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Charlotte Köhler Prize 2023 for Peer Wittenbols

This year's Charlotte Köhler Prize, a triennial award for writers of prose, poetry or drama, has been awarded to Peer Wittenbols (1965). Wittenbols receives the €15,000 prize for his entire oeuvre and in particular for the youth-oriented play Trojan Wars (2020). The jury consisted of theatre scholar Sruti Bala, actor, writer and director Gable Roelofsen and... 

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Culture Council issues opinion on cultural funding application process

The application process for cultural subsidies from the state could be simpler and clearer. The sector would also benefit from a less non-committal assessment of applicable codes of conduct around fair practice, good governance and diversity and inclusion. This demands something from institutions, but it also ensures a more future-proof and resilient sector. This is stated in an opinion by the Council for Culture 

Images from ReichRichter - photographer Raf Keunen

[press release] Asko|Schönberg opens the Minimal Music Festival with the Dutch premiere of Reich/Richter. NB extra concert due to great interest.

Reich/Richter - 12 April Amsterdam Minimal Music Festival Also in the Minimal Music Festival: Mapping Andriessen - 13 April, by Asko|Schönberg and Ensemble Klang Reich/Richter Two of the greatest living artists in their own disciplines join forces: Steve Reich, founder of minimal music, and Gerhard Richter, who is among the top post-war visual artists. Together, they stand... 

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Follow-up draft approach to renewing culture system towards 2029

Vandaag vindt de tweede bijeenkomst plaats van de designteams die input leveren voor het advies van de Raad voor Cultuur over vernieuwing van het cultuurbestel op weg naar 2029. Dit keer komen de teams bijeen in de Openbare Bibliotheek aan de Neude te Utrecht. De teams gaan aan de slag om ontwerpvragen scherper te definiëren en zullen inspiratie putten uit… 

flyer The Utility

Committed theatre maker seeks surplus capital - Het NUT presents Good Gold Money at Oerol Festival and Berlin Square in Utrecht

Utrecht, March 2023 - Theatre producer and actor Greg Nottrot, artistic director of the NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), will create and perform this summer's show Good Gold Money. Theatre about inequality, excess and the discomfort and necessity of money. The performance can be seen at Oerol Festival on Terschelling from 9 to 18 June and from 28 June to... 

Anna van Kooij photography

The Dancers at Theatre Kikker: An inspiring evening with special guests, good conversation and a folkdance party

The Utrecht company De Dansers received the Harm Lambers Bouwsteen for special art in Utrecht in 2022. The company received this award for their special contribution to the connection between art and the city of Utrecht. As part of the award, the company will be given the key to Theater Kikker in Utrecht for one day on Saturday 8 April and will present... 

Ellen Brudet. Image by Jurre Rompa

Events at the Amsterdam Museum - Month of April 2023

Besides a permanent collection presentation at Amstel 51 and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a public programme. At various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for April 2023. Visit for the latest information. Tulip Festival in the garden of Huis Willet-Holthuysen Whole month of April A... 

still from Euphoria by Julian Rosenfeld

Holland Festival, 76th edition invites everyone in June to celebrate the arts, reflect on the current state of the world and experience Amsterdam in new ways. 

From 1 June to 1 July 2023, the 76th edition of the Holland Festival will take place with over 200 performances. Leading performances by artists from all over the world can be seen at 20 different venues in Amsterdam. Besides regular festival locations such as the Gashouder, Muziekgebouw, Carré and Het Concertgebouw, these include new venues such as the Planetarium, Donau... 

Culture Council deploys design power for renewal of cultural system

The Culture Council will be given room to elaborate on the renewal of the cultural system from 2029. State Secretary Uslu of Culture and Media has asked the council to issue its advice on this before the end of this year. "As a council, we cannot wait to take up this question together with the sector. To that end, we have now launched an innovative... 

Scene image by Alex Avgud

'Dizzy dance solo for two women': We, The Shameless as part of Dear City on 18 March at de Meervaart

We, the Shameless, is the follow-up to the successful solo Shameless that looks forward: with the insights and experiences of the past. In this heated "solo for two", Eminem is explosively retorted by two dancers: two connected bodies that sometimes coincide but also have their own identity. Without embarrassment, they share this discord with the audience. Shameless means... 

