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Podcast in times of Corona (11) - Asko|Schönberg suffers double blow: 'You can't go to a hall, not to a stage. Online is no substitute for that.' 

‘Het klinkt misschien erg dubbel, maar ergens is een moment van rust, een moment van contemplatie, iets waar je altijd naar verlangt. Dat de aanleiding nu die pandemie is, is natuurlijk niet fijn, maar toch.” Fedor Teunissen is artistiek leider van Asko|Schönberg, het ensemble van wereldklasse dat werd opgericht door de wereldvermaarde dirigent, componist en pianist Reinbert De Leeuw. Die… 

Podcast in times of Corona (7). Willem-Jaap Zwart of Concordia in Enschede: 'The most positive thing is that FC Twente cannot lose this weekend.'

‘Blijf zoveel mogelijk je dagelijkse routines doen, als er een ramp gebeurt.’ Willem Jaap Zwart is directeur van theater, filmhuis en kunstencentrum Concordia in Enschede, en hij weet waar hij het over heeft. Als inwoner van Enschede maakte hij de vuurwerkramp mee, en ook toen was het devies: toon veerkracht, en blijf dicht bij jezelf: ‘Op de dag dat het… 

Podcast in times of Corona (6): Madeleine Matzer on returning to factory settings.

Gisteren las ik deze update van Madeleine Matzer op facebook: ‘Twee jaar geleden koos ik dit uitzicht. Zo mooi. Zo stil. Zo sereen. En zo goed passend in het hectische en dynamische leven dat ik normaal gesproken leid. Waanzinnig zinnig werk met prachtige en inspirerende collega’s, een groot en heerlijk sociaal netwerk, en dan ook nog al die kansen op… 

Mondoleone in tijden van Coronoa. Podcast aflevering 5. Hoe Leon Giesen de malaise te lijf gaat.

Leon Giesen, ook bekend als Mondo Leone, heeft al een tijdje geleden het reguliere theater gedag gezegd. Hij bespeelde – tot Coronoa toesloeg – steeds vaker op meetings en seminars, waar het publiek massaler en aandachtiger is. Maar nu is die markt weggevallen, en heeft Leon iets nieuws bedacht.  Luister naar het verhaal van deze rasverteller in onze podcast in… 

What do we do with conferences? Two day speakers on their work in a contact-poor world. 

'Like asking after a play or a concert which seats they had in the auditorium.' According to Gerrit Heijkoop, it is not interesting to know what software you can use to share knowledge online, or organise video chats. 'You can go to Facebook, to YouTube, and then there are all kinds of programmes. If you want to communicate, it goes... 

Comfort in times of corona. Or the other way around? A top five disaster books. (Why you should read Quarantine. Or not).

Need to escape from all the misery in reality? Of course, you can binge-watch endless feel-good movies or exciting series, but opening a good book about a disaster in the outside world is just as effective - look, it's actually not that bad with us! You might also pick up a few valuable do's and dont's for emergencies; a warned person counts.... 

Fred Goessens leaves ITA: 'In every group there is such a reliable lobster as me'

Fred Goessens has been dead, but is still alive. As uncompromising as ever. The Netherlands' most reliable actor makes an interim will after twenty-two years with Toneelgroep Amsterdam. 'I had shit on everything' This interview was published 10 years ago in TheaterMaker, the trade magazine for the theatre sector. As Fred Goessens is now leaving ITA, the company where he once... 

Why this book is suddenly ominously reminiscent of the situation in Italy now: 'Everything I describe in my book does happen somewhere in this world.'

With northern Italy cut off from the outside world because of corona and looking increasingly desolate, we are reminded of an interview we had a few years ago with writer Davide Longo about his book The Vertical Man. A book à la The Road by Cormac McCarthy, in which Longo outlines a desolate world that has changed dramatically as a result of... 

Paolo Cognetti: 'The mountains give me a lesson in humility every time.'

Met zijn roman De acht bergen brak de Italiaanse schrijver Paolo Cognetti (42) in 2017 internationaal door. Ook Zonder de top te bereiken speelt zich weer af op grote hoogten. ‘De bergen geven mij elke keer weer een les in nederigheid.’ Zonder de top te bereiken is het reisverslag van Cognetti’s bergwandeltocht eind 2017 door een hoogvlakte in Nepal bij de… 

‘Ik ben een vrijere schrijver geworden.’ Esther Verhoef over de nieuwe dimensie in haar werk

Korte verhalen schrijft Esther Verhoef (51) al zo lang als ze fictie schrijft – sinds haar zevende. Of ze nou tien of honderd pagina’s lang zijn, haar verhalen zijn Verhoef even lief als haar romans en thrillers. ‘Kijk,’ zegt Esther Verhoef, terwijl ze de flappen van het omslag van Labyrint – de verhalen  openvouwt. Op de binnenkant zijn oude, op… 

Serge van Veggel performs Opera Melancholica: 'Depression is a big social problem - a million people are on pills'

'My love for opera is rooted in my childhood. Emotions you feel as a young person become almost tangible in opera. While listening, I often experienced a catharsis.' Director Serge van Veggel zooms in on depression and delusion with the production Opera Melancholica. Starting point is Philip Glass's The Fall of the House of Usher, presented as a form of 'anatomical... 

Ekaterina Levental: 'I come from the very bottom of society, didn't even have the right to be here, was even less than a junkie.'

Singer, harpist and theatre-maker Ekaterina Levental (Tashkent, 1977) came to the Netherlands as a refugee in 1993, where she built a successful career. Together with her partner Chris Koolmees, she made the triptych De Weg, De Grens and Schoppenvrouw, in which she sings of her own difficult road to happiness. With her pocket performances, she holds up a mirror to us: 'We are quick to judge a... 

