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'Give municipalities their own culture budget'. Interest groups put pressure on new election manifestos (and sort for BBB)

The creative sector is pushing for a major change in the arts subsidy system. This is evident from the lobbying documents (position papers and suggestions) sent to political parties' election programme writers. The largest and most important of these, the theatre boards (VSCD) and Kunsten 92, want the national government to give municipalities a clear and specific culture budget ('earmarked') from now on. By doing so, they want... 

Michiel1972, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

'Cabinet, reign on!', says Arts '92. How did it come to this?

Above all, we must continue with the favourable arts policy initiated by the fourth Rutte cabinet. That is what the arts umbrella organisation Kunsten ´92 says in a letter in response to the fall of the last cabinet under that name. This is a remarkable turn of events after 13 years in which most of the art world wanted nothing more than to get rid of the... 

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Colonial collections returned to Indonesia and Sri Lanka

The Netherlands is returning 478 cultural objects at the request of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. During the colonial period, these objects ended up in the Netherlands unjustly, through looting or coercion, for example. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) has decided on the return. In doing so, she follows the very first recommendations of the Colonial Collections Committee chaired by Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You. The works... 

National Archives,, inv. 154 (Caption: Register on the Rekwesten tot den uitvoer van Slaven van het Jaar 1834-1835)


Searching for information on persons who lived in slavery on Aruba and Sint Eustatius has become easier with the online posting of two indexes and corresponding scans of colonial archives. The indexes can be searched from 30 June on the website of the Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA) and on the website of the National Archives. In the index Aruba: slavery... 

Marianne Versteegh neemt afscheid - foto Cultuurpers

Arts sector yearns for freedom - Marianne Versteegh bids farewell to Kunsten'92 after 31 years, with rare inspiring symposium

Wie uit nieuwsgierigheid onderzoek wil doen, moet vooral niet bij de overheid aankloppen voor geld. Of je nu wetenschapper bent of kunstenaar: in Den Haag wil men graag dat je van tevoren al weet wat je gaat vinden en wat dat gaat opleveren. Anoek Nuyens, die furore maakt met haar voorstelling ‘De Zaak Shell’, kon daarom een volgende voorstelling over… 

‘ZZP’ers tijdens corona vooral in de steek gelaten door grote structureel gesubsidieerde kunstinstellingen.’

“De coronacrisis legt een aantal zwaktes van de culturele en creatieve sector bloot. In deze meest geflexibiliseerde sector van de economie is de flexibele schil tijdens de coronacrisis een gemakkelijke bezuinigingsoptie gebleken. Daardoor hebben zzp’ers deels hun heil moeten zoeken buiten de culturele en creatieve sector en keren zij mogelijk niet meer terug.” Wat we al hoorden, zagen en wisten… 

Organic dairy farm

Art knows all about symbols, so bring on those sustainable symbol politics!

"The easiest gain is then to produce less. Because high production implies a lot of energy and material use, travel movements and other forms of impact." Last week, the Council for Culture's long-awaited opinion on sustainability was released, and sooner than I could click 'open', all was set. Came all because of the above sentence, which, mentioned in... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

'Peace, trust and continuity central to cultural subsidies'

Eerlijke beloning, vertrouwen in de culturele sector en minder administratieve lasten horen tot de belangrijkste uitgangspunten voor de culturele subsidieperiode 2025 – 2028. Staatssecretaris Uslu (Cultuur en Media) wil hiermee de komende jaren zoveel mogelijk rust brengen in de sector. Ook pakt ze een aantal knelpunten aan, bijvoorbeeld bij de jeugdpodiumkunsten. Zij volgt grotendeels het advies op van de Raad… 

© Twycer /

Strong push needed to make cultural sector more sustainable

Sustainability and culture can reinforce each other, but a strong impetus is needed to accelerate the sustainability of the cultural sector. So says the Culture Council's advisory report 'Culture Naturally'. The advice is addressed to the culture sector as well as to municipalities, provinces, the state culture funds and the most concerned departments. The council advocates more cooperation on... 

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Freelancers and Media Monitor 2023: Rates of freelance journalists and photographers lag behind inflation

De tarieven van freelance journalisten, schrijvers en fotografen zijn de afgelopen acht jaar nauwelijks veranderd. De betaling per woord is in 2023 nog altijd rond de 35 cent, het uurtarief komt neer op gemiddeld 61 euro en de betaling per foto op 60 euro. Gecorrigeerd voor inflatie zijn de tarieven zelfs gedaald. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de Nederlandse Vereniging… 

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14 June Action Day Screenwriters Everywhere: Dutch screenwriters and directors in solidarity with striking US colleagues

Op 14 juni 2023 sluiten het Netwerk Scenarioschrijvers van de Auteursbond en de Dutch Directors Guild zich aan bij de wereldwijde actiedag Screenwriters Everywhere. Hiermee steunen we de 11.500 leden van de Writers Guild of America West en Writers Guild of America East, die sinds 2 mei staken. Er zijn acties gepland in meer dan 20 landen. Scenarioschrijvers in de… 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Streaming services to invest 5% turnover in Dutch productions

Major streaming services operating in the Netherlands will start investing 5% of their Dutch annual turnover in Dutch productions. The House of Representatives has agreed to a bill by state secretary Gunay Uslu (Culture and Media). Thanks to this investment, more money will be available for making Dutch offerings. With this measure, state secretary Uslu wants to ensure that enough... 

cover report Shadow Dancing

Border crossing in the dance world: excellent research leaves out elephant in the room

