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Alles wat in musea, galeries, op rotondes en dorpspleienen staat, en boven bankstellen hangt. En Marina Abramovic

Museum Voorlinden: A cactus without spines

Joop van Caldenborgh, founder of Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar, has commissioned a classical museum that builds on existing conventions about presenting art. The art should be central and the building does not matter, so to speak. Yet the design plays an important role. Architecture critic Tim de Boer dives deeper into the thoughts behind the building,... 

Bruce Nauman on vinyl: like being hit in the neck with a baseball bat

Bruce Nauman is considered one of the most influential artists of the moment. He creates work that crosses genre boundaries - as well as breaking down with them - in an exploration of body, language and performance that has now spanned 50 years. Nauman expresses his often provocative and invariably innovative ideas in a multitude of media and materials. As a result, his work is... 

Entree van het Gemeentemuseum. Foto Studio Vollaerszwart

Hoe de citydresser alles Mondriaankleuren geeft, en waarom het museum dat prima vindt

Op de verjaardag van Piet Mondriaan, 7 maart, bood de gemeente Den Haag haar inwoners een kolossale gedecoreerde taart aan. Het past in een zeer actieve campagne rondom 100 jaar De Stijl. Terwijl het Gemeentemuseum dit jaar drie inhoudelijke Stijl-tentoonstellingen presenteert, gaat Den Haag helemaal los met Stijl-imitaties en beplakte winkelruiten. Een tegenstelling? Minder dan het lijkt, want deze citydressing… 

Ascent, Fiona Tan, video artwork of cinematic allure

Fiona Tan delivers a feature-length video artwork with Ascent

The video artwork 'Ascent' is one of Fiona Tan's most recent works. Ascent is a feature-length video artwork: 1 hour and 17 minutes[ref]A work resulting from a special commission from the Izu Photo Museum in Japan[/ref]. You may already be familiar with this artist's work[ref]The now 50-year-old Fiona Tan is "no ordinary Indian girl", born in Pekan... 

At Boijmans, pay special attention to Leonora Carrington (and go crazy for surrealism)

Museum Boymans van Beuningen in Rotterdam hosts the largest exhibition in Europe of Surrealists. Famous names like Salvador Dali, René Magritte, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Paul Delvaux and Roland Penrose. But also lesser-known gods like the outstanding Leonora Carrington and Francis Picabia. In 1970, the world-famous surrealist Salvador Dali visited the Boymans museum in person.... 

Art is not an exam you can fail. Art is a way of seeing

Op Art (optical art) is less well known than Pop Art. Until you see the works in question. There may be no Op Art stars of Andy Warhol status, but their creations directly resonate with images you know from art history. On Saturday 25 February, a major exhibition[hints]In collaboration with the Louisiana Museum in Denmark[/hints] opened at the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam about these... 

Only mythical stories fascinate at art gallery KAdE

Why did I find the mythical stories about being an artist more interesting than the artworks I saw? I wondered this after visiting the exhibition GOED GEMAAKT (ode to the making process) at the Amersfoort art gallery KAdE. Only a single work of art touched me, while the stories about Daedelus, Pygmalion and the daughter of Butades fascinated me immensely.... 

Seks, aureolen en de kunst van Rebecca Linders

Rebecca Linders verafgoodt seks. Ze plaatst in haar nieuw serie tekeningen, Icon Nection, aureolen over sekssituaties. Seksiconen dus. Zo heiligt ze intimiteit. Linders: ‘Ik heb moeten leren seks als heilig te zien.’ Wat heeft sex te maken met iconen? ‘Seks was voor mij altijd verboden terrein geweest. Iets wat je niet doet, waar je niet over praat. Ik kom uit een… 

German couple collected unique jewellery in Danish Design #Aarhus2017

Delicate petals, tough links, a denim collar. You can't dream it up or Danish designers have designed them in silver as jewellery. Thousand Jewels offers an overview of Danish design from the twentieth century. Among them are internationally renowned designers and silversmiths, such as Georg Jensen (not only jewellery but also silver tableware), Kaj Bojesen (not only silver but also... 

Gerrit Rietveld's Red and Blue Chair in original and later condition (source:

The Rietveld chair was brown - 10 things you didn't know about De Stijl #MTDD

Something with straight lines and planes and primary colours. We all get that far with De Stijl. But did you know that there was also Style music and that a mechanical figure danced to that, er, Style? Let's get things straight before the Mondrian to Dutch Design exhibition season begins. 1. Mondrian was not the big man of De Stijl Piet... 

Group of visual artists flees Amersfoort

Dissatisfied with the city's art policy, visual artists are leaving Amersfoort. Not physically, but with their work. In the coming year, they will exhibit together in numerous places in the Netherlands. They largely leave their own hometown behind. They have little faith in the municipality's newly developed cultural vision. Why? You can read about that below. And also that their own... 

A museum is for everyone, with or without gin-tonics

Museums should be places where everyone feels welcome, argues art editor and curator-in-training Roxy Jongewaard. An argument for public and free museums: "A museum for everyone who can pay 17.50 in entrance fees is not a museum for everyone." In the coming year, I get to live out a personal dream: I will work as a curator in a major Dutch museum.... 

