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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

NBD Biblion has fired all 700 human reviewers.

NBD Biblion, the world's largest online library, has announced that it is laying off all its human reviewers. Company spokesman Jonathan D'Angelo said the decision was taken to speed up the review process. "Using our new AI software, we can now review books much faster and more accurately than ever before," D'Angelo said. "So there are really no human... 

‘Het was als een rampenfilm’ Filmjournaliste Lena Rubashevskaya over haar vlucht uit Oekraïne

Lena Rubashevskaya is een bekend filmjournaliste en documentairemaakster uit Oekraine. Ze was aan het werk aan een nieuwe film in Donetsk, toen Russische troepen hun invasie van Oekraine begonnen. Ze moest halsoverkop vluchten. Nu, 8 dagen later, vertelt ze ons haar verhaal vanuit Warschau. Wanneer je luistert naar haar snap je voorgoed dat vluchten voor oorlog en geweld een van… 

'We really thought it would only take three weeks' - Young actors on graduating at Corona time

Susannah Elmecky and Emma Remmelts were in the third year of the Utrecht School of Theatre when Covid struck. Now they have both graduated and started careers on stage. In this podcast, they tell how they experienced the time of lockdowns. Also joining us is Victorine Plante, director of theatre group Aluin, where Susannah Elmecky is now playing a beautiful role in... 

'The Traveller': René Groothof and Leny Breederveld sublimely show how the world can turn into a prison.

Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz. Remember that name. A writer who left us only two books, and whose life history reads like a twentieth-century horror novel. He wrote, in 1939, three years before his death by a torpedo in the Indian Ocean, 'The Man Who Took Trains', under his English pseudonym John Grane. This book, published in 2018 in the original German... 

Jetse Batelaan and Bambie otherwise do quite well together in youth theatre

We like to play by the rules. That's quite OK if you're driving through a historic city centre in a tractor or truck combination, for instance, but it gets tricky when the rules stop obeying themselves one day. The actors of the rather physical theatre group Bambie, Paul van der Laan, Jochem Stavenuiter and Tessa Jonge Poerink, have worked with... 

Unesco: wereldwijd in 2020 al 10 miljoen banen verloren voor culturele sector

Vandaag is een nogal omvangrijk (331 pagina’s) rapport verschenen van de UNESCO, de VN-organisatie die zich bezighoudt met cultuur, ontwikkeling en onderwijs. De organisatie evalueert daarin de mate waarin de doelen zijn gehaald die in 2005 zijn gesteld bij de conventie voor de bescherming en promotie van culturele diversiteit. Het beeld is niet rooskleurig. Vooral vanwege Corona is het banenverlies… 

Task force: 'Emergency support must not lead to structural increase in reserves'

Today, the Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce sent yet another letter in draft form to the ministry of OCW. In it, the assembled umbrella of all creative and cultural organisations reiterates its earlier criticism of the relaxation of coronagraph measures, which brings no relief to the cultural sector and nightlife in particular. Special attention is given to DJs and... 

Don't F*ck With Artemis: Aluin's revenge comedy offers solace in times of despair

In terms of religion, we are badly off with a single supreme and omniscient god who is also Love. Theologians and philosophers have therefore been earning a fat living for a couple of decades explaining all the misery in the world where God is only love. No. Then the classical Greeks. With them, free will ruled. Not... 

Club Gewalt shows depth but not feeling in 'Anthropocene the musical'

Sometimes I dream of a subsidy system where artists can actually carry out their wild plans all the way, to the extreme. Or, indeed, are obliged to do so. That, for example, if you make a musical, you actually have to put a live band on stage, and are not allowed to use a studio recording. And that you then have to pay money for that... 

Subject: Application for programme manager Culture & Social Domain

Beste Bibliotheek Zuid-Kennemerland, graag solliciteer ik naar de functie ‘programmamaker Cultuur & Sociaal Domein’ die je publiceerde op de website ‘Culturele Vacatures‘. Ik ben namelijk een enorme aanhanger van het idee dat een bibliotheek zich zo min mogelijk moet associëren met boeken. Daar walmen de stofwolken je immers al direct van tegemoet. Jullie wisten natuurlijk ook allang dat een boekenkast… 

Supervisors come to ministry with cry for help: 'What is gone once is hard to rebuild.'

'We are coming up with this heartfelt cry because we are genuinely concerned that the cultural sector is not overcoming the lockdowns of the past two years.'This is what the chairmen of the Supervisory Boards of a large number of cultural institutions write today in a letter to Ernst Kuipers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, and Robbert Dijkgraaf and Gunay Uslu, Minister and State Secretary of... 

De amusementsindustrie maakt kwetsbare amateurs tot lijfeigene

Inmiddels heeft iedereen die een beetje bekend is in Nederland wel meegedaan aan een show waarbij geheimhouding essentieel is. Dat kan gaan van het relatief onschuldige verborgen houden van de winnaar van De Slimste Mens tot de extreme geheimhouding die onderwerp is van Wie Is De Mol (WIDM) en die uiteindelijk leidt tot de wurgcontracten die aan talentenshows als The… 

The government is digging in where precisely cooperation with society is needed. 

