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Hoe te kiezen uit de overdaad die de Tefaf biedt

Stel je heb een klein kapitaal op zak. En je gaat een dagje naar de Tefaf. Dat is een feestelijk gevoel: een kunstcadeau voor jezelf. Maar eenmaal binnen is de kans groot dat de schrik je om het hart slaat. Want hoe te kiezen uit 30.000 objecten? In die 265 stands van vermaarde galeries uit twintig landen: Argentinië, Verenigde Staten, Canada, Italië, Japan, Canada?En in welke hoek ga je op zoek? Oudheden? Of modern, antiquair, design? Ga je voor een beeld, een doek,  sieraad, stoel of een boek?

Only in final scene does Guillaume Tell bathe in golden sunlight

After more than four hours, it happens: emotion. Free Switzerland is bathed in golden sunlight and the choir swells over the most beautiful orchestral sounds Rossini composed. Unworldly sounds, which have little to do with the best-known sounds from Guillaume Tell - The canter from the overture.

A lot of Oz & a little Van Dis on impossible dreams and ideals #wu13

Tijdens de aftrap van Winternacht 1 bracht publicist Bas Heijne de twee literaire giganten Amos Oz en Adriaan van Dis nader tot elkaar. Wat is er van hun vroegere idealisme overgebleven? Oz’ spervuur van prachtige oneliners bleek lastig te temmen en zorgde voor een hilarisch, maar beetje onevenwichtig gesprek.

Culture Press ratings: thick 300,000 minutes of attention

With paper, you never know ('0.3% of newspaper readers read the reviews on the art page'), and with TV it's always a bit of estimating and extrapolating too, but the internet is rock hard. We know how many times you read one of our pieces, and how long you lingered at our videos. Well: we were already proud last year, now we are well over 200,000

Disbanded Tilburg dance innovators go into fitness for parkinson's patients

Sat another note in the post. One of many, these weeks. About a club that had only just been set up by the government. With the accompanying millions, which because of the PVV's vindictiveness have now been dumped in the local ditch. Its creators have already found a new purpose for themselves a few months ago: to improve the well-being of Parkinson's patients. But Dance House Station South is now thus a thing of the past. We quote:

Simon McBurney makes Die Zauberflöte magical

A sound engineer making deafening sounds on stage with wads of paper. Puppetry that flows seamlessly into film projections and singers dubbed by actors. A primitive stage on stage that is, however, high tech. A performance in one of the largest halls in our country, but reminiscent of a flat-floor performance. A flat floor that can move in all directions, though, and could just as easily be a slope or a ceiling, that is.

Moniek Toebosch no longer beams

Amsterdam, 26-11-2012 - Last Saturday died Moniek Toebosch (1948-2012), the sparkling multi-artist who startled our country from the 1970s onwards with contrary performances. Some of you may remember her scandalous performance in the 1983 Holland Festival. Toebosch presented the programme 'Attacks of Extremes' live for VPRO television from Theater Carré. After half the Broadcasting Orchestra had quit in protest,... 

Chamber - Medhi Walerski

NDT in motion: on stage, the silver screen and behind it

Being active on social media like Facebook or Twitter is now a must for any dance company. But broadcasting a dance performance (live) via 600 cinemas worldwide is no mean feat either. NDT (The Hague) has been chosen by Pathé theatres to join the illustrious list of The Metropolitan Opera (New York), The National Theatre (London) and the Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow) as a partner in high-level performing arts.

Theatre tour Eefje de Visser: tears, looks of love and seated dancing

The music of Eefje de Visser comes in. In the silence of the theatre even more than in clubs, where enthusiastic fans sing along to her words out loud. One spotlight and her guitar, that's all this 26-year-old singer-songwriter needs to touch the room. I see tears, gazes of love and attempts at seated dancing during the official premiere of her theatre tour in the Melkweg.

Ivo van Hove is God. According to New Yorkers.

Anyway: while Amsterdam's city newspaper Parool was embarking on a campaign against the Dutch capital's city company at the behest of the Flemish publishing board, the same Toneelgroep Amsterdam was winning the hearts of New York audiences with a production of the already years-old 'Roman Tragedies', which a few here did not even like overall:

November Music focuses on multimedia

’s Hertogenbosch 9-11-2012 – November Music werd afgelopen woensdag succesvol afgetrapt en focust ook in zijn twintigtse editie op multimedia. Het duo Strijbos & Van Merwijk was er al vaker te gast en kreeg die middag de Prins Bernhardcultuurprijs Noord-Brabant, uitgereikt door voormalig Concertgebouwdirecteur Martijn Sanders. ’s Avonds trok hun voor het Amerikaanse strijkkwartet ETHEL gemaakte multimediaspektakel Cross Avenue veel publiek, de twee voorstellingen van Cloud-Messenger van Fred Momotenko waren zelfs geheel uitverkocht.

Subtle and playful Ernest et Célestine big winner of Cinekid

It is rare for the same film to receive both jury and (children's) audience awards at the Cinekid festival. But about the subtle and sparkling French animated film Ernest et Célestine everyone agreed this time. This story based on picture books by Belgian illustrator Gabrielle Vincent, who died in 2000, won a double award, making it this year's big winner. Ernest and Célestine are a bear and a mouse who have to face the fact that their friendship is poorly understood in the bear and mouse world.

New impetus by young dance talent at PUNCH! Festival

PUNCH! is a fantastic festival. It shows how much beauty, news and surprise is created when the line between dance and performance is dissolved. PUNCH! promotes a refreshing view of the world and shakes loose entrenched interpretations. The young dance makers and performers show tremendous originality and creativity that you will not only enjoy watching, you will go... 

Odedra engages wide audience in Indian dance

Emerging British-Indian dance idol Aakash Odedra manages to hook top choreographers with the programme Rising. The dance diptych premiered in London earlier this year and was shown at the India Dance Festival at Korzo dance theatre in The Hague on 14 October 2012. Rising consists of four solos danced by Aakash Odedra himself. In the first choreographed Nritta (A. Odedra), the young dance prince starts inconspicuously with... 

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