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Rainer Hofmann (SPRING): 'After the populist attack from the right, the performing arts now face an attack from the left.'

Thursday 17 May opens SPRING Performing Arts Festival in Utrecht with, among others, Sic Transit Gloria Mundi by Dries Verhoeven and to come (extended) by Mette Ingvartsen. Over ten days, more than twenty-five international dance and theatre productions, installations and performance works will be on show in public spaces and urban environments. A week earlier, festival director Rainer Hofmann looks relaxed. 'Until now... 

Dutch Dance Days show artistic challenge only on fringes of programme

The first weekend of October saw the Netherlands Dance Days (NDD) take place in Maastricht. As Ruben Brugman reported, important prizes for the dance world are awarded there. But the Dance Days seem mainly meant to promote Dutch dance, more than to be a critical evaluation or artistic boost. At the Dance Days, no pithy speech on the State of Dance as... 

NRC doesn't count right: not 11, but at least 34 groups gone due to cuts

According to NRC Handelsblad Culture cuts became fatal for 'only' 11 theatre institutions. Here they assume groups that actually dissolved themselves. In their overview, however, they overlook the companies that voluntarily dissolved themselves by merging with another company. In addition, there are a number of institutions that disbanded before the new round because it was already clear that they would not receive any money. If we do count those, we come to at least 34 companies. That is already 25% of what was on offer before the cuts.

10 per cent less ticket sales, but Festival Boulevard is still satisfied.

Festival Boulevard in Den Bosch sold 55,000 tickets this year, 5,000 less than in 2012. The festival, which this year was held from 1 to 11 August, did attract more crowds for the free offerings on the festival square. This brought the total number of visitors to the festival this year to 145,000, 5,000 more than in 2012. As the venue occupancy is still nice at 85%, the drop in ticket sales will mainly be due to a smaller offer of performances.

Chamber - Medhi Walerski

NDT in motion: on stage, the silver screen and behind it

Being active on social media like Facebook or Twitter is now a must for any dance company. But broadcasting a dance performance (live) via 600 cinemas worldwide is no mean feat either. NDT (The Hague) has been chosen by Pathé theatres to join the illustrious list of The Metropolitan Opera (New York), The National Theatre (London) and the Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow) as a partner in high-level performing arts.

Final edition of Springdance closes convincingly with premiere of nonstop intense concert by Meyers, Sehgal and the REDUX ORCHESTRA

Voor de tweede keer tijdens Springdance delen artiesten en publiek het toneel van de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg. REDUX ORCHESTRA speelt onder leiding van de componist Ari Benjamin Meyers diens Symphony X, een pulserend, up-beat (120 p/m) minimal werk. Toeschouwers, dirigent en musici – mag je hen nu gewoon muzikanten noemen? – gaan op in één grote, uiterst subtiele, participatoire choreografie van… 

Newsflash: Symphony X is a spectacular finale to 34 years of Springdance

Summarising 34 years of Springdance festival is impossible. Nor can we actually evaluate. Grieving because this year was the last? Perhaps. The festival that sailed past lows and highs in its young adult life is merging into a new festival, and no one knows at this point, 28 April 2012, what that festival will be called, and what it will... 

Tino Sehgal and Ari Benjamin Meyers seek the most intense live experience possible at Springdance

Springdance sluit op 28 april af met een opmerkelijk dansconcert. Beeldend kunstenaar en choreograaf Tino Sehgal maakte een bewegingsstuk op muziek van componist Ari Benjamin Meyers, dat uitgevoerd wordt tussen het luisterende publiek. Het werk van Tino Sehgal is een goed bewaard geheim. Er zijn in ieder geval nauwelijks opnames van bekend. Tijdens het interview zegt Meyers daar het volgende… 

Rare and exceptional performance "Lang" by Kat Válastur knocks you out with wonder and sucks you into maelstrom

Kat Válastur claimed that it is almost impossible to describe the dynamics of her performance with words. She is right. It is rare skill how with only two dancers in one place, so much can be depicted and the audience is sucked into a maelstrom. In the small hall of Theatre Kikker, mechanical thuds sound and two giants appear in the middle of the stage. They turn out to be dancers:... 


Imaginative artwork SYLPHIDES looks at what moves people, starting with the breath

Elk festival smeekt om vrijwilligers en in de begindagen van Springdance waren er zelfs helemaal geen betaalde krachten. Dat zegt ook iets. Nu Springdance na dertig jaar gaat fuseren met Festival aan de Werf is het thema van deze laatste editie ‘scupltured bodies & body sculptures’. Bij SYLPHIDES is dit treffend van toepassing. “Hoe mensen bewegen interesseert mij niet, ik wil… 

The Young Makers Marathon: from the beautifully absurd Parkin’son to the claustrophobia of Cow’s Theory

The Young Makers Marathon For Your Eyes Only at Springdance features performances by students from the influential dance academies School voor Nieuwe Dans Ontwikkeling (The Netherlands) and P.A.R.T.S. (Belgium). I had the pleaure to see two of them. Cow’s Theory by Cecila Lisa Eliceche (P.A.R.T.S.) is a hyperintense piece of contact dance. Three female performers move at super slow pace,… 

Fragmentary first choreography by artist Martin Creed is non-committal, sketchy and lacks tension

"We've been working on some songs and dances," says visual artist Martin Creed, assisted by his five-piece band and five ballet dancers. In his fragmentary performance, Creed explores the relationships between the five basic positions from classical ballet, the bouncy off-beat rhythms of his post-rock band, and Creed's own video art. This is his first choreography and it shows. "Works No.... 

