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Usually without lyrics, often with music, always with movement

WAKA - Shonen / Éric Minh Cuong Castaign

Company Shonen & Waka Starz present:WAKA

Op 9 februari komt de grensverleggende voorstelling WAKA naar Nederland. WAKA biedt een levendig portret van de Oegandese jongeren van “Waka Starz” die vastbesloten zijn om deel uit te maken van de opmars van de wereld. Tijdens de voorstelling word je meegenomen naar Wakaliga, een arme buurt in de hoofdstad van Oeganda, waar de Waka Starz opgroeiden. Racheal M, rijzende… 

image Headwinds

Premiere dance performance Tegenwind van de Stilte with Artvark saxophone quartet in Chassé theatre Breda

On Sunday 14 January at 3pm, the dance and music performance Tegenwind will premiere at the Chassé theatre in Breda, a family performance for everyone aged 7 and above. Tegenwind is the sequel to the successful collaboration of dance company de Stilte and Artvark saxophone quartet in the production Bosch in Bed. Anyone listening to Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan will hear a song... 

pr image Closed Eyes

With Closed Eyes, Alida Dors unleashes a revolution

I used the word 'revolutionary' when a camera crew from Theatre Rotterdam asked me what I thought of Closed Eyes. I don't know if my otherwise extraordinarily enthusiastic response will make it to the final edit, but a day later, that feeling is not gone. What Alida Dors, artistic director of Theatre Rotterdam, has shown is a revolution in the world of... 

The Artists Are Present: Rebellious bodies, empowering moves, fluid identities, collective movement: 13 to 15 December theatre Frascati

The Artists Are Present is ICK Dance Amsterdam's festival in which a new generation of artists present themselves to the public and share the floor with each other. From 13 to 15 December, young dance and performance makers take you on an exciting voyage of discovery in a dynamic programme of performances, unexpected pop-up presentations and conversations. .The short December days... 

In #Zomergasten 2023#6, Alida Dors asked the best questions. 

In #Zomergasten 2023#6 guest, Alida Dors, asked the best questions. 

The counter stood at 8 minutes and 45 seconds when it went wrong. Pretty fast for a three-hour interview programme like Zomergasten, but Theo Maassen grabbed the record with verve. His guest Alida Dors, the woman who, as a self-taught dancer, grew into a forewoman of Dutch hip-hop culture, and who is now tasked with managing the mismanaged... 

PR image by David van Delden

Faizah Grootens: Corpus Criolla enriches modern dance with essential Caribbean vibes on #TFBoulevard

"I select dancers very carefully. I don't do auditions. I don't believe in anyone having to prove themselves in front of the others. So that's why I take quite a long time to choose who I want to work with. If I choose that person, we go for it 100%. No matter what." Corpus Criolla is a fascinating dance performance in which Caribbean... 

It Takes A Child To Raise A Village, scene image by author.

Theatre festival #Boulevard pushes boundaries in an unexpected way

A festival is still the best way to get acquainted with new art. Yesterday, after six days of persistent drizzle and torrential rain, the sun finally broke through over Bossche Zuiderpark. Bartenders who had spent the first few days getting used to quietly serving those few customers who braved the rain for a white wine (because it was summer... 

scene photo by © Sukmu Yun

Colourful dragons conquer the stage - Eun-Me Ahn's Dragons in HF23

Whereas in the West dragons are mythical creatures to be defeated, in the East they are the embodiment of joy, unlimited possibilities and destiny. People born in the year of the dragon (every 12 years with 2000 being the most recent adult generation) are proud, irresistible, vibrant and extroverted, according to Chinese astrology. Put seven on and... 

