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As gentle and intelligent as the very young dancers are handled, reactions to Boris Charmatz's 'Enfant' #HF12 are often wild.

Youth these days mostly evokes the thought of danger. Society suffers from a distorted ideal image that leaves real children little room to play. Eventually, therefore, they rebel in Enfant. But until then, the very young performers still mainly have the role of adjunct or capstone, complement or extension of the nine adult dancers. The new... 

In the wonderfully subtle The Speaker's Progress, Shakespeare's farce suddenly becomes a revolutionary weapon #hf12

Tight-lipped. Freshly cut. And with a beatific, apt voice, The Speaker - played by director Sulayman Al-Bassam - looks like a slick public relations man. Or better: a civilised Arab dictator with an Oxford degree. One of those who is supported by the West and deeply hated by his own people. He steps behind a lectern and narrates. Once upon a time,... 

Micha Hamel's Requiem is beautifully spatial but lacks substantive urgency #hf12

In his Requiem for tenor, narrator and ensemble, Micha Hamel makes the most of the space of Amsterdam's De Duif church. Musicians play on the altar, from the balconies, mingle among the audience and push out a piano. - But what does Hamel really want to say? In front of a sold-out house, Micha Hamel's Requiem premiered last night. He ... 

With Antony Hegarty and the Metropole Orchestra in a fairytale forest #hf12

Antony Hegarty gives away the layered and emotionally charged show Cut the World with his pianist and the Metropole Orchestra. He shows that it need not be an issue to present more of the same. Meanwhile, the audience imagines itself in the fairytale forest, eating out of his hand. It is not the first time the androgynous child-man Antony has... 

Hit in the heart by opening performance by Alain Platel, and then find solace. #hf12

At two-thirds, the lump shoots in to not go out until the end. It happens at every Alain Platèl performance. Heartfelt sobs from the audience, lots of swallowing around you and the inevitable tears welling up like a natural disaster. To call the Flemish choreographer's work predictable because of this is going too far. What he and his company Les... 

Final edition of Springdance closes convincingly with premiere of nonstop intense concert by Meyers, Sehgal and the REDUX ORCHESTRA

Voor de tweede keer tijdens Springdance delen artiesten en publiek het toneel van de Utrechtse Stadsschouwburg. REDUX ORCHESTRA speelt onder leiding van de componist Ari Benjamin Meyers diens Symphony X, een pulserend, up-beat (120 p/m) minimal werk. Toeschouwers, dirigent en musici – mag je hen nu gewoon muzikanten noemen? – gaan op in één grote, uiterst subtiele, participatoire choreografie van… 

Tino Sehgal and Ari Benjamin Meyers seek the most intense live experience possible at Springdance

Springdance sluit op 28 april af met een opmerkelijk dansconcert. Beeldend kunstenaar en choreograaf Tino Sehgal maakte een bewegingsstuk op muziek van componist Ari Benjamin Meyers, dat uitgevoerd wordt tussen het luisterende publiek. Het werk van Tino Sehgal is een goed bewaard geheim. Er zijn in ieder geval nauwelijks opnames van bekend. Tijdens het interview zegt Meyers daar het volgende… 

Rare and exceptional performance "Lang" by Kat Válastur knocks you out with wonder and sucks you into maelstrom

Kat Válastur claimed that it is almost impossible to describe the dynamics of her performance with words. She is right. It is rare skill how with only two dancers in one place, so much can be depicted and the audience is sucked into a maelstrom. In the small hall of Theatre Kikker, mechanical thuds sound and two giants appear in the middle of the stage. They turn out to be dancers:... 


Imaginative artwork SYLPHIDES looks at what moves people, starting with the breath

Elk festival smeekt om vrijwilligers en in de begindagen van Springdance waren er zelfs helemaal geen betaalde krachten. Dat zegt ook iets. Nu Springdance na dertig jaar gaat fuseren met Festival aan de Werf is het thema van deze laatste editie ‘scupltured bodies & body sculptures’. Bij SYLPHIDES is dit treffend van toepassing. “Hoe mensen bewegen interesseert mij niet, ik wil… 

Fragmentary first choreography by artist Martin Creed is non-committal, sketchy and lacks tension

"We've been working on some songs and dances," says visual artist Martin Creed, assisted by his five-piece band and five ballet dancers. In his fragmentary performance, Creed explores the relationships between the five basic positions from classical ballet, the bouncy off-beat rhythms of his post-rock band, and Creed's own video art. This is his first choreography and it shows. "Works No.... 

Ibrahim Quraishi's "My private Himalya" sparkles by omitting drama

A little tent allowed to play for sea anemone on dry land, its four legs perky in the air. Actors having a cup of tea and a game of cards. It all looks very innocent. What begins as a wonderful picture novel gradually grows into a rebus of considerable length. "My private Himalaya" is akin to a walking exhibition, with a wind machine.... 

