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Nieuws over evenementen en festivals, gesteund door de sector maar inhoudelijk onafhankelijk. Meer weten:

Jan Martens in Utrecht: bravado, unintended honesty and unabashed desire

While Jan Martens' latest work, The Common People (2016), was at Amsterdam's Stadschouwburg last weekend, Utrecht's Theater Kikker is showing two older hits this week: Sweat Baby Sweat (2011) and The dog days are over (2014). Sweat and Dogdays are blockbusters and have already toured the world. At Kikker, they can now be seen as part of a... 

Beef heart ragout and handshake. Cultural capital reinvents church service

Misschien is God dood, maar Zijn kerk leeft. In elk geval in Denemarken. Dat heeft te maken met wat je de Deense geloofsparadox zou kunnen noemen: een sterk geseculariseerde samenleving met een Lutherse Folkekirke (=Volkskerk) die door een grote meerderheid van de bevolking wordt gesteund [hints]De Amerikaanse socioloog Phil Zuckerman heeft over dit aspect van Denemarken (en ook een beetje… 

7 reasons why you should invest in Holland Festival 2017 #hf17

Ruth Mackenzie has achieved an enormous amount in the short time she has been boss of Holland Festival. I've experienced the festival now since the late 1990s and watched it evolve from something very personal and sometimes obscure (under Ivo van Hove), to an ethereal feast of sizzling aesthetics (with Pierre Audi), to what it... 

German couple collected unique jewellery in Danish Design #Aarhus2017

Delicate petals, tough links, a denim collar. You can't dream it up or Danish designers have designed them in silver as jewellery. Thousand Jewels offers an overview of Danish design from the twentieth century. Among them are internationally renowned designers and silversmiths, such as Georg Jensen (not only jewellery but also silver tableware), Kaj Bojesen (not only silver but also... 

All about Nothing. Danish premiere of youth opera Intet by David Bruce

From a country where a giraffe is dissected for children as a holiday attraction, you don't have to expect a sugary pink Disney opera. And so Intet (= Nothing) is not. Think Lord of the Flies, place of action: a peaceful Danish village. Also think Søren Kierkegaard - because philosophy. Also by no means a buffoon. The story Intet is based on the eponymous... 

Jim Jarmusch with Paterson already one of the toppers of 'Rotterdam' #iffr

The International Film Festival Rotterdam(IFFR)'s famous Tiger logo has been changed into a colourful IFFR Planet, in which, with a little effort, the tiger can still be found. That colourful is also reflected in the programming. I am looking for the finest gems from the programme. From the USA comes 'Paterson', vintage Jim Jarmusch. But there... 

Holland on the sofa: 'I suffer from strong mood swings' #wu17

‘Op scholen moet je kinderen literatuur voeren zoals ze in Frankrijk ganzen voeren.’ Met zijn snedige opmerkingen kreeg Tommy Wieringa de lachers op zijn hand, terwijl hij als de personificatie van Nederland op de sofa lag bij hoogleraar psychiatrie Damiaan Denys. ‘Nederland op de sofa’ was een van de eerste programma’s van de zaterdagavond van het literaire festival Winternachten in… 

The Vikings have landed. With ships full of culture

Duurzaamheid, diversiteit en democratie. Dat zijn de kernwaarden van de culturele hoofdstad van Europa, die Aarhus dit jaar wil zijn. Burgemeester Jacob Bundsgaard zegt het. Rebecca Matthews, de CEO van Aarhus 2017 zegt het. Als die waarden ook blijken uit het programma, heeft Juliana Engberg, programmadirecteur voor Aarhus 2017, haar werk goed gedaan. De speeches van de andere sprekers volgen… 

Salena Godden: 'This city is a pigeon, hobbling with one mangled foot'

During the Winternachten festival this Saturday, seven writers shared their story about their ‘Secret City’. Mircea Cartarescu, Rodigro Hasbún, Hanna Bervoets, Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas, Olga Grjasnowa, Maarten van der Graaff and Salena Godden wrote about the city they don’t see when they walk out the door, but encounter once in a while, suddenly, unexpectedly. They wrote fiction, or stayed closer… 

Salena Godden on #wn17: 'This city is a pigeon stumbling along on one mutilated leg'

In 'My Secret City' on Saturday at the Winternachten festival, seven writers recited a story about 'their own hidden city': Mircea Cartarescu, Rodigro Hasbún, Hanna Bervoets, Piotr Ibrahim Kalwas, Olga Grjasnowa, Maarten van der Graaff and Salena Godden wrote about the city they don't see when they walk out the door, but encounter occasionally and unexpectedly. In fiction,... 

It's not America here... or is it? #WN17 #WU17

Of het einde van het communisme en begin van het kapitalisme zijn schrijven heeft beïnvloed? Mircea Cartarescu, een van de grootste schrijvers van Roemenië, pareerde de vraag met een grapje. ‘Dat is een veel te kleine gebeurtenis om mijn stijl en romans te veranderen.’ Is this the real life? Dat is het thema van het literaire festival Winternachten van dit… 

Michel Faber: 'Writing is an act of protest' #wu17

It was a beautiful and disarming lecture by Australian-Dutch writer Michel Faber, yesterday at the Friday Night Unlimited of the literary festival Winternachten, in his hometown The Hague. His lecture was on 'Fiction in times of fake'. 'Before I start making lofty statements about literature and what literature is capable of in today's world, I want to be open with... 

