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ruth mackenzie

*With sound!* Why the Holland Festival show doesn't have to stop for now

'Please stop the show!", shouted an 83-year-old former reviewer from the back row. Theatre Frascati fell silent for a moment. There had never really been such an interruption at the Holland Festival's traditionally festive press conference. And that while Faustin Linyekula had just got into his stride, telling about the projects he is carrying out with his Studio Kanako in Kisangani. They provided... 

Nerds en muisarmen in het Muziekgebouw. De lat ligt hoog voor de nieuwe bazen van het @hollandfestival

Dan zit er opeens een heel ander publiek in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw aan het IJ. Gamers. Of liever gezegd: developers. En hardcore nieuwemuziekaficionados. ‘Ik kom alleen voor Maze’, zei mijn buurman nukkig. Hij kwam voor het muziekensemble. Niet voor de games, dus, niet voor de computergraphics. En misschien ook niet eens voor Claron McFadden. Die beroemde, hyperplooibare operazangeres die in… 

Our only unique @hollandfestivalspecial #2: inspiration and constriction in the first week #hf18

Our Thea Derks sat watching a traffic light for a couple of hours on Thursday 7 June and observed that the music was better. It happened during the opening of the 2018 Holland Festival. In the tradition of Ruth Mackenzie, the opening was of mixed reception, and that is actually a good thing. Even at a time when the Amsterdam Arts Council is in a... 

Ruth Mackenzie's latest Holland Festival promises to be just one of the most exciting

Here it is. The one and only interactive Culture Press Holland Festival Special. A special that has already been deployed over the past few months, and will be added to in the coming month. During the festival, we have regular reviews and reports, and podcasts. A new edition of this Special will appear every week. On Mondays. And then you can also subscribe via... 

Peter Brook: everything in the universe can be extraordinary.

In the early 1990s, I am sitting in a small auditorium at The National Theatre in London. Before the performance starts, someone on stage asks if you want to greet the visitors next to you. This immediately creates a different, more intimate dynamic in the auditorium. On a sleek stage with only a few props are four actors and an Arab musician. Yoshi Oida... 

Publicity image Gesualdo. Photo: Sofie Knijff

At the Holland Festival, Mackenzie is opening the doors to a new avant-garde among the audience.

The neat couple next to me, in the front row at the Holland Festival press conference, hadn't counted on it for a moment. Four members of the Nederlands Kamerkoor starting to undress one by one down to their pecker-sized nakie. A giggle, a small cough, but hey, this is the Holland Festival, they said to each other. So too... 

Why it is good that the Holland Festival is putting the focus on Africa, rather than opting for a single artistic director.

William Kentridge and Faustin Linyekula. Remember those names, if you didn't already know them, because they are going to help shape the face of Holland in the coming year. They have been appointed by the Holland Festival as 'associate artist'. In doing so, the festival puts the phenomenon of 'artistic director' out of business. A necessary choice at a time when the price for that kind of figure is faster... 

Waarom het goed is dat het Holland Festival deze algemeen directeur krijgt. #HF17

Annet Lekkerkerker is een van de weinige vrouwen in de cultuursector voor wie het glazen plafond geen belemmering meer vormt. Dat ze nu, na een aantal jaren als ‘zakelijk directeur’, formeel topvrouw wordt van ’s lands belangrijkste podiumkunstenfestival is prachtig om meer redenen. Ze is niet alleen de eerste vrouw op die hoge positie. Haar benoeming maakt ook duidelijk waarom… 

Cate Blanchett in Manifesto: 13 films and raunchy humour #hf17

In the dark Middle Ages, an artist was still sometimes quartered for being out of line. In the 19th century, those lines were no longer important. In the early 20th century, artists started deciding for themselves where the lines were and punished those who did not stick to them. It was the time of artists' manifestos. Cate Blanchett, the... 

7 reasons why you should invest in Holland Festival 2017 #hf17

Ruth Mackenzie has achieved an enormous amount in the short time she has been boss of Holland Festival. I've experienced the festival now since the late 1990s and watched it evolve from something very personal and sometimes obscure (under Ivo van Hove), to an ethereal feast of sizzling aesthetics (with Pierre Audi), to what it... 

Holland Festival must look for new director: Mackenzie to Paris in 2019

It's quite unfortunate. Ruth Mackenzie is moving into even higher realms. She has made the past two editions of the Holland Festival considerably more refreshed and modern, and so it stands out. Paris beckons. Ruth Mackenzie has been nominated by Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, as Directrice Artistique (artistic director) of Théâtre du Châtelet, as of 2019. This means Ruth Mackenzie will direct the festival's... 

Ça ira (1) Fin de Louis, Joël Pommerat, foto: Elisabeth Carecchio.

Op de rand van Europa trekt Holland Festival 86.000 bezoekers #HF16

Ruth Mackenzie heeft nieuw elan gebracht in het Holland Festival. Niet dat haar voorganger Pierre Audi het slecht deed, maar het Britse organisatietalent heeft wel gezorgd voor actualiteit en urgentie in het programma. Toen zij haar programmathema bedacht, zal ook zij niet hebben kunnen vermoeden dat het begrip ‘Edges of Europe’ zo’n lading zou krijgen. Immers, tegelijk met het laatste weekend van het festival besloot de Engelse bevolking tegen de zin van iedereen behalve de Welsh, de Europese Unie achter zich te laten. Nederland ligt opeens aan de uiterste rand van Europa, met alleen nog zicht op het verre Ierland.