Writing with your voice - Thea Beckman Prize winner Bianca Mastenbroek is not deterred by her disability

Schrijver worden, zonder dat je vingers kunt gebruiken om te typen – Bianca Mastenbroek (44) draait er haar hand niet meer voor om. Afgelopen jaar won ze voor haar historische roman Hendrick, de Hollandsche indiaan de Thea Beckmanprijs. Terugblik op een jubeljaar: ‘Deze prijs is een kroon op mijn werk.’ Voor iedereen die jouw  boek Hendrick, de Hollandsche indiaan nog… 

Kersjes Prize winner Lodewijk van der Ree: 'Language strongly determines the sound of a choir'

'An inspired conductor, with an intelligent approach to the score, a clear stroke and the ability to draw a choir into his vision. So says the jury of the Kersjes Prize about Lodewijk van der Ree (1986), who received this year's conducting prize. I have worked with him many times before and can wholeheartedly endorse this statement. Carte... 

Deelder is Dead. Nadeche Pyka lives. Why People Say Things is the best literary festival in the Netherlands.

Jules Deelder instilled in me a love of poetry. He was there when I was in need of something other than the big-people poems that weren't about me, as a would-be punk. That was almost forty years ago now. He's just died, and heaven is also going jazz-ish. Last night, while the night mayor of Rotterdam... 

Threatened theatre directors speaking: 'It literally hurts me when I hear that something like this is going to be abolished.'

'I didn't know you could also be digitised away in this sector, but so you can.' Susanne Visser and Annemiek Lely sounded the alarm on Saturday 7 December. Their jobs as ushers at theatre performances are in jeopardy. Companies would rather keep people engaged through podcasts, and such an usher only costs money. On Monday, December 9, we obtained... 

Promotion critical interview with Amersfoort alderman hampered by Facebook

In the ongoing series of interviews with leading figures from Amersfoort's cultural sector, I interviewed D66 alderman Fatma Koser Kaya. It turned into an animated conversation. Strangely, De Stadsbron, Amersfoort's local journalism site, was not allowed to promote the interview from Facebook, the editors announced yesterday. It is unclear why. Here is an excerpt, the whole story of course on De Stadsbron: 'I believe... 

'It is crucial that people who mature here - also as artists - can stay connected to Amersfoort'

For De Stadsbron, Amersfoort's journalistic background site, I chart the cultural sector of the Keistad. On that site now, an interview with Friederike Weisner, director of Theatre De Lieve Vrouw. 'According to Weisner, the lack of a university or college ensures that the need for knowledge is visible: 'You will always have to be innovative as a city. There ... 

'Once you become suspicious, you develop more and more anxiety' - Meriç Artaç addresses fear and mistrust in her chamber opera Madam Koo

'A new piece is usually only heard once, then it disappears into a drawer forever.' Such a sigh I often hear, in all tones. Not only from composers, but also from ensembles, concert organisers, musicians and even subsidy providers. Good news, then, that Meriç Artaç's opera Madam Koo will be repeated twice this month, Wednesday 11 December in CC... 

How the miracle doctor fell into oblivion - and why writer Rinus Spruit hopes for rehabilitation

He brought hypnosis and psychotherapy as treatment methods to the Netherlands and had a thriving practice with the well-known writer Frederik van Eeden. But mention the name Albert Willem van Renterghem, and (almost) nobody will ring a bell. With his book De wonderdokter, compiler Rinus Spruit hopes to restore honour. Albert Willem van Renterghem (1845-1939) was once considered "the miracle doctor... 

'Don't be too quick to think you know someone.' Six life insights from writer Rosita Steenbeek

She survived a brain haemorrhage and a serious car accident. As a result, writer Rosita Steenbeek (62) no longer has a fear of death, but an enormous zest for life. It has enriched her. By looking death in the eye, I understood that love is the most important thing in life'. 1. You can also be happy without a relationship 'I've been alone for a number of years and... 

'Wikileaks has never been caught at a single fault' - Iris ter Schiphorst writes Assange: Fragmente einer Unzeit

'There is an information war going on right now, which shows how important data is. The Assange case is the most poignant example of this.' Dutch-German composer Iris Ter Schiphorst wrote a piece about Julian Assange, the now controversially declared founder of Wikileaks. She is on a mission with this: 'Although Wikileaks has never been caught at a single fault, Assange has been accused of... 

'High time for an end to segregated religions!' - Joost Kleppe composes Spirit of Mustafa for Groot Omroepkoor and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra

'Everything I make stems from feeling, from being touched', Joost Kleppe (1963) once said about his music. That sensibility is often triggered by poetry and his oeuvre therefore includes many vocal works. His lyrical, rhythmically varied pieces regularly appear on the desks of both professional and amateur choirs. With his appealing style, Kleppe follows in the footsteps of illustrious composers,... 

The masked truth in HBO's Watchmen

At a time when comic book movies, superheroes and alternative dystopian realities reign supreme, I feared the worst when HBO announced Damon Lindelof's Watchmen. Not having extensive knowledge of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' comic book Watchmen myself, I found the 2009 film a disappointment. Lindelof is the man behind the infamous series Lost. Where with Lost, the viewer... 

'I decided to make an unabashedly grand romantic gesture and blow people away' - Mathilde Wantenaar writes new piece for Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Being creative on demand? That's impossible, you might think. Yet it is the reality for composers and artists who work on commission. Mathilde Wantenaar (1993) therefore got acute choice stress when the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra asked her for a new piece. She was just working on a commission from De Nationale Opera. 'I felt like a rabbit in the... 

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