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Celebrate art in times of gloom. #tfboulevard

Openingsspeeches. Elk festival heeft er een. Of twee. Je moet er doorheen. Als gast, maar ook als gastgever. Er zou iets op gevonden moeten worden. Natuurlijk moet er een punt gemaakt worden, een vlag gehesen, een champagneflesknal ingeleid. En ook moeten de sponsoren bedankt worden. In deze tijden van een zich terugtrekkende overheid zijn dat er elk jaar meer. En… 

No man can escape Nottrots Thundering Time. (Theatre with built-in escaperoom)

'Can I ask you: do you know what time is?' Greg Nottrot's question could not be more straightforward, as I am the only spectator. MIjn spot is uncomfortable: a chair sinking into fresh gravel on the curious Utrecht plain christened 'Berlinplein' by city developers. I witness an early rehearsal of De Denderende Tijd. In that... 

On aliens, being alone and (too) much feeling: 9 life questions to rapper Typhoon

When he was given a car to play with as a child, you wouldn't hear or see him all day. Because he does love people and likes to perform, but off-stage rapper Glenn de Randamie (32), aka Typhoon, prefers to be by himself. Then he has peace, humour and creativity for ten. 'The more alone I... 

Nog minder inkomen voor schrijvers. (wat je niet weet over de bezuinigende bieb)

Dat het slecht gaat met de bibliotheken, was al bekend. Maar in het nieuws daarover, op 27 juli openbaar gemaakt door RTL, zit nog iets verborgen dat de redactie zelf onderbelicht laat. Want wie betaalt het werkelijke gelag in de bezuinigingsoperatie? Inderdaad, de schrijvers. Dat regelen de bibliotheken met een simpele truc. Ze zeggen de huur op van hun eigen… 

So you'll never leave Den Bosch again (why holidays in your own country can be fun)

Would like your interpretation of the cover girl's look on the Theatre Festival Boulevard programme book. It may be projection, but I see a slightly overwhelmed desperation in those eyes, whose eyebrows have been replaced by two playfully placed arches of St John's, above: Den Bosch on my mind. Where to start, mostly. In the book, especially abundance. Glassily designed... 

'World-famous outside the Netherlands'. Top piece of 'veduta painting' to Amersfoort

Het Amersfoortse Museum Flehite heeft bij Christie’s in Londen de gouache (een met dekkende waterverf gemaakt schilderij) Gezicht op Amersfoort van de 17de-eeuwse schilder Caspar van Wittel aangekocht. De aankoopprijs voor dit Amersfoortse kopstuk was inclusief heffingen ruim 200.000 euro. Van Wittel werd in Amersfoort geboren en vertrok na een leertijd bij Withoos op 21-jarige leeftijd naar Italië, waar hij als… 

Beyond the breasts? Recap Game of Thrones 7 episode 1 'Dragonstone' (Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!)

If you're reading this, I assume you know what Game of Thrones is. Who Daenerys Targaryen is, and Jaime Lannister and Sansa Stark. Ramsay Bolton? We are never going to talk about that again. Nor am I going to explain that it is one of the most successful TV series of all time, based on the book series 'A Song of... 

Hier word je gegarandeerd vrolijk van. Hoe kunstenaarscollectief toyisme al 25 jaar blijft verrassen

Ze bestaan al 25 jaar maar bruisen alsof ze gisteren zijn opgericht. Met de creatie van een kunstwerk bij vliegveld Eelde – vanaf vandaag live te volgen – én exposities op 25 locaties in en rondom Groningen vieren de kunstenaars van het internationale kunstenaarscollectief toyisme hun jubileum. Eigenzinnig, origineel en geëngageerd zijn misschien wel de belangrijkste kenmerken van dit internationale… 

Why in Watou everything takes on a different meaning (and it's not even because of the beer)

An Arts Festival has taken place in an insignificant corner of West Flanders every summer since 1980. It smells like hops and a growing number of visitors come from the Netherlands. What is Watou's secret? How on earth does a hole of 2,000 inhabitants, which barely appears on your car navigation, end up with an Kunstenfestival that rules the village for two whole summer months every year?.... 

The new theatre system is just about finished. Only seven 'dilemmas' remain.

[This post was already online under the title 'Save us from the Transition Office', but has been modified in a few details] While you are preparing for a well-deserved holiday, people in the arts sector are working on a new model. That new model is needed because the old model is no longer adequate. That old model, and we are of course talking about our... 

Reinbert de Leeuw conducts Kurtág on historic CD box set

The three-part CD box set of choral and ensemble works by György Kurtág is, in a word, overwhelming. His soul-transcending sounds are sublimely interpreted by Reinbert de Leeuw et al. The recording, too, is impeccable. This box set is already historic, a monument to the Hungarian grandmaster, who turned 91 last February. Kurtág's existentialist music was played in our country as early as the mid-1970s,... 

D66 votes against culture. Power games make distance from voter unbridgeable

Perplexity all round. How could D66 possibly vote against a minimal repair of the draconian cultural cuts of both Rutte cabinets? After all, only ten million is involved. That while party leader Alexander Pechtold, as culture spokesman, has been hammering on for an extra 10 million in every meeting over the past year. But exactly that happened last night. During the campaign, D66 went much further: from... 

