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Square Theatre loses facebook page over nipple in poster image

Social Media censureert op vrouwentepel en Plein Theater verliest facebookpagina om tepel in posterbeeld van de voorstelling Nouveau Fuck van Cat Smits Company. Deze digitale preutsheid en seksistische ongelijkheid gaat veel te ver, vinden Berith Danse en Cat Smits. Facebook staat bekend om een strikt ‘geen naakt’-beleid, tenminste niet voor mannen, want naakte mannentorso’s zijn geen enkel probleem. Foto’s die… 

Kasia Tórz new theatre and dance programme manager Holland Festival 

Kasia Tórz joins the Holland Festival from 1 September as programme manager Theatre and Dance. Together with director Emily Ansenk and programme manager Music and Music Theatre Jochem Valkenburg and programmer Katinka Enkhuizen, who joins on 1 October, she will form the new artistic team of the Holland Festival. Emily Ansenk on Kasia's appointment: "Her broad experience with... 

Asko|Schönberg in Gaudeamus Openingsavond en concert ter ere van Reinbert de Leeuw in het Muziekgebouw

Gaudeamus 2022 Opening Festival Enerverend programma met o.a. sheng-grootmeester Wu Wei Tijdens de openingsavond van dit jaarlijkse festival laat Gaudeamus de vele gezichten van nieuwe muziek zien: verrassend, ontroerend en wie weet frustrerend. Asko|Schönberg, vaste gast bij dit festival, maakt deel uit van de feestelijke openingsavond en presenteert een programma dat generaties en continenten omspant. Met onder meer het knotsgekke… 

Asko|Schönberg opens 2022/2023 season with festival Words & Music

After the successful first edition in 2020, Asko|Schönberg presents Words & Music, a festival full of cut-ups & f*ck-ups, on 3 September. In unexpected ways, various art disciplines come together in an adventurous programme that plays with the relationships between music and language. This time, Words & Music is inspired by composer Luciano Berio (1926-2003) and literary enfant terrible of the sixties.... 

30 years of Bijlmervliegramp, Club RoXY and Amsterdam's housing crisis - Second edition Collecting the City opens 25 September at Amsterdam Museum

On Sunday 25 September 2022, the second exhibition from the Collecting the City project will open at the Amsterdam Museum. In the Collecting the City project (2021-2025), the Amsterdam Museum 'collects' and presents the stories and objects of the city of today together with communities, individuals and institutions from Amsterdam. In this second exhibition of the programme line, the Amsterdam Museum brings... 

Events at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel

Month September 2022 In addition to a permanent collection presentation at Amstel 51 and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a rich public programme. At various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for September 2022. Visit for the latest information. Smell Tour From 1 September Explore the bygone... 

Playing with shapes in first Dutch solo exhibition by Andrea Canepa (Peru)

Voor haar eerste solotentoonstelling in Nederland heeft de Peruaanse kunstenaar Andrea Canepa (Lima, 1980) de Aula-ruimte van de Appel tot haar beschikking als de locatie voor haar voortdurende onderzoek naar de organisatie van de fysieke en sociale structuren, ofwel organisatiesystemen, die ons dagelijkse leven vormgeven. Canepa laat zien dat hoewel de ruimtelijke en architecturale parameters van deze organisatiesystemen duidelijk gemarkeerd kunnen lijken,… 

Asko | Schönberg brings Small World - Grachtenfestival 13 and 14 August - premiere  

Small World is a colourful film symphony about a mouse that moves right through the music. Composer Camiel Jansen wrote the piece especially for Asko|Schönberg and the Grachtenfestival, where it will be premiered. In viewing and listening spectacle Small World, we follow a mouse that moves through the big world and experiences increasingly wild adventures. The music, played live... 

New exhibitions Amsterdam Museum 

Since March 2022, the main location of the Amsterdam Museum on Kalverstraat has been closed due to a large-scale renovation of the museum building, the former civilian orphanage. In the new temporary main location of the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel (Amstel 51, Hermitage building), the museum will show a new permanent collection presentation Panorama Amsterdam and three changing exhibitions since March 2021. In... 

Into the open: dancing on stage and in the auditorium

A dance concert with a standing audience promises to be something new. Because how often does it happen that in the audience, whipped up by music and dance, you have to sit on your hands. This sounds like the outcome! We get to watch and move ourselves to Krautrock, mixed with trance-like repetitive parts. Lisbeth Gruwez and Maarten van Cauwenberghe invite us... 

Isaac Israels painting to Amsterdam Museum

Chamber of Commerce donates 'Factory Girls on the Prinsengracht' from 1894 The Amsterdam Museum's collection is being expanded with a special donation. The Chamber of Commerce donated the museum the painting 'Fabrieksmeisjes op de Prinsengracht te Amsterdam' (ca. 1894) by the famous Amsterdam impressionist Isaac Israels. Israels' painting hung for many years in the meeting room of the General Administration 

And the category is: shamanism

Voguing and religion in Yishun is Burning at Julidans Joke: A policeman from the US says he once got three armed drug dealers in handcuffs at the same time. A firefighter from England brags that he rescued 10 people from a burning flat. A Singaporean says he lives in Yishun. Everyone claps for the Singaporean. Yishun is the dystopian suburb... 

Jelinek's Kein Licht offers extra suffocation in already dark times. #HF22

Actually, it was too bad to persevere. Perhaps I should indeed have followed my impulse to walk away hard, but I stayed with Kein Licht. Indeed, this play, written by Elfriede Jelinek, composed by Philippe Manoury and directed by Nicolas Stemann, was technically quite good. Only that little dog, I so did not like that. Animals and... 

