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Antjie Krog and Andries Samuel drive a tractor over your heart #WU14

"Of course she can write!" seems the mother of the award-winning South African poet Antjie Krog ever having exclaimed. "Because I can do it too, right? There's nothing special about that."

Blood creeps, even for Krog. After a ten-year career as a successful architect - and secretly grinding on words - her own son debuted Andries Samuel with the crushing, heartbreaking collection of poetry Wanpraktyk (2011). 

Writers Unlimited brought mother and son together on stage. Late at night. For the first time ever. And Wende sang to them. And god almighty how beautiful that was. By the way, you have to take it from us, because on pain of caning, pitch & feathers and fines from here to Siberia, it turned out that it was forbidden to film Wende singing (but we did, and the video was online for a while, but has now been removed from the internet).

‘Dankzij facebook heb ik tijd over’: schrijvers omarmen het sociale netwerk op Writers Unlimited

Fouad Laroui doet niet aan internet. De van oorsprong Marokkaanse auteur en hoogleraar heeft zelfs geen mobiele telefoon. “Ik besef dat ik daarmee behoor tot een kleine elite”, verklaart hij tijdens een debat op Writers Unlimited, “maar ik zie er het nut niet van in.” Zijn tafelgenoten deelden zijn mening niet, en dat is best opmerkelijk. Nog maar een paar jaar geleden beschouwde het merendeel va de internationale schrijverselite de sociale media als iets waarmee zij zich niet hoefde te bemoeien.

Sell! Sell! Sell!", says Gorilla. Four reasons why the culture index is a useless toy

ABN verwijdert tekst.
We hebben de tekst van het ABN/AMRO bericht nog beschikbaar voor wie geïnteresseerd is. Klik op de plus onderaan.

We hebben een culture index. Vandaag werd hij gepresenteerd door de Boekmanstichting, een cultureel onderzoeksbureau. De cultuurindex, eigenlijk een AEX voor cultuur, is bedoeld om inzicht te geven in de stand van de cultuur. Probleem is wel dat de cijfers een beetje oud zijn. Dankzij de index weten we nu dus dat het er in 2011 best aardig voorstond met de cultuur in Nederland. Maar ja. Dat is twee jaar geleden.

Co-operation is co-operation: Culture Press after Lost-painters now joins forces with

We were actually still missing a good video event, and the people behind, the online TV channel for XS4all subscribers was still missing a good online presence in the cultural sector. And so that's where we could help each other. We thought. So we try out what we can do together.

Suddenly controversial photo project on Sotchi gets alternative opening in Moscow

The photo documentary made by photographer Rob Hornstra on the preparations for the Sotchi Olympics will be shown in Moscow after all. At least we hope so, now that after an earlier sudden cancellation a venue has been found at the Sakharov House in Moscow. Next Friday, Dutch fans can watch the opening from Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg (bring your own beer) attend. Unless

Boekverkoper blijft ebooks ontmoedigen

Meldden we hier eerder al hoe de vaderlandse boekverkopers hun best doen om u tot aan de poorten van de hel te achtervolgen als u een ebook ‘aanschaft’, het lezen zelf blijkt ook een mijnenveld. Een van onze volgers schafte onlangs een ebook aan bij de grootste online boekverkoper van Nederland (althans tot die club uit Amerika binnenkwam). Haar gloednieuwe Kobo-reader bleek echter niet bestand tegen dit boek. Waar het apparaatje bij alle andere digitale boeken moeiteloos het epaper ververste, duurde het omslaan van een pagina in het boek ‘Vergeef ons’ van A.M. Homes ruim een half uur, en dat was iets te veel slow reading voor deze mevrouw.

Peter Blok does a Don Draper

Tjitske Reidinga, our favourite actress, who is in the middle of her golden years, is coming up with a new summer comedy: 'An Ideal Woman'. The blonde who theatre people have known for a long time, but ordinary people only got to know through the TV series Gooise Vrouwen, gets to decide what she does at the New Delamartheatre for three years, and so she is now going for Mad Men.... 

Another necro. Sort of: Theatre Institute Netherlands to continue as TIN Foundation

We are just reporting the press release in full. For your information. Every now and then, more news like this comes along. We don't post them all, because that would make the world very bleak. The world as many people knew it, and which they thought was the pride of the Netherlands, is coming to a squeaking halt to make room for. Well. We will report on that in the years to come. Of what comes in its place.

