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November Music

November Music gaat dwars door genres heen met muziek van nu door de makers van nu. Het festival laat de laatste muzikale ontwikkelingen zien waarbij makers en componisten putten uit hedendaags gecomponeerde muziek, jazz, new world music, muziektheater, visual music, electronics & soundscapes en geluidsinstallaties.
November Music werd opgericht in 1993 en vindt plaats op tal van locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. In de loop der jaren groeide het festival uit tot het belangrijkste internationale festival voor actuele muziek in Nederland. De Verkadefabriek vormt het festivalhart van November Music.

Make more music yourself! (What I learnt from November Music 2024)

When I think of new music, I have never thought of fun. Rather, you think of seriousness, subtlety, taste to be acquired and listening experiences that you might later find ordinary. But not yet. So this year during November Music, I did laugh a lot. Not roaring (an occasional one), but simply, with happiness. While in the world... 

Laura Bowler wrote Advert: on the tattoo as the ultimate expression of your own power

A piece of music in which the vocal soloist is given a tattoo in the last fifteen minutes, live on stage. In Laura Bowler's Advert, performed by Laura herself together with the Hamburg-based Decoder Ensemble, you can experience just that. Not unexpected when you realise that Bowler trained not only as a composer but also as a theatre maker. She studied after the conservatoire at the Royal... 

Enno Poppe looks for the most elementary particle of the drum kit #novembermusic

The drum kit is pop music's most important instrument. German composer Enno Poppe, who grew up without pop music, has a fascination for percussion. A new work can be heard during November Music this year: Streik. Composed for 10 drums. I spoke to the 1969-born composer about this work and his inspiration. Listen to the podcast: What immediately... 

November Music presents festival sections FAQ and MOODZ

Met een groot aantal compositieopdrachten en zo’n 100 concerten laat November Music tijdens de 32ste editie zien hoe divers en vitaal de nieuwste muziek is. November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 t/m 17 november op diverse locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Met de festivalonderdelen FAQ (8 t/m 11 november) en MOODZ (vr 15 nov) is er bovendien een prikkelend aanbod van… 

November Music presents MusiMatrix on 15 September and MusicRoute on Sunday 10 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

Met een groot aantal compositieopdrachten en zo’n 100 concerten laat November Music in de 32ste editie zien hoe divers en vitaal de nieuwste muziek is. November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 t/m 17 november op diverse locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. De jaarlijkse MuziekRoute is dit jaar op zondag 10 november. In MusiMatrix ontdek je het gloednieuwe Theater aan de Parade… 

November Music 2024: 8 to 17 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

With a large number of composition commissions and some 100 concerts, the 32nd edition of November Music shows how diverse and vital cutting-edge music is. November Music 2024 will take place from 8 to 17 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Two top Dutch orchestras, Concertgebouw Orchestra and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra are coming to the festival for the first time and there are... 

Marieke Hopman new artistic director November Music

Marieke Hopman will be appointed November Music's new artistic director from 1 August 2024. She succeeds Bert Palinckx, who has been associated with the festival since 1999. Together with business director Theo van Dooremalen, Hopman will form November Music's board of directors. 'We are very happy with Marieke's arrival,' says board chairman Karen Neervoort. 'She has a lot of... 

November Music 2023-Bosch Requiem-AartStrootman-Jostijn Ligtvoet Photography

November Music 2023 successful

With Fuse's rousing final concert, November Music 2023 came to an end on Sunday 12 November. Twelve days of versatile new music featured contemporary composed works, choral music, electro-jazz, Arabic maqam, musical theatre and much more. Bosch Requiem 2023 composed by Aart Strootman, John Zorn and all the concerts by Maya Fridman were highlights. Our thanks... 

Luna Quartet and Vincent van Amsterdam

In Den Bosch this Sunday, I heard light breaking

At half past eleven on a Sunday morning, it might be a bit much: Maya Fridman, improvising on her cello. Watching her play, together with pianist Maarten van Veen, is an intense experience. She becomes one with her instrument, it overwhelms her, it is almost too intimate to watch. But what warmth waves through the audience.... 

PR image November Music

'Transformation makes music interesting' Simon Steen-Andersen's surprising 'Inszinierte Nacht' is coming to November Music 

The image should especially pierce piano lovers: a concert grand piano crashing out of the ceiling onto a stage in super slomo. The interior bulges out, keys fly around. Moments later, the ruined piano empire turns out to play a part in a real piano concerto after all. It could have been a one-off performance, were it not for the... 

A Jennifer Walshe course in 10 lessons #novembermusic2023

"Maybe the future of music is string quartets doing Skype performances for babies in neonatal wards, maybe everything is on an iPhone but edited to sound like a low-quality mp3 you downloaded from Napster in 2002, maybe it's soundscapes in sacred springs. I'm much more interested in this way of thinking." (Jennifer... 


November Music 2023 presents FAQ Festival from 2 to 4 November 2023

FAQ Festival of Electronic Music is part of November Music for the third time in a row. From 2 to 4 November, FAQ will again showcase a broad palette of electronic sounds with this year's focus on the adventurous Japanese music scene. November Music 2023 will take place from 1 to 12 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Since its inception,... 

November Music presents Bosch Requiem in five cities in the Netherlands

November Music 2023 takes place from 1 to 12 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens on Wednesday 1 November 2023 with the Bosch Requiem, composed by Aart Strootman on a libretto by Jan Rot. The Bosch Requiem can be heard in 's-Hertogenbosch, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen and Rotterdam in the period around All Souls' Day. Bosch Requiem 2023 For the seventh... 