Gardens Speak ©-Tania-El-Khoury-1-

Digging in the earth stays on the surface in Gardens Speak #HF16

There I am. Next to Holland Festival director Ruth Mackenzie, on a grave, as part of the installation Gardens Speak on the stage of the main hall of Theatre Bellevue in Amsterdam. There is nothing to see, little to hear. Tone lights suggest a rising sun after a few minutes. I get up together with the ten other visitors. Quite a shame, because I was actually quite comfortable lying there.

The programme booklet sounded promising:

We are the forest. Christiane Jatahy achieves maximum impact at #HF16

There are countries in the world, where the boundaries between art disciplines are not as sharply drawn as they are here. The Holland Festival, under the new leadership of Ruth MacKenzie, is catching us up. She is bringing events here where the boundaries between visual art, performance, video, film and performing arts can no longer be drawn. Events that generate meaning in ways that are quite new to us, such as The Encounter, last week, and Gardens Speak, later this week.

Holland Festival 2016 Gardens-Speak-©-Jesse-Hunniford-1-

Audio, het nieuwe video (II): Syrische doden spreken in Gardens Speak (HF16)

‘Dit regiem heerst ook over je na je dood. Het regiem steelt je verhaal. Ze gebruiken je om hun eigen verhaal te vertellen. Nabestaanden worden gedwongen om verklaringen te onderteken dat de dode is vermoord door de oppositie. Het regiem gebruikt de doden om de levenden te onderdrukken.’ De Libanese kunstenares Tania El Khoury heeft een statement gemaakt: Gardens Speak (Tuinen Spreken). Een installatie, een immersieve[hints]definitie: onderdompelend, waardoor je de echte wereld om je heen vergeet.[/hints] voorstelling, waarin de toeschouwers zelf acteur zijn. Een voorstelling die bestaat uit een berg aarde waaruit zacht stemmen klinken vanonder grafstenen. Die voorstelling komt in juni naar Amsterdam, als een van de voorbeelden van de nieuwe Holland Festival-programmering door festivaldirecteur Ruth MacKenzie.

De berg aarde waarin en waarop de installatie zich afspeelt staat voor de vele duizenden anonieme achtertuingraven in Syrië. In het begin van de Syrische burgeroorlog was de strijd nog vooral een strijd tussen tegenstanders van de dictatuur van president Assad en diens (geheime) politie. De eerste slachtoffers waren vaak nog gewoon studenten die meededen aan vreedzame demonstraties, die pamfletten uitdeelden, of die de begrafenis van een vriend bezochten. Immers: het bombarderen van begrafenisplechtigheden was en is een beproefde methode van moorddadige regiems en misdaadsyndicaten om opstandige netwerken uit te schakelen.

Tania El Khoury hoorde in 2013 van het Syrische alternatief: de privébegrafenis in eigen achtertuin, of bij gebrek daaraan in een anoniem stadspark, zonder grafsteen of herdenkingsplek. Zo’n actie is zowel een uiting van angst als een daad van verzet: dit zijn doden die de regering niet meer kan misbruiken. ‘Het stuk is oorspronkelijk ook niet bedoeld voor het Europese publiek. Het is in Libanon gemaakt en de tekst was ook in het Arabisch. Het laatste waar ik aan dacht was het Europese publiek. Het idee was

Holland Festival 2016: urgent, challenging and inviting

Never before has the Holland Festival placed itself at the centre of society as it is today. The 2016 programme is steeped in the turbulent times in which we live. The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union this spring. Artistic director Ruth Mackenzie has taken this fact unflinchingly to give 'Europe' a wide place in the programming. In presenting... 

Todo lo que está a mi lado on Dam Square in Amsterdam (photo Wijbrand Schaap)

I shared the bed with an actress, and for a moment the world was quieter

A confession. There is no other way. So: yes. I was lying between immaculate white sheets in a comfortable bed with actress Lina Issa and it was beautiful. She whispered soft words in my ear, put a hand on my hand and it was very quiet around us. Thanks to that whispering, the noise of the big city fell away. Trams... 

Turkish toppers play the roof off Carré: fresh wind through Holland Festival #hf2015

Stars, we don't really do that in the Netherlands. Our ground level does not allow diva behaviour. In our lowlands, you get a plus if you have stayed so nicely ordinary despite your success. Even if you stand in the Arena with your songs, like the Toppers, this weekend. How different it is in Istanbul. There, you are allowed to be shamelessly famous. Like. 

Holland Festival throws open the doors and gets fresher than ever #hf15

Just over a month earlier than usual, the Holland Festival is presenting its new programme this season. There is every reason for this. With the arrival of Ruth Mackenzie as artistic director, a fresh wind is blowing through the festival. Annet Lekkerkerker talks about the changes in the video below. The presentation of the brochure - finally readable thanks to a new design - shows... 

Ruth Mackenzie takes on the future. The Holland Festival gets a more exciting boss than you thought.

The Holland Festival got a completely unknown new director in the person of Britain's Ruth Mackenzie. At least, to us. The flamboyant, artistically exceptional opera director Pierre Audi makes way for a woman who has presented herself mainly as a manager of festivals and cultural institutions, but whose ideas are anyone's guess. When she was presented, none of the... 

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