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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

Scenic shot from The Encounter by Complicity/Simon McBurney. Photo: Robbie Jack.

Audio is the new video (I): McBurney's theatrical podcast on #HF16

Simon McBurney is a real theatre nerd. Exceedingly interested in mathematics and physics, he enjoys nothing more in the theatre than building technical illusions. He is also an in-demand actor and director, who, when he has a performance at London's Barbican Centre, gets a visit from Kate Bush, who humbly comes to congratulate him on his work. This year, he is,... 

Code Cultural Governance behoeft onderhoud: Wie bewaakt de toezichthouder?

‘Uiteindelijk komt het natuurlijk op mijn bordje terecht’, verzuchtte Jet Bussemaker, minister van cultuur in kabinet Rutte II, laatst. Ze sprak bij de presentatie van een onderzoeksrapport naar het functioneren van toezichthouders in de cultuursector, eind april in Amstelveen. Want, zo vatte ze het samen: als het toezicht faalt is er niemand anders dan de minister die de schade kan herstellen.


Stagehands, stay away from that theatre!

The longer I walk around in the theatre industry, the more I find out that these so-called crisis in the performing arts is not down to the people who make theatre, nor to the people who may or may not come to watch it. Good will is omnipresent. The only real cause for a breach of trust between actors and audiences that I can point to is the nineteenth-century invention we call 'theatre'. Let me explain.

Maarten Ornstein Photo- ©Foppe Schut 2014

What goes around comes around: Maarten Ornstein wrote a song for us! #ackler

'Write about that!' How many times have I heard or read that as a cultural journalist. From very good and interesting people, of course. People who make beautiful things, too. But also people who assume that I, as a writer on a website, will therefore immediately hop on a train to a remote corner of the country... 

NRC in error: Daan Roosegaarde is not a thief because Ger van Elk is not unique

This Daan Roosegaarde is said to have made a huge fool of himself again. In any case, NRC Handelsblad reported that the man, who is under fire for not naming sources, has again committed plagiarism. For his contribution to the DWDD pop-up museum, a wildly successful thing by the world's fastest culture programme, he hung a whole row of seascapes in a room,... 

writers gathered in captain Zeppos

Writers together: self-publishing is no longer just for losers.

They still exist. Writers who find it hard enough to write a book, and so are happy to leave all the rest to a publisher. They then complain afterwards about the poor marketing, minimal payment and guidance, but have no idea how they could do it differently. Fortunately, it is becoming increasingly easy to do things differently... 

Publicity image Macbeth - Mark Kraan and Saskia Temmink - Het Zuidelijk Toneel - photographer Casper Rila_lying

Embarrassment? 7 Reasons why Southern Drama Macbeth has nothing to do with Shakespeare.

Hoe ver mag je gaan met het gebruik van de naam Shakespeare voor een theatervoorstelling? Of liever gezegd: wanneer houdt een bewerking van een klassieker op een bewerking te zijn, en wanneer moet je er gewoon voor uitkomen dat je een eigen stuk hebt geschreven? En als je dan in je vierjarenplan hebt gemeld dat je in 2016 een Shakespeare… 


The Performing Arts Fund has a huge problem

I wrote about it a while ago. About all those people who are now barely sustaining themselves on a minimal grant amount from the Performing Arts Fund, and that they have all done a fan-tas-tic job. This is what director Henriëtte Post told me in a conversation sometime this winter. 'Based on their performance, none of the current institutions can get out of... 

Still a shame about those critics! 1 reason to buy the new Boekman.

Is there any reason to buy the magazine 'Boekman 106′? For me, yes, although I should immediately throw a magazine that claims to be the Dutch forum for art, culture and policy into the dustbin for displayed arrogance. After all, with a circulation of only 1400 copies, and appearing four times a year, how can you give yourself such a... 

Theatre Rotterdam is going to do it all over again

On Monday 14 March, Theatre Rotterdam will present its plans for the upcoming arts plan period. On Thursday 10 March, Bianca van der Schoot already told about it during a public meeting with a class of Utrecht theatre scholars. What became clear from her story is that she has little desire to start bringing world repertoire with the old Ro theatre share in Theatre Rotterdam. She has a lot of... 

Bep Rietveld, daughter of....

Bep Rietveld could do at least 1 thing better than her father

The great thing about visiting openings is that sometimes you get to experience something that no one expected. Like at the mini-exhibition 'Bep Rietveld, daughter of...' at Kunstruimte Kuub in Utrecht. It features 72 paintings by the daughter of Gerrit Rietveld, the man who gave De Stijl its furniture and houses. This Bep, not without merit with the paintbrush, created a... 

Hitler on Hacking habitat (Roy Villevoye)

Hacking Habitat: battle for total digital power impressively depicted

In the corridor leading to the airspace, a shabby man stands leaning against the wall. Exhausted, cold, untouchable. It is a young Adolf Hitler, portrayed by Roy Villevoye as the homeless, failed artist he once was. Now he is at Hacking Habitat and full of potential, according to the caption. The art manifestation that has taken possession under that title in... 

battle of newport (set fragment)

Reading theatre yourself. The best way to learn about theatre.

