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Moving image. To be seen on TV, in a museum, in a cinema. On an iphone.

Hans van Beers is no more - another loss for Dutch cultural life

On Tuesday afternoon, 25 August, Hans van Beers (Eindhoven, 1941) passed away. He was an important figure in our cultural life, his curriculum is seemingly endless. Among other things, he was alderman of culture in Den Bosch, co-founder of Pinkpop, chairman of the Mondriaan Fund, interim director of the Stedelijk Museum, director of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, the VPRO and the Amsterdam Conservatory of Music, board member... 

The 10 best films to get in the mood for SAIL

Boats and film, they have been linked since the very earliest cinema. The first moving shot is shot from a gondola in Venice, Georges Méliès already made Les haleurs de bateaux in 1896 and the much more sophisticated 20000 lieues sous les mers in 1907. With SAIL about to break loose, it is time to list the best nautical films.... 

Greece Special (3): How is the film festival in Thessaloniki going?

  If all goes well, the 56th Thessaloniki International Film Festival will kick off on 6 November. Less well-known than Rotterdam, Berlin or Locarno, but the most important festival in southern Europe. And they have quirky and broad programming, where you can discover all kinds of new filmmakers. But is it going well? The first festival dated back to 1960 and was... 

Greek special (1): Our Greek is still called Zorba

Following the euro crisis, Culture Press focuses on Greece in a series of articles. In the first part, George Vermij looks at how film has influenced our image of the Mediterranean country. Is there not a more striking image of Greece than Antony Quinn as Zorba dancing the Sirtaki and finding resignation despite the harsh setbacks life offers? The... 

Pixar's Inside Out in five emotions

Pixar set the bar high. So high, in fact, that its recent output was downright disappointing. But Inside Out exceeds all expectations. It may be taking it a bit far to say that Pixar single-handedly revived the animated film. But ever since the software company founded by George Lucas started making great films, the competition was blown away. Toy Story broke all records in 1995,... 

One Lulu is not the other

Eye organised a Lulu Marathon as part of the William Kentridge exhibition at the Holland Festival. Kentridge directed Alban Berg's opera Lulu. As part of that, Eye screened the two main Lulu films that inspired him. The first was Leopold Jessner's Erdgeist (1923) and the second was G.W. Pabst's Die Büchse der Pandora (1929). Two iconic Weimar... 

Letter Bussemaker: butts in seats or artistic recognition?

Minister Jet Bussemaker's letter will keep tongues wagging for a long time to come. There are considerable gaps here and there between the Culture Council's advice and the minister's letter. Also in the field of film and media. A list of differences. Bussemaker notes that the film sector is changing considerably. Media consumption is changing due to the rapid rise... 

MOMIX Botanica, photo Max Pucciariello

Jurassic Art! - 10 times art with dinosaurs

Twenty-two years after Jurassic Park the fourth instalment of the well-known dinosaur films enters Dutch cinemas on Thursday 11 June. In Jurassic World we see in 3D how the dreamed theme park with live dinosaurs is finally realised, and how things go grandly wrong when overambitious showmen start genetically manipulating dinosaurs. In each new volume, the plot is thinner, the special effects become more dominant and the scientific pretensions less so, but no one can deny that the Jurassic Park-films have revolutionised. Also in the arts.

[Tweet "No one can deny that the Jurassic Park films revolutionised the arts. Also in the arts."]

Arab women conquer Eye

A special film programme opens at Eye on 5 June: Where do we go now? Arab women behind the camera. Those who think of the Middle East and North Africa may think of conflicts and IS, perhaps of the origins of algebra, but probably not of women filmmakers. Yet they are rising considerably. In 1994, Moufida's Les Silences du Palais was... 

Movie theatres get extra room online

Summer at home. Six film theatres are experimenting with an extra room online from 4 June. Here's how it works. Suppose you would like to see Summer. The modest but atmospheric coming-of-age drama that earned Sigrid ten Napel a Golden Calf best actress nomination. About a summer in which, for a 16-year-old village girl, everything changes. But you are unlucky. Your favourite movie theatre does show Summer, but just not on that night... 

Holland Festival - Back to the future with Metropolis

During the Holland Festival, theatre company La Fura dels Baus lets us experience the city of the future with the interactive performance M.U.R.S. As an overture, HF has programmed the film Metropolis, Fritz Lang's magisterial 1927 dystopian vision, which rightly became known as the mother of all future films. Iconic imagery, biblical influences, Marxist dialectics and actually still surprisingly modern. New York,... 

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