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Lars Kepler: ‘Een thriller is geen Ravensburger-schilderij’

Van hun thrillerserie rondom rechercheur Joona Linna werden wereldwijd al miljoenen exemplaren verkocht. Ook in Nederland zijn de crime novels van het Zweedse echtpaar Ahndoril, beter bekend als Lars Kepler, heel erg populair. Hun lezers zijn niet de enigen die er nachtmerries van krijgen, vertellen Alexander en Alexandra Ahndoril. ‘Na ons eerste boek moesten we verhuizen.’ Op het tafeltje, tussen… 

Sex, aureoles and the art of Rebecca Linders

Rebecca Linders idolises sex. She places aureoles over sex situations in her new series of drawings, Icon Nection. Sex icons, in other words. This is how she sanctifies intimacy. Linders: 'I had to learn to see sex as sacred.' What does sex have to do with icons? 'Sex had always been off limits for me. Something you don't do, that you don't talk about. I come from a... 

Als je een broer of zus verliest. Over het verdriet van de ‘vergeten rouw’

Mijn vader stierf in 1997. Hij kwam uit een gezin met tien kinderen, waarvan er vijf inmiddels zijn overleden. Mijn tante Minke schreef daar een boek over: Broederziel alleen? Het boek maakte veel emoties los en kende in korte tijd acht herdrukken. Het verdriet om een overleden broer of zus bleek vergeten rouw. In het Engels worden de rouwenden forgotten… 

Technique and dance give groundbreaking theatre experience

Dance and technology. That is the theme on the second day of the Moving Futures festival. After seeing this broadly composed programme, I no longer doubt that there is such a thing as 'progress in art'. This is not just about the new means artists can use to shape their work. The... 

Writer Annelies Verbeke: 'There is an apocalyptic atmosphere about my collection'

Belgian writer Annelies Verbeke cleverly combines seriousness and absurdism in her new collection of short stories Halleluja. The collection once again makes clear why the Belgian writer has sometimes been called the 'diva of the short story'. Like all her work, the new collection Halleluja contains, in addition to a more serious touch, plenty of funny, absurdist and sometimes even surrealistic situations and... 

'But everyone actually wants to die, don't they?'

Actress and cabaret performer Yora Rienstra (35) knows at first hand what depression can do to a person's life: her grandmother was manic-depressive. That is why she agreed when she was asked to perform in the solo show PAAZ, even though after seven years of cabaret she did not want to be on stage alone again. 'But I found Myrthe van der Meer's book... 

Moving Futures festival seeks new audience for modern dance

'Many people find contemporary dance difficult. Especially performances by young makers who experiment and seek new ways. At the Moving Futures festival, everyone can discover how dance can touch you. We do this not only by showing good performances by young makers. We also offer activities around it, context programmes. By doing so, we give the audience tools to make a connection with... 

It has been proven: culture makes people happy. That calls for a good campaign

The positive effects of culture are demonstrated again and again. It is high time the sector used these facts in improving its image. Our western and southern neighbours have boosted the image of culture with a number of successful initiatives. The sports sector is another example of image building that the cultural sector can learn from. There... 

Getting more creative? Work in low light

It may be our friend or foe, but it is a basic necessity of life for every human being: light. Yet we know very little about it, journalist Gemma Venhuizen realised, although for several years she has noticed sometimes sharp differences in her state of mind. For articles, she sometimes travels to countries where it barely gets dark, discovering the euphoria that the abundance... 

'When my father died, I seemed serene. Later it turned out I was very angry.'

Auke Hulst (1975) grew up more or less unaccompanied by adults with a brother and two sisters in the hamlet of Denmark in Groningen, on top of the Slochteren gas bubble. His childhood in a Pippi Longstocking house in a forest was the model for his third novel Children of the Rugged Land (2012). And I Remember Titus Broederland is his... 

Early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson: A lifetime of ears on stalks

This month, early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson turned 89. She led the adventurous ensemble Studio Laren for 30 years and has been making radio for over 50 years, the last 23 for the Concertzender. Time and again, she manages to intertwine old and new music with pop and world music in an appealing way. On Sunday 11 December, the Concertzender puts her centre stage during... 

5 reasons to avoid (or not) Theatre Kikker's Winter Collection

From 6 December, theatre Kikker will show a week-long anthology of talented and diverse young theatre makers. We looked ahead to this Winter Collection. Hannah Roelofs, herself just over 30, issues five warnings for people over 29. 1. Twenty-somethings! 'This is the generation that's losing his or her... 

Ballet dancer Andrew Greenwood: 'Healthcare needs dance'

'What is the relevance of dance?' Since the conference The Relevance of Dance in March 2016, this question has been haunting my mind. Above all, I want to know why more people should dance. Therefore, I decide to put the question to inspiring and progressive dance teachers. The second one I question is Andrew Greenwood, who six months ago... 