Ibrahim Quraishi's "My private Himalya" sparkles by omitting drama

A little tent allowed to play for sea anemone on dry land, its four legs perky in the air. Actors having a cup of tea and a game of cards. It all looks very innocent. What begins as a wonderful picture novel gradually grows into a rebus of considerable length. "My private Himalaya" is akin to a walking exhibition, with a wind machine.... 

Avdal and Shinozaki send a sultry spring breeze through Central Museum offices with "Field Works - office"

You think you are buying a ticket for Springdance, but actually you are making an appointment at the office, at the Central Museum. Once let inside the waiting room, staff walk busily past you and the doorman takes one call after another. You obediently fill in a form. As usual, you have to reveal all sorts of personal details. And then that question: what... 

Portuguese Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz make language move and their movements speak

Je hebt van die voorstellingen die je opmerkelijk eenvoudig en onnadrukkelijk een compleet eigen wereld binnenslepen. Voorstellingen waarin alles herkenbaar is. Woorden, beweging, decor. Alles even vertrouwd en huiselijk. Maar dan wordt er een tikje tegen gegeven. Patronen vervloeien. De taal staat op losse schroeven. Alles rammelt en raakt op drift. En toch klopt het. Voor je ogen en oren… 

In volatile and agonisingly slow "Untried Untested", childlike wonder at the laws of nature remains too distant

Wat is zwaartekracht? Wat is lucht? Wat is adem? In Untried Untested van choreograaf Kate McIntosh onderzoeken vier vrouwen met simpele middelen de magische werking van de natuur. Ze zijn gewapend met tientallen zwarte ballonnen, een kluwen scheepstouw, een handjevol veren, een paar zakken aardappels, windmachines en tl-lampen, een speelvloer van pakpapier. En hun eigen lichamen. Helaas blijft die verwondering… 

Tuesday News Springdance about pace, time, reality and alienation, and sometimes boredom

This Tuesday was all about daily acts that became art, or art that became daily acts. We are not quite there yet. Daniel Bertina, Fransien van der Putt and Maarten Baanders discuss Field Works: Office by Heine Avdal and Yukiko Shinozaki, A gesture that is nothing but a threat by Dias and Roriz,... 

Jonge dansmakers ontmoeten elkaar en ontwikkelen talenten in reizende danswerkplaats Europe in Motion

 Europe in Motion is een reizend talentontwikkelingsprogramma en fungeert als ‘battleground’ en plek van ontmoeting voor jonge choreografen. Wat urgent is in dans, wordt een week lang besproken om dansmakers te stimuleren in hun artistieke ontwikkeling. Deze tweede editie, met partners Dance4 (Nottingham), iDans (Istanbul) en Imagetanz (Wenen), eindigt in Utrecht. Op Springdance was eerder dans uit high tech laboratoria in Israël (Batsheva Dance… 

Pure camp with tremendous theatrical intelligence in (M)IMOSA, in which four flamboyant drag queens vie for attention

Maniacally, she gallops across the stage, stomping like Michael Flatley on crack. Gravely thin and bare-chested, Marlene Monteiro Freitas tap-dances around. She squeezes her tits and pulls handfuls of (fake) hair from her scalp. "My name is Mimosa Ferrara," she panted menacingly, as her black leggings sag off her ass and linger just above the pubic area.... 

Twee jonge vrouwelijke choreografen vervullen belofte met Batsheva Dance Company tijdens Springdance Festival

Met twee voorstellingen, ”The Toxic Exotic Disappearance Act” en ”House” laat Batsheva Dance Company indrukwekkende, sublieme dansbeheersing zien en frisse dynamiek.  Maar ook onrust, zoeken en verwarring. Het tijdperk van happy, harmonieuze dans is voorbij. Tijdens een lezing over dans, voorafgaand aan de voorstelling, wordt benadrukt dat hedendaagse dans zich niet compulsief hoeft af te zetten tegen andere dansstromingen. Deze artistieke… 

Inertia and extreme duration make Ibrahim Quraishi's "Wild Life Take Away Station" a mysterious still life

Upon entering, Wild Life Take Away Station has been going on for four hours. Two performers - Diego Agulló and Ria Higler, a young man and an old woman - stroll through the Central Museum's project studio like drowsy zombies. They are pale and muscle-naked, apart from their weird slippers and wigs. The two lie sprawled across the sofa,... 

Springdance Journal: "Dutch dance is very well behaved compared to what we have seen here"

Our team agrees: Springdance really took off on Saturday. With Ibrahim Quraishi's installation 'Wildlife Take Away Station' for sure. Reviewer Daniel Bertina made his own recordings, which will appear in his review. And it was even more tasty for him at '(M)imosa. Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at The Judson Church (M).... 

Ruben Brugman interviewt Russel Maliphant over the Rodin Project

“I love it when movement moves people”, zegt de Britse choreograaf Russel Maliphant in dit interview na afloop van de voorstelling The Rodin Project. In de Hekmanfoyer van de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg voelde onze collega van de maker ven the Rodin Project aan de tand over zijn drijfveren. Interessant is wat Maliphant te zeggen heeft over het eerste deel van… 

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