Source: newsletter The Silence

This month at Silence: ArtUK, a teaser and more!

Auditie professionele dansers (M/V/X) op 7 april Ben jij academisch geschoold als uitvoerend danser (HBO) met onderscheidende danskwaliteiten, een proactieve instelling en affiniteit met onze jeugdige doelgroep? Meld je aan door voor vrijdag 24 maart 2023 een korte motivatie + CV met foto naar te sturen. Auditie dansstagiairs (M/V/X) op 7 april Voor het seizoen 2023/2024 zijn wij op zoek naar dansstagiairs voor 36 uur… 

Gijs Wilbrink (Photo Keke Keukelaar)

[PRESS RELEASE] Gijs Wilbrink new editor-in-chief of ILFU's online platform

Gijs Wilbrink is de nieuwe hoofdredacteur van het online platform van ILFU, dat urgente literaire fictie publiceert die aansluit bij de actualiteit. Met 1200 leden en bijdragen van auteurs zoals Manon Uphoff wil ILFU een tegengeluid laten horen tegen de groeiende groep die moeite heeft met fictie. Nieuwe leden kunnen zich aanmelden op Het volgende ILFU Festival is van 22 september t/m 7 oktober.

Lucho Smit in l'Ane et La Carotte - Photo by Jostijn Ligtvoet

[PRESS RELEASE] Lucho Smit new artistic director of Festival Circolo

From 1 April, Lucho Smit will become the new artistic director of Festival Circolo, the largest contemporary circus festival in the Netherlands. He succeeds Wendy Moonen and has ambitious plans to position the festival even more strongly in the Dutch and international performing arts sector, improve interaction between circus creators and audiences and develop socially relevant circus projects. The festival will take place at Spoorpark Tilburg from 13 to 22 October 2023.

Campaign image by Inez van Vuuren

[PRESS RELEASE] Theatre show Broos with Lottie Hellingman tours the country from 30 March

Broos is an emotional and musical theatre production by MATZER Theatre Productions with Lottie Hellingman, touring the Netherlands from 30 March to 16 June. The story is about Kyra, an adventurous woman who has a special girl named Romy, who needs extra care. The show highlights the challenging and beautiful sides of a care story and how you can lose yourself in caring for another person. The show is enhanced by live music by Helge Slikker and debuts at the Bossche Verkadefabriek on 31 March.

[PRESS RELEASE] Islands, by composer Richard Ayres & artist duo Nest: 1 April at De Doelen

Following its successful premiere in December, Islands, the latest work by composer Richard Ayres, can be seen at De Doelen on 1 April. Together with artist duo Nest, Ayres creates nineteen imaginary islands, combining live music with audio electronics, visual art, photography, video and performance. Islands is a production of Asko|Schönberg and BredaPhoto. 'One of the most idiosyncratic and original... 

Wuthering Heights PR-beeld DeLaMar Fotografie Steve Tanner

DeLaMar en het Holland Festival presenteren Londense theaterhit Wuthering Heights

Op 11 juni 2023 vindt in het Holland Festival de Nederlandse première plaats van de Britse 5-sterren muziektheatervoorstelling Wuthering Heights in DeLaMar in Amsterdam. Een van Londens invloedrijkste regisseurs, Emma Rice, bewerkte het literaire meesterwerk van Emily Brontë tot een vurige theatrale ervaring, met livemuziek, humor, poppenspel en dans. Wuthering Heights werd lovend ontvangen in Londen en toert op dit… 

PR-beeld Yara's wedding

[PERSBERICHT] Yara’s Wedding PREMIÈRE interdisciplinaire (bijna) musical door NITE en Schauspiel Hannover, regie Guy Weizman

Durven we onze vooroordelen écht te bevragen? Of zijn we te politiek correct geworden? Wat kunnen we leren van de stille stem? Framen Yara’s Wedding is een interdisciplinaire (bijna) musical onder regie van Guy Weizman, met tekst van Antigone Akgün, Rasit Elibol, Mohamedou Ould Slahi Houbeini en Rik van den Bos. Samen schreef deze unieke groep schrijvers, geïnspireerd door de… 