Pankaj Tiwari, an artist from the poorest part of India, and Polish performer Maria Magdalena Kozłowska. Photo: Eva Roefs

Sustainability is a luxury issue in Jerome Bel's airplane-less autobiography (and the show turns out to be more fun than I first thought)

Input from members: that's what drives this club. Just watch. Yesterday I wrote this piece: Jerome Bel is quite something. The man who identifies himself as a choreographer has banned himself from flying for sustainability reasons, which is why he could not come to Amsterdam from Paris to read his own autobiography. However noble the non-flying... 

cover report Shadow Dancing

Border crossing in the dance world: excellent research leaves out elephant in the room

Dansen, van superamateur tot wereldklasse professioneel, gaat gepaard met grensoverschrijding, machtsmisbruik, fysieke aanslagen en seksueel wangedrag dat in stand wordt gehouden door een hardnekkige zwijgcultuur. Het langverwachte onderzoek door Marjan Olfers, ‘Schaduwdansen’, naar grensoverschrijding in de danswereld, had nog schokkender resultaten dan iedereen vooraf vreesde. De cijfers zijn inmiddels genoegzaam bekend: een meerderheid van de dansers heeft grensoverschrijdend gedrag aan… 

image at Prophetiques by David Kadoule

Dancing into the night - Prophétique (on est déjà né-es) by Nadia Beugré splashes off the stage.

Sometimes the run-in to a performance is so pleasant that you hope everyone will continue to drone on for a bit. Make it last longer! It feels like you're at a rehearsal, or a private party, at a private event, where you can peek in. That is certainly the case with Prophétique (on est déjà né-es) by Nadia Beugré, which... 

Dox campaign image

National DOX Club auditions: we go for talent!

In juni 2023 zijn de jaarlijkse DOX audities voor jongeren van 16 – 26 jaar die zich als performer verder willen ontwikkelen op het gebied van dans, theater, muziek, film en/of spoken word? Bij de DOX Club kan je een seizoen lang onderzoeken, creëren en leren met diverse makers van dit moment. Of je nu een vooropleiding hebt afgerond of… 

Photo: Marc Haegeman

Tchaikovsky rules over Swan Lake at the National Ballet

You can see it right from the first portrait prominently displayed on the front screen during the prologue. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky looks towards the audience like a czar of ballet music, exactly as choreographer Rudi van Dantzig and master designer Toer van Schayk intended. Here is a man who struggled with his identity, his desires and the obligations that his... 

What Lies Beneath - photo Niels Knelis Meijer

The future is moving, the question is: how?

When the difference between the performer during the performance and afterwards is at least a thick metre, you know you are dealing with a great artist. Australian dancer Olympia Kotopoulos is a great artist, because on stage she fills the space, while in real life she barely counts one and a half metres. Art is, literally, larger than life.... 

Cinedans 2023: food for thought

Sometimes a festival only really begins after the halls have emptied. Red threads become visible, themes buzz after, research continues, archives are unlocked. What struck me about the nineteenth, somewhat smaller edition of Cinedans is that there was a lot of work on the vulnerability of the body. Not surprising after a pandemic, during a war and with an even more... 

Still from trailer Carmina Burana

A Ukrainian Carmina Burana with an Amersfoort touch, thanks to Gerard Mosterd.

'Carmina Burana is the first project in Ukraine where I had a free hand to really turn it into something completely different. I didn't have to adapt an existing production, but could create a whole new performance from scratch.' Gerard Mosterd (1964) has a long career behind him as a dancer and choreographer. Now he is also a producer of... 

Four Cinedans festival tips, in a packed weekend

With Kaboom!, Movies that matter, the Pink Film Days and Cinedans all four at the same time, it will be hard to choose next weekend. Cinedans, dance on screen, is a festival very dear to my heart, which is where I will be found next weekend. Cinema is, after all, movement, in montage, découpage, action, mise en place. And slowly the realisation that dance and film are a... 

Anna van Kooij photography

The Dancers at Theatre Kikker: An inspiring evening with special guests, good conversation and a folkdance party

The Utrecht company De Dansers received the Harm Lambers Bouwsteen for special art in Utrecht in 2022. The company received this award for their special contribution to the connection between art and the city of Utrecht. As part of the award, the company will be given the key to Theater Kikker in Utrecht for one day on Saturday 8 April and will present... 

