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Christiaan Pieter van Eeghen, Henriette de Vries (1877-1942), 1890 - Amsterdam Museum Collection

Amsterdam Museum presents exhibition on urban renovator Van Eeghen

The Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will host the exhibition The Amsterdam of Piet van Eeghen: How a merchant changed the city from 29 March to 30 June 2024. The nineteenth-century businessman and philanthropist Van Eeghen left his art collection to the city and is now part of the Amsterdam Museum's collection.... 

After the End

A performance by Marmoucha featuring the dynamic duo of The Pig Factory, Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni. In a world of shadows and contrasts, Christiaan and Ali, each coloured by their own beliefs, are diametrically opposed. Their life experiences and circumstances have shaped their views and behaviour. Theatre-makers Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni take on a refreshingly outspoken and entertaining... 

Fourth edition of exhibition Collecting The City: Stories about Heron Forest, The Seafront and Museum around the Corner

From 23 February 2024 to 5 January 2025, a new edition of Collecting the City will be on show at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. For the fourth time, museum and city join forces to bring stories of Amsterdam into the limelight. This time, the participating partners are Kazerne Reigersbos, Ongekend Zeedijk and Museum om... 

Drie voorstellingen van en bij ZID Theater in de Amsterdamse Kolenkitbuurttijdens het Nationaal Theaterweekend op 26, 27 en 28 januari 2024

ZID Theater maakt multidisciplinaire voorstellingen met heel diverse talenten, en is tegelijkertijd ookeen podium voor deze voorstellingen en voor producties van andere, gelijkgestemde makers. Wehebben daarom besloten om voor de tweede keer onze deuren te openen voor het landelijkeNationaal Theaterweekend. Wat kunt u bij ZID zien? Op vrijdag 26 januari (20.00 uur): de première van twee voorstellingen: Circles van Issam… 

Access to culture; Towards a new system in 2029

People do not have equal access to culture in the Netherlands. This is because the supply of culture varies greatly from region to region. Also, artists or cultural institutions do not yet have an equal chance of financial support everywhere. There are calls for change from the cultural and creative field. Therefore, at the request of the State Secretary for Culture and Media on 26 January, the Council for Culture... 

Cinedans FEST '24

Cinedans bestaat 20 jaar! De jubileumeditie Cinedans FEST ’24 vindt plaats van 20 tot en met 24 maart in Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam én online van 20 tot en 31 maart op Cinedans WEB.Vijf dagen lang staat Eye in het teken van de internationale dansfilm met bijzondere highlights en premières, waaronder de komst van special guest Celia Rowlson-Hall die een… 

ICK: We, The Eyes, Maubeuge Alex Avgud

Dutch tour WE, the EYES

In the compelling performance WE, the EYES, dancers, together with virtuoso percussionists and experimental hip-hop/soul/jazz artist Pink Oculus, search for a new way of seeing. In a force field of mesmerising projections, seductive vocals, rousing beats and inspired dance, a new perspective is emerging. The performers start from the dark, forcing them to engage other senses.... 

scene photo the Silence, photo by Hans Gerristen

Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence

Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger. Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, so pristine was it.The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.Discovery was a breeze. Every touch... 

Trippenhuis Talks - Museum dialogues: soul-searching in art, science and religion

Is there anything to be said from science about the existence of the soul? And how is soul expressed in the visual arts? On Thursday 22 February, we will take you on a quest for historical views on the soul and its more current meanings. It promises to be a multifaceted evening not to be missed! This... 

Thérèse Cornips Stipendium – Dien nu je aanvraag in!

Ben jij schrijver van literair werk, literair vertaler en / of toneelschrijver? Dan kun je nu een aanvraag indienen voor het Thérèse Cornips Stipendium. Jaarlijks worden één of meerdere stipendia beschikbaar gesteld.   Hoogte stipendium Het Thérèse Cornips Stipendium bedraagt jaarlijks max. € 12.500. Dit bedrag kan verdeeld worden over meerdere projecten. Welke projecten komen in aanmerking? Een activiteit, of reeks… 

GvNH campaign image


It is time for new faces and stories that reflect the diversity of North Holland. On Monday 5 February 2024, the Frans Hals Museum and Amsterdam Museum's portrait contest will be launched. This contest - which calls on creators with and without experience to capture residents of North Holland - aims to show the diversity of the province... 

PR image asko|schönberg

Asko|Schönberg, Katrien Baerts, David Kweksilber in Roots & Grooves: 25 January - Muziekgebouw

Asko|Schönberg, with expressive soprano Katrien Baerts and versatile clarinettist David Kweksilber, brings music from the streets to the concert hall. On Thursday 25 January, four different pieces will be featured during Roots & Grooves. Folk music served as inspiration for John Adams' clarinet concerto. So did Leoš Janáček/Tim Mulleman's Moravian folk songs. For the spectacular Gougalōn, Unsuk Chin was inspired by the... 

Boulevard on the Parade

Boulevard theatre festival returns to city centre for good with 40th edition

In August, Theatre Festival Boulevard returns to the city centre of 's-Hertogenbosch. After three wonderful years in the Zuiderpark, the festival heart returns to the Parade. For the past three years, Boulevard built its festival heart in the Zuiderpark, with an annex on the Parade and performances right across the city. The renovation of Theater aan de Parade and the, by the... 

