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Seks, aureolen en de kunst van Rebecca Linders

Rebecca Linders verafgoodt seks. Ze plaatst in haar nieuw serie tekeningen, Icon Nection, aureolen over sekssituaties. Seksiconen dus. Zo heiligt ze intimiteit. Linders: ‘Ik heb moeten leren seks als heilig te zien.’ Wat heeft sex te maken met iconen? ‘Seks was voor mij altijd verboden terrein geweest. Iets wat je niet doet, waar je niet over praat. Ik kom uit een… 

Photographer Ed van der Elsken liked to colour outside the lines

If he could have, photographer Ed van der Elsken would have preferred to have a camera built into his head, to capture the world twenty-four hours a day. What he did manage to make are countless beautiful photographs, films and books. The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam shows his rich legacy at the major exhibition The camera in love. He was... 

German couple collected unique jewellery in Danish Design #Aarhus2017

Delicate petals, tough links, a denim collar. You can't dream it up or Danish designers have designed them in silver as jewellery. Thousand Jewels offers an overview of Danish design from the twentieth century. Among them are internationally renowned designers and silversmiths, such as Georg Jensen (not only jewellery but also silver tableware), Kaj Bojesen (not only silver but also... 

It has been proven: culture makes people happy. That calls for a good campaign

The positive effects of culture are demonstrated again and again. It is high time the sector used these facts in improving its image. Our western and southern neighbours have boosted the image of culture with a number of successful initiatives. The sports sector is another example of image building that the cultural sector can learn from. There... 

Gerard de Kleijn maakt Museum Gouda meer toegankelijk

Gerard de Kleijn vertrekt op 1 februari na zes jaar directeur te zijn geweest bij Museum Gouda. De flamboyante, welbespraakte en erudiete directeur laat een financieel en artistiek gezond Museum achter voor zijn opvolger Marc de Beyer. De Kleijn maakte het museum meer toegankelijk voor Gouwenaars en kunstliefhebbers van buiten de historische  stad. Het museum trok in 2016 ongeveer 40.000… 

Hippos on a temple wall

In Leiden, ancient Egypt feels pretty close

As a boy, I loved visiting the Egyptian department of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden. Half in the twilight, the mysterious mummy coffins there stared at me. We are now several decades and exhibits further on. Since this week, the newest Egypt display has been open. Even in brilliant light, the collection appears to retain its fascinating power. At the same time, the museum tells in Queens... 

Bezoekers bij Vermeers Dame aan het virginaal met een heer (‘De muziekles’)

Moraal of goede grap: Mauritshuis toont Hollandse schilders uit Britse Royal Collection

Hollanders in huis heet de nieuwe tentoonstelling in het Mauritshuis, en dan krab je je even achter de oren: het Mauritshuis richt zich toch altijd op schilderkunst uit de Nederlanden? Ditmaal gaat het echter om Hollandse meesters uit de Britse Royal Collection. De keus viel op topkwaliteit genrestukken, waaronder beroemde als De muziekles van Johannes Vermeer. Hun tijdelijke komst naar… 

Foto 1. Betty-Woodman-LIVERPOOL-FOUNTAIN-artwork-in-public-space-2016

Liverpool Biënnale: een grabbelton die af en toe tot verwondering leidt

“Things happen, and then they happen again, but not the same way, not quite; such is the logic of the biennial. And then there are things which have never happened before, and which happen now and in a time that seems somehow out of time, or takes our “now” out with it.” [hints]“Dingen gebeuren, en dan gebeuren ze weer, maar niet… 

Fernando Botero: 'Almost everything around us is art'

A major retrospective of the work of Fernando Botero (1932) is on show at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam, entitled Botero: Celebrate Life! The rush of opening such an exhibition takes energy out of him, but strangely enough painting never exhausts him, he says in his studio in Monaco. 'I have never experienced anything more fulfilling than painting or sculpting. Painting takes you out of everyday reality. You forget your body - even your existence. It's intense, but while painting I don't feel any fatigue, even after working for seven or eight hours. Whereas at a cocktail party, I am exhausted after only half an hour.'

Jan Fabre's gems keep atmosphere of Hieronymus Bosch alive

Calm has returned to the North Brabant Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch. After more than 400,000 people saw the successful and widely acclaimed Hieronymus Bosch exhibition, the halls are now light and quiet again. No more opening hours from early morning to midnight. Just, peace and quiet. Although the Jan Fabre mosaics hanging there now are disturbing. Mosaic Panels 2016 is... 

Holland Festival goes Nuclear: Atomic by Mark Cousins

Iedereen die zich de val van de muur kan herinneren is opgegroeid met de dreiging van een nucleaire aanval. En daarbij horen de idiote adviezen van overheidswege om in geval van een atoomexplosie onder de tafel te gaan zitten, liefst met een vergiet op het hoofd. En om genoeg blikvoer en water achter de hand te houden.

Edith and Judith after arrival. So that's not how they hang in the exhibition! Photo Gemeentemuseum The Hague

Magical girls by Klimt and Schiele

There are outside opportunities to be taken advantage of. Egon Schiele's Portrait of Edith by his wife Edith will be joined by Gustav Klimt's Judith I from Vienna for a one-off at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. Two fascinating works, both very rarely on loan. And although the artists knew and appreciated each other, there is almost no greater difference imaginable than... 

Art is not: 'If you're hungry, eat. Measurable result: toilet visit.'

The stupidest question I come across all too often is THE question: what is the tangible outcome of your projects for audiences? Or more broadly drawn: what can art & culture measurably add to lives? Add that question together with the current clamour for 'utility in art' and I get accutely red pimples from these non-answerable questions. And I... 

