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council for culture

Culture Council wants review of system, but cautious 'Theatre Sector Opinion' is licence for arbitrariness by House of Representatives

Today, the Culture Council comes out with one of the weaker advices in its existence. The Netherlands' highest cultural advisory body showed vision, leadership and boldness earlier this season with the 'Verkenning' and the 'Sectoradvies Muziek'. The exploration called for a reversal of subsidy flows, with urban regions taking the initiative. In the advice for the music sector, it broke... 

Playwrights and cultural exploration (2) Sophie Kassies: 'A pool of plays that don't find an audience is an erosion of the profession'

The previous cultural exploration among playwrights gives cause for further exploration. From the earlier article, we take away that further privatisation only partially captures public money and objectives. See also from elevation ideals to efficiency thinking. We also take away that a public as all-important leads to one-sided popular culture, entertainment and false competition with the free circuit. It all has very little... 

Good news for Urban artists in need of money. Three cultural funds are proposing eight 'Matchmakers'. (But at least 12 are needed)

Opinions differ on the size of the pot of money waiting for them, but 'urban' makers in particular do not yet know how to find their way to our art subsidy system. That is why the three cultural funds that deal mainly with performing arts have appointed ambassadors in a number of Dutch cities. These 'Matchmakers' should narrow the gap between The Hague and 'the region'.... 

2018 in the arts: the year we finally choose our bubble and let the masses be the masses.

We are going to live smaller. It is not only in the popularity of the TinyHouse movement that young people and seniors can shake hands. We want to de-clutter, but we also want to have less to do with the big bad outside world. This applies to older people, but certainly to those in their twenties as well. This movement has been going on in the arts for a while. Small ... 

More diversity in the cultural workplace? 'They are not there' does not exist. The ball is now in employers' court: look outside your own box and show guts. #LinC

When I write job postings in the cultural sector, I receive wonderful letters. Candidates are usually graduates in an arts-related subject from a college or university and have internships or work experience at cultural institutions of repute. They are usually female, white and have completed their studies with fine grades. Yet I struggle with a problem: I live and... 

The Culture Council has been on a Storytelling course. So the Council's latest advice is all about stories. And about ruins.

One of the great things about France is that it is not raked. On any bike ride, or walk along that overgrown path that started out so beautifully, you might just bump into a ruin. Such a ruin that we here in the Netherlands would soon turn into an attraction, if we hadn't long since demolished the piece of unattended real estate to make way for... 

Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Nederlandse spreekwoorden, olieverf op paneel, 1559, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

‘De toneelschrijfkunst bloeit’, zegt de Taalunie. Tijd voor een verkenning onder toneelschrijvers.

Op 6 december 2017 werd de Taalunie Toneelschrijfprijs uitgereikt aan dichter, schrijver en toneelauteur Ilja Leonard Pfeiffer. Met zijn stuk over Bram Moszkowitcz, getiteld ‘De advocaat’, kreeg hij bij 47 inzendingen de voorkeur van het ingezonden origineel werk. Volgens de Taalunie ‘balanceert’ Pfeiffers stuk ‘magistraal op het dunne koord tussen tragedie en komedie, realistisch drama en metabeschouwing, slapstick en ontroering.… 

Performing Arts Fund subsidy leads to more performances for fewer audiences

Op dit moment is het bedrag dat een podiumkunstgezelschap aan subsidie ontvangt afhankelijk van het aantal keren dat het speelt. Het Fonds Podiumkunsten, dat verantwoordelijk is voor die subsidie, heeft nu onderzocht wat daar het effect van is. Uit dat onderzoek blijkt dat gezelschappen steeds meer moeite hebben om van één productie voorstellingen te verkopen. Dat zorgt ervoor dat gezelschappen… 

Mirjam Koen, Adorno, why on earth theatre about Adorno!

Beethoven and Bach brought the true music. Karl-Heinz Stockhausen the future. The rest, from Beatles to hoempa, was 'jazz', commercially capitalist and therefore pernicious. Very briefly, this is what we should know Theodor Adorno from. Paul R. Kooij now plays this art-philosophical sharper in a performance by Mirjam Koen. Just when the division based partly on Adorno's thinking between... 

The current distribution of grants across genres and institutions

Culture Council: 'No more distinction between high and low art' (and much more)

Musicians are no longer allowed to perform for a pittance. At least, not if the club they work for, or in which they perform, receives a subsidy. In a sector opinion released today, the Culture Council argues that the structural underpayment of workers in the creative sector is no longer sustainable. 'If that means fewer programmes can be made (or that there... 

At last: a piece with real vision from the Culture Council

‘De BIS en de Rijksfondsen zijn door opeenvolgende ingrepen uitgekleed, gejuridiseerd en geamendeerd. Maar belangrijker nog dan dat, trends en ontwikkelingen in en rond het culturele leven stellen nieuwe eisen aan het cultuurbestel. Het is in meerdere opzichten niet meer bij de tijd.‘ Dat zegt de Raad voor Cultuur in de vandaag verschenen ‘verkenning’. Hierin zijn de contouren van de toekomst… 

Culture Council doesn't have plans ready yet

This summer, all was well. In Theatererkrant, house organ of the performing arts, an article appeared, apparently also on behalf of the Council for Culture. It showed how a hitherto unknown company called The Transition Office had pretty much completed the new sector plan, employed by the Council for Culture. Many people had been spoken to and now there were still... 

Tourbus Beatles (replica) Foto: Chris Samson CC.BY 2.0

Je had één kans om de kunstsubsidies duurzaam te verbeteren…

Half september valt de beslissing officieel, maar achter de schermen is zij al genomen. Nederland krijgt een hele kleine culturele basisinfrastructuur voor de podiumkunsten, en een heel erg groot fonds waar iedereen die toneel, dans, mime of muziek wil maken bij moet aankloppen. Ik heb de afgelopen tijd wat rondgevraagd, en dat wordt het dus. Zo kan de politiek geen… 

The new theatre system is just about finished. Only seven 'dilemmas' remain.