John Zorn by Scott Irvine

November Music 2023 focuses on top and mid-career international creators - November 1 to 12 in 's-Hertogenbosch

Met de komst van John Zorn, Barbara Hannigan, Jennifer Walshe, Rebecca Saunders, Simon-Steen Andersen, Tristan Murail, Oslo Sinfonietta, Jack Quartet en The Crossing kiest November Music dit jaar voor de absolute wereldtop. Daarnaast krijgen Nederlandse mid-career makers zoals Aart Strootman, Maya Fridman, Rozalie Hirs, Kika Sprangers, Jameszoo en LudoWic de kans om uit te pakken met nieuwe, grootschalige producties. Met… 

November Music presents Aart Strootman and John Zorn as composers in focus 2023

Op zondag 13 november sloot November Music in ’s-Hertogenbosch de 30e editie van het festival af met de bekendmaking van de composers in focus voor 2023: Aart Strootman en John Zorn. Bosch Requiem wordt dan gecomponeerd door Aart Strootman op een tekst die Jan Rot speciaal hiervoor schreef vlak voor zijn betreurde overlijden eerder dit jaar. Daarnaast komt John Zorn… 

Van Binsbergen brings shimmering South African story in sound and language #novembermusic

A trombone screeching like an elephant, violins like imploring songbirds and an oboe rippling a scale like a stream: so opens A Skin of Sound, a performance featuring winds, string instruments, percussion, a South African poet and a pop singer. With bated breath, dozens of visitors in the Great Hall of the Bossche Verkadefabriek listened to the premiere of this shimmering piece.... 

FAQ in Den Bosch: Een alchemistenfestival vol niches, nerds en drones #novembermusic

Niet iedereen vindt dat muziek ook iets is om naar te kijken. Geen gek idee, als je bedenkt dat sommige muziek zo gelaagd en complex is, dat je alle aandacht nodig hebt voor het luisteren. Moderne elektronische muziek speelt zich dus grotendeels in het donker af, ondervond ik tijdens twee avonden FAQ-Festival in Den Bosch. Daar ontdekte ik dat ik… 

November Music presents Music Hub Night: 'This collaboration is truly a Brabant thing' #novembermusic

FLEMMING, Remme, Nona, Sanne Rambags and Rianne Wilbers. Names that are not unknown to residents of Brabant. These young artists were supported in their musical and personal development by the Music Hub Brabant programme. This one-year post-master trajectory focuses on the development of ten young creators. Each talent follows a tailor-made development path and is... 

November Music 2022 kicks off on 3 November with record number of concerts and premieres | 3 to 13 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

November Music kicks off on Thursday 3 November with 50 premieres by makers and performers from home and abroad, 21 composition commissions and more than 100 different concerts. November Music's 30th edition showcases the diversity and vitality of cutting-edge music. November Music 2022 takes place from 3 to 13 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens for... 

November Music presents FAQ Festival from 3 to 5 November 2022 in 's-Hertogenbosch

November Music kicks off on Thursday 3 November with 50 premieres by makers and performers from home and abroad, 21 composition commissions and 100 different concerts. November Music 2022 takes place from 3 to 13 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch and opens for the second time with the FAQ Festival for electronic music. About FAQ Festival From 3 to... 

The Hague Connection: premieres, Hague masters & young talent

do 10 nov, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ / za 12 nov, November Music Asko|Schönberg onderhoudt een warme band met het Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag. Het is een broedplaats voor veel componisten die intussen hun sporen hebben verdiend, zoals Michel van der Aa, Martijn Padding en Peter Adriaansz. Maar ook voor een hele nieuwe lichting jonge, talentvolle makers zoals Petra Strahovnik,… 

Genevieve Murphy, composer and theatrical performer: 'I like music with rhythm, feeling and drive. Music that makes me dance.' #novembermusic

‘Ik heb een bijzondere relatie met mijn spullen. Het heeft te maken met bepaalde emotionele ervaringen in mijn leven.’ Genevieve Murphy (Schotland, 1988) slaat met “The Spot Where I Find Myself’ een nieuwe weg in bij het verkennen van haar mogelijkheden als componist, muzikant, maar vooral ook theatraal performer. Wie Murphy al een paar jaar volgt, heeft haar veelzijdigheid al… 

Black Pencil meets Gamelan ensemble Kyai Fatahillah: "let it happen, let's experience it, let's see what happens". #Novembermusic

Het Indonesische gamelan-ensemble Kyai Fatahillah komt naar Nederland en bundelt zijn krachten met de hedendaagse muziekspecialisten van Black Pencil. Tijdens November Music zijn ze samen te horen op zaterdag 5 november in de Grote Zaal van de Verkadefabriek in Den Bosch. Maskermysterie Het kamerensemble Black Pencil heeft een originele bezetting: blokfluit, panfluit, altviool, accordeon en slagwerk. Bespeeld door vijf internationale… 

A Skin of Sound: Composition by Corrie van Binsbergen to the powerful poetry of Antjie Krog by Asko|Schönberg, Vuma Levin Trio, Beatrice van der Poel

When composer/guitarist Corrie van Binsbergen heard South African poet Antjie Krog recite her own poem a few years ago, she was floored. She was overwhelmed by the sound, that diction, that timbre of South African. Van Binsbergen has been working with writers and poets since 2003. Literature and poetry are a great source of inspiration for her.... 

November Music 2022 presents 30th edition with record number of concerts and premieres

 3 to 13 November in 's-Hertogenbosch Never before have so many new works been heard as during the upcoming edition of festival November Music. With no fewer than 50 premieres by makers and performers from home and abroad, 21 composition commissions and more than 100 different concerts, the 30th edition of November Music shows how diverse and vital the latest music is. November Music... 

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