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Usually without lyrics, often with music, always with movement

Rader works and rebellious emotions

Years ago, Nederlands Dans Theater profiled itself with the slogan "challenging dance". That applies well to Straight Around. This performance by youth company NDT2 premiered at Holland Dance Festival in The Hague on 18 February. The company does not immediately make it easy for its audience with the four danced pieces, but for those who know how to empathise, there is... 

Self-employed: you don't have to be able to do everything on your own, seek career guidance!

Following the exploration of the labour market in the cultural sector made by the Social and Economic Council (SER) and the Council for Culture last month, there was a lot of attention on the low earning self-employed in the cultural sector. Promising headlines such as "Everyone gets paid except the artist" (NRC) and "It's a matter of waiting every month to see if I earn enough" (Volkskrant) could account for recognition... 

National Opera and Ballet 2016-17: Back to normal

'In the new season, we go back to normal,' Pierre Audi said on Monday 15 February during the presentation of the new season of The National Opera. He does, however, continue the forward-looking Opera Forward Festival, which was set up to mark its 50th anniversary. There are also quite a few new own productions on the roll, including the world premiere of... 

Contemporary trends in theatre and performance at Something Raw Festival 2016

Three mongols playing Mongols. Dschingis Khan, the opening performance of Something Raw, is provocative and consequential. With this performance by German theatre collective Monstertruck, or the also Berlin-based Man Power Mix by Sheena Mcgrandles and Zinzi Buchanan, the festival Something Raw lives up to its name. Something Raw is a festival in which Amsterdam theatres Frascati, De Brakke... 

Holland Festival 2016: urgent, challenging and inviting

Never before has the Holland Festival placed itself at the centre of society as it is today. The 2016 programme is steeped in the turbulent times in which we live. The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union this spring. Artistic director Ruth Mackenzie has taken this fact unflinchingly to give 'Europe' a wide place in the programming. In presenting... 

Van Veen (vvd), Pechtold (d66) and Monasch (pvda) during the culture budget debate

We were read in 2015: 300,000 visitors, a total of 10,000 hours of reading time.

Tijd voor ons succeslijstje. In 2015 trokken we 60.000 bezoekers meer dan in 2014. Dat is iets om trots op te zijn. Een website die zich richt op de verhalen die de bestaande media de klein vinden, en dan zulke cijfers. Dat we die 300.000 bezoekers trokken is één, dat ze gemiddeld 2 en een halve minuut per verhaal besteedden,… 

Mrs Cornelys' scandalous salon

Mrs Cornelys' Entertainments. Under that remarkable title, baroque company New Dutch Academy presented a concert in a theatrical setting. The Hague's Korzo Theatre turned into a society evening. Visiting a much-discussed lady from 18th-century London. It was a feast for the eyes and ears. New Dutch Academy has a changing line-up in addition to some permanent members. The Academy keeps itself - the name... 

Isabelle Beernaert

Isabelle Beernaert flikt het hem weer in Under My Skin

Als bij een voorpremière de parkeerplaats van het Zuiderstrandtheater vol staat weet je dat er binnen iets spannends gebeurt. En dat klopt: Isabelle Beernaert en haar ensemble presenteren de nieuwe productie Under My Skin. Dans als een Instagram-account: populair, fotogeniek en kortstondig. Vrouw Eigenlijk is het dans als een Pinterest-account. Want dat schijnt vooral voor vrouwen te zijn. En er is veel… 

In the theatre, all fear disappears

Ik heb even getwijfeld of ik wel verslag zou doen van de theaterworkshop die maandag 9 november, in het kader van Dancing on the Edge, door Koon Theatre aan Syrische vluchtelingen werd aangeboden. Tijdens de workshop bereiden de vluchtelingen een korte presentatie voor die vrijdag 13 november, voorafgaand aan de theatervoorstelling Above Zero, in Stadsschouwburg Utrecht wordt getoond. De reden… 

imen smaoui

Dancing on the Edge pulls you onto the stage. Literally.

Geen oorlogsverschrikkingen of folterende vluchtelingenproblematiek vanavond 5 november, maar onverwacht intiem worden op het toneel met een vreemde vrouw. Dat kan je overkomen tijdens Dancing on the Edge. Het sympathieke, tweejaarlijkse festival met artiesten uit het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika is tot en met 14 november in diverse steden te zien. Ooit begonnen door rasondernemer en danser Gary Feingold is het… 

Dancing on the Edge festival started with a sense of urgency.

In de Amsterdamse Brakke Grond opende gisteren het  Dancing on the Edge festival (DOTE) met een avond die gelijk toonde wat de spanbreedte is. De eerste voorstelling, Blank, ging een directe relatie aan met het publiek. In de tweede, en officiële openingsvoorstelling, Plastic, ging het meer over de dynamiek tussen de performers onderling en met de soundscape. Met haar openingsspeech… 

AUREUM by Medhi Walerski, still from trailer

Young choreographers triumph in NDT2's 'Shearing the Wolves'

In the wings of Nederlands Dans Theater, the new generation of dance makers is ready. Medhi Walerski and Johan Inger are both former dancers of the company and have previously created pieces there. In NDT2's Shearing the Wolves programme, they each surprise with a world premiere full of intense, pure dance. In comparison, an older work by house choreographers Sol Léon and... 