I suspect that the decision to keep the museums, concert halls and theatres closed, while sports and Bijenkorf can open, was not born out of cultural hatred. A year ago, I would have doubted it. Now it is clear that those of you from the OMT do not actually want relief at all, but want to curb the biggest threat of civil disobedience. Sportsmen and middle-class people are more likely to throw... 

Performing Arts Fund works to clean up grant jungle

It all goes into effect only in 2023, at the earliest, but the first gusts of fresh wind blowing through the Performing Arts Fund are stirring the treetops. Under new director Viktorien van Hulst, the Fund wants to put an end to the many subsidy schemes that in recent years, under the guise of 'customisation', have become a bureaucratic jungle... 

This is why Culture Press exists - The most read stories of 2021.

Dit zijn de verhalen die in 2021 de muisarmen en klikvingers in beweging brachten, en dat is precies het materiaal waaraan Cultuurpers zijn bestaansrecht aan ontleent. Het is de top tien van meest gelezen verhalen, in een jaar dat ruim 250.000 paginabezoeken werden afgelegd. Angst en beven in de cultuursector: de schaduwzijde van de ’trickle down’ Ingrid van Frankenhuyzen deed… 

Nerd podcast on Marijn Lems's (NRC) annual list: Mental trauma and struggling with loss and grief.

Marijn Lems heeft een hobby die mooi samenvalt met zijn werk als recensent voor NRC Handelsblad, Theaterkrant en Cultuurpers. Hij speelt namelijk ontelbaar veel games, ziet bizar veel televisieseries en gaat ook nog eens meer naar het theater dan menig collega zich kan permitteren. Elk jaar maakt hij een top-lijst aan, die hij op Facebook plaatst. Ooit was dat de… 

170 million added structurally. The cultural sector can breathe a sigh of relief. Our wish list

Rutte 4 says sorry to Rutte 1, 2 and 3. We cannot explain the new coalition agreement very differently. Almost all the crown jewels of 11 years of neoliberal policies have been abandoned. That the budget for the cultural and creative sector is now (including marginal repairs during Rutte 3) back to 2010 levels is almost unbelievable. That... 

Tony Kushner gives Spielberg's West Side Story a depth you will never tire of.

The opening images of West Side Story (2021) already tell a whole story. It is contained in a few frames. A billboard showing a grandiose new housing project. The camera glides past it almost casually as we glide over rubble of a New York slum, not with the characteristic fire escapes along the facade, as in the first film adaptation (1961) of this 1957 musical theatre piece,... 

PODCAST: Everything had to be different for Patricia Goduto

Patricia Goduto (37) stond begin deze eeuw op het podium in grote shows van Stage Entertainment toen een oud jeugdtrauma opspeelde en haar in een jaren durende psychose stortte. Haar leven veranderde onherroepelijk, ze raakte verslaafd aan medicijnen en alcohol en werd ongeneeslijk verklaard door haar behandelaars. Nu staat ze alweer een paar jaar op de planken, genezen van haar… 

During Ingrid van Engelshoven culture regained some respect from the Chamber. How next? #culture debate

He will not be thanked, the headline above this article. After all, if there is one thing you don't want, it is to give a minister of a Rutte cabinet a compliment. And certainly not one of culture, the sector that, under Rutte's 10-year premiership, suffered the heaviest blows in post-war history. Rutte is the... 

Creative Sector Taskforce: 'Bite through precisely where the risks are highest!'

'If you introduce a lockdown, do it at places where many infections take place. In fact, due to careful compliance with the Corona Entrance Ticket (CTB) in theatres, concert halls, museums and cinemas, there are few infections there. So targeting that measure precisely at the cultural sector is going to make little difference. Bite through precisely where the risks are highest... 

Nerd podcast S2A3: With Cees Debets (National Theatre) and Marijn Lems (NRC) on the uncertain times in theatres

The theatres are struggling to fill up, technicians have hung up their lights, but tickets are not on sale for Het Nationale Theater's Trojan Wars. So in this long-awaited Nerd podcast (the AVROTROS thinks the tune is really terrible), we talk to Cees Debets, the director of that great theatre company from The Hague. Marijn Lems also happens to have a few... 

Diepenheim's theatre workshop undermined by 'rules and codes' And Corona.

Er is opschudding in de wereld van het circus en openluchttheater, nu een belangrijke werkplaats annex festival in het beroemde kunstenaarsstadje Diepenheim zijn directie verliest. Ruth Semmekrot, sinds 2013 directeur van Kunsten op Straat Overijssel, legde afgelopen vrijdag plotseling haar functie neer. In een verklaring op Facebook stelde ze: ‘Ik heb gestreden. De bestuurlijke en politieke dynamiek waar ik in… 

Festival Circolo pushes boundaries between art and tricks - BNG prize for handstand talent Nolan

The difference between tricks and art is the transformation. From a two-dimensional canvas into a form with three dimensions, from moving air into emotional music, on a stage from man into woman or vice versa and from a handstand into a liquid abstraction. Transformation where you are live, so it can be done very well in the circus, I experienced last... 

'A big iconic building with a park around it'. Culture Councils Amsterdam and Empire set high bar for Slavery Museum

The Dutch Slavery Museum has moved a step closer, now that the Arts Council (Amsterdam) and the Council for Culture (Rijk) have issued an opinion on the exploration of a direction group presented earlier this year. This satisfies official procedural due diligence, although establishing the necessary museum in this way seems likely to take at least as much time.... 

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