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The Dodo spreads its wings in dire times for subsidised art

Then you just have to have Twan Huys. The presenter of Nova who managed to kill all Job Cohen's election ambitions in a few schoolmaster questions. He will be able to pull the same trick on Sunday 29 August with a few left-wing politicians and arts bobos in the traditional Uitmarkt debate in Paradiso.

Branden: legendary top theatre to be seen again in Amsterdam #tf2010

The destructive power of war and hatred

Writer Wajdi Mouawad (b. 1968) fled his native Lebanon at the age of nine. At the time, a brutal civil war had been raging there for years. Together with his family, he ended up in Canada via France.

There, he develops into an internationally renowned playwright. His work is now performed all over the world. The Ro Theatre introduced Mouawad to the Netherlands for the first time this theatre season.

Director Alize Zandwijk chose the play Fires and puts on a bold and convincing version. Assisted by a talented cast of actresses and actors. You see the mother Nawal Marwan and her twins Jeanne and Simon. Nawal is dying.

Uncle Boonmee at festival World Cinema Amsterdam

By Leo Bankersen

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, this year's surprise Golden Palm winner, will get its first Dutch screening at the new festival World Cinema Amsterdam next weekend. The Cannes jury had caused some noise with this choice even among critics. After all, was this ghost story by the Thai filmmaker with the unpronounceable name now a dull and obscure film, or rather a cinematic masterpiece?

A Don Giovanni without Don before it, without scruples and without illusions, but with a few naked women. #hf10

 Door Wijbrand Schaap Eens in de zoveel tijd staat er een theaterregisseur op die de leegte om zich heen aan de kaak wil stellen. Dat het om de leegte in hem (of haar) zelf gaat, daar komt deze jonge regisseur meestal een jaar of twintig later achter, als die eenmaal wat minder leeg geworden is. Zo gaan die dingen. We… 

De Keersemaeker sinks through the bottom of what is still dance in '3Abschied'

 Text Maarten Baanders (photo Herman Sorgeloos) After sensory labour had already been reduced to a minimum in Keeping Still - Part I and The Song, dance philosopher Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker confronts the most extreme reduction possible in life in the final part of the trilogy, 3Abschied: death. Her choice of music strikes again Der... 

Battle of the hashtags: Harmony Festival, Ca vs Holland Festival, Nl #hf10

 Fortunately, there is a considerable time difference between Santa Monica and Amsterdam, but for a while there was a threat of considerable confusion when the organisers of the three-day Harmony Festival thought they could reserve the hashtag #hf10 for themselves. However, since the first twitters, yesterday, things have been quiet in California, as they have discovered that Holland Rulez where trending topics are concerned.... 

Thanks to Elfriede Jelinek, since 9 June we know a little better what it is like to be Austrian. #hf10

 By Wijbrand Schaap (photo by Arno Declair) Since Wednesday 9 June 2010, the Netherlands has resembled Austria a bit more, although with us the mountains are in the southeast, instead of the west. And there's another difference: we are still allowed to see the stage work of Austrian Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek, while the stern writer's work in her... 

Amsterdam FM Clash of Reviewers on Holland Festival #hf10

 Loek Zonneveld is furious about The Bridge Project, but overjoyed with De Keersemaeker's The Song and Wijbrand Schaap still enjoys Amal Maher in the broadcast of Clash der Recensenten on Amsterdam FM, Tuesday 8 June, between 15:00 and 16:00. Also featuring a clear explanation of what The Dodo is, and what it is for... 

De Keersemaeker's 'Song' is philosophy for the senses, straight from the heart #hf10

 By Maarten Baanders (photo by Herman Sorgeloos) Where were we? In the previous performance, Keeping Still, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker gave us an empty space as the final image. Now we walk into the hall of the Muziektheater for part 2 of the triptych, The Song and once again an explicitly bare stage stretches before us. The hall light is still on... 

For at least €10,000 and lots of art love right to unsolicited advice to Holland Festival #hf10

 We at the press do it for free, but people with really big money can buy it: the right to unsolicited advice to the Holland Festival. Today, the festival announced the appointment of a Board of Governors. People with money who like to put it into top culture. A novelty for the Netherlands. We have the names: G.J. van den Bergh and... 

De Keersemaeker purifies the ears with her dance, but how do you sustain such a pure experience? #hf10

 By Maarten Baanders (photo by Herman Sorgeloos) Calmly we stand at the door of the venue. A bit like the Holland Festival is a drag. No one suspects that in a few minutes, existence will be reduced to almost nothing. It starts with darkness. Silence. For minutes. Softly, footsteps sound. The ears are tuned to it in detail. There is singing. Mahler's... 

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