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Oud of nieuw, klassiek of modern, minimaal of wereld. Pop. Tonaal en atonaal.

image Headwinds

Premiere dance performance Tegenwind van de Stilte with Artvark saxophone quartet in Chassé theatre Breda

On Sunday 14 January at 3pm, the dance and music performance Tegenwind will premiere at the Chassé theatre in Breda, a family performance for everyone aged 7 and above. Tegenwind is the sequel to the successful collaboration of dance company de Stilte and Artvark saxophone quartet in the production Bosch in Bed. Anyone listening to Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan will hear a song... 


Festivals full of theatre, dance and music from the comfort of your own living room

ITA, HOLLAND FESTIVAL AND NDT PRESENT BIBERATING PROGRAMS ONLINE, IN DIGITAL THEATER International Theatre Amsterdam, Holland Festival and Nederlands Dans Theater will present groundbreaking programmes online, in the Digital Theatre, during the Christmas holidays. In order to connect makers, companies and (inter)national visitors, the initiators choose a programme during the Christmas holidays. The ideal period to be together, to feel... 

pr image The Christmas Dinner by Wilmink Theatre

In Enschede, I realised again how important own actors are for a city theatre

It is one of my worst guilty pleasures. Egg salad from the better-filled mayonnaise manufacturer from Twente, with a close second to their tuna salad. I can't get enough of those. And now let them have both of those on the table at Het Kerstdiner in Theater Kleine Willem in Enschede. Chic is different, but in the... 

pr image Closed Eyes

With Closed Eyes, Alida Dors unleashes a revolution

I used the word 'revolutionary' when a camera crew from Theatre Rotterdam asked me what I thought of Closed Eyes. I don't know if my otherwise extraordinarily enthusiastic response will make it to the final edit, but a day later, that feeling is not gone. What Alida Dors, artistic director of Theatre Rotterdam, has shown is a revolution in the world of... 

photo by Jaïr Tchong


1. During 9/11, I was in Salamanca with two friends. The day Geert Wilders managed to amass 37 seats (thank you VVD and normalising media), I was in Rabat, attending the Visa for Music music conference, with which the European Jazz Network (one of the best-functioning networks within European cultural funding, I say as a new kid... 

scene photo rhapsody © Kurt Van der Elst,

Josse de Pauw and Asko|Schönberg bring heaven a little closer

Het was 2000 en Wim Kayzer, van de VPRO, bracht een serie televisieavonden die inging tegen alles wat commercieel verantwoord was. Het heette ‘Van de Schoonheid en de Troost’ en bevatte avondlange interviews met mensen als Jane Goodall, J.M. Coetzee, Karel Appel en George Steiner. Intellectuelen, kunstenaars, denkers.  Op 23 november 2023, de dag na 22/11, toen Nederland een openlijke… 

Poster of Dancing Strings Festival 2023, organised by Marmoucha Orchestra and Dancing Strings.

Dancing Strings Festival 2023 | 24, 25 & 26 November

Enter the world of 'Dancing Strings'. Together with Marmoucha, Dancing Strings Festival brings together the world's most enchanting stringed instruments, with a focus on the ancient and masterful 'ud. The festival takes audiences on a musical journey where the 'ud shines as a solo instrument but also as an integral part of various line-ups featuring stringed instruments from different cultures. The festival's programme consists of five parts each evening. The composers will play their own works and be accompanied by the Marmoucha Orchestra. These works have been arranged by Ardashes Aghosian.

DALL·E 2023-11-14 17.16.50 - A noir-style, black and white illustration of modern jazz musicians performing in the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

IN PERSPECTIEF 18: Is het al begonnen, of is jazzbeleid in Nederland alweer voorbij?

