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Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

Grunberg doesn't come out of his hole in The Future of Sex #HF16

Woody Allen made sure in 1972 that his fans could not watch Star Wars with dry eyes years later. The final scene of his film 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask' shows us the male brain as the bridge of a Star Cruiser where the crew is hard at work to bring a date to a successful conclusion. The spermatozoa in the front are a squabbling gang of take-off runners, heading for an uncertain descent towards beating egg.


All 18 gloomy: Melancholia is concert for sour old men #HF16

We are all going to die! We already have that certainty in. And since the dawn of mankind, every new generation invariably knows that it is going to happen to them now. After all: their successors have never prospered anywhere like today's youth. Nice premise for a concert, thought German director Sebastian Nübling[hints]Nuling was a guest at the Holland Festival last year with an adaptation of Hebbel's play Nibelungen, read the review and a interview.[/hints], good idea to programme, thought the Holland Festival. I seriously wonder why.

Composer Julia Wolfe: 'John Henry symbolises the struggle of man versus machine'

Vorig jaar won Julia Wolfe (1958) de Pulitzer Prize met haar oratorium Anthracite Fields. In dit aangrijpende stuk over de benarde arbeidsomstandigheden van mijnwerkers, haakt ze aan bij Amerikaanse folkmuziek. Ze componeerde het voor de mede door haar opgerichte Bang on a Can All-Stars, een New Yorks ensemble dat bekend werd met een opzwepende mix van rock, mimal music en… 

Componist Anna Meredith: ‘Het was een openbaring dat klassieke muziek een levende kunstvorm is’

Op 4 maart 2016 verscheen haar debuut-cd Varmints, een mengeling van nieuw-klassiek, elektronica en avant-pop, waarna de Schots-Canadese Anna Meredith (1978) met lof werd overladen. ‘Een van de meest vernieuwende geesten in moderne Britse muziek’, schreef een criticus. ‘Levendig en caleidoscopisch’, schreef een ander. ‘Uitzonderlijke soundscapes van synthesizers, beats en andere dingen’ repte een derde. Een vierde had het gevoel… 

Michel van der Aa transcends himself in opera Blank Out

As soon as soprano Miah Persson enters the stage, we hear a loud, electronic crack. Is a branch breaking here, one of composer Michel van der Aa's (Oss, 1970) favourite sounds? Or is it a stone crashing into another after all? Boulders play a major role in his latest opera Blank Out; at the end, they crush with thunderous roar 

Singing Gustav Mahler and stammering Beat Furrer touch the soul

Mahler on a programme by Asko|Schönberg - the face of avant-garde atonality, is that possible? For regular guest conductor Etienne Siebens, this is no question: in his programmes, he likes to explore the boundaries between beloved classics and composers still alive. On Thursday, 4 February, he places the ensemble version of Mahler's romantically singing Fourth Symphony - performed with... 

Krzysztof Penderecki: 'In chamber music you can't gloss over anything'

In 1961, Krzysztof Penderecki (Dębica, 1933) put his name on the map in one fell swoop with Lament for the Victims of Hiroshima. This avant-garde, expressionist piece for string orchestra flogs the ears with heavily dissonant harmonies full of microtones. With this uncompromising orgy of sound, the Pole struck the mental and physical inferno caused by the atomic bomb on the Japanese city in 1945 in the... 

Violinist Daniel Rowland: 'One spontaneous action can change the world'

The healing power of music, some firmly believe in it - in 2013, it was even the premise of the City of London Festival. Believing that music can connect people and have a healing effect on conflictual societies, festival director Ian Ritchie asked the Brodsky Quartet to commission a composition around this theme. Thus was born the by... 

Welcome back to Amsterdam Huang Ruo!

Saturday 13 December, the NTR Saturday matinee presents the world premiere of Unscrolled for piano and orchestra by Chinese-American composer Huang Ruo (Hainan, 1976), with pianist Emanuele Arciuli and the Residentie Orkest conducted by Emilio Pomàrico. This kicks off his three-month stay as composer in residence of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Ruo is the first to receive this honour,... 

Opera Eichmann zonder Eichmann

Je moet het maar durven: een opera vernoemen naar de belangrijkste organisator achter de massadeportaties en vernietigingskampen van Joden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog en hem dan niet als personage opvoeren. Componist Alejandra Castro Espejo en librettist Bo Tarenskeen deden het: hun opera Eichmann, een productie van de Diamantfabriek, gaat woensdag 9 december in première in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Adolf Eichmann werd… 

Mantra for 2 pianos by Stockhausen: iconic masterpiece

By 1970, Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) had run out of 'intuitive' compositions in which the performer had to choose his or her own path from a series of written instructions. Like Intensity, for example, whose score consists of this text: Play the individual notes with such dedication until you feel the warmth radiating from you. Play on and keep them on as long as you can.... 

