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Amersfoort, O Amersfoort. My cultural vision of lack

In een verloren uurtje de Cultuurvisie Amersfoort 2030 gelezen. Geen lectuur om op het puntje van je stoel te zitten, maar uitermate geschikt voor een treinreis. Ik ben het niet gewend om beleidsstukken te lezen. Het viel me op dat de toon van de Amersfoortse Cultuurvisie zelfverzekerd, doelgericht en vastbesloten was. Ferme taal. Geen ruimte voor twijfel. Ik vroeg me… 

This is what makes The Dead Society such a successful podcast: noise.

I treated myself to one of those noise-cancelling headphones. The thing produces anti-noise to filter out highway, refrigerator and air conditioning from my daily life. So that I can listen to podcasts better. Podcasts like The Dead Society's. In which I am reminded again how important background noise from highways, air conditioners and rustling trees is. Radio journalist Carine van Santen... 

Rozalie Hirs: "'parallel world [breathing]' is dreamlike musical landscape"

For centuries, scientists have seen connections between music and the ordering of the universe. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra took this as the starting point for its concert on 19 October in the Horizon series. A 'polyphonic cosmos' is being realised in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam. Peter Eötvös composed the organ concerto Multiversum for this, Rozalie Hirs wrote 'parallel world [breathing]'. Eötvös' piece is experiencing... 

Majid Karrouch: flowers, Dutch design and the Berber hijab

His work has been featured in renowned fashion magazines worldwide. Majid Karrouch is currently one of our international calling cards in the creative Industry. I sought him out in his studio, which is as extraordinary as the images he creates. SCENE 1: #Ont encounter A while ago, I was first introduced to the exceptional work of a hidden Moroccan-Dutch fashion talent via Instagram.... 

Lounging spectators at TivoliVredenburg (Photo: author)

Poets are the stars in blistering #Night17 (why edition 35 was the best)

Don't let the numbers fool you. Sales figures and print runs of poetry collections say absolutely nothing about the popularity of poetry in the Netherlands. This is not only clear from research. You can also conclude it simply from the fact that there is a Night of Poetry in the Netherlands. So on Saturday, 16 September, this phenomenon turned 35. Of the recent editions... 

Research shows: 96% of Dutch people are hopelessly idiotic (of poetry)

We like to be touched, we Dutch. And if we are not touched ourselves, we want to touch others. These are the two main reasons why people seek out poetry. This memorable fact has come to light thanks to research by Utrecht scientist Kila van der Starre. She will soon receive her PhD on a quantitative study into... 

Witte Corneliszoon De With. Schilderij van Abraham van Westerveld

Why it makes sense for Witte de With to be renamed

Goede timing blijft altijd lastig. Net nu de middenstand klaar staat voor het Sinterklaasseizoen maakt de Raad van Toezicht van Kunstencentrum Witte de With bekend dat de naam gaat veranderen. Die naam kwam ter discussie te staan in de golf van publieke opwinding over appropriatie, unionistische beelden en genoegdoening voor het slavernijverleden van Nederland. In eerste instantie leek het te… 

How intimate can choreography be? - Conny Janssen Danst celebrates anniversary with exhibition at Kunsthal

Conny Janssen Danst celebrates its 25th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the Kunsthal in Rotterdam will be stage and laboratory for Conny Janssen, her dancers and her team for three weeks. A video installation, performance, live rehearsals and an exhibition will portray the point at which the group has arrived on its development journey. Unorthodox "My start with the group 25 years ago was... 

Nog minder inkomen voor schrijvers. (wat je niet weet over de bezuinigende bieb)

Dat het slecht gaat met de bibliotheken, was al bekend. Maar in het nieuws daarover, op 27 juli openbaar gemaakt door RTL, zit nog iets verborgen dat de redactie zelf onderbelicht laat. Want wie betaalt het werkelijke gelag in de bezuinigingsoperatie? Inderdaad, de schrijvers. Dat regelen de bibliotheken met een simpele truc. Ze zeggen de huur op van hun eigen… 

It has been researched: culture sector almost succumbs to work pressure (Solution: go cycling in the library)

'I would love to have a human resources manager on staff, but yes, quite a shame.' Dixit the director of a medium-sized arts institution. As in the rest of the Dutch SME sector, in the arts sector personnel policy, or HR policy, is something that is at most done on the side. Anyone who has ever got it wrong can tell great stories about... 

Why it is beyond stupid of the NPO to move Radio Kunststof

Radio Kunststof is one of the most successful early-evening programmes on our national disaster channel Radio 1. That success is partly due to its great formula: a long conversation with a more or less well-known figure from the arts and media corner. However, much more important reason for that success is the broadcast time. Between seven and eight in the evening, very... 

Julia Wolfe: 'Anthracite Fields is a poetic reflection on the lives of miners'

American composer Julia Wolfe (1958) has a thing for the social history of her homeland. Steel Hammer reflects on the unequal struggle of man versus machine, as described in the folk ballad John Henry. Anthracite Fields zooms in on the hard life of miners in Pennsylvania. She won a Pulitzer Prize with it in 2015. The full-length oratorio is experiencing two July... 

