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Everything to do with letters

Baudet wants the rebirth of a civilisation. The question is which one. (But actually we already know)

It was just missing the heavy music and gothic storm images in the Game of Thrones trailer whose lyrics Thierry Baudet uttered on the night of Wednesday 20 to Thursday 21 March 2019. 'And so here we stand, at the eleventh hour, among the debris of what was once the greatest and most beautiful civilisation the world has known. A... 

Best Beluisterde Cultuurpers Podcast: Geen hypes meer, maar mooie boeken (over uitgeven, en waarom klein fijn is)

Toen op 12 maart van dit jaar de longlist van de Man Booker International Prize bekend werd gemaakt vielen twee dingen op. Ten eerste natuurlijk dat onze eigen Tommy Wieringa een plekje op deze lijst van in het Engels-vertaalde fictie had veroverd. Nog opvallender was het dat elf van de dertien titels verschenen waren bij kleine, onafhankelijke uitgevers. Die ontwikkeling… 

Een lugubere, ultieme daad van liefde. Joris van Casteren schrijft een prachtig boek over een man en zijn dode moeder

Waarom bewaart iemand het dode lichaam van zijn moeder in huis? In Moeders lichaam schetst Joris van Casteren een fascinerend en liefdevol portret van een man, zijn moeder en een Limburgs dorpje. ‘Heb je dat verhaal gehoord over die man met zijn dode moeder?’ vroeg zijn oud-docente journalistiek een paar jaar geleden. Nee, dat had Joris van Casteren niet. Doordat hij… 

'For a long time, history has mainly been presented from a male perspective.'

Her debut novel became an instant bestseller in Spain. The Last Gift of Paulina Hoffmann by Carmen Romero Dorr is a novel based partly on her own family history about Paulina, who emigrates from Germany to Spain as a young girl because of World War II. 'About her past, her experiences during the war, my grandmother never wanted to talk.' A beautiful family epic, that is The Last... 

Hoog tijd dat het literatuuronderwijs eens wat minder over mannen gaat. (Vindt Stichting Lezen)

‘Als scholen willen bijdragen aan een samenleving waarin inclusiever gedacht wordt, zouden zij literaire teksten van vrouwelijke en niet-westerse auteurs systematischer onder de aandacht moeten brengen.’ Deze aanbeveling komt nu eens niet uit de hoek van wat op de minder welriekende kanalen van Reddit SJW’s worden genoemd, maar van onderzoekers van de Stichting Lezen. Zij presenteerden eerder deze week een… 

NS presents the first train thriller on WhatsApp. Authors Jowi Schmitz and Louis Stiller test the experience

'The first Dutch WhatsApp thriller' was launched at the end of January. For five days, a select group of screen readers could follow this 'real time' story. Writers Jowi Schmitz and Louis Stiller were among them, app'ing with each other about this new form of storytelling. Sunday Louis > Suddenly a whole pile of names in my whatsapp (including 'paps' and 'mums'). Jowi > I give them... 

'Only when I've written it down do I know what I thought of something.' Nicolien Mizee on smurfs, gnomes and murder

'Would you like to see my smurfs?' From anyone else's mouth such a question would sound strange, but with Nicolien Mizee you are not surprised. After all, the Haarlem-based writer's books are often a tad strange and absurd, and above all witty. The interview tape is already off, the tea is finished, and Mizee pulls out a kind of maquette... 

'A murder of a whore that involved all the high-ups.' Tomas Ross on the never-explained murder of Blonde Dolly from The Hague

How did the Hague prostitute Blonde Dolly make her millions? And why was her killer never caught, when it was abundantly clear who must have strangled her? That smells like a conspiracy, and conspiracies are like grist to writer Tomas Ross' mill. In Blonde Dolly, he tackles one of the oldest and most mysterious cold cases in the Netherlands. Until it... 

Swearing and ranting tapping a tender poem. Biographer Elsbeth Etty shows Willem Wilmink in all his complexity

As good and fluent as writing poems and songs was for him, everyday life fell on him with difficulty. Writer Willem Wilmink grew into a folk hero of Twente, but remained a child at heart, according to the biography by literary critic Elsbeth Etty. 'Someone who, according to his best friend Herman Finkers, couldn't even hold a pair of scissors.' 

'Look, there's someone letting his pineapple out!' How journalist Lex Boon fell in love with the queen of fruits

Everyone has seen them before, those pineapple plants from Ikea. Many people keep them in the room for a while, until they die and end up in the dustbin. But for journalist Lex Boon (35), the moment he received such a plant as a gift from his (ex-)girlfriend was a turning point in his life. He became hooked on the crowned fruit and flew... 

Buying a carton of milk in Venice? Forget it. Writer Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer on his new novel and the future of Europe

'Caffè e acqua frizzante, per favore.' Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer orders a coffee and water from the waitress of bar 28 Erbe. It's late morning and the terrace in Piazza dell' Erbe, a stone's throw from the palazzo where the writer lives, is slowly starting to get a bit busier. Pfeijffer has now been living in the... 