There is one thing almost as much fun as going to see a play. According to some, it is even more fun than going to see a play: reading a play yourself. And then not by yourself, but with a few others. That you divide the roles and start reading aloud. With a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of wine on the side.... 

It's time for a 'slave-free art' seal of approval #tegendebakker

Making art is too much fun and too unnecessary. People really like making art, and really want to show it off. So much so, that they are the only ones doing their contribution to an art event for free. While all other contributors are simply paid. Thus, the art world, including the subsidised one, is one of the places in the Netherlands where slavery is still common. It... 

Jury NK Slam 2016, flnr: Stefan Hertmans. Ellen tten Damme and Erik Jan Harmens

Flemish wins legendary NK Poetry Slam final

A female Johnny Cash, powerful, deeply personal and with a political commitment you don't often hear. Flemish poet Stefan Hertmans was full of praise for Carmien Michels' performance at the final of the 2016 NK Poetry Slam. The writer with two novels and a couple of collections to her name was indeed in a class of her own: her poems made the... 

Upcoming round of grants will be disastrous for artists, but there is a solution

Op 1 maart moet iedere kunstenaar die steun wil hebben van de overheid zijn aanvraag hebben ingediend. Fondsen, gemeentes en rijk gaan daarna in commissies overleggen. De vierjaarlijkse tombola zal dit jaar nog dramatischer uitpakken dan vier jaar geleden, toen de enorme bezuinigingen door CDA, PVV en VVD werden doorgevoerd. Omdat er nu vrijwel geen geld bijkomt, en vaak juist nog… 

Reactie Bussemaker op inkomensalarm kunstsector is totaal verkeerd

De SER heeft vandaag bevestigd wat wij al voorspelden in 2012: de inkomenspositie van werkers in de kunsten is ernstig verzwakt. Tussen alle positieve berichten over stijgende inkomsten en bezoekcijfers door is dit een harde confrontatie met de werkelijkheid achter de cijfers. Vast personeel is in veel grotere mate dan in de rest van het bedrijfsleven vervangen door zzp’ers. En… 

susan neiman

The Access. Winternachten chief guest Susan Neiman on David Bowie (among others) #wn16

The last bit is always the most exciting. After a nice conversation with festival presenter Francis Broekhuizen, chief guest Susan Neiman suddenly joined us. It was nearing twelve, quite a bit of wine had actually already been poured into presenter and guest, but still. Suddenly you find yourself talking to a great philosopher and writer about David Bowie. This was the last session at Winternachten.... 

connie palms

A Saturday night with Connie Palmen, Adriaan van Dis and Socrates. #wu16, #wn16

Next time, there will be 10 people queuing for a hotseat, 100 online viewers and dozens of live spectators in the foyer. At least I hope so, because only then will experimenting with new forms, apps and devices make sense, of course. At the second Winternachten night, Saturday 16 January at the Theater aan het Spui, we had slightly fewer viewers than...

Forget Jinek. The conversation about art can go to a new dimension: at #wu16

On Friday 15 January, we conducted a first experiment with the platform ''. During festival Winternachten, we reported live, via the internet. We did so in English, because most of the viewers we had were English-speaking. We could see that. That is already the most striking difference between something like, and ordinary television. in the Netherlands is still... 

winter nights on blab

On the sofa with The Signature Hunter, The Translator and Abdelkader Benali

Three and a half hours of streaming video from a seating area at The Hague's Winternachten festival. I won't blame you if you didn't follow everything. I wasn't quite there myself at the end. Still, it was a success. If only because it hasn't been done here in the country before. Blab is so new that... 

winter nights opening: debate

'Western writers are part of oppression'

The annual presentation of the International PEN Awards during the opening of Winternachten in The Hague is never a truly convivial affair. After all, every year at least one of the awardees cannot receive the prize herself. Because she has been captured, because he is missing, or ill. This year, Thursday 14 January at the Theater aan het Spui, could... 


Blackstar: Bowie geeft les in ouder worden

Technisch is hij natuurlijk al een keer opgestaan uit de dood. Immers, bij een open hartoperatie (2004) wordt je hart stilgelegd. Vroeger was je dan dood. Nu kom je met een nieuw leven terug uit narcose. Niet vreemd dus, dat het 69-jarige popcultuurfenomeen David Bowie zijn huidige leven aan Lazarus ophangt: een muziektheaterstuk, een song, genoemd naar de bijbelse zwerver… 

Van Veen (vvd), Pechtold (d66) and Monasch (pvda) during the culture budget debate

We were read in 2015: 300,000 visitors, a total of 10,000 hours of reading time.

Tijd voor ons succeslijstje. In 2015 trokken we 60.000 bezoekers meer dan in 2014. Dat is iets om trots op te zijn. Een website die zich richt op de verhalen die de bestaande media de klein vinden, en dan zulke cijfers. Dat we die 300.000 bezoekers trokken is één, dat ze gemiddeld 2 en een halve minuut per verhaal besteedden,… 

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