Stations of the Cross of St Bernulphus Church (author's photo)

Toorop and Berlage: good marriage at Gemeentemuseum

The Jugendstil curls of the famous 'salad oil poster' adorn the logo of the major Toorop exhibition at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. And while this choice is recognisable and appealing, there is something to be said against it. After all, the museum is so keen to show other sides of Toorop. And there are surprisingly many of them. The Gemeentemuseum has a history with... 

Hermitage gets 'first' Outsider Art Museum in the Netherlands

The Hermitage Amsterdam has something 'new': a new museum space in the museum on the Amstel river will be home to the Netherlands' 'first' Outsider Art Museum from 17 March. With artworks by national and international Outsider artists. Excuse me, new? Does the museum not know at all that Zwolle once had a similar museum, with an extensive collection of outsider art? Outsider art returns with this... 

Depot Mauritshuis, The Hague, Photographer: Ivo Hoekstra

Mauritshuis reveals secrets of the depot

A mythical aura often surrounds a museum's depot. How many works of unparalleled value does a top collection like the Mauritshuis let gather dust on its shelves? And more importantly, why? And as a museum, wouldn't it be better to sell them? In the exhibition Highlights from the Depot, the Mauritshuis answers such questions. At the same time, new questions arise,... 

Greeks at Rijksmuseum of Antiquities, photo Mike Bink

Mere masterpieces at reopened National Museum of Antiquities

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) in Leiden reopens on Tuesday 15 December after a major renovation and asbestos remediation. The museum immediately unpacks with a completely revamped Classics department: Greeks, Romans and Etruscans. There are also three small temporary exhibitions. Anyone entering the hall of the museum will not immediately notice any difference: fortunately, the Egyptian Taffeta temple is still just standing on... 

The IDFA is almost over. Time to take stock.

With one day to go, it's time to look at what stood out about the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam. The picture of the entire festival is diffuse, as befits a fest whose programme booklet is almost three hundred pages thick. There was, as always, a sea of films about abuses and current political issues, but there were... 

Topcollectie Spaanse meesters eindelijk in Nederland

De man heeft de blik naar boven gericht. Hij kijkt verbaasd. Waarom hangt hij nu hier? Hier, in Amsterdam? Hij komt toch uit Spanje? Vervolgens hing hij jarenlang in St. Petersburg. Deze zaal, net zo diep rood en imponerend groot als de ‘’Spanish Hall’’ in de Hermitage, lijkt trouwens verdraaid veel op de zaal waar hij zo lang hing. Overigens… 

Rembrandt in the mirror

Selfies uit de Gouden Eeuw. Die ondertitel met een knipoog geeft het Mauritshuis zijn nieuwe tentoonstelling Hollandse zelfportretten mee. Het museum zoekt hiermee een nieuwe verbinding tussen de 17e eeuwse kunst en de wereld van nu. En die poging is geslaagd, mede dankzij het ingenieuze tentoonstellingsontwerp van Jelena Stefanovic van Studio OTW. Sinds de renovatie en uitbreiding van 2012-2014 beschikt… 

Rik Wouters, Autumn, 1913, 135 x 140 cm, Oil on canvas, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp ©Lukasart in Flanders

Belgian colour on Dutch cheeks - 7 reasons why you should visit 'Colour Unleashed' soon

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in the period when modern art was born? Then I correct myself: no, there were many problems and uncertainties back then too. But the new exhibition Colour Unleashed at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag makes me hesitate again. Because the exhibited... 

FC Bergman geeft letterlijk en figuurlijk (de) ruimte

de sfeer Het is 30 graden in Den Bosch. Mensen met koptelefoons op klappen voor iets dat wij, de voorbijgangers, niet zien.  Bij een winkelcentrum rollen meisjes met maskers over de grond. Overal is reuring. Festival Boulevard is in volle gang en de hele stad lijkt mee te doen. De terrassen zijn vol en de stemming is opperbest. Ik baan mij… 

Catinka Kersten and Dick van Broekhuizen look on at the placement (author's photo)

Catinka Kersten in Images by the Sea - one year after academy

Museum Beelden aan Zee placed a concrete sculpture by 26-year-old artist Catinka Kersten on the patio at the end of March: 'And everyone held their breath during that fraction of centuries'. It consists of five concrete human figures stacked on top of each other, which appear to be made of fabric. Kersten completed her studies at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague in 2013 with a series of hunting animals in plaster and cotton. The museum, with associated scientific institute and plaster library, is considered one of the figureheads of sculpture in the Netherlands. How did this museum come to choose such a young artist and what does inclusion in its collection mean for her?

Encounters with Matisse at successful exhibition at Stedelijk

With 'The oasis of Matisse', the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has put on a magnificent exhibition. Sixty years after there was last a major retrospective of Matisse in the Netherlands, his work is back on display in all its glory. So alongside 'Late Rembrandt' at the Rijksmuseum, there is another blockbuster in the capital. The thousands of visitors who attended the... 

Amersfoortse topstukken voor museum Flehite

Het Amersfoortse museum Flehite heeft met steun van een oudheidkundige vereniging twee topstukken kunnen verwerven. Van Albert Fiks (1908-1945) werd het olieverfschilderij Stilleven met roos en anemoon (1933) en van Jakob Nieweg het ‘doek’ Dahlia’s in gemberpot (1917) aan de collectie toegevoegd. Beide schilderijen behoren tot hoogtepunten in de oeuvres van de Amersfoortse kunstenaars. Jakob Nieweg (Hogebeintum 1877) werd opgeleid als predikant.… 

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