Gerard de Kleijn maakt Museum Gouda meer toegankelijk

Gerard de Kleijn vertrekt op 1 februari na zes jaar directeur te zijn geweest bij Museum Gouda. De flamboyante, welbespraakte en erudiete directeur laat een financieel en artistiek gezond Museum achter voor zijn opvolger Marc de Beyer. De Kleijn maakte het museum meer toegankelijk voor Gouwenaars en kunstliefhebbers van buiten de historische  stad. Het museum trok in 2016 ongeveer 40.000… 

Amsterdam has run out of things to do: now Stedelijk Museum topper gone too

Bart Rutten becomes the new artistic director of Utrecht's Centraal Museum Bart Who? Bart quite an important figure. Bart Rutten was the man behind some great blockbusters at Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum. That he is going to Utrecht after Malevich and Matisse says a lot about the good work of his predecessor Edwin Jacobs. It says even more... 

CCD Award 2017: cast your vote NOW!

The five nominees for the CCD Award 2017 are Hamlet by ZEP Theater Productions, Festival Mundial, Ongekend Bijzonder Festival 2016, Project Old Skool by Stichting Gebouw 52 and the Van Abbemuseum. The public can cast their votes from now until 18 January 2017 via this link. The jury will take the public vote into consideration. The prize of €5,000 will be... 

My 2016, and why it scared me to death. (A list)

Five art experiences will always stick to this bizarre year for me. And one thing really scared me. Whether the worst is now behind us? At least the most extraordinary is still on view until 5 February 2017. A chronological overview of what was unbelievable, unthinkable, inconceivable, unbelievable and perhaps untrue. Much of it, by the way, will be in 2017... 

Press release: Culture Press becomes part of The Cooperative / Reporters Online

On 20 December, the general membership meeting of Coöperatief Cultureel Persbureau unanimously decided to accept a cooperation offer from The Co-operative/House of Journalism and Reporters Online. This is an important step in the development of independent cultural journalism. Culture Press, as the Cooperative Cultural Press Agency is known on the internet and social media, is growing significantly as a result. The... 

Polyptych, Lada Hrsak, Misericordia, Oude Kerk, 2016.

Oude Kerk op zoek naar hedendaagse vormen van naastenliefde en barmhartigheid

Het oudste en misschien wel mooiste gebouw van Amsterdam combineert een flink aantal functies. Al zijn toeristen tegenwoordig dominant, gelovigen vieren er nog iedere week de liefde van God. En al biedt de voormalige Nicolaaskerk geen ruimte meer aan vissers om hun netten te repareren, orgelconcerten worden er nog steeds gegeven, al sinds de veertiende eeuw. Brood uitdelen is niet… 

A good start: visual artists' fees directive starts 2017

Press release: From 1 January 2017, a guideline for artists' fees will be introduced in the Netherlands. Interest group Platform BK is one of the initiators of this guideline. The guideline applies to exhibitions without a sales purpose. The directive aims to professionalise the contract practice between art institutions and artists and contributes to improving the income position of visual artists. The directive will be released on 8... 

Hippos on a temple wall

In Leiden, ancient Egypt feels pretty close

As a boy, I loved visiting the Egyptian department of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden. Half in the twilight, the mysterious mummy coffins there stared at me. We are now several decades and exhibits further on. Since this week, the newest Egypt display has been open. Even in brilliant light, the collection appears to retain its fascinating power. At the same time, the museum tells in Queens... 

Kom niet aan onze Brusselse piemel!

De afgelopen tijd werd de westerse moraal weer eens goed op de proef gesteld. Dit keer was het door een paar flinke piemels in Brussel. Red Pers-auteur Roxy Jongewaard heeft genoeg van de ophef die  genitaliën telkens weer teweeg weten te brengen in de (kunst)wereld. Hide your kids, hide your wives! Het is weer zover: iemand tekent een piemel op… 

Photographer enchants Voorschoten with illuminated images in Lichtjuweel

Magic cannot be grasped. Certainly not such a short and fabulous moment as twilight, when the day turns into evening so quickly and the lights go back on. It is precisely this elusive, short 'magic hour' that photographer Jan van der Horn (1951) tries to capture in his staged photographs. The magic pictures he takes light up from 11 November (St Martin's Day) until... 

Bezoekers bij Vermeers Dame aan het virginaal met een heer (‘De muziekles’)

Moraal of goede grap: Mauritshuis toont Hollandse schilders uit Britse Royal Collection

Hollanders in huis heet de nieuwe tentoonstelling in het Mauritshuis, en dan krab je je even achter de oren: het Mauritshuis richt zich toch altijd op schilderkunst uit de Nederlanden? Ditmaal gaat het echter om Hollandse meesters uit de Britse Royal Collection. De keus viel op topkwaliteit genrestukken, waaronder beroemde als De muziekles van Johannes Vermeer. Hun tijdelijke komst naar… 

What's behind Wim Pijbes' directed departure from the Rijks?

For now, an unusual state of affairs in the field of cultural governance. Unsatisfactory also because of the many questions it raises: Wim Pijbes rather unexpectedly announces his departure as chief director of the Rijksmuseum on 1 March 2016, opting for a director's position at a new private museum (Voorlinden) owned by billionaire Van Caldenborgh on 1 July 2016. Equally unexpectedly,... 

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