Dansen, van superamateur tot wereldklasse professioneel, gaat gepaard met grensoverschrijding, machtsmisbruik, fysieke aanslagen en seksueel wangedrag dat in stand wordt gehouden door een hardnekkige zwijgcultuur. Het langverwachte onderzoek door Marjan Olfers, ‘Schaduwdansen’, naar grensoverschrijding in de danswereld, had nog schokkender resultaten dan iedereen vooraf vreesde. De cijfers zijn inmiddels genoegzaam bekend: een meerderheid van de dansers heeft grensoverschrijdend gedrag aan… 

Elon Musk's exploding rocket

What the Culture Council can learn from Elon Musk

Nieuws van de Raad voor Cultuur: ‘De vier teams ontwikkelden diverse bouwstenen, die ze verder geconcretiseerd hebben. Daarnaast hebben de teams elkaars ideeën getest en verrijkt. Aan het eind van de dag presenteerden ze aan de hand van visualisaties hun bouwstenen aan leden van de raad.’ Dit citaat is, met de titel ‘Laatste bijeenkomst designteams nieuw cultuurbestel‘ afkomstig van de… 

Susan Neiman (Image provided by Publisher Lemniscaat)

Susan Neiman: 'I see the woke as people with good intentions and confused theory'

'People who consider themselves traditionally on the left don't want to criticise woke because they are afraid they are aiding and abetting the right, and they certainly don't want that. And yet they feel that there is something wrong, something not really left-wing about woke discourse. That's what I'm trying to untangle.... 

orchestra playing in a dutch modern neighbourhood, plain clothes, civil servants looking on

IN PERSPECTIVE 16: The Giro d 'Italia and how the Promenade Orchestra lost.

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: walk of the orchestras. In the Hall of Mirrors January 1980, the Hall of Mirrors in the Concertgebouw. Culture minister Til Gardeniers accepts the report "Possession in service" 1 presented by the Federation of Artists' Associations. I found it exciting because the report, commissioned by... 

young creators (source: Council for Culture)

YoungMakersPlatform: Sustainability requires collaboration

De leden van het JongeMakersPlatform van de Raad voor Cultuur voelen een verantwoordelijkheid om zelf bij te dragen aan verduurzaming, maar wijzen er ook op dat verduurzaming iets is wat structureel moet worden opgepakt. Dat bleek tijdens een gesprek met de raad over dit onderwerp. De makers vertelden over hoe zij er in hun maakpraktijk en leven rekening mee proberen… 

Wilbert Mutsaers. image provided by Council for Culture

Wilbert Mutsaers appointed as member of the Council for Culture

De heer Wilbert Mutsaers wordt benoemd als lid van de Raad voor Cultuur. De ministerraad heeft daarmee ingestemd op voorstel van staatssecretaris Uslu van Cultuur en Media. De benoeming gaat in op 1 mei 2023 voor een periode van vier jaar. Mutsaers studeerde Communicatiewetenschap aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en was tot voor kort Head of Music bij Spotify Benelux.… 


Belangenverstrengeling in de cultuursector heeft gevolgen voor Hoe zit dat eigenlijk bij subsidies?

Dit weekend kwam Mariëtte Hamer met een stevige aanbeveling voor het meldpunt De club waar grensoverschrijdend gedrag binnen de kunst- en mediawereld gemeld kan worden was zelf in opspraak geraakt. De voorzitter had bijvoorbeeld als partner van de bij NOS Sport in opspraak geraakte Tom Egbers niet handig gereageerd op die ophef. Het droeg niet bij aan het vertrouwen… 

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Culture Council issues opinion on cultural funding application process

The application process for cultural subsidies from the state could be simpler and clearer. The sector would also benefit from a less non-committal assessment of applicable codes of conduct around fair practice, good governance and diversity and inclusion. This demands something from institutions, but it also ensures a more future-proof and resilient sector. This is stated in an opinion by the Council for Culture 

What Lies Beneath - photo Niels Knelis Meijer

The future is moving, the question is: how?

When the difference between the performer during the performance and afterwards is at least a thick metre, you know you are dealing with a great artist. Australian dancer Olympia Kotopoulos is a great artist, because on stage she fills the space, while in real life she barely counts one and a half metres. Art is, literally, larger than life.... 

Source: Rijksmuseum. CCO

'Drawing lots for subsidy might be fairer': listen to podcast with Renée Steenbergen and Ellen Hardy

'We have had the Top Income Standardisation Act since 2013. That means that in the semi-public sector, the highest in an organisation are not allowed to earn above a certain standard. There are conductors who earn as much in the evening as the entire orchestra costs. That, of course, is bizarre. Then I always wonder how it is that they can escape the dance.' This... 

Artwork at TFAF 2023. Photo by author

TEFAF 2023: is the art world still about art? 

Every year, the most important collectors, the museums with the greatest buying power, the best art dealers and the people with lots of disposable income head to Maastricht to look at and (dis)buy art at art fair TEFAF. The champagne flows, designer bags dangle from every shoulder, and over a tart imported from Paris, or an oyster, a decision is made whether to buy a... 

Culture Council deploys design power for renewal of cultural system

The Culture Council will be given room to elaborate on the renewal of the cultural system from 2029. State Secretary Uslu of Culture and Media has asked the council to issue its advice on this before the end of this year. "As a council, we cannot wait to take up this question together with the sector. To that end, we have now launched an innovative... 

Debate point during the Authors' Union's symposium on diversity. flnr: Gustaaf Peek, shariff Nasr, Canan Marasligil and Chris Kelemand

Dare to ask. 4 lessons in diversity&inclusion for the Authors' Association

Diversity is a fact, inclusion an act. Simple statement, if you come upon it, and Jenny Mijnhijmer, actress and writer, came upon it. She was asked during the pandemic to chair a committee for the Authors' Association to figure out how that advocacy group for writers could become more inclusive and diverse. She didn't really feel like doing that at all. After all, we already talk... 

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