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World Broadcasting Archive next victim of cuts

Radio Netherlands World Broadcasting no longer exists. The subsidy was withdrawn because no one in the VVD knew what it was: shortwave. And because the PVV, which was also in government at the time, finds everything scary that contains the word 'world'. Bad for those who miss calls from the ANWB emergency centre at breakfast for the Alpenkreuzer, even worse for... 

2015 is not left: 5 reasons why art is becoming more exclusive

Art ends its 70th anniversary as a 'Leftist Hobby' in 2015. There is not much more to predict for this year. Art goes back to the bourgeois status it held since the start of the industrial revolution. 1: Art was never left Art, of course, has never been 'left'. Subsidy may have come from the thinking tubes of social and Christian democrats, but art an sich... 

Carlo Boszhard as a gnome: 3 reasons why 'Maestro' does suck

Tonight (Thursday 18 December), the second season of TV programme 'Maestro' will have its finale. Dutch celebrities such as schlager singer Frans Duijts and presenter Sylvana Simons try to conduct a symphony orchestra under supervision. They will be judged by conductor Otto Tausk, violinist Isabelle van Keulen and double bassist Dominic Seldis. Letter writers and columnists tumble over each other in condemning the programme. 'Maestro' would be a knee-jerk... 

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker en Brian Eno tijdens de repetities voor Golden Hours, 12 december 2014, foto © Anne Van Aerschot

Rosas weg uit Brussel? Het politieke spel is begonnen.

Choreografe Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker stuurt een alarmerend persbericht de wereld in. Naar aanleiding van de beslissing van het Brusselse theater De Munt/La Monnaie om geen dans meer te programmeren, vraagt zij zich af of Rosas nog wel welkom is in Brussel. “Het bericht dat de directie van De Munt alle dans schrapt, vervult mij met ongeloof. Historisch gezien maakt… 

Should Halbe Zijlstra apologise only to Overijssel?

Ten per cent fewer performances and ten per cent fewer visitors in Overijssel headlines RTV Oost. Bam! That chops it. Into the bin, that jubilant press release by Jet Bussemaker. And if there is one province that does not need to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra, it is Overijssel. Well, we reported earlier that apologies are not necessary anyway, but as a province... 

Amsterdam art is doing great. Unless you are a (young) artist.

Two corpses. Despairing bystanders. A blood-red photo. The cover of the Exploration, released by the Amsterdam Arts Council, makes one fear the worst. A massacre has been committed. Even if it is a scenic photo of a performance by Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Or is it all different? Are only two dead, and the rest live on? Something about shows that on must go?.... 

De mythe van cultureel ondernemerschap: 6 redenen waarom het niet om geld gaat

Sinds de bezuinigingen is het bittere noodzaak voor velen geworden, cultureel ondernemerschap. Maar wat dat precies is, dat weet helemaal niemand. Zelfs de overheid heeft eigenlijk geen idee als ze het er over heeft. Maar, de overheid vraagt, dus moet er antwoord komen. De afgelopen jaren wordt de Nederlandse kunstwereld overspoeld met self-proclaimed ervaringsdeskundigen op het gebied van cultureel ondernemerschap.… 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Reden 6 voor geen excuses aan Halbe: ‘Prematuur, tendentieus en schadelijk voor de sector’

Ook het deftige deel van de kunstsector reageert woedend op de uitspraken van de VVD, vanmorgen  opgetekend door De Telegraaf. Daarmee komt het aantal redenen voor de sector om geen excuses aan te bieden aan Halbe Zijlstra op zes. Waar we  eerder al vijf redenen gaven, verklaart de Nederlandse Associatie van Podiumkunsten nu ook dat we pas in de loop… 

In advance, 5 reasons why no one needs to apologise to Halbe Zijlstra.

According to the VVD, all artists and art lovers in the Netherlands should say 'sorry' to Halbe Zijlstra. Because they were so angry with him when he abolished 30 per cent of art subsidies without any underlying idea. After all, according to the Ministry of Culture, things were going fan-tas-tically with the arts in the Netherlands. Anyone who reads the press release the ministry issued yesterday on that... 

De Denen snappen het niet. Welk orkest durft de peper daar te stoppen waar die hoort?

Update: tekst aangepast na tips van onze oplettende lezer Sebastiaan Smits. Het Deense Nationale Kamerorkest stopt per 31 december. Wegbezuinigd. Maar niet vanwege dit filmpje dus, zo wist Sebastiaan Smits te melden.   @cultuurpers Is geen protestactie, maar een promotie voor chilipepers. — Sebastiaan Smits (@sebastiaansmits) November 7, 2014 @sebastiaansmits Dank voor de aanvulling dan. We zullen het corrigeren. To… 

Sallie Harmsen and Joris Smit in Tasso (photo Kurt van der Elst)

Drama about art: to do or not to do? Ivo van Hove and Sallie Harmsen think so.

The National Theatre will premiere Blueprint for an Even Better Life on 8 November 2014, which addresses, among other things, the position of artists in society. A theme that also featured in their recent Tasso, and in Toneelgroep Amsterdam's successful The Fountainhead. Is the subject of art back on the theatre agenda due to the changed cultural politics of the past... 