In de serie In Perspectief kijkt Erik Akkermans terug en vooruit naar ontwikkelingen in cultuurbeleid en -praktijk. Vandaag: beleid voor jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek. Van de Oude Schans naar Rijswijk Mei 1983, maandagochtend, kwart over acht. Locatie: de zielloze kantoortoren in Rijswijk waar het Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur is ondergebracht. Minister Brinkman heeft de leden van de Werkgroep… 

November Music 2023-Bosch Requiem-AartStrootman-Jostijn Ligtvoet Photography

November Music 2023 successful

With Fuse's rousing final concert, November Music 2023 came to an end on Sunday 12 November. Twelve days of versatile new music featured contemporary composed works, choral music, electro-jazz, Arabic maqam, musical theatre and much more. Bosch Requiem 2023 composed by Aart Strootman, John Zorn and all the concerts by Maya Fridman were highlights. Our thanks... 

© Kurt Van der Elst, scene photo Rhapsody

Dutch premiere Rhapsody - The musicality of grinding minds

LOD muziektheater in coproductie met Asko|Schönberg23/11 Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw26/11 Breda, Chassé Theatert/m 22/2 diversie theaters in België De Belgische acteur Josse De Pauw en componist Frederik Neyrinck laten zich inspireren door de televisieserie Van de schoonheid en de troost van Wim Kayzer. ‘Vertel me wat dit leven de moeite waard maakt’, daarmee opende Wim Kayzer het gesprek met kunstenaars, wetenschappers en filosofen in zijn legendarische televisieserie Van de… 

Luna Quartet and Vincent van Amsterdam

In Den Bosch this Sunday, I heard light breaking

At half past eleven on a Sunday morning, it might be a bit much: Maya Fridman, improvising on her cello. Watching her play, together with pianist Maarten van Veen, is an intense experience. She becomes one with her instrument, it overwhelms her, it is almost too intimate to watch. But what warmth waves through the audience.... 

PR image November Music

'Transformation makes music interesting' Simon Steen-Andersen's surprising 'Inszinierte Nacht' is coming to November Music 

The image should especially pierce piano lovers: a concert grand piano crashing out of the ceiling onto a stage in super slomo. The interior bulges out, keys fly around. Moments later, the ruined piano empire turns out to play a part in a real piano concerto after all. It could have been a one-off performance, were it not for the... 

A Jennifer Walshe course in 10 lessons #novembermusic2023

"Maybe the future of music is string quartets doing Skype performances for babies in neonatal wards, maybe everything is on an iPhone but edited to sound like a low-quality mp3 you downloaded from Napster in 2002, maybe it's soundscapes in sacred springs. I'm much more interested in this way of thinking." (Jennifer... 


November Music 2023 presents FAQ Festival from 2 to 4 November 2023

FAQ Festival of Electronic Music is part of November Music for the third time in a row. From 2 to 4 November, FAQ will again showcase a broad palette of electronic sounds with this year's focus on the adventurous Japanese music scene. November Music 2023 will take place from 1 to 12 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Since its inception,... 

November Music presents Bosch Requiem in five cities in the Netherlands

November Music 2023 takes place from 1 to 12 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens on Wednesday 1 November 2023 with the Bosch Requiem, composed by Aart Strootman on a libretto by Jan Rot. The Bosch Requiem can be heard in 's-Hertogenbosch, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen and Rotterdam in the period around All Souls' Day. Bosch Requiem 2023 For the seventh... 

Asko|Schönberg in the NTR Saturday matinee - Around Unsuk Chin

World premiere by young composer Thomas van Dun commissioned by Asko|Schönberg, master pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard in György Ligeti's Piano Concerto and Unsuk Chin finds her inspiration on the streets. In 2008 and 2009, Korean composer Unsuk Chin visited Hong Kong and Guangzhou. The atmosphere of the old residential areas with their narrow, winding alleys, marketplaces and food vendors reminded her... 

Jameszoo, photo by Marcel Veldman

'Blind' for non-existent soloist and ensemble Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo: Premiere 4 Oct, tour until 9 Nov

Jameszoo wanted to disappear from his music. That failed completely, he tells himself. But what a glorious failure. He developed an instrument that is not only self-playing, but also improvises and communicates with musicians playing live. They let the non-existent soloist challenge them to unpredictable musical playing. Electroacoustic wrestling Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag enter into a collaboration ... 

Floris Kortie on Podium Klassiek's new webpage

Floris Kortie verdient alle steun bij zijn Podium Klassiek-solo.

