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Ed Spanjaard is the ideal new leader of the Orchestra of the East

After it was announced in January this year that Jan Willem de Vriend was leaving at the end of the 2016/2017 season, the Orchestra of the East announced that it was in no hurry to find a successor. One would start working with "renowned guest conductors". Just over six months later, a few months before the departure of interim director Bart van Meijl, a successor was still presented. That this successor, Ed Spanjaard, is given the title of 'permanent conductor' seems mainly a semantic issue.

Nederlandse Reisopera, Orkest van het Oosten, Consensus Vocalis ánd 600 sing-alongs give lessons in the capital: connecting is how you do it!

Tight and razor-sharp? No. But that's not what this afternoon is about at all. Here the feast of singing together is celebrated, the end result being a performance of Handel's oratorio that you wouldn't want on CD, but which is of a surprisingly high standard and, above all, one you wouldn't have wanted to miss for the world. Much has been written about the problems... 

Theatersector: “Gemeenten, stop met bouwen van schouwburgen!”

Altijd fijn als iemand een commissie instelt die een oplossing moet bieden voor alle problemen. De Nederlandse theatersector heeft dat een paar maanden geleden gedaan. Onder leiding van oud-minister Guusje Ter Horst hebben Rinda den Besten (oud-wethouder Utrecht), Sadik Harchaoui (Forum) en Ryclef Rienstra (VandenEnde Foundation) onderzocht wat er allemaal beter kan in de relatie tussen het theater en het… 

Bussemaker: 'increase' subsidy paid for with artists' pensions

The second chamber was also keen to know what exactly Culture Minister Bussemaker meant by that 'cash shift'. After all, it was that cash shift with which she could festively announce that she would put an extra 18 million into culture, after 2017. In a letter to the chamber, the minister has now shown how creatively she can bookkeep. A few costs... 

No new merger orchestras, no merger Reisopera and Opera Zuid

Bussemaker invests 18 million in the arts and a symphony orchestra for pop and jazz added. It seems too good to be true. And so it is. Because in return for that one extra orchestra, two other orchestras will be cut. At least, that's how the minister's letter can easily be read. That's how I read it too, at least. Currently... 

Provincial millions for HET Symphony Orchestra evaporated without results

What happened to the five million Overijssel gave the orchestra in 2011 to 'get more money from the market'? This was also what councillor Van Abbema wondered, and the answers the province gave her mostly raise more questions. What is abundantly clear is that the province wants to keep the orchestra no matter what and of no merger 

Supervisory failure at HET Symphony Orchestra: drama that could have been avoided

The money at HET Symphony Orchestra has run out. Despite all the extra millions from the province and after years of writing off tons of general reserves, the end is in sight. And so the orchestra is scrapping concerts, will be seen less in theatres in Deventer and Zwolle, stops CD recordings and shuns any risky performances. To keep the... 

A mirror from the bench: 12 much-needed lessons for cultural marketers

Since the Amsterdam Uitmarkt is no longer run by the Uitburo but by a separate foundation, things have become a tad more commercial. The folder-fair-with-bands that has become the national opening of the cultural season over the past decades has to. The government has found art scary for a while now, usual suspects are pulling out as sponsors, and malaise is hitting... 

8 million for talent development, but 4 tough problems remain

Culture minister Jet Bussemaker can again make up for the cultural devastation caused by her predecessor Halbe Zijlstra. As promised earlier, money will be freed up for talent development. This was a demand of the chamber and a wish of the country. Are we happy? Of course. Although happy, there are also a few things that remain troublesome. [Tweet "1 Develop... 

‘Museumsector bruist van samenwerkingsinitiatieven’ maar wil het graag zelf blijven doen

Een enthousiast persbericht in tijden van zware tegenwind. Dat vraagt om nadere beschouwing. Afgelopen vrijdag werd een onderzoek gepresenteerd naar de stand van de samenwerking in de Nederlandse museumwereld. Samenwerken moet namelijk van minister Bussemaker en soort van de Raad voor Cultuur. Dus is het fijn dat het al ok gaat. Kunnen we weer met leuke dingen bezig gaan.

NRC doesn't count right: not 11, but at least 34 groups gone due to cuts

Volgens NRC Handelsblad werden de bezuinigingen op cultuur voor ‘slechts’ 11 theaterinstellingen fataal. Zij gaan hierbij uit van groepen die zichzelf daadwerkelijk opgeheven hebben. In hun overzicht zien zij echter de gezelschappen die zich vrijwillig hebben opgeheven door te fuseren met een ander gezelschap over het hoofd. Daarnaast zijn er een aantal instellingen die zichzelf al voor de nieuwe ronde hebben opgeheven, omdat al duidelijk was dat ze geen geld zouden krijgen. Rekenen we die wel mee, komen we op zeker 34 gezelschappen. Dat is nu al 25% van het aanbod van vóór de bezuinigingen.

Toename ‘wenskoppen’ in kunstnieuws rond subsidieaanvragen

De laatste mogelijkheden voor subsidieaanvragen voor de periode van 2013 en verder zijn vandaag gesloten. Er zijn talloze fusies aangekondigd, nieuwe samenwerkingen, opvallende verhuizingen (vooral Amsterdam loopt leeg). Veel kunstmedia brengen inmiddels ook nieuws over die plannen. Nieuws dat vaak als feit wordt gepresenteerd, terwijl het in bijna alle gevallen gaat om wensen. De aanvragen zijn nog minder dan ooit… 

Liverpool GGD saves millions on antidepressants thanks to local philharmonic

It saves Liverpool's GGD millions on dispensing antidepressants. And it only costs them a tonne and a half. They spend that much hiring Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra musicians for workshops in addiction clinics. No idealistic preaching, then, as in the countless columns and reactions to Halbes' cultural cut, but hard pecunia and proven effects. In England,... 

"Battle of the Orchestras" kicks off with name change Orchestra of the East Netherlands Symphony Orchestra

The Netherlands has a new orchestra: the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra. At least, new in name. The Orchestra of the East does not seem to be waiting for possible forced mergers, and is already claiming its position as the national orchestra outside the Randstad by means of this striking name change that was made public today before the start of a concert with the Jussen brothers.

Opinion: 'Let Joop van den Ende take classical ballet under his wing, merge Nederlands Dans Theater, Nationale Ballet and Scapino Ballet.'

It was predictable. Now that the Culture Council has given the secretary of state a go-ahead for massive and very deep cuts in dance, the first press releases are appearing with the outraged reactions. The National Ballet and Nederlands Dans Theater are aggrieved: 'How

Visitation Committee Dutch Orchestras turns heel: "Dear Mr Zijlstra, culture is an essential part of civilisation!"

“Geachte heer Zijlstra, cultuur is een wezenlijk onderdeel van beschaving. Het draagt bij aan sociale samenhang en economische groei. De Nederlandse orkesten kunnen een grote bijdrage leveren, wat overigens niet synoniem is met dat alles maar bij het oude moet blijven.” Anders dan de ‘Tafel van Zes’, het praatgroepje van zes kunstenbobo’s die in hun enthousiasme over een ingang bij… 

Rutteleaks 4 on orchestras: 'Mergers Brabants Orkest and Limburg Symphony Orchestra, Gelders Orkest and Orkest v.h. Oosten, Residentie Orkest and RphO'

Of course we are being horribly abused. By the coughing chain-smoker with his trench coat in that Hague car park. Is there a bigger plan behind it. Which again we know nothing about, but which will become clear on 23 May. So be it. Until then, we can do nothing but slavishly write down what the coughing oracle coughs at us. Well: We already knew that... 

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