3 wonders in Bussemaker's letter: Culture sector is wiser than ministry

A small miracle did happen, in recent months. The result of that miracle can now be found in letter Jet Bussemaker, minister of OCW, sent to the chamber yesterday. And actually, it is not one miracle, but three. We list them for you. 1: The art world pulls together. Artists often find actors... 

Belgium beware: artists defending subsidies. You can do better.

With a new government in Belgium, the debate on art subsidies has also erupted there. The issue there is only 0.7 per cent of the national budget. The cut of a mere 10% is less substantial than in the Netherlands under the PVV's noose, but the arguments are the same. Though they are often better articulated. Josse de Pauw, international... 

Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (closing): 'But who knows anything about it? They are all generalists sitting there.'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'The amateur arts. I have personally experienced the cutbacks at the Utrecht Centre for the Arts in Utrecht. First, they were heavily cut back there back in 2001 under Leefbaar. They survived that, and now they were just recovering a bit...' Joop Daalmeijer: ' ...and now everything is going to the schools.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'There are... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (7): 'If the knowledge is lost, so is the heritage.'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'Just one more point. Then we're almost through.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'Continue quietly, we have until half past five.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'We have a problem with real estate. A lot of inner cities are empty. Shop premises are empty, downtown office buildings are unrentable. What do the municipalities say? Put artists in them. Cost nothing, because for free rent they do... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (6): 'The Rijksakademie will go to pieces if we don't intervene'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'The basic infrastructure was keelhauled by Zijlstra while it was not yet ripe. That, in its smaller version, now runs the risk of leading to further rigidity.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'That's a good observation. We are also working on that in our Culture Exploration. We are having a lot of discussions, which we are also taking out into the country. We are starting... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (5) "All balls on Amsterdam", I'm not into that at all.

Wijbrand Schaap: 'Now on the role of cities. One of the reactions on our site is about the role of the randstad in cultural policy. Melle Daamen puts the primacy in the randstad, and goes further than the council in this.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'The council has no position yet.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'But there is something in the Culture Outlook. Cities form... 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (4): 'Broadcasters squeeze out artists'

Wijbrand Schaap: 'Next hot issue. Copyright is mentioned in a few passages of the Cultural Exploration. I am also affected by that in various ways. There is, of course, that new author's contract law, which is going to be discussed in the chamber one day, maybe. Nice about that is that the creator's position in that law has been strengthened.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'Rightly so.' Wijbrand Schaap: 'But. 

Joop Daalmeijer Marathon (3): "The arts sector should have reached out to consumers"

Wijbrand Schaap: 'There has been much talk about the change in Council attitudes under your leadership. After the confrontation course under your predecessor Els Swaab, you seemed appointed by Halbe Zijlstra to act as a kind of applause machine.' Joop Daalmeijer: 'I was not hired by Halbe Zijlstra, I was appointed by the queen. Isn't that nice?... 

Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

‘Bezuinigingen leiden wel degelijk tot kwaliteitsverlies.’ Het grote Raad voor de Kunst-interview (1): “Het mecenaat is natuurlijk flauwekul.”

Joop Daalmeijer: ‘Ik autoriseer nooit. Dat vind ik zo’n onzin. Een journalist moet gewoon goed zijn werk doen.’ Wijbrand Schaap: ‘Daar zijn we het dan over eens. We schrijven alles integraal op, maar omdat gesprekken over alles nogal eens oeverloos willen zijn, wil ik het ophangen aan de Cultuurverkenning. Dat is het meest concrete stuk en het meest actueel, en het… 

We gaan praten met Joop Daalmeijer. Had u nog vragen?

We gaan het over alles hebben, want Joop was het een beetje zat. Al die kritiek op de Raad voor Cultuur. Dat die onzer zijn leiding tot schoothondje van Halbe Zijlstra was verworden, en dat Jet Bussemaker ze hardop uitlacht. En dat ze discussie voeren achter een paywall. Daarom gaan we praten met Joop Daalmeijer. De Voorzitter. We hebben afgesproken… 

'Grandiose' opening Theatre Festival doesn't quite take away the pain

"Grand opening, right?" Jeffrey Meulman, the man who as director of the ailing Theatre Festival gave the word "inspired" a new dimension, was delighted. It was Thursday night, September 4, 2014. Shortly before, I had seriously considered jumping from the 1st balcony of the Stadsschouwburg, rather than applauding Tauerbach, the opening performance of The Theatre Festival. It is... 

Debat over recensies is zinloos. De lezer is uitstekend in staat om zelf te oordelen.

Kunst is in rap tempo onbelangrijk geworden. Kunstenaars zijn effectief door populisten weggezet als subsidieverslaafd uitschot. Media laten geen kans onbenut om de gevolgen van de bezuinigingen die daarop volgden te bagatelliseren. Poetin staat op het punt een derde wereldoorlog naar Europa te brengen. In Amsterdam praten zaterdag 6 september drie van de laatste  dagbladcritici van Nederland met kunstenaars over… 

The future is not fixed. 7 solutions to the arts crisis.

By Melle Daamen 'What do you want then?' was a question I received quite often in response to my articles last year in NRC, in which I expressed my concerns about the state of the arts in the Netherlands and especially its future. I argued for a fundamental debate from within the arts sector itself, focusing on the future, including... 

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