Ten reasons to go to literary festival Winternachten

Writers Unlimited could hardly have chosen a more appropriate theme for this year's literary festival Winternachten: Is this the real life? That question will be on many a mind when the new president of the United States is inaugurated on Friday. Fortunately, some eighty writers who do have something meaningful to say about the state of... 

YouTube is bursting at the seams!

It is easier than ever to produce and distribute your own videos. Every minute, more than 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube. Is this gigantic amount still manageable? No. The video platform has become too big to continue to exist without problems. By Nuno Blijboom There is no better source for cat videos, bullying vloggers and gaming youngsters 

Holland Festival must look for new director: Mackenzie to Paris in 2019

It's quite unfortunate. Ruth Mackenzie is moving into even higher realms. She has made the past two editions of the Holland Festival considerably more refreshed and modern, and so it stands out. Paris beckons. Ruth Mackenzie has been nominated by Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, as Directrice Artistique (artistic director) of Théâtre du Châtelet, as of 2019. This means Ruth Mackenzie will direct the festival's... 

Why I love that the Holland Festival is programming Stockhausen's 'Aus Licht'

Towards the end of the year, we are inundated with lists. The best CDs, the best books, the performances you shouldn't have missed, etcetera. In this sea of choices from reviewers and other opinion makers, one post stands out, from opera critic Olivier Keegel. He started a veritable petition to prevent Karlheinz Stockhausen's 'Aus Licht' from being performed in June 2019,... 

Seven shows you wish you had seen in 2016 (but don't give up hope)

In The Hague, they think it's a waste of money. Let them. Here are seven performances that were more than worth 'that sin'. Mona, Ariadne, Mariken, but also breathtaking circus theatre, a secret marriage, genre-transcending satire and the greatest set ever. Mona, NTJong (youth theatre/drama) 1. It is the biggest pitfall of the age indication in theatre performances. Put 6+ and you... 

My 2016, and why it scared me to death. (A list)

Five art experiences will always stick to this bizarre year for me. And one thing really scared me. Whether the worst is now behind us? At least the most extraordinary is still on view until 5 February 2017. A chronological overview of what was unbelievable, unthinkable, inconceivable, unbelievable and perhaps untrue. Much of it, by the way, will be in 2017... 

Garry Feingold and Ger Jager, Dance Makers, 2012. Photo: Jean-Pierre Jans.

Extremely rare landslide possible in contemporary dance in the Netherlands.

In contemporary dance, artistic leaders are often in place for decades, at least in the Netherlands. This week, Leo Spreksel announced his departure from Korzo, as of September 2017. After 29 years, the director and programmer of dance at the theatre and production house in The Hague is calling it a day, because "in the Netherlands, commercialisation is pushing away the voice of artists: procedures and formats are... 

Quirky Veem sets example for dance sector

Het Veem is a small but important theatre and unofficial production house overlooking the Houthavens in Amsterdam. The house has long been home to internationally operating contemporary performing arts. A place where the artist and his or her experimental work are still central. Since Anne Breure became director in 2014, it bears the addition House of Performance. With... 

Deze vijf voorstellingen wil je echt zien in december

Ik vertel je hier waarom je naar Parsifal zou moeten gaan, en niet eens alleen vanwege het object van Anish Kapoor dat erin een rol speelt. En je zou trouwens ook een keer naar toneel kunnen. Met De Meiden. Fel theater van ons allerbeste theatergezelschap (volgens de Amerikanen). De Nationale Opera, Parsifal (opera) Vier jaar geleden bezocht ik Pierre Audi’s… 

Meg Stuart throws very ordinary bodies into the fray

Meg Stuart's two-hour heroic epic Until Our Hearts Stop, showing at the Rotterdam Schouwburg this week, does not engage in dramatic construction according to the rules of Aristotle's Poetics. We don't know who those people are there on stage. Nor do they seem to have been given any special assignment, although they are clearly being... 

Houd op te zeuren over de vergrijzing van het publiek bij klassieke concerten

Afgelopen weekend bezocht ik een koffieconcert van het barokgezelschap The Continuo Company. Met m’n 53 jaar was ik een van de jongste bezoekers. Om me heen gerimpelde gezichten en grijze haren. Steeds vaker hoor ik dat vergrijzing van het publiek voor klassieke muziek een probleem is. Ik vind dat grote onzin en begin me steeds meer te ergeren aan deze… 

Cello Biënnale vol hoogtepunten: ‘Cellisten zijn nu eenmaal aardige mensen’

Het ronkt, zoemt, zingt, zaagt en gonst niet langer in het het Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. De cellokaravaan is vertrokken. De zesde editie van de Cello Biënnale Amsterdam zit erop en laat bij de duizenden cello- en muziekfans een gevoel van leegte achter. Nergens anders speelt zich in tien dagen tijd zo’n geweldig cellofeest af, waar het publiek zich van… 

Klinkende motten, inktdruppels en strijkersnevels in Cello Biënnale

‘Hij houdt wel van een grapje’, zegt Fedor Teunisse van Slagwerk Den Haag en roept de componist Brendan Faegre (1985) op het podium van het Bimhuis. De jonge componist vertelt hoe de slagwerkers en de Biënnale Cello Band zijn Magical Quest for the Enchanted Armor moeten uitvoeren. ‘It’s a game piece’, zegt hij enthousiast. ‘De vier slagwerkers en vier cellisten… 

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