Tot het zot eruit is. Prachtige reconstructie van zijn familiegeschienis door Bart Meuleman

De eerste keer dat de vader van de Belgische schrijver Bart Meuleman over zijn afkomst begint, tijdens een autorit, leidt dat nauwelijks tot een diepgaand gesprek. Maar wel tot een kanteling. ‘Mijn vader werd iemand anders,’ schrijft Meuleman. ‘Aan alles wat hij als vader ooit deed, of naliet, of zei, of verzweeg, gingen kwesties vooraf. Ze hadden hem gekneed tot… 

Finally something to talk about with the holidays! Afke Bohle read 'Lobke and the light' with her sons, a children's book with a mission

A Quattro Mani's pop-uprecent Afke Bohle takes on the challenge of reading a book with her sons. After good experiences with Suzie Ruzie, The Green Hand series by Susan van 't Hullenaar and Tori by Brian Elstak in collaboration with author Karin Amatmoekrim. This time they plunge into Lobke and the Light, a read-aloud book with a mission. Finding words 'Where can... 

'There are far too many books being written and no one is earning from them anymore.' (But we do rank 1 in Japan.)

A good selling book earns an author an average of 10 to 15 per cent of the selling price. Bestsellers go towards 20 per cent. But how much does it really yield? KVB Boekwerk, the research arm of the Royal Booksellers' Association wanted to find out. Jurriaan Rammeloo presented the first preliminary results of his research on 27 November. Not something to be very happy... 

Het verhaal dat mens heet. Frank Westermans boeiende nieuwe boek

‘Ja. Ik heb onze reis anders voorgespiegeld. We zouden op zoek gaan naar kleine mensen en grote ratten, dwergolifanten en reuzenooievaars, naar wat normaal gevonden wordt en wat niet.’ Wanneer Frank Westerman (1964) in het onderzoek voor zijn boek Wij, de mens eindelijk het Indonesische eiland Flores bezoekt in gezelschap van zijn dochter, komen ze terecht bij de massagraven waarin de… 

‘Ons lichaam is een strijdtoneel.’ Waarom doodgaan weer normaal moet worden, volgens Erasmusprijswinnares Barbara Ehrenreich

We beulen ons af in de sportschool, diëten ons een ongeluk en laten ons uit voorzorg screenen op ziektes. De moderne mens doet er alles aan om maar zo oud mogelijk te worden. Zouden we niet beter in het reine kunnen komen met het feit dat we sterfelijk zijn, vraagt de Amerikaanse schrijfster Barbara Ehrenreich zich af in haar boek… 

Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? Italian youngsters have something else on their minds - see Paolo Giordano's new novel.

Bestselling author Paolo Giordano (35) does not shy away from current themes in his new novel Devouring Heaven. Poverty, environmental problems, capitalism, (un)fertility - people in their twenties and thirties have a lot to wrap their heads around. 'I find the fixed life pattern we grow up with strangling.' Devouring the sky Young people who have to find their way in the world and learn to cope with pain, loss,... 

PODCAST! We, Man. Frank Westerman's fascinating latest book uncovers our own unexpected history

Once upon a time, someone was the first. The first to walk upright, to use his front legs for something other than walking. But who was that, and what did the first human focus on? Frank Westerman takes on that question in his latest book. In a fascinating journey that starts in Leiden, and ends in Flores, or maybe actually in the Mediterranean.... 

‘Zo’n liefde tussen die twee, waaróm mag dat eigenlijk niet?’ Jaap Robben schrijft in ‘Zomervacht’ over een verstandelijk beperkte jongen.

Zijn ouders werkten in een instelling voor verstandelijk gehandicapte mensen, en daarom zat Jaap Robben als kind menig uurtje krulspelden in doosjes te stoppen. Het vormde de kiem voor zijn roman Zomervacht. ‘Ik wilde een spannend boek schrijven met een gehandicapte als een van de hoofdpersonen, omdat je vrijwel nooit over die wereld leest.’ Vier jaar na zijn zeer succesvolle… 

'Most people prefer to live alone.' Philippe Claudel on his poignant novel 'The Archipelago of the Dog'

Three black men wash up on a small island. This threatens to throw a spanner in the works of the residents and their economic plans. So everyone prefers to pretend that nothing has happened. Archipelago of the Dog, Philippe Claudel's new novel, is a haunting book with lightness peeking through at times. The French bestselling author worries: 'Once, nuclear weapons constituted... 

'My will is the only thing I can control.' How Benedict Wells' difficult childhood led him to become a bestselling author

Robert Beck, the protagonist of Benedict Wells' debut novel Becks last summer, hopes, as a near-forty-year-old, to make his dream come true after all: a career in music. Wells (34) knows what it is to go all out to pursue your dream. He turned a difficult childhood into literature, and he became damn successful at it. Over the past... 

Why I suddenly missed the writers in Den Bosch @tfboulevard

Usually when I speak to someone who calls themselves a playwright, they say they are 'only' a supplier of a 'half-product'. I never get that answer from a young actor, and certainly never from a director. It is they who make theatre out of the half-products supplied by writers. Actors and directors prefer to be addressed as 'theatre-makers'. Nothing wrong with that.... 

Writer A.L. Snijders: 'While my wife was dying, I unsuspectingly wrote a piece'

His short stories look deceptively simple, and every word is weighed as if on a gold scale. So he basically writes his very short stories from A to Z, without changing anything else. Portrait of writer A.L. Snijders. 'While my wife was dying, I unsuspectingly wrote a piece.' Elaborate You wouldn't expect it from... 

Writer Rachel Kushner: 'All my former friends went down the wrong path' Critical novel about the US prison world

In her novel Club Mars, writer Rachel Kushner shows what the life of an inmate looks like inside the four walls. 'I like to include people in my life who have been made invisible in our society,' she says. No mercy Thousands of women are incarcerated in Chowchilla, the jail that was the model for Rachel Kushner's writing of Club Mars. Kushner's... 

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