Anna Woltz: ‘Ik vind normale mensen saai’

Op woensdag 21 juni worden de Zilveren Griffels, Zilveren Penselen en Paletten en de Vlag en Wimpels uitgereikt – de opmaat voor de de uitreiking van Het Gouden Penseel en Het Gulden Palet in september en de Gouden Griffel in oktober. Interview met de Gouden Griffel-winnares van vorig jaar, Anna Woltz, over schrijven, volwassen worden en de Griffels natuurlijk. Door Tijmen… 

‘We zouden nog De Groene Hand lezen!’ Hoe een 8-jarige ineens van het gamen geneest

A Quattro Mani’s pop-uprecente Afke Bohle ging de uitdaging aan om met haar oudste zoon een boek te lezen. Na het eerste deel in De Groene Hand-serie van Susan van ’t Hullenaar volgt al snel het tweede. En wat schetst haar verbazing: nu duurt het wachten op deel drie eigenlijk te lang… Mijn jongste zoon is dol op boeken, maar… 

Inclusive Dance Event Fontys Tilburg

Dancers don't want a second career! In search of the dance artist's 'transferable skills'.

Many dance students have a one-sided view of what a successful dance career entails. Namely: dancing with the dance company of your dreams, in a theatre, on a stage. This is what Ulrika Kinn Svensson, artistic advisor at the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg, tells Inclusive Dance Event. But because of the weak labour and income position, partly due to falling subsidies, that dream does not always come true. There is... 

Op zoek naar Carthago. Tekeningen van Elisa Pesapane in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

In de opdracht die kunstenares Elisa Pesapane kreeg van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden kwamen haar passies samen: tekenen, de oudheid, onderzoek en portret. Vanaf vandaag zijn er in het RMO twaalf tekeningen te zien over ‘le solitaire des ruines’: de militair ingenieur Jean Emile Humbert, op zoek naar de stad Carthago. Portret De Italiaans-Nederlandse kunstenares Elisa Pesapane (1977) is onder meer… 

How Heather Ware's language mistake led to an entire dance work courtesy of Bach

What does it mean for a dancer with an intense career when she decides to choreograph as well? March saw the premiere of Battle Abbey, Heather Ware's first full-length choreography in collaboration with Swedish cellist Jakob Korányi. Heather Ware, a dancer with LeineRoebana since 2003, embarked on the path to creating her own choreography without a plan.... 

Sheila Hicks, Escalade Beyond Chromatic Lands -2016-2017- Arsenal-End-wall

Venice Biennale emphasises soft forces in art

The 57th Venice Biennale brings the world together and the art world to Venice. This year, the biennial art event is bigger than ever. Here you will find out what is 'trending' in contemporary art. Everyone thinks something of this event and we live in a time when everything and everyone is held up against the yardstick: 'Have you been there?.... 

On being Jewish, acceptance and ambition: 8 life questions to Jonathan Safran Foer

He finds himself lazy and under-ambitious, and struggles with acceptance - of himself, of others, of the world. Because his grandparents had experienced the Holocaust, there was a taboo on being unhappy in his youth. Eight life questions to Jewish-American writer Jonathan Safran Foer. 'Between what I could do and actually do, there is a big gap.' 1.... 

Van Huntington tot Babylon: de 7 boeken die je in april zeker wilt lezen

Babylon Yasmina Reza Met haar roman Babylon won Yasmina Reza de prix Renaudot, na de prix Goncourt de belangrijkste literaire prijs van Frankrijk. Hoofdpersoon is de 62-jarige Elisabeth Jauze. Elisabeth is octrooirechercheur bij het Instituut Pasteur en leidt een bedaard leven met haar echtgenoot Pierre. In tegenstelling tot haar zus Jeanne, die sinds scheiding in seksuele avonturen verzeild raakt die… 

Art criticism in times of Facebook and Blendle. (A survival guide.)

In a discussion (on facebook, where else) about NRC Handelsblad's departure from Blendle, an editor of that newspaper made very disparaging remarks about a reader who had paid 30 cents for one of his articles. In a recent article on Frankwatching, an expert concluded that investigative journalism could only survive if we started subsidising newspapers.... 

Anyone can be a hero. Rachel van de Pol on saving the world (or at least a little bit)

Je kunt wel dromen van een betere wereld, maar waarom zou je niet zelf in actie komen? Journaliste Rachel van de Pol (33) besloot een jaar lang elke dag een goede daad te verrichten, van het vragen van een doggybag in een restaurant tot het lappen van de ramen van de buren of het uitdelen van ijsjes aan bouwvakkers op… 

Geert Viaene: 'Poetry is like a drug, I can't live without it'

He was belatedly gripped by poetry, but how: for Flemish poet and street musician Geert Viaene (1963), poetry has now become a condition of life. 'A chord has been struck that still can't stop vibrating.' From this late bloomer, who published on digital forum Het Gezeefde Gedicht (The Sifted Poem), the debut collection Eistijden was recently published. Viaene understands the art of being outspoken in... 

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