Zondag 10 september opende Podium Klassiek het seizoen in een wel heel uitgeklede versie. Floris Kortie stond er helemaal alleen voor. In de wereld van publieke omroep en klassieke muziek, waarin dingen meestal drie jaar van tevoren al vastliggen, was er iets aan de hand. Ik voelde een einde naderen. Podium Witteman was hier in huis een vaste waarde geworden.… 

Fair Practice Awards for November Music and Black Pencil show how much there is still to be gained

Of course, we can continue to complain about the poor treatment of our artists, we can also approach it with a positive slant. That must have been the consideration of composers' interest group Nieuw Geneco when establishing the 'Fair Practice Awards'. On Friday 8 September, they were presented at Utrecht's TivoliVredenburg for the fourth time: awards for commissioners who for once... 

PR-beeld Yara's Wedding door HALIE

Asko|Schönberg opens season with full programme at home and abroad

Concerten en voorstellingen september 2023 Opening Gaudeamus Festival 2023 – 6 september Het programma van Asko|Schönberg staat deze avond in het teken van dwarse geesten, componisten die zich los weten te maken van conventies en verwachtingen. Ze spelen met onze tijdwaarneming, dagen ons uit om microtonale intervallen te omarmen en integreren niet-muzikale klanken in hun dramaturgie. Er klinkt muziek van… 

Desire. Photo by Sofie Knijf

'Desire' is highlight of telling opening weekend of Theatre Festival Boulevard

"You can't say anything anymore either" is the title of a show by theatre friends George and Eran from Amsterdam-West. They have previously presented sensitive themes in a theatre form close to stand-up comedy, and so this programme is about the language battle. A language battle about which words are still appropriate, which stereotypes are still 'allowed' and... 

'It's only rock and roll (but I like it).' Rolling Stones -Unzipped at the Groninger Museum

You Can't Always Get What You Want. After corona threw a spanner in the works in 2020 - the exhibition was on show for only four weeks - visitors will get a second chance to enjoy The Rolling Stones- Unzipped. In the meantime, legendary drummer Charlie Watts died at the age of 80. The Groninger Museum is the last stop in... 

Jamszoo, foto Marcel Veldman

‘Blind’ for non-existent soloist and ensemble – Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo – Première 4 okt, tour t/m 9 nov

Jameszoo wilde uit zijn muziek verdwijnen. Dat is compleet mislukt, zegt hij zelf. Maar wat een glorieuze mislukking. Hij ontwikkelde een instrument dat niet alleen zelfspelend is, maar ook improviseert en communiceert met live spelende musici. Zij laten zich door de niet-bestaande solist uitdagen tot een onvoorspelbaar muzikaal spel.  Elektroakoestisch worstelen Asko|Schönberg en Slagwerk Den Haag gaan een samenwerking aan… 

John Zorn by Scott Irvine

November Music 2023 focuses on top and mid-career international creators - November 1 to 12 in 's-Hertogenbosch

Met de komst van John Zorn, Barbara Hannigan, Jennifer Walshe, Rebecca Saunders, Simon-Steen Andersen, Tristan Murail, Oslo Sinfonietta, Jack Quartet en The Crossing kiest November Music dit jaar voor de absolute wereldtop. Daarnaast krijgen Nederlandse mid-career makers zoals Aart Strootman, Maya Fridman, Rozalie Hirs, Kika Sprangers, Jameszoo en LudoWic de kans om uit te pakken met nieuwe, grootschalige producties. Met… 

CocoRosie - pr-beeld

CocoRosie live in het Holland Festival: opvallend toegankelijk en stevig, en dat geldt ook voor het festival zelf

De gezusters Casady hebben, sinds ze samen in 2003 als CocoRosie door het leven gingen, een totaal eigen geluid ontwikkeld. Gisteren waren ze te gast op het Holland Festival, op uitnodiging van hun vriendin ANOHNI. Die heeft als associate artist het festivalpubliek dit jaar  laten kennismaken met de vrouwelijke en queer kant van de New Yorkse kunstscene. CocoRosie zijn met… 

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