Just a Guest is justified summer hit: listening always makes people interesting

I held my heart. Patrick Nederkoorn and Oscar Kocken had been tempted by television to bring their brilliant gem 'Zomaargasten' over to the living room. NPO3 still. The channel targeting millennials. I had visions of channel managers, dramaturgs, audience specialists and gussied-up boys and girls well over forty that these two little artists would... 

Waarom David Lang een sprookje koppelt aan de Matthäus-Passion

Een passie wijden aan een sprookjesfiguur? De Amerikaanse componist David Lang draait er zijn hand niet voor om. Hij baseerde zijn koorwerk the little match girl passion op een sprookje van Hans Christian Andersen. Donderdag 6 juli wordt het uitgevoerd door het Nederlands Kamerkoor in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Het concert vormt onderdeel van de Koorbiënnale en wordt verlevendigd… 

It has been researched: culture sector almost succumbs to work pressure (Solution: go cycling in the library)

'I would love to have a human resources manager on staff, but yes, quite a shame.' Dixit the director of a medium-sized arts institution. As in the rest of the Dutch SME sector, in the arts sector personnel policy, or HR policy, is something that is at most done on the side. Anyone who has ever got it wrong can tell great stories about... 

Especially for our subscribers: the great Holland Festival 2017 e-book

Het voordeel van een lidmaatschap als abonnee van Cultuurpers is natuurlijk vooral dat we kunnen bestaan dankzij jou. Zo blijft ons onafhankelijke geluid hoorbaar, zo krijg je de duiding van het nieuws zoals je die nergens anders krijgt. In juni zijn in totaal 14 auteurs voor je op pad gegaan om zoveel mogelijk voorstellingen te zien van het Holland Festival.… 

Why it is beyond stupid of the NPO to move Radio Kunststof

Radio Kunststof is one of the most successful early-evening programmes on our national disaster channel Radio 1. That success is partly due to its great formula: a long conversation with a more or less well-known figure from the arts and media corner. However, much more important reason for that success is the broadcast time. Between seven and eight in the evening, very... 

Mantra (II) Stockhausen with middle finger raised is highlight #HF17

Smoothly they descend the stairs of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Lucas and Arthur Jussen are dressed to kill. With their fussy-cut, see-through costumes, they have already won their first battle before they have even played one note of Karlheinz Stockhausen's Mantra. Not only in their outfits, but also in their quirky playing, the young pianists show guts. Lovely, such a... 

Mantra (I): Pushing for Jussen brothers swaying Stockhausen #HF17

Lucas and Arthur Jussen are 'hot'. You could call the young piano brothers the headliner of this Holland Festival Proms. Well before the start of their concert, visitors are therefore already gathering in the corridors around the main hall of the Concertgebouw. Everyone is out for a good seat. To sit, because standing, as we know it from... 

I had a perfect near-death experience in the Amsterdam theatre #HF17

Soms heb je niet heel veel woorden nodig voor een mooi verhaal. Vaak vergen weinig woorden ook meer inspanning dan veel woorden. Dat idee wist Blaise Pascal ooit te munten. Gisteren, op de voorlaatste dag van het zeventigste Holland Festival, werd de stelling op een andere, onverwachte manier kracht bijgezet. Het Australische Back to Back Theatre vertelde het verhaal van… 

Thriller writer Jo Nesbø: 'Harry Hole is a very intense character'

Hij is een getormenteerde, eenzelvige en tegendraadse kerel, maar ook een van de beste rechercheurs die het politiecorps van Oslo rijk is. En: een zeer geliefd personage. Harry Hole is terug, in de nieuwe thriller De dorst van Jo Nesbø. Of het interview een paar uur later kan, want hij heeft last van een jetlag. De populaire Noorse bestsellerauteur Jo… 

Setan Jawa, Garin Nugroho.

This is why Setan Jawa was such a special highlight of the Holland Festival #HF17

Setan Jawa is the latest film by prominent Indonesian director Garin Nugroho (b. 1961). It is a 'silent' film, shot in black and white by Teoh Gay Hian. It was shown at the Muziekgebouw aan t IJ during the Holland Festival last weekend. The music to the film is played live by Rahayu Supanggah Gamelan Orchestra and the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra. Inspired... 

Why it's good that the Holland Festival gets this general manager #HF17

Annet Lekkerkerker is one of the few women in the cultural sector for whom the glass ceiling is no longer an obstacle. That she is now, after several years as 'business director', formally becoming top woman of the country's most important performing arts festival is wonderful for more reasons. She is not only the first woman at that high position. Her appointment also makes clear why... 

Forbidden Music Regained: web archive of persecuted composers

On Wednesday 20 June, Kajsa Ollongren launched the Forbidden Music Regained website at the Uilenburgersjoel in Amsterdam. The capital's deputy mayor and alderman for culture quoted astronaut Neil Armstrong, calling the project 'a giant step for mankind'. She continued, "The website is also important for the city of Amsterdam, because we cannot and must not forget what happened in our city seventy years ago. 

MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst

For this one moment, you won't want to miss MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst

You can think of several reasons to go and see MIRROR MIRROR by Conny Janssen Danst at the RDM Submarine Wharf. But there is one in particular. Conny Janssen Danst is back in a former submarine hangar in Rotterdam with MIRROR MIRROR. That shed is located on the waterfront near the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and an Innovation Lab. An industrial setting that also returns... 

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