Unsuk Chin: 'Holland is more open to new music than other countries'

In 1985, Unsuk Chin (Seoul 1961) won the Gaudeamus Music Prize with Spektra for three cellos, six years later she made her breakthrough with her Akrostichon-Wortspiel for soprano and ensemble composed for the Nieuw Ensemble. In 2004, she won the Grawemeyer Award, the world's most prestigious music prize; in 2007, she made a deep impression with her opera Alice in Wonderland. Tomorrow, Thursday 22 October. 

Powerladies in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

In 1989, the Holland Festival placed composers from the Soviet Union at the centre. The music of Galina Ustvolskaya and Sofia Gubaidoelina hit like a bomb. The ladies proved to be here to stay, although they move at two extremes of our perception of sound. Ustvolskaya pounds her message into our eardrums with monomaniacal drive, Gubaidoelina intoxicates us with mysterious rustles and whispers. For me,... 

Spotlight on Chopping Board and Psalms Pump

Cimbalom and harmonium are not the first instruments you immediately think of when you think of classical music. Yet, the ever-adventurous Ludwig collective puts precisely these mavericks at the centre of two concerts, on Saturday 26 September at the AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert in Utrecht and on Sunday 27-9 at Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. In 1915, Igor Stravinsky and a friend visited a... 

Muziekgebouw jubilees - Ten years of music on the IJ

Next weekend, from Friday 11 to Sunday 13 September, the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ celebrates its tenth anniversary with a jam-packed festival three-day event. From a cruise on the IJ with music by John Cage, a sleep concert by bassoonist Bram van Sambeek, a world premiere by Dutch Composer Willem Jeths, to a musical picnic in the entrance hall. No fewer than eight... 

Bloodless Baroque Revisited #HF15

After an hour, I looked at my watch - barely 10 minutes had passed. On paper, the programme Baroque Revisited by Soloist Ensemble Kaleidoskop at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ on 18 June looked exciting. Works by Baroque composers are forged into one by German composer Sarah Nemtsov (b 1980), interwoven with modern sounds and... 

The inner landscape #HF15: never the twain shall meet

The new operas by Arnoud Noordegraaf and Guo Wenjing, presented by the Holland Festival shortly after each other, both thematise the loss of traditional values due to the meteoric developments in modern China. Both also feature a Chinese soprano in the lead role and draw on classical Chinese opera and folk music. The inner landscape of Guo Wenjing, which will be performed Tuesday, 16 June,... 

Met de Franse slag: Cappella Amsterdam zingt Ton de Leeuw

Ton de Leeuw woonde de laatste tien jaar van zijn leven in Parijs en studeerde in zijn jonge jaren bij Olivier Messiaen. Op 21 mei presenteert Cappella Amsterdam vier van zijn Franstalige koorwerken in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Op het programma staan ook werken van diens student en vriend Daan Manneke en van de jonge Franse componist Laurent Durupt.… 

Minimal Music Festival figurehead: 'I'm not a minimalist'

Wednesday 8 April kicks off the fourth edition of the biennial World Minimal Festival at Amsterdam's Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. For five days, the capital will be dominated by the immensely popular music movement, which invariably attracts packed halls. Several parts of this instalment are already sold out, including the opening concert with special guest Terry Riley. There are still... 

Reinbert de Leeuw conducts thrilling Janáček

Reinbert de Leeuw conducted an electrifying concert around Leoš Janáček at the Muziekgebouw aan het IJ on Thursday 12 March. The synergy between instrumentalists, singers and conductor yielded flawless performances, which were rewarded with ovational applause by the almost sold-out audience both before and after the interval. The cheers even led to an encore: a song from the popular cycle Rikadla... 

Four reasons to go to Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun

Na afloop van de wereldpremière van Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun van Seung-Won Oh gisteren in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, stond het publiek als één man op om Slagwerk Den Haag en de solisten toe te juichen. Het was dan ook een magische voorstelling, die herhaald wordt in De Doelen in Rotterdam en in Theater aan de… 

Ironing or hitting

It will be hard to choose how we will musically fill our next weekend: will we stay in Amsterdam for the Amsterdam Marimba Weekend, or do we travel to The Hague, where Day in the Branding is devoted entirely to the string quartet? In short: are we going to string or strike? Those unable to choose can visit later this month at Amsterdam Sinfonietta and Slagwerk Den Haag - they just both do it!

Toonkunst Choir not afraid of Peasant Wedding Stravinsky

Toonkunstkoor Amsterdam has had a name to live up to since its establishment in 1829. In earlier times, it was invariably on hand when the Concertgebouw Orchestra and Willem Mengelberg performed large-scale choral works. Although the choir still consists of amateurs and its ties with the illustrious orchestra have weakened, it still puts (very) demanding pieces on its desks. For instance, the... 

Chris Marclay enchants @hollandfestival with his found footage collages

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Multidisciplinary jack-of-all-trades Chris Marclay has broken through with his film project The Clock: every second of the day represented with found footage. It took him five years to make the 24-hour work. That says something about the way he makes his art. The incredible precision with which he edits makes his work so convincing that the viewer almost falls into a trance.

The Holland Festival presented three of his works at EYE, the new film museum, in which he collaborated with MAZE, a descendant of the Maarten Altena Ensemble.

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