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Nieuws over evenementen en festivals, gesteund door de sector maar inhoudelijk onafhankelijk. Meer weten:

Minder publiek, maar vollere zalen voor @hollandfestival 2013

69.500 bezoekers, dus zeker 5.000 bezoekers minder dan eerdere edities, maar de zalen zaten wel voller. Met 82% zaalbezetting is de organisatie van het Holland Festival tevreden over het festival van 2013. Of dat hogere bezettingspercentage, behalve aan het kleinere aantal voorstellingen (14 minder dan vorig jaar) ook te danken is aan kleinere zalen, is vanaf hier niet uit te zoeken, maar dat ook het grote Theater Carré met de vele onverkoopbare slechtzichtplaatsen dit jaar nauwelijks werd gebruikt, zal zeker geholpen hebben.

Franui zorgt voor de leukste Mahler-avond in jaren bij @HollandFestival

Holland Festival

Wat te verwachten van een ‘musicabanda’ uit Oost-Tirool? Gemütliche volksmuziek? Gejodel? Dansmuziek voor bruiloften en partijen? Een avondje in een biercafé? Hoe dan ook: zeker geen Mahler. Maar waarom eigenlijk niet dacht het uit het dorpje Innervillgraten afkomstige Franui. Resultaat: een enerverende voorstelling rondom de orkestliederen. Zo hoorden we Mahler nog nooit.

Martin Wuttke makes Berlin museum night worthwhile at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival

There are those who spend nights queuing for a ticket. After all, the Berliner Ensemble is mythologically big. As big as the Royal Shakespeare Company in England, or La Comédie Française in France. Monuments to cultural history, dedicated to one writer, like Brecht or Shakespeare, or to an entire history, as the French are used to. We Dutch have

Photo: Anne Bonthuis

Exhibit B confronteert met indringende blikken @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Een gezellig groepje dames dat lachend en kletsend binnenkwam, verlaat beduusd en betraand de zaal. Van slag, beschaamd, zo zie ik alle bezoekers naar buiten komen. Wat met woorden moeilijk te omschrijven is, staat op hun gezicht geschreven. Exhibit B van Brett Bailey is meer dan indrukwekkend. Het is een expositie die confronteert en raakt.

Chris Marclay betovert @hollandfestival met zijn found footage collages

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Multidisciplinaire duizendpoot Chris Marclay is doorgebroken met zijn filmproject The Clock: iedere seconde van de dag gerepresenteerd met found footage. Het heeft hem vijf jaar gekost om het 24-uur durende werk te maken. Dat zegt iets over de wijze waarop hij zijn kunst maakt. De ongelooflijke precisie waarmee hij monteert maakt zijn werk zo overtuigend dat de toeschouwer bijna in trance raakt.

Het Holland Festival presenteerde drie werken van hem in EYE, het nieuwe filmmuseum, waarin hij samenwerkte met MAZE, een nazaat van het Maarten Altena Ensemble.

The Pyre: strakke, ontregelende voorstelling van Gisele Vienne @HollandFestival

Holland Festival

Wie aan de misvatting lijdt dat dans gaat over schoonheid wordt door Gisele Vienne genadeloos uit de droom geholpen. Haar stukken gaan over pijn. Soms bloederig en expliciet, soms gesublimeerd maar niet minder krachtig. The Pyre is een overweldigend stuk dat de toeschouwer duizelig achterlaat.

Twee geconcentreerde kippen en iets met Tsjechov op @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Meeuw, een vroeg toneelstuk van Anton Tsjechov, gaat over toneel zoals zijn al even beroemde toneelstuk Kersentuin over kersenteelt of vastgoedfraude gaat. Niet dus. Het lijkt een fout die toneelkunstenaars wel vaker maken en die Tsjechov in zijn 115 jaar oude stuk aanhaalt: denken dat alles altijd over jou gaat. Daarom is het Thomas Ostermeier, gelauwerd Duitsch regisseur, niet zo kwalijk te nemen dat zijn regie van De Meeuw bij Toneelgroep Amsterdam over theater gaat.

Sonic Youth-gitarist Lee Ranaldo stelt teleur met stormschilderij op @hollandfestival

Er bestaat dus figuratieve muziek. Muziek die, net als een figuratief schilderij, een tamelijk accurate afbeelding van de werkelijkheid biedt. De compositie ‘Hurricane Transcriptions’ van Sonic Youth-gitarist Lee Ranaldo is zo’n plaatje:

Community art of 'Hidden War' forges bond between Dutch and Guatemalans

Treaty of Utrecht
It is cold, chilly and dark. But also quiet, green and spacious. Visitors were not tolerated here until recently. And now Fort Nieuwersluis, near Breukelen, is opening its doors. From 20 to 23 June, the performance 'Hidden War' can be seen there. In it, Guatemalan players show what it is like to live in a violent country. And Dutch actors add their experiences of what it is like to go from a free country to a country like Guatemala.

Marie on a string: Anja Röttgerkamp stars as an unknown soldier in Gisèle Vienne's The Pyre @HollandFestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

'The Pyre', the latest show from internationally rising star Gisèle Vienne, initially seems less disturbing than her previous work. Pieces like 'Jerk' (2008), based on the true story of a young serial killer, and 'This is how you will disappear' (2010), starring a dark forest, were only seen in a few places in the Netherlands. Hopefully, this performance at the Holland Festival will change that. Gisèle Vienne once studied harp, then philosophy and eventually trained as a puppeteer. But Vienne sees herself primarily as a visual artist working with time, on a stage, where different rhythms, motifs and figures come together.