Scene image by Alex Avgud

'Dizzy dance solo for two women': We, The Shameless as part of Dear City on 18 March at de Meervaart

We, the Shameless, is the follow-up to the successful solo Shameless that looks forward: with the insights and experiences of the past. In this heated "solo for two", Eminem is explosively retorted by two dancers: two connected bodies that sometimes coincide but also have their own identity. Without embarrassment, they share this discord with the audience. Shameless means... 

Source: newsletter The Silence

This month at Silence: ArtUK, a teaser and more!

Auditie professionele dansers (M/V/X) op 7 april Ben jij academisch geschoold als uitvoerend danser (HBO) met onderscheidende danskwaliteiten, een proactieve instelling en affiniteit met onze jeugdige doelgroep? Meld je aan door voor vrijdag 24 maart 2023 een korte motivatie + CV met foto naar te sturen. Auditie dansstagiairs (M/V/X) op 7 april Voor het seizoen 2023/2024 zijn wij op zoek naar dansstagiairs voor 36 uur… 

Benefiet Oekraïne: Light and Darkness

Geen gemakkelijke opdracht in de dansvoorstelling Benefiet Oekraïne: Light in Darkness

Dansers zijn buitengewone wezens. Neem Vlad Detiuchenko en Veronika Rakitina. Vorig jaar gevlucht van Kyiv naar Den Haag, dansen ze nu allebei in de voorstelling van voorheen prima ballerina van Het Nationale Ballet Igone de Jongh. Ze reizen ermee van Den Helder tot Eindhoven, en organiseren eigenhandig de voorstelling op 21 maart a.s. Benefiet Oekraïne: Light in Darkness. Ik zocht de… 

This is how to make heartbreakingly beautiful theatre about bureaucracy in healthcare

Het Houten Huis, a youth theatre company from Groningen, portrays the issue of bureaucracy in healthcare in a poetic and moving way with the performance 'If it goes differently'. This performance demonstrates that art is a powerful tool to raise important social issues and thus contribute to a more inclusive and just society.

Amare, the home of NDT and others in The Hague

Nederlands Dans Theater confesses colour in dog poop case. Why only after exceptional pressure from the dance press?

Of ik aan de champagne zat. Zomaar een vraag van een kennis uit de danswereld. Aanleiding was de bekendmaking van het Nederlands Dans Theater dat het pas weer met topchoreograaf Marco Goecke door wil als die echt zijn excuses aanbiedt voor zijn aanranding van danscritica Wiebke Hüster van de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Eerder had het gezelschap immers al de mantel… 

3 dachshunds

Scheissegate #5: Hanover contract with assailant and choreographer Goecke dissolved. Nederlands Danstheater continues with him.

Vanmiddag werd op een persconferentie van de Staatsopera van Hannover bekend gemaakt dat het contract met choreograaf Marco Goecke ‘duurzaam is ontbonden’. Bovendien is hem de toegang tot de gebouwen van de Opera ontzegd. Deze sanctie volgt op een ernstig incident, afgelopen zaterdag, bij de première van een choreografie van Goecke in Hannover, waar hij balletdirecteur is. Omdat hij zich… 

screenshot instagram account Goecke

'Marco Goecke fired from State Opera Hannover'

De Hannoversche Allgemeine, een lokale krant van Hannover, heeft zojuist bekendgemaakt dat Marco Goecke, de met hondstront smerende topchoreograaf, waarschijnlijk al is ontslagen door het prestigieuze gezelschap Hannover Staatsoper. In een mededeling op website T-Online staat te lezen: ‘Het ontslag van Hannover’s balletdirecteur Marco Goecke bij het Hannoverse Staatstheater is mogelijk al een uitgemaakte zaak. Volgens de krant “Hannoversche Allgemeine… 

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