[This post was already online under the title 'Save us from the Transition Office', but has been modified in a few details] While you are preparing for a well-deserved holiday, people in the arts sector are working on a new model. That new model is needed because the old model is no longer adequate. That old model, and we are of course talking about our... 

Don't leave respect to the free market

The SER report published on Friday 21 April rubs it in nicely: the cultural sector is on the verge of collapse. It is even worse than a year ago. This shows that the patience of a PvdA culture minister over the past four years has not helped. Indeed, Halbe Zijlstra's multiplier of misery is doing its job entirely as expected.... 

Culture Council seeks: MEMBERS (media, journalism and science)

The Council for Culture is the statutory advisory body to the government and parliament in the field of culture and media. The council is independent and advises, solicited and unsolicited, on current policy issues and subsidy applications. The council aims to make opinions with vision and boldness; opinions that make a difference and contribute to a rich cultural life. In accordance with Article 11, third... 

Garry Feingold and Ger Jager, Dance Makers, 2012. Photo: Jean-Pierre Jans.

Extremely rare landslide possible in contemporary dance in the Netherlands.

In contemporary dance, artistic leaders are often in place for decades, at least in the Netherlands. This week, Leo Spreksel announced his departure from Korzo, as of September 2017. After 29 years, the director and programmer of dance at the theatre and production house in The Hague is calling it a day, because "in the Netherlands, commercialisation is pushing away the voice of artists: procedures and formats are... 

A good start: visual artists' fees directive starts 2017

Press release: From 1 January 2017, a guideline for artists' fees will be introduced in the Netherlands. Interest group Platform BK is one of the initiators of this guideline. The guideline applies to exhibitions without a sales purpose. The directive aims to professionalise the contract practice between art institutions and artists and contributes to improving the income position of visual artists. The directive will be released on 8... 

The Cultural Diversity Code is a great start, but remains a hollow phrase

Tomorrow, Culture in View, the annual OCW conference for the cultural sector, is dedicated to diversity. Although the topic was already raised by Rick van der Ploeg in the late 1990s, diversity within the cultural sector anno 2016 still lags far behind the changing demographic composition of the population. Diversity should no longer remain just an agenda item. Under the motto: No... 

Nationale Opera & Ballet zoekt (bijna) gratis hulp voor algemeen directeur

De Nationale Opera & Ballet behoort tot de paradepaardjes van het Nederlandse cultuurbeleid. En terecht. Het opera- en dansgezelschap behoort net als het Concertgebouworkest en het Rijksmuseum tot de absolute wereldtop. Daar hangt een prijskaartje aan. Een fors prijskaartje. In het geval van De Nationale Opera: € 24.420.000, in het geval van Het Nationaal Ballet: € 6.950.000. Binnenkort komt er een… 

Boulevard. Scenic photo Piknik Horrific Laika. Photo : Kathleen Michiels

Stop de eenzaamheid van de theaterbezoeker. 5 lessen van Boulevard

10 dagen festival Boulevard. Ik heb me erin gestort. Ik heb 14 voorstellingen gezien, een boel hoeken van Den Bosch (en Tilburg) van dichtbij gezien en meer verschillend theater meegemaakt dan gewoonlijk in een half jaar. Ik heb ook meer friet gegeten dan goed voor me is, meer bier gedronken dan doorgaans en genoten van het afluisteren van gesprekken van… 

Werkgevers podiumkunsten (NAPK) boos: subsidiesysteem moet anders

Ze zijn het helemaal met ons eens, de werkgevers in de podiumkunstsector. Deze gezelschaps- en theaterdirecteuren en andere beheerders van slinkende kassen, verzameld in de Nederlandse Associatie van Podiumkunsten (NAPK), sturen vandaag een brief rond, waarin ze de Tweede Kamer oproepen het systeem van subsidies te herzien. Nu valt immers de middenklasse tussen wal en schip. Is vaker gebeurd, en… 

Fonds Podiumkunsten Budget

Fonds Podiumkunsten maakt slagveld bekend. Het is zo erg als we vreesden.

De gevolgen van de kunstbezuinigingen door het vorige kabinet worden eindelijk duidelijk. Het Fonds Podiumkunsten maakte vandaag de winnaars en verliezers bekend van de slag om de vierjarige subsidies. Vanaf 2017 zal de Nederlandse kunstwereld een stuk kleiner, schraler en armer zijn dan tot 2013 het geval was. Grote namen zijn verdwenen, tradities afgebroken, terwijl wat er nieuw is een uiterst onzeker bestaan tegemoet gaat.

Ed Spanjaard is the ideal new leader of the Orchestra of the East

After it was announced in January this year that Jan Willem de Vriend was leaving at the end of the 2016/2017 season, the Orchestra of the East announced that it was in no hurry to find a successor. One would start working with "renowned guest conductors". Just over six months later, a few months before the departure of interim director Bart van Meijl, a successor was still presented. That this successor, Ed Spanjaard, is given the title of 'permanent conductor' seems mainly a semantic issue.

Joop Daalmeijer Erdoğan, Miranda van Kralingen Davutoğlu?

"For someone to interfere with an artistic interpretation, I find that quite hefty. Let me put it this way: you have this prime minister in Turkey... To interfere with something artistic, I find that rather hefty." This was stated by Emil Szarkowicz, musician and cultural editor from Limburg, in a broadcast by regional broadcaster L1 yesterday, Reason being the negative opinion of... 

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