Choreographer Meher Debbich Awrachi on #DOTE2015: 'Old ideas are polluting the world'

In Tunesië heerst werkloosheid. Jonge mannen ruimen er nu plastic op van de straten en de stranden, als zwaar onderbetaald baantje. Het bracht theatermaker Meher Debbich op een verrassend inzicht: ‘Oude ideeën zijn net als plastic. Ze vergaan niet. Ze moeten worden opgeruimd, ter recycling. Anders komen we erin om.’ Hij vertelt me hierover in het interview dat hieronder staat… 

New: a Blab with playwright Nassim Soleimanpour.

Next week sees the start of festival Dancing on the Edge. Unlike its name suggests, this festival, with performances in The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam, is not only about dance, but also about film, theatre and politics. The 'Edge' it is about, the festival looks for in its theme: an urgent artistic dialogue with the Middle East. More needed now than... 


Choreographer Helena Waldmann: Stop the underpayment of dancers!

Some think dance has nothing to do with politics. German theatre maker Helena Waldmann clearly thinks otherwise. Waldmann makes socially engaged dance theatre and uses her work to point out the 'social sore spots' of different cultures and sees transcultural similarities in them. Made in Bangladesh is a haunting and poignant performance that draws a parallel between the poor working conditions... 

Loïc Perela and Jan Martens: As a spectator, you are finally faced with a question again

Zoals ik in mijn eerdere artikel over de Nederlandse Dansdagen schreef, won choreograaf Loïc Perela dit jaar de Prijs van de Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht. Het leverde hem 12.000 euro op om in zijn nieuwe project HASHTAG te steken. De toekenning van de prijs heeft sommige eerdere winnaars op weg geholpen (Monique Duurvoort, Joost Vrouenraets, Erik Kaiel, Muhanad Rasheed, Joeri Dubbe,… 

Particular Dutch culture remains under the radar due to amateur status

The India Dance Festival received just a little less attention from the national media this weekend than the Amsterdam Dance Event. Something that theatre director Leo Spreksel of The Hague-based Korzo Theatre was a bit worried about on Sunday. Because for three days now, his halls have been so muddy that he even turned away visitors who came all the way from Switzerland.... 


Scapino jubileert met Henry: dans die waar is

Met Henry van Itamar Serussi maakt Scapino Ballet Rotterdam een spannend statement. De kickoff van het jubileumseizoen is namelijk geen oubollige terugblik op 70 jaar dansgeschiedenis, maar staat midden in het heden en kijkt vooruit. Scapino doet dat met een relatief onbekende choreograaf die zijn eerste avondvullend werk levert, in een ongebruikelijke dansstijl. Mars Helemaal onbekend is de Israëliër Itamar Serrusi niet. Hij is… 

Dutch Dance Days show artistic challenge only on fringes of programme

The first weekend of October saw the Netherlands Dance Days (NDD) take place in Maastricht. As Ruben Brugman reported, important prizes for the dance world are awarded there. But the Dance Days seem mainly meant to promote Dutch dance, more than to be a critical evaluation or artistic boost. At the Dance Days, no pithy speech on the State of Dance as... 

Eline van Ark makes dance not to watch especially

Those who go to a dance performance want to enjoy beautiful movements, expression, movement composition and a fine stage setting, wrapped in music or a soundscape. But there is something, which is always overlooked: the sound of dance itself. Dancer and choreographer Eline van Ark discovered that this forgotten aspect holds great richness and subtle expressiveness. The sound... 

Recognition at Dutch Dance Days for plodding 'Swans' 2015 winners

During a festive dinner at Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht, 'Zwanen' were awarded to dancer Jorge Nozal of NDT 1, Ann Van den Broek for The Black Piece and to Roel Voorintholt (Gouden Zwaan), artistic director of Introdans. The annual highlights festival De Nederlandse Dansdagen hosted this successful 'Swan Dinner': posh sponsors and stakeholders ate side by side with messy dance artists. This is how it should be... 

start again

Ad hoc dance in Nederlands Dans Theater's slick Netflix series

Bodies are dragged away to loud applause and cheers: a more symbolic beginning Nederlands Dans Theater could not have imagined. With Start Again, the international ballet company highlights an exile until 2019 at the harbour in Scheveningen. A tricky location, because remote. But also a dynamic place. A Dutch choreographer would surely invent a choreography there with ferries, cutters and lifeboats. NDT, however, chooses the... 

Father - Tom Grec

Standoffishness in Peeping Tom's Father at Dutch Theatre Festival

A Korean in a military suit singing karaoke, a crotchety dancer mewling with her knees kneading the floor, eight elderly people sweeping in and a son who turns out to be the father. Don't try to interpret this performance, the line of believability is miles behind you. Welcome to Father. 'Nothing is taken for granted anymore, boundaries blur, the old... 


Voetbal en dans weer samen bij de NTR in ADO danst

Vanaf 22 november is de vijfdelige NTR-serie ADO danst te zien. Het is niet de eerste keer dat voetbal en dans fuseren. Het meest bekende voorbeeld van voetbal en dans is toch wel Schijnbewegingen: een NOS-film van Piet Erkelens en Pim Marks over de overeenkomsten tussen de twee verschillende werelden. Dit lieten ze zien aan de hand van gesprekken met… 

Cullberg Ballet, 'The Return of the Modern Dance' (chor.: Trajal Harrell)

Cullberg Ballet welcomes audience to monomaniacal awareness dance #HF15

Two choreographers exploring how a dancer and the eye of the audience interact. Dance makers who rattle common ideas about identity and sexuality. Artists who confront us with the dreams of perfection and glamour that advertising and marketing throw at us. The famous Cullberg Ballet made a striking choice by performing choreographies by the... 

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