds true as of this date, as the TV personality has been restored to full glory by the television station that previously 'cancelled' him. From Monday 16 May, he will return to his old role as a 'grumpy old man' in Today Inside. See the link here.

Asko|Schönberg concert and performances in May 

The Underground NITE, 5 to 22 May; Chilling Nature Pictures Saturday matinee, 14 May The Underground The Underground is a gritty, witty and tragic performance by director Guy Weizman and the NITE ensemble (NNT, Club Guy & Roni, Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag). The performance is inspired by Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky; a monologue by a man who has suffered many blows... 

Ben Frost shoots at elusive state violence with 130-decibel musical bullets #HF22

Once upon a time, Ben Frost started out as a composer of laden ambient music. Not necessarily upbeat, more contemplative and just a little depressing of the kind that can be used to add some colour to a dip. Take the piece "You, Me and the End of Everything," which can be found on YouTube. Compared to the score of The Murder of Halit Yozgat,... 

Authors Jennifer Egan and Douglas Stuart visiting Utrecht

ILFU welcomes award-winning author Jennifer Egan and Booker Prize winner Douglas Stuart to Utrecht on 20 May 2020 for a unique double Book Talk. Both authors published new novels in early April, each commenting on (Western) society in its own way. In doing so, the novels align with the mission of the online platform for stories that ILFU also launched in early April,... 

Asko|Schönberg opens cultural season 2022/2023 with festival Words & Music

  cut-ups & fuck-ups, Berio & Burroughs Saturday 3 September With Words & Music, Asko|Schönberg serves you an afternoon and evening full of cut-ups & fuck-ups. A rush of sensations; fantastic, grim, absurd, disruptive and with humour. A festival full of cut-up, cut-up and brand-new performances, installations, film and more, inspired by the cut-up techniques of composer Berio and writer Burroughs. After the... 

Ksenia with theatre performance on the trail of the liberator.

So that we never forget that the Netherlands also needed help to become free. Ksenia tours the Netherlands with her theatre show 'They Saw War' and plays on liberation commemorations. Or on days when a town, village or hamlet was liberated in 1945. She follows the trail of the liberators. In 75 minutes, Ksenia takes the audience into the lives of... 

ILFU launches new online medium for literature

ILFU is launching 12 April an online platform for fiction that responds to current events. According to the initiators, fiction is at least as important for understanding the world as the facts we hear in the news. With contributions from writers, thinkers and poets, the platform aims to counterbalance the BNs, influencers and opinion makers that dominate the media. Writers like... 

De Dansers receives the first Harm Lambers Building Block for Special Art in Utrecht

Utrecht - Utrecht dance company De Dansers received the first Harm Lambers Building Stone for Special Art in Utrecht on 10 April. During a festive evening in Theater Kikker, one of the initiators, Paul Feld, presented this challenge trophy to De Dansers. Jury report De Dansers, led by choreographer Josephine van Rheenen and composer Guy Corneille is... 

Stairway to Music: Double Dutch | World premiere Robin de Raaff

Saturday 23 April, 2.15pm and 4pm: Stairway to Music by Asko|Schönberg and the Muziekgebouw is an intimate 40-minute listening experience on the steps of Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Stairway to Music is inspired by a story told at the farewell gathering of conductor/pianist Reinbert de Leeuw, who died in 2020. When Reinbert played the piano in his flat, people would take... 

Asko|Schönberg presents overview of programmes first half new season

The programming for next season is largely known and ticket sales have started. Below is the overview of the programmes from September to December 2022. Asko|Schönberg opens season 2022/2023 on Saturday 3 September with festival Words & Music, a day full of cut-ups and fuck-ups inspired by Berio and Burroughs. Also many new works by Richard Ayres, Jan van de Putte, Arnold... 

Spoorpark new festival heart of Festival Circolo

A super big park in the middle of the city. Festival Circolo will move to Tilburg's Spoorpark in October 2022. With the festival heart in the Spoorpark and various satellite locations in the city centre, it will be one big circus party in Tilburg for ten days. With this move, Festival Circolo opts for a location in the middle of the city. The Spoorpark is the largest civic initiative in... 

Tiago Rodrigues directs Isabelle Huppert in The Cherry Garden at the Holland Festival: 'From Chekhov, the best friend of all actors in the world, we play every note.'

'For the first time in my life, I had the opportunity to play all the notes written by Chekhov. It was an intellectual and artistic challenge to really work with Chekhov. I could really let Chekhov be one of the authors of the play, which is very unusual for me. After all, I'm used to writing plays to... 

Culture review needs broad approach and more time

The Culture Council believes that there is now a unique opportunity to make the cultural and creative sector more agile and resilient, while at the same time creating space for the sector's recovery after corona. However, this requires a broad view of the cultural system as a whole and sufficient time to discuss this. The usual four-yearly... 

Euphoria by Julian Rosefeldt from the Holland Festival 2022 programme

Euphoria cancelled due to situation in Ukraine - Intention to shift to Holland Festival 2023 With pain in its heart, the Holland Festival is forced to announce that Julian Rosefeldt's spectacular film installation Euphoria will not be coming to Amsterdam in June 2022. For the 75th edition of the Holland Festival, the world premiere of the new... 


Bosch Parade 2022 will go ahead! After the 2021 edition first postponed by the corona epidemic and then cancelled, the colourful procession of artworks will still sail across the Dommel river from 16 to 19 June '22. For this ninth edition, the artists were inspired by the theme 'Seduction', which was so masterfully portrayed by great inspiration Hieronymus Bosch. Virtually... 

Cinedans FEST '22 takes place from 22 to 26 June at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, the A-Lab and online.

Cinedans presents an interdisciplinary programme where the two movement arts, dance and film, are pre-eminently linked. Connection, innovation and polyphony are at the heart of this 18th international edition. For five days, we present the state of the art of international dance film. Together with dancescreen - IMZ International Music + Media Centre, we will organise this year's international dance film competition. Dancecreen... 

I'm not here for a while (8-108): The performance that literally wasn't there for a moment

On Thursday 7 April 2022, family performance Ik ben er even niet (8-108) will premiere at the Maaspodium, Rotterdam. The show turned out to be aptly titled, as Ik ben er even niet was actually supposed to premiere in December 2021. But due to corona lockdown, both the premiere and the rest of the tour could not go ahead. Now... 

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