Portuguese Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz make language move and their movements speak

Je hebt van die voorstellingen die je opmerkelijk eenvoudig en onnadrukkelijk een compleet eigen wereld binnenslepen. Voorstellingen waarin alles herkenbaar is. Woorden, beweging, decor. Alles even vertrouwd en huiselijk. Maar dan wordt er een tikje tegen gegeven. Patronen vervloeien. De taal staat op losse schroeven. Alles rammelt en raakt op drift. En toch klopt het. Voor je ogen en oren… 

In volatile and agonisingly slow "Untried Untested", childlike wonder at the laws of nature remains too distant

Wat is zwaartekracht? Wat is lucht? Wat is adem? In Untried Untested van choreograaf Kate McIntosh onderzoeken vier vrouwen met simpele middelen de magische werking van de natuur. Ze zijn gewapend met tientallen zwarte ballonnen, een kluwen scheepstouw, een handjevol veren, een paar zakken aardappels, windmachines en tl-lampen, een speelvloer van pakpapier. En hun eigen lichamen. Helaas blijft die verwondering… 

Jonge dansmakers ontmoeten elkaar en ontwikkelen talenten in reizende danswerkplaats Europe in Motion

 Europe in Motion is een reizend talentontwikkelingsprogramma en fungeert als ‘battleground’ en plek van ontmoeting voor jonge choreografen. Wat urgent is in dans, wordt een week lang besproken om dansmakers te stimuleren in hun artistieke ontwikkeling. Deze tweede editie, met partners Dance4 (Nottingham), iDans (Istanbul) en Imagetanz (Wenen), eindigt in Utrecht. Op Springdance was eerder dans uit high tech laboratoria in Israël (Batsheva Dance… 

Pure camp with tremendous theatrical intelligence in (M)IMOSA, in which four flamboyant drag queens vie for attention

Maniacally, she gallops across the stage, stomping like Michael Flatley on crack. Gravely thin and bare-chested, Marlene Monteiro Freitas tap-dances around. She squeezes her tits and pulls handfuls of (fake) hair from her scalp. "My name is Mimosa Ferrara," she panted menacingly, as her black leggings sag off her ass and linger just above the pubic area.... 

Twee jonge vrouwelijke choreografen vervullen belofte met Batsheva Dance Company tijdens Springdance Festival

Met twee voorstellingen, ”The Toxic Exotic Disappearance Act” en ”House” laat Batsheva Dance Company indrukwekkende, sublieme dansbeheersing zien en frisse dynamiek.  Maar ook onrust, zoeken en verwarring. Het tijdperk van happy, harmonieuze dans is voorbij. Tijdens een lezing over dans, voorafgaand aan de voorstelling, wordt benadrukt dat hedendaagse dans zich niet compulsief hoeft af te zetten tegen andere dansstromingen. Deze artistieke… 

Zelfs verstilde Ivo Dimchev maakt razende indruk met “I-on” tijdens openingsavond Springdance Festival

Ivo Dimchev is als performer zo snel en wreed in zijn schakelingen tussen botte bravoure, kinderlijke lol, erotische impertinenties en snijdende eenzaamheid, dat je er als toeschouwer normaliter niet meer tussen komt. Zodra Dimchev zijn publiek in de klauwen heeft, kan het hem alleen nog verbijsterd volgen.  “I-on” is opnieuw een ogenschijnlijk losse verzameling acties. Alles speelt zich af rond een… 

The Cultural Press Bureau goes full on for ten days with The Dodo at Springdance

 It may be a crisis and the cultural winds may also be blowing from the wrong right corner, but that doesn't stop The Dodo from flying. The festival day newspaper we launched two years ago as a new commercial product is ready for another 10 days of Springdance. We're going to review a lot of performances, and compare even more. And we're going to make a journal. It... 

'It felt a bit like the first time sex: way too direct, rushed, overactive and largely based on insecurity': Ivo Dimchev in battle with Franz West's wearable art

"What the fuck should I do with this?" was choreographer and performance artist Ivo Dimchev's (1976) first thought when confronted with the artworks of Austrian artist Franz West. After Dimchev's solo performance Some Faves (2010) in Vienna, West, a multi-awarded creator of bizarre sculptures and objects, sought contact with the choreographer. He asked him to make an improvised video based on his... 

EYE on the IJ - a spaceship with allure

Tonight the queen may officially open the new home of the EYE Film Institute Netherlands, last night director Sandra den Hamer did it herself in advance at an opening party for relations. In doing so, she spoke of a historic moment for film culture in the Netherlands. Seen from a distance, the building, conveniently referred to as "the new film museum", is most reminiscent of a... 

Too full or not too full at subsidy theatre

Hein Janssen (Volkskrant) wrote a column in response to a couple of performances with BN stars in the subsidised circuit in which he argued that subsidy was not meant for that. The association for actors thought this was reason enough for a debate. We made a short film to go with it. We formatted it in storify, a feature that allows you to put tweets and other social media messages together and... 

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