Zimmermann & De Perrot give circus genre creative tap at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Circus, tricks, clownery, spectacle: it has been a party for centuries. But roughly the same party every time.

Zimmermann & De Perrot, originally clown and DJ respectively, found each other in the brilliant insight that circus could be turned into beautifully absurd modern theatre.

'El Djoudour' is interesting as a cultural-political project, but does not convince artistically @Holland Festival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Men and women together on the dance floor, it is still forbidden in large parts of the Muslim world. Two years ago, the dance performance 'Nya' was at the Holland Festival, a piece written on the skin of nine Algerian dancers, mostly B-Boyz from the streets, but also the son of a ballet teacher from Algiers participated. This year, French choreographer Abou Lagraa, his wife Nawal Ait Benalla and much of the Algerian cast returned to the Holland Festival with a piece in which women also dance.

Desdemona in black and white

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Is the kingdom of the dead in the opera Sunken Garden by Michel van der Aa a 3D garden full of brilliant colour, director Peter Sellars chooses in Desdemona by Toni Morrison and Rokia Traoré for sober black and white. On the stage of a sold-out Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ are glass bottles and jars, sometimes lit from below, sometimes from above, with hanging light bulbs like flickering candles. On the left are a number of ngonis (Malian lute) and two koras (Malian harp lute), played by black musicians.

Chilean IK generation seeks revolutionary art at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Six actors, four years in a bunker. One is dead. Those are the details we have to make do with in Tratando de hacer una obra que cambie el mundo. According to this title, the actors are trying to create a play that will change the world. The characters have locked themselves away in an underground bunker and receive occasional provisions via a packet.

Escape from Guatemala's hidden war for a while

Treaty of Utrecht
'Hidden War', the theatrical exchange between actors from the Netherlands and Guatemala, is nearing performance. The Guatemalan actors of the company Caja Lúdica have been in the country for a few weeks now. Together with the Dutch actors, they are rehearsing at Fort Nieuwersluis (near Breukelen), where the performance can also be seen from 20 June. Alan Hack (18) is one of the Guatemalans playing in the show. He experiences his stay in the Netherlands as a paradise encounter with freedom[/heading].

John Adams' other Gospel of Mary @HollandFestival: masterpiece just too long

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Mary is arrested at a demonstration and thrown into a cell next to a heroin addict, while her sister Martha has just started a shelter for the homeless. And Lazarus, yes, Jesus brings him back to life here too, with downright breathtaking sounds. And we are not even halfway through.

Crushingly good: Nine Rivers by composer James Dillon, with conductor and percussionist Steven Schick @HollandFestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

From the mild, everyday cacophony around the Muziekgebouw in the afternoon, on the terrace by the IJ, you'll get into the silence of the concert hall in a few steps. For three and a half hours (with over two hours of breaks in between), Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag and Capella Amsterdam will play and sing your ears off. Steven Schick (a.o. once Bang on a Can), not only conducts, but also takes charge of the middle part of the concert, at the Bimhuis, as a percussionist. Under his inspired direction, 'Nine Rivers' navigates between spectacle and purism: a battle between complex form and the simplicity of raw sound matter.

'Shéda', insane chaos with a glimpse of genius @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

If after only the first 15 minutes, half of the middle row flees the auditorium, and you look at your watch, thinking, my god we still have over five hours to go, there is something thoroughly wrong with the performance. 'Shéda', by Congolese playwright Dieudonné Niangouna, is an insane tub of chaos of incoherent tirades. Declaimed screaming at a stretch by 12 hyperactive African and European actors, each with a fixed character, who return as gods to apocalyptic worlds, à la Mad Max, beating each other up with bizarre lyrics. Goodness, it is impossible to make sense of it all. Yet it continues to fascinate. Why?

Meistersinger @HollandFestival convinces musically only

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Cowardly knight defeats untalented rule fetishist with help from wise cobbler and wins singing contest and the hand of coquettish goldsmith's daughter. Or: boy meets girl on the streets of Nuremberg and decides to enter the local version of Nuremberg's got talent. The judges send him away, but he gets the audience vote. Wagner wouldn't be Wagner, however, if he didn't take about five hours for this story.

Deep in the belly of the Icelandic cello @hollandfestival

Holland Festival Holland Festival

It's a tricky genre, which drone, or ambient. Or, what do you call the avant-garde cello experiments of the Icelandic Hildur Guðnadóttir (1982). Very slow, very repetitive, very minimalist. Abstract sound art that leans heavily on loops, resonations and buzzing, über syrupy tones that swell into a large, layered sound collage.

Two voices on Sunken Garden @HollandFestival part 2. Thea Derks: 'Guilt & penance before, after, with and in death'

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Amsterdam, 5-6-2013 - It is difficult to go uninhibited to a production that has already caused so much controversy as Sunken Garden by Michel van der Aa. This "first 3D opera" was slammed as "soporific" after its premiere at London's Barbican Theatre last April, but also hailed as "the future of opera".

Two voices on Sunken Garden @HollandFestival, part 1. Henri Drost: "much more than 3D film opera"

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Forget all the fuss about the first-ever 3D film opera, forget all the fuss in British newspapers. Michel van der Aa himself sighed in interview that, on reflection, he would have loved to have made the second 3D film opera. And perhaps he had

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