WAKA - Shonen / Éric Minh Cuong Castaign

Company Shonen & Waka Starz present:WAKA

Op 9 februari komt de grensverleggende voorstelling WAKA naar Nederland. WAKA biedt een levendig portret van de Oegandese jongeren van “Waka Starz” die vastbesloten zijn om deel uit te maken van de opmars van de wereld. Tijdens de voorstelling word je meegenomen naar Wakaliga, een arme buurt in de hoofdstad van Oeganda, waar de Waka Starz opgroeiden. Racheal M, rijzende… 

image Headwinds

Premiere dance performance Tegenwind van de Stilte with Artvark saxophone quartet in Chassé theatre Breda

On Sunday 14 January at 3pm, the dance and music performance Tegenwind will premiere at the Chassé theatre in Breda, a family performance for everyone aged 7 and above. Tegenwind is the sequel to the successful collaboration of dance company de Stilte and Artvark saxophone quartet in the production Bosch in Bed. Anyone listening to Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan will hear a song... 


Festivals full of theatre, dance and music from the comfort of your own living room

ITA, HOLLAND FESTIVAL AND NDT PRESENT BIBERATING PROGRAMS ONLINE, IN DIGITAL THEATER International Theatre Amsterdam, Holland Festival and Nederlands Dans Theater will present groundbreaking programmes online, in the Digital Theatre, during the Christmas holidays. In order to connect makers, companies and (inter)national visitors, the initiators choose a programme during the Christmas holidays. The ideal period to be together, to feel... 

Amsterdam Museum visible on all fronts by 2023

In 2023, the Amsterdam Museum was visible physically and digitally in a variety of places, both at its locations on the Amstel and Huis Willet-Holthuysen and in the form of a multi-part documentary series, a new digital platform and programming with partners. The museum's exhibitions and public programmes attracted nearly 190,000 physical visitors at both locations, plus over 850,000 visitors on the... 

pr image Alum

Theatre group Alum creates show about Jan Pieterszoon Coen's legacy

Premiere: 23 December 2023, Theater Kikker, Utrecht Utrecht - After the success of 'Ik zeg toch Sorry' (selected for the Dutch Theatre Festival), Aluin will present a zeitgeist comedy this Christmas. In theatre group Aluin's new show Dit is van Ons, the deeds of J.P. Coen and all his influences are denounced again, anno 2023. This performance... 

PR image The Utility

The NUT presents in collaboration with Podium Hoge Woerd: 12 Good intentions

12 grapes. 12 courses. 12 wishes for the new year. Utrecht, 6 December 2023 - It was a busy year for the NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), which included their already tenth summer performance on location in Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht. However, it is not the only tradition the NUT faithfully continues, as in January 2024 they will return... 

The Artists Are Present: Rebellious bodies, empowering moves, fluid identities, collective movement: 13 to 15 December theatre Frascati

The Artists Are Present is ICK Dance Amsterdam's festival in which a new generation of artists present themselves to the public and share the floor with each other. From 13 to 15 December, young dance and performance makers take you on an exciting voyage of discovery in a dynamic programme of performances, unexpected pop-up presentations and conversations. .The short December days... 

Partners Faces of North Holland. photo: Francoise Bolechowski

Amsterdam Museum presents programme for 2024

In 2024, the Amsterdam Museum has several exhibitions on the agenda, both in the building on the Amstel and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen. Among other things, 2024 will focus on the role of women in our collections, the significance of Piet van Eeghen for the history of Amsterdam and 400 years of the connection between Amsterdam and New York. New in... 

The Romeo - Orpheas_Emirzas

First performances Holland Festival 2024 announced

Ticket sales start on 28 November for the first four performances for the 77th edition of the Holland Festival. 11,000 Saiten ('11,000 strings') by composer Georg Friedrich Haas is a spectacular sound experience in Amsterdam's Gashouder, by fifty pianists and the ensemble Klangforum Wien. Choreographer Trajal Harrell returns with The Romeo, his new large-scale dance performance. The Bird of... 

Poster of Dancing Strings Festival 2023, organised by Marmoucha Orchestra and Dancing Strings.

Dancing Strings Festival 2023 | 24, 25 & 26 November

Enter the world of 'Dancing Strings'. Together with Marmoucha, Dancing Strings Festival brings together the world's most enchanting stringed instruments, with a focus on the ancient and masterful 'ud. The festival takes audiences on a musical journey where the 'ud shines as a solo instrument but also as an integral part of various line-ups featuring stringed instruments from different cultures. The festival's programme consists of five parts each evening. The composers will play their own works and be accompanied by the Marmoucha Orchestra. These works have been arranged by Ardashes Aghosian.

November Music 2023-Bosch Requiem-AartStrootman-Jostijn Ligtvoet Photography

November Music 2023 successful

With Fuse's rousing final concert, November Music 2023 came to an end on Sunday 12 November. Twelve days of versatile new music featured contemporary composed works, choral music, electro-jazz, Arabic maqam, musical theatre and much more. Bosch Requiem 2023 composed by Aart Strootman, John Zorn and all the concerts by Maya Fridman were highlights. Our thanks... 

© Kurt Van der Elst, scene photo Rhapsody

Dutch premiere Rhapsody - The musicality of grinding minds

LOD muziektheater in coproductie met Asko|Schönberg23/11 Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw26/11 Breda, Chassé Theatert/m 22/2 diversie theaters in België De Belgische acteur Josse De Pauw en componist Frederik Neyrinck laten zich inspireren door de televisieserie Van de schoonheid en de troost van Wim Kayzer. ‘Vertel me wat dit leven de moeite waard maakt’, daarmee opende Wim Kayzer het gesprek met kunstenaars, wetenschappers en filosofen in zijn legendarische televisieserie Van de… 

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