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Superbly performed opera by Rimsky Korsakoff provisional highlight of changeable opening weekend Gergiev Festival

"My commitment to the city (Rotterdam) and the orchestra knows no end," Valeri Gergyev spoke on the occasion of the Gergyev Festival taking place in Rotterdam this week. This is good news, as the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the former principal conductor still get along well. And to be backed by this global top-five conductor is... 

Artists bring paradoxes of Soesterberg Air Base to light at Festival #DeBasis

Art at Soesterberg airbase is almost by definition a paradox. So is the natural site that was a military base. And that is why visual art finds a perfect home here. For festival De Basis, artists from five countries were asked to enter into a dialogue with this absurd, until recently forbidden terrain. This results in beautiful contrasts. First of all in... 

Heet en zonnig weekend op vliegbasis Soesterberg: tijd voor nieuw experiment met De Dodo

Het wordt met temperaturen boven de 25 graden een broeierige, maar ook unieke zomerdag, die 10e september. Het Cultureel Persbureau is die dag en zondag met 4 journalisten aanwezig op de voormalige Vliegbasis Soesterberg om verslag te doen van festival De Basis. Wanneer u daar komt, maakt u veel natuur, nog meer indrukwekkend oorlogsverleden en een stuk of wat theatervoorstellingen… 

De warmste dag van deze zomer staat in het teken van Festival De Basis op Soesterberg. Be there. #debasis

Het wordt met temperaturen boven de 25 graden een broeierige, maar ook unieke zomerdag, die 10e september. Het Cultureel Persbureau is die dag met 4 journalisten aanwezig op de voormalige Vliegbasis Soesterberg om verslag te doen van festival De Basis. Wanneer u daar komt, maakt u veel natuur, nog meer indrukwekkend oorlogsverleden en een stuk of wat theatervoorstellingen en beeldende… 

Rotterdam Theatre's International Choice has always been a personal choice

Last year, it was still about 'a sense of belonging': the ability to feel at home somewhere, to know you belong somewhere. This year, the motto of the quirky Rotterdam festival De Internationale Keuze is almost diametrically opposed to that: parallel reality. Instead of one place offering warmth, the festival now says that place is there... 

Cackling fresh location artists prepare for Festival DE BASIS

With a few creative friends and a nice budget, romp around in a playground of many tens of acres of pristine nature. Surrounded by the remains of military might. It automatically makes you go roaring. But that's how it goes sometimes. With art. So, to get right to the point: cuts are not always bad. For instance, divesting the... 

Mini festival 'The National Theatre Week' abuses Home Shopping Guarantee logo

De Nationale Theaterweek is nieuw en heel erg klein. En, vreemd voor een klein festival, adverteert groot op de site met het logo voor het Thuiswinkelwaarborg. Dat riep vragen op. Want klikken op het logo van het waarborg levert een heel ander resultaat op. Crimineel is het overigens niet, als je het logo van Thuiswinkel-waarborg gebruikt zonder dat je daarbij… 

Delft opens with fewer chamber music surprises than other years

For another 15 years, the Delft Chamber Music Festival, so named to reflect its international character, has encompassed 15 years. Violinist Isabelle van Keulen handled the chamber music festival's programming for the first ten years, Lisa Ferschtmann - also a violinist - took over from her five years ago. But even this already successful festival fears the upcoming budget cuts. A pity, because what... 

Trouwe festivalganger laat zijn festival niet in het water vallen

Regen, regen, regen. Dat ziet er slecht uit voor de festivals. Toch? “Het weer is minder van invloed op een festival dan men denkt”, zegt Mark Hospers van Noorderzon. En zij kunnen het weten. Vorig jaar hebben ze veel regen gehad, en tegelijkertijd een recordaantal kaarten verkocht. Hoe kan het dat het slechte weer de festivals weinig lijkt te deren?… 

Eszter Salamon and Daniel Linehan gems of highly diverse Julidans

Holland Festival, Julidans, IT's, Over 't IJ. End-of-season theatre is always strewn across Amsterdam. Between April and September, international performance offerings migrate from Utrecht (Springdance and Festival aan de Werf) via Amsterdam to Rotterdam (Internationale Keuze). If you want to experience something of contemporary, international dance, Springdance, HF and Julidans are the places to be. [For... 

Successful Holland Festival closes record edition amid uncertainty over future

Photo: Pierre Nydegger To conclude. The 2011 Holland Festival could well be historic. Not only was it the festival that attracted the most audiences for years, it was also the festival that took place while a minority government of populists, nationalists and materialists proclaimed the end of art subsidies. We therefore look back on a festival in which we were able to meet with... 

Going into the market without denying yourself - that's the issue

Sponsorship repels audiences. That could be a conclusion of the research carried out at Oerol by Inholland's Media, Culture and Citizenship and Media and Entertainment lectorates. With the central question "How can Oerol survive without government funding?", they are exploring the audience's reaction to commercial expressions. "The question is how to apply marketing strategies without... 