[PRESS RELEASE] Dutch youth arts in the spotlight for a year in Italy

On Tuesday 21 February, Italy launches FuturoPresente, a year-long international programme that puts the spotlight on contemporary Dutch youth arts. This programme is an initiative of the Dutch Foundation for Literature, the Performing Arts Fund, See NL, the Cultural Participation Fund together with the Dutch embassy and consulate general in Italy. A selection of Dutch theatre makers, writers, illustrators, choreographers and... 

[PRESS RELEASE] Six new members for the Academy of Arts

The Academy of Arts gets six new members. They are leading artists from a variety of arts disciplines, including visual arts, theatre, dance and literature. On 23 March 2023, they will be officially installed as members during a festive meeting at the Trippenhuis of the KNAW in Amsterdam. The new members are choreographer Roni Haver and director Guy Weizman, visual artist Iris Kensmil,... 

brittle. By Inez van Vuuren

[PRESS RELEASE] Brooding, gripping theatre about beautiful and dire sides of a care story

Na de succesvolle voorstelling ‘Je kunt me gerust een geheim vertellen’ over de verschillende kanten van dementie, presenteert MATZER Theaterproducties nu een nieuwe productie: Broos. Een muzikale en ontroerende voorstelling met Lottie Hellingman over hoe je jezelf kwijt kunt raken in de zorg om een ander. De door Madeleine Matzer geschreven en geregisseerde voorstelling gaat vrijdag 31 maart in première… 

PR image Queer Puppetry Festival by Paulina Matusiak and Eddy Wnting

[PRESS RELEASE]Plein Theater and Puppetry Workspace present the second edition of the Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam from 28 March to 2 April 2023! In doing so, Plein Theater celebrates a 40-year anniversary.

QUEERING PUPPETS FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM 28 March to 2 April 2023 Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam has provided a stage for genre-transcending forms of visual theatre and puppetry since 2022. A fusion of craft and technology, dissolving traditional categories before the eye of the beholder. Plein Theater and Puppetry Workspace defy the norm with this festival full of garish visual excesses from... 

Cover van Besjes in het Bos door Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood komt in de boekenweek naar Utrecht

Margaret Atwood, de succesauteur van onder meer The Handmaid’s Tale, komt op de laatste dag van de boekenweek, zondag 19 maart 2023, naar Utrecht voor een exclusief optreden op het ILFU in TivoliVredenburgs popzaal Ronda. Daar zal ze in een gesprek met Janine Abbring haar nieuwe boek Old Babes in the Wood presenteren. De kaartverkoop start vrijdag 10 februari, 10:00… 

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Auteursbond: “Teken de steunbetuiging aan Pim Lammers”

Beste leden, lieve collega’s, De Auteursbond staat achter onze bedreigde collega Pim Lammers en ondertekent een brede steunbetuiging vanuit het boekenvak. Je kunt daar ook individueel aan meedoen. Het aanmeldadres staat open tot donderdag 9 februari, 10.00 uur. Hier gaat het over Vol afschuw hebben wij het nieuws rond onze collega Pim Lammers gevolgd. Pim ontving doodsbedreigingen naar aanleiding van een… 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Potentie omroepensembles kan beter benut

Het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest en het Groot Omroepkoor zijn van grote toegevoegde waarde voor het Nederlandse muzieklandschap als geheel en de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO) in het bijzonder. Maar het potentieel ervan kan beter benut. Om de kansen voor levende muziek op de publieke omroep te grijpen en een diverser publiek te bereiken zijn nieuwe samenwerkingsafspraken nodig. Ook moet er… 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Dick Oostinga deputy chairman Restitutions Committee

Dick Oostinga, member of the Restitutions Committee, will temporarily lead the Restitutions Committee on Nazi looted art as deputy chairman. Last week, chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab submitted their resignations. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) appointed Oostinga as deputy chairman from 1 February. The position is vacant because chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab resigned last... 

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