Three hours of vogue in Harrell's Porca Miseria might be a little too much of a good thing. #HF22

There is at least one reason to go see Porca Miseria, Trajal Harrell's latest work. The Holland Festival hosts the American choreographer best known for his Vogueing work this weekend, and the soundtrack to his trilogy is nothing short of stunning. Starting with Willie Nelson and ending with the Lamento della Nimfa with which Claudio Monteverdi... 

Turning against the dying of the light at the direction of Katie Mitchell #HF22

If humanity goes extinct, there has been a woman somewhere who was the last not to have a child. To whom does that honour belong? At the Holland Festival, an ensemble of 12 performers now perform a requiem for that last non-mother. Actress and singer Joy Wielkens is the extraordinarily disarming high priestess in this at times quite heavy evening, in which the end of... 

Yemandja, in setless version, is very much neatly American though.

Het getuigt of van enorm lef, of van grenzeloze naïviteit, om een musical te maken waarin een slavenhandelaar in Afrika door een liedje bekeerd wordt tot een leven in liefde en respect voor de medemens. Toch is Yemandja, het stuk dat in een decorloze uitvoering werd gebracht in het Holland Festival, eigenlijk precies dat.  Ik zou het ook kunnen uitleggen… 

Official Jury selection 2022 has been announced!

From Thursday 1 to Sunday 11 September 2022, the Nederlands Theater Festival will show the finest productions of the past theatre season. The Netherlands Theatre Jury, led by jury president Hadassah de Boer, selected the 12 most impressive theatre productions of the moment. Today, the jury announced its selection. Ten of the twelve productions from the selection can be seen during the upcoming edition of the festival.... 

Amsterdam Museum seeks makers for second edition of Refresh Amsterdam

The Amsterdam Museum is calling on makers and artists to submit a proposal on the theme of War & Conflict. The selected proposals will be presented, among others, in the second edition of the exhibition Refresh Amsterdam, from May to October 2023 at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. The second edition of Refresh Amsterdam is about the impact... 

Hearing and seeing pulled apart in fascinating project by C de la B at Holland Festival #HF22

What does trauma do to people? A lot, I can say now, after hearing and especially seeing Le Moindre Geste at the Holland Festival. The performance is very special in its conception, and for that reason alone beautiful to experience, and confronting, for both the amateurs who performed it, and the fans who watched it. Le Moindre Geste can be... 

In Perspectief #2: Centra voor de kunsten: bedreigd en kansrijk – stedelijke voorzieningen

Mijn vader had bezoek uit Amsterdam gekregen. Het was een meneer van de Vereniging voor Creativiteits Ontwikkeling VCO. Hij kwam adviseren over hoe je een creativiteitscentrum moest oprichten en hoe je daar subsidie voor kon aanvragen bij de gemeente. Edelsmeden was mijn vaders hobby – stiekem was dat het beroep waarop hij als jongen had gehoopt – en in onze… 

Door Altamira 2042 besef je hoe machteloos we staan tegen de waanzin van de vooruitgang. #whereisdomphillips #whereisbrunopereira #hf22

Hoe speel je een regenwoud? Ik heb me ooit laten vertellen dat het regenwoud vooral snachts oorverdovend lawaai maakt. Op 7 juni kreeg ik dat ook te horen in de installatie Altamira 2042, dankzij het Holland Festival. De Braziliaanse kunstenaar, annex documentairemaakster Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha wist in die voorstelling het geluid van de tropen voelbaar te maken. In een… 

Sami Yusuf overwhelms packed Concertgebouw with cinematic music spectacle

It's quite something, what Sami Yusuf brings to the stage: his own accompanying group of seasoned pros, the heavenly voices of Cappella Amsterdam and the traditionally Mediterranean sounds of the Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra. Together, this results in a sound experience that moves from calm ponds with a gurgling fountain, to dry steppes winds, raging seas and overwhelming mountains. There could effortlessly be a... 

Holland Festival opens with Queen Angelique Kidjo's African dance party #HF22

Yemi Alade. What a woman. Never heard of her until 3 June, the opening of the Holland Festival's anniversary edition. She was one of the guests of Angelique Kidjo, the Benin-born African singer who is one of the two associate artists of the country's most prestigious festival this year. And Yemi Alade, star from Nigeria, threw her full... 

In Perspective #1: Art lending, new opportunities for old ideals

In the beautiful but overcrowded office of the director of Kunstuitleen SBK Amsterdam, on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, paintings, etchings, gouaches, photographs were everywhere against the wall. And ceramics too. At the meeting table, the entire board of the Federatie Kunst Uitleen (FKU) with whom I had come to meet as intended external chairman. I walked, enthusiastically shaking everyone's hand, around the... 

Saturday 11 June Open House at the three museums on the Amstel: Amsterdam Museum, Museum van de Geest and Dutch Heritage Amsterdam (Hermitage Amsterdam)

On Saturday 11 June, visitors can visit the exhibitions of the three museums on Amstel 51 for free. Museum van de Geest l Outsider Art, Dutch Heritage Amsterdam (Hermitage Amsterdam) and initiator the Amsterdam Museum are jointly organising an open house. Visitors can visit the focus exhibition Dutch Heritage Amsterdam with Vincent van Gogh's The Yellow House (The Street) in the spotlight, after... 

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