#HF11: We chat with Jeroen Stout, Daniël Bertina, Fransien vd Putt and Wijbrand Schaap.

  In conclusion. The 2011 Holland Festival could well be historic. Not only was it the festival that attracted the most audiences for years, it was also the festival that took place while a minority government of populists, nationalists and materialists proclaimed the end of art subsidies. We therefore look back on a festival in which we had a great time with our new... 

Photo: Jochem Jurgens

The Kiss and DUS in final stage award nominations

The Utrecht Games (DUS), with its successful production August Oklahoma, immediately wins three nominations for the theatre awards to be handed out in September: Ria Eimers for best female lead, and Peter Bolhuis and Tjitsjke Reidinga compete for the prizes for best supporting actress. Percentage-wise, however, much more successful than DUS is De Kus, a production by Hummelinck Stuurman, because there the... 

A few solid misses, interspersed with plenty of indispensable beauty in week 3 of the Holland Festival #hf11

The Dodo was busy, this third week of the Holland Festival. Thankfully, again with an exciting mix of beautiful, weird and extraordinary. As it should be, really. What makes the Holland Festival all the more exciting is that such extremes can sometimes take place within one programme, as with the National Ballet, or even within one performance, as with The Russians... 

#HF11 Audi makes Ayres' funny-grim animal opera 'The cricket recovers' layered and edgy

Eindelijk: de opera The Cricket Recovers naar het dierenverhaal De genezing van de krekel van Toon Tellegen is in Nederland! Het Holland Festival presenteert ruim zes jaar na de wereldpremière in Aldeburgh het werk van Richard Ayres, uitgevoerd door Asko|Schönberg en VocaalLAB onder leiding van Etienne Siebens. Pierre Audi tekende voor de regie: hij maakte de voorstelling gelaagd en gewaagd.… 

#HF11 'The select' is neat and well behaved and on stage lacks the raw emotion of Hemingway's novel

Could Prime Minister Rutte cum suis's anti-advertising by dismissing art as destined for leftist types and other idiots already be having an effect? You would almost think so when you see the rather poorly filled halls during the performances at the Holland Festival. There are more than ten people in the front row, yet it all doesn't hold... 

#HF11 Dromerige cultpop en visueel feest van The Irrepressibles

Op verzoek van het Holland Festival maakte Jamie McDermott van The Irrepressibles een nieuw programma: Human Music Box. De tienkoppige Britse band begint zijn wereldtournee in Amsterdam. De première op vrijdag 17 juni in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ werd een ingetogen, muzikale avond die vooral visueel aantrekkelijk was. In het midden van de Grote Zaal stond een groot, ronddraaiend… 

#HF11 Special performance Jagden und Formen by Waltz and Rihm does not produce an ideal exchange, but it does raise interesting questions about the merging of dance and music

Composer Wolfgang Rihm and choreographer Sasha Waltz, two familiar faces at the Holland Festival and big names in European performing arts, released a performance together in 2008 that could not be missing from a Holland festival programme this year. The festival not only has a focus on some great contemporary composers (Xenakis, Rihm), but is also making considerable headway on the... 

Week two of the Holland Festival (#HF11) brings a nice mix of highlights and questionable choices.

Dat de Off Broadway-musical Fela! Een succes was, konden we eigenlijk wel verwachten. Voor De Dodo hebben we er daarom ook niemand heen gestuurd: er zijn al genoeg kranten en andere bloggers die graag bij de New Yorkse publiekslievelingen op de eerste rang willen zitten. Dat ze een goede tijd hadden, leest u elders op deze site, via de blogstream… 

#HF11: Er waart een oude manke huisknecht rond in de Zuidas

Firs heet hij. En hij komt altijd te laat. Vanwege de jicht. Arme huisknecht. Firs werd geschapen door Anton Tsjechov. In zijn meesterwerk De Kersentuin gaat het over de verveling en lamlendigheid van de oude rijken, en Firs is de huisknecht die het allemaal ziet gebeuren. Tsjechov laat hem sterven, aan het eind, wanneer de vertrekkende huiseigenaren hem totaal vergeten… 

#HF11 Young Hungarians in Leonce and Lena deserve our sympathy

Actors wearing sort of harem trousers and bamboo sticks on a nondescript playing surface. Some of you may think back nostalgically or with trepidation to the days when there were 'Akademies voor Ekspressie' in the Netherlands. Summits of socio-art. Sometime deep in the 1970s, that is. Maladype Theatre, from Hungary, fits seamlessly into that picture, which... 

#HF11 Weather barbed, lovely and humorous notes at mini-festival Xenakis 1234

With the battle between Titans and gods on Mount Olympus, Xenakis opens 1234, a mini-festival in the great Holland Festival. In four concerts, spread over two days, it features Iannis Xenakis central. There is also an extensive exhibition dedicated to the Greek composer, who was a mathematician and architect by birth.

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