Hippos on a temple wall

In Leiden, ancient Egypt feels pretty close

As a boy, I loved visiting the Egyptian department of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden. Half in the twilight, the mysterious mummy coffins there stared at me. We are now several decades and exhibits further on. Since this week, the newest Egypt display has been open. Even in brilliant light, the collection appears to retain its fascinating power. At the same time, the museum tells in Queens... 

Wetenschap bewijst: kunst brengt vooral lager opgeleiden geluk

Een van de sterkste argumenten van de tegenstanders van kunstsubsidies is, dat de gewone man niets aan kunst heeft. Dat argument is nu door wetenschappelijk onderzoek weerlegd. ‘Geluksprofessor’ Ruut Veenhoven presenteerde deze week een onderzoek waaruit bleek dat vooral lager opgeleide mensen gelukkiger worden van kunst. Ze worden er zelfs gelukkiger van dan van sport, zowel passief als actief, of… 

Cello Biënnale opent spectaculair: Maarten Mostert pakt het graag groots aan

De Cello Biënnale Amsterdam, het grootste cellofeest ter wereld dat zich van 20 tot en met 29 oktober afspeelt in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, is begonnen en het loopt er nu al storm. Tien dagen lang geven 27 internationale cellosolisten, 6 orkesten, 11 ensembles, 1 koor en vele musici uit 26 landen ruim 800 optredens. Van ‘s ochtends… 

Ronald Wintjens. Photo: Tycho Merijn Roest

Ronald Wintjens: 'More face for youth dance and performance art at Dance Days'

'Not only work has disappeared, but also knowledge and craft - the whole perspective is disappearing. While the Netherlands as a dance country was renowned in the world precisely because it had the luxury to research, to build, to stimulate.' Ronald Wintjes, the brand-new director of De Nederlandse Dansdagen, worries. What about the future of dance?.... 

Bezoekers bij Vermeers Dame aan het virginaal met een heer (‘De muziekles’)

Moraal of goede grap: Mauritshuis toont Hollandse schilders uit Britse Royal Collection

Hollanders in huis heet de nieuwe tentoonstelling in het Mauritshuis, en dan krab je je even achter de oren: het Mauritshuis richt zich toch altijd op schilderkunst uit de Nederlanden? Ditmaal gaat het echter om Hollandse meesters uit de Britse Royal Collection. De keus viel op topkwaliteit genrestukken, waaronder beroemde als De muziekles van Johannes Vermeer. Hun tijdelijke komst naar… 

What's behind Wim Pijbes' directed departure from the Rijks?

For now, an unusual state of affairs in the field of cultural governance. Unsatisfactory also because of the many questions it raises: Wim Pijbes rather unexpectedly announces his departure as chief director of the Rijksmuseum on 1 March 2016, opting for a director's position at a new private museum (Voorlinden) owned by billionaire Van Caldenborgh on 1 July 2016. Equally unexpectedly,... 

alarm letter-amsterdam-dansstad

Alarm in Amsterdam: Dance talent flees the country

Today, Amsterdam Dance City sent a fire letter to funds and policymakers. Because things are going hard in the wrong direction with talent development. Especially independent choreographers lose out in the new subsidy plans. While these artists are already struggling to survive. Their own economic situation is hopeless and there are no good independent facilities to stage performances. 

Dance teacher Lenneke Gentle: 'Dance is seen too much as a performing art.'

'What is the relevance of dance?' Since the conference The Relevance of Dance in March 2016, this question has been haunting my mind. That weekend, the main topic of discussion was the relevance of dance as a performing art to watch. An approach that left me unsatisfied, because my main interest myself is to know what the relevance of dance as an activity... 

distributed content the desk magazine media cafe

'Distributed content': "Everyone is trying their best to reach you".

At the Magazine Media Café at the Amsterdam debating centre De Balie, journalists, publishers and freelancers discussed the phenomenon of distributed content. What is it and what can you do with it? Distributed content: a new online phenomenon Distributed content is actually reverse publishing. You offer content (stories, photos, video) where the reader is, instead of the reader... 

Lotte van den Berg's 'Time Loop': timelessly intimate with perfect strangers #tfboulevard

Vrijdagmiddag 5 augustus 2016. Het is lekker weer. In de intercity naar Den Bosch lees ik een boek dat ik op vakantie niet uit kreeg. Ook nu lukt het me niet: Den Bosch is altijd dichterbij dan je denkt. De wandeling van het station naar het Josephkwartier duurt ook al weer minder lang dan Google Maps me aangaf. Dat kwam… 

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