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John Adams

Requiem for an ideal music lover. 'Grandpa Hippo' is no more: Frans Curvers dies, aged 91

'Thea, have you heard that new piece yet? It's beautiful!' And there plopped another wetransfer in with a recording by Kate Moore, Pete Harden, Calliope Tsoupaki or any other composer. Frans Curvers was at the front of every (world) premiere. Whether it took place at Paradiso in Amsterdam, De Doelen in Rotterdam, TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht or a backstreet church somewhere.... 

'I decided to make an unabashedly grand romantic gesture and blow people away' - Mathilde Wantenaar writes new piece for Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Being creative on demand? That's impossible, you might think. Yet it is the reality for composers and artists who work on commission. Mathilde Wantenaar (1993) therefore got acute choice stress when the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra asked her for a new piece. She was just working on a commission from De Nationale Opera. 'I felt like a rabbit in the... 

Composer Marijn Simons: 'Everything is about timing'

Although the press picks it up only sparsely, not only the NTRZaterdagMatinee pays much attention to Dutch composers. Indeed, they are also well represented in the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert (formerly De Vrijdag van Vredenburg). In 2014, for instance, Joey Roukens wrote The building of the temple to mark the reopening of TivoliVredenburg. Two years later, the season opened with Atlantis by Robin... 

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra plays Fires by Raminta Šerkšnytė

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra is coming to our country. On Monday 9 April, they will give a concert in TivoliVredenburg Utrecht under their young chief conductor Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla. They will play music by Wagner, Debussy and Beethoven, a fairly standard programme at first sight. But fortunately, Lithuanian Gražinytė-Tyla brings a piece by her compatriot Raminta Šerkšnytė. Who wrote Fires... 

MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst

For this one moment, you won't want to miss MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst

You can think of several reasons to go and see MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst at the RDM Submarine Wharf. But there is one in particular. Conny Janssen Danst is back in a former submarine hangar in Rotterdam with MIRROR MIRROR. That shed is located on the waterfront near the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and an Innovation Lab. An industrial setting that also returns... 

Arnold Schoenberg is dead, long live Arnold Schoenberg!

Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) is often accused of driving audiences out of the hall with his drive for innovation. After all, his twelve-tone system swept away the foundations of tonality, which had offered listeners a safe haven for centuries. Deprived of its foothold, it would have turned its back on contemporary music forever. Nonsense, because not only did Schoenberg write fantastic works, but also... 

Opera The New Prince: pretentious bombast

It is not easy to visit an opera presented as a stunning piece of contemporary social criticism without fear. Especially when it evokes such totally different reactions. Some call The New Prince 'an opera on the vein of our own time' (Mischa Spel, NRC), while others give it 'a fat fail' (Erik Voermans, Het Parool). Another needs more... 

Conductor Alan Gilbert makes Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra shine

Alan Gilbert conducted the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra for the fifth time on Wednesday 8 February. Until the end of this season, he is chief of the New York Philharmonic, exuberantly expressing his love for contemporary music. He proved to be the ideal conductor to premiere Joey Roukens' new work, aptly leading the musicians through the exhilarating... 

Roaring, pounding big band overwhelms with conspiracies #hf16

Een bigband, een tikkende klok, samenzweringstheorieën en twaalftonigheid. Mix dat in een theatrale setting en het kan gierend uit de bocht vliegen. Toch weet componist Darcy James Argue er een stuwend en enerverend geheel van te maken, met hulp van regisseur Isaac Butler en filmmaker Peter Nigrihi.

Componist Anna Meredith: ‘Het was een openbaring dat klassieke muziek een levende kunstvorm is’

Op 4 maart 2016 verscheen haar debuut-cd Varmints, een mengeling van nieuw-klassiek, elektronica en avant-pop, waarna de Schots-Canadese Anna Meredith (1978) met lof werd overladen. ‘Een van de meest vernieuwende geesten in moderne Britse muziek’, schreef een criticus. ‘Levendig en caleidoscopisch’, schreef een ander. ‘Uitzonderlijke soundscapes van synthesizers, beats en andere dingen’ repte een derde. Een vierde had het gevoel… 

Composer Joey Roukens: 'In my new Violin Concerto, I explore my lyrical side'

Joey Roukens (Schiedam, 1982) studied composition at Rotterdam Conservatory and took private piano lessons with Ton Hartsuiker. Since graduating in 2006, he has been able to reach a large audience with his energetic, infectious music. Commissions are pouring in, from no small number of clients. He has already written two pieces for the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra: Out of Control (2011) and Chase... 

Music journalist Erik Voermans: 'I keep interviewing composers whether they want to or not'

On 4 February, music journalist and musicologist Erik Voermans' latest book was presented: From Andriessen to Zappa. After twenty-five years of writing for Het Parool, Voermans has collected his conversations with the greats of modern-classical music in a chic edition. Paul van der Steen's detailed drawings inspire listening to the music discussed. The presentation in the Great Hall of the Muziekgebouw... 

John Adams Scheherazade.2 disappoints - despite phenomenal Leila Josefowicz

Even leek het er vrijdag 16 oktober op dat Leila Josefowicz een toegift zou geven, maar die bleef uit. Het publiek in het uitverkochte Concertgebouw had haar minutenlang toegejuicht voor haar fenomenale vertolking van Scheherazade.2, het tweede vioolconcert (of derde, als je Dharma at Big Sur voor zessnarige elektrische viool en orkest meerekent) van John Adams, die zelf het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest… 

Top performance of rarely heard Sonata by Bartók

Ralph van Raat is by far the leading solo pianist in the contemporary repertoire in our country, while fellow pianist Maarten van Veen pursues an idiosyncratic course in ensemble playing in modern music. When the two musicians work together, they prove to complement each other perfectly. Under the aegis of the Doelen Ensemble, they played together with percussionists Colin Currie and Benjamin Ramirez, for whom the same... 

NTR Podium

Not just Kunststof TV, NTR Podium is also ending. Long live Podium Witteman.

NTR Podium: the television programme about music and dance, is calling it quits. Tonight is the last broadcast with the Harmonium by John Adams by the Residentie Orkest. In 2015, NTR Podium gives way to the new Podium Witteman. This will be mainly about classical music and jazz.

Amy Tan en de zweep

Amy Tan – te gast bij het John Adams Institute in Amsterdam – introduceerde deze week zelf haar nieuwe boek bij het Nederlandse publiek: Vallei van verwondering. Ze hield in de Amstelkerk een zeer persoonlijke lezing over het moeilijke leven van haar moeder en grootmoeder in het antieke China van voor de grote roerganger Mao. Het decor: begin twintigste eeuw… 

John Adams' other Gospel of Mary @HollandFestival: masterpiece just too long

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Mary is arrested at a demonstration and thrown into a cell next to a heroin addict, while her sister Martha has just started a shelter for the homeless. And Lazarus, yes, Jesus brings him back to life here too, with downright breathtaking sounds. And we are not even halfway through.

Peter van Onna: ‘Vrede van Utrecht is ook nu actueel’

Driehonderd jaar geleden werd de Vrede van Utrecht getekend, waarmee een eind kwam aan zowel de Spaanse successieoorlog, als de Oorlog van Queen Anne. Bijzonder was dat dit vredesverdrag niet op het slagveld, maar aan de onderhandelingstafel tot stand kwam. Het duurde anderhalf jaar voor de vele partijen het met elkaar eens werden en het verdrag geldt als het begin… 

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