First post Culture Press at Press Group

Developing new models on the internet takes time. We have found that out with the Cultural Press Agency by now. With more than 7,500 followers on Twitter and 400 visitors a day to our website, we have now become a factor of importance in cultural journalism. But we are also very happy that four years after the first plans took shape and one year after the start-up subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science ended, our first publication can be read on the sites of De Persgroep, publisher of Trouw, Volkskrant and Parool.

Ivo van Hove is God. According to New Yorkers.

Anyway: while Amsterdam's city newspaper Parool was embarking on a campaign against the Dutch capital's city company at the behest of the Flemish publishing board, the same Toneelgroep Amsterdam was winning the hearts of New York audiences with a production of the already years-old 'Roman Tragedies', which a few here did not even like overall:

Death Grips is 20 min of breathtaking frenzy

The experimental hip-hop / noise band Death Grips plays frothy twang noise. But very exciting, interesting branch noise with paranoid, surreal lyrics. Live, it was a breath of fresh air. In their concert in Bittersweet (presented by Paradiso), vocalist MC Ride (Stefan Burnett) and drummer Zach Hill unleash a 20-minute hurricane of breathtaking fury.

If you don't have Twitter in Egypt. Community Arts 'Mahatat' works from the bottom up. #vvu

De overheid heeft de laatste decennia weinig moeite gedaan om in het Egyptische Damietta een culturele scene  van de grond te krijgen. Er zijn geen werkruimtes. Geen galeries. Alleen een hele grote bibliotheek en een “cultuurpaleis”. Die zijn beide pas vijf jaar geleden geopend. Daarnaast zijn er een paar kleine onafhankelijke initiatieven. In de openbare ruimte.

Halbe Zijlstra: 'nothing to do with local arts policy'

Halbe Zijlstra is proud of his policy, and keen to come and tell it in front of the entire cultural sector. So on Sunday 26 August, he appeared on stage during the annual 'Paradiso Debate' to reiterate how well things had gone with the 200 million cut in the arts sector. He praised the resilience of the affected art world, and would be happy to do the same again.

Edelkoort signals development of animation art better than she thinks

On 12 August 2012, during the worst watched Summer guests-broadcast of all time (343,000 viewers) told trend forecaster Lidewij Edelkoort about The Johnny Cash Project. A great example of what crowdsourcing can do for creativity: in 2010, everyone was invited to add a drawing to an animated music video to Johnny Cash's latest song. We now know what and who is behind this:

Baldwin Live

On Wednesday 1 August 2012, the Performing Arts Fund will announce the results of the lottery that granting arts subsidies has now become. Huge cuts are looming: companies and creators that by now seemed to be a permanent part of the Dutch arts landscape will disappear. Exactly what it will look like, we know

Talk to our reporters. Exclusive: spot in the #hf12 hangout for our most loyal followers

There have been days when we had 1500 page views. You, 2500 of our most loyal visitors, came so far to provide 14000 views on, and you stayed around for an average of three minutes. On average. We are proud of that. Apparently, we managed to attract and keep your attention. So those are good figures for an online festival day newspaper like De Dodo, which has to make do with no screaming, no marketing budget but an overdose of enthusiasm and professional innovativeness.

Dodo Holland Festival journal becomes Dodo Holland Festival Hangout #HF12

 We already have one episode on it, and it was of course a huge success, but right at the climax you have to start something new. That's why tonight at 22:30 we have a new thing: The Dodo Holland Festival Hangout. Live, interactive and online. Innovative, in other words, as you know it from us. You know them: those reporter trucks with metres of spaghetti... 

Dodo Holland Festival journal becomes Dodo Holland Festival Hangout #HF12

 We already have one episode on it, and it was of course a huge success, but right at the climax you have to start something new. That's why tonight at 22:30 we have a new thing: The Dodo Holland Festival Hangout. Live, interactive and online. Innovative, in other words, as you know it from us. You know them: those reporter trucks with metres of spaghetti... 

Soul Seek is the world's first internet opera. With a nod to Mulholland Drive.

"For me, opera is much more than just music," says Israeli director Sjaron Minailo. "It may sound a bit pompous, but my internet opera is completely in the tradition of Richard Wagner. Soul Seek is really a multimedia gesamtkunstwerk, in which fashion, web design and digital media, play, cinema, theatre, dance and experimental music merge into one. Without one element... 

The Cultural Press Bureau goes full on for ten days with The Dodo at Springdance

 It may be a crisis and the cultural winds may also be blowing from the wrong right corner, but that doesn't stop The Dodo from flying. The festival day newspaper we launched two years ago as a new commercial product is ready for another 10 days of Springdance. We're going to review a lot of performances, and compare even more. And we're going to make a journal. It... 

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