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Jet's letter: 'alas, peanut butter'

The previous Secretary of State for Culture, Halbe Zijlstra, made his draconian cuts cast in concrete. The 35-40 per cent cut in the budgets of orchestras, theatre companies and some museums has become law. The new minister of culture, PvdA star Jet Bussemaker, cannot change that at all an iota. And if she even wanted to: the architect of the cuts she has to allow sits in the chamber as the ruling party's group leader. No chance That he will allow his policies to go down the drain.

Ivo van Hove is God. According to New Yorkers.

Anyway: while Amsterdam's city newspaper Parool was embarking on a campaign against the Dutch capital's city company at the behest of the Flemish publishing board, the same Toneelgroep Amsterdam was winning the hearts of New York audiences with a production of the already years-old 'Roman Tragedies', which a few here did not even like overall:

Are we saying 'No' to EU culture money again?

If the Netherlands consistently sticks to previously adopted PVV positions, the second chamber will say 'No' to a European investment in culture, innovation and media on 21 November 2012. However, if the current Rutte government sticks to the pro-European stance included in the coalition agreement, the Netherlands will cease its opposition to the 1.8 billion euro contribution to strengthening culture, which has now been approved by all other European member states.

Germany investing in culture? Not really.

We too retweeted it: "Germany increases culture subsidy by 100 million". And we thus fed a half-truth. That half-truth is, that Germany is a heaven for culture lovers, a haven for people fed up with the chilly austerity of the Rutte governments. Germany may seem nice, but, As Volkskrant correspondent Merlijn Schoonenboom noted in March this year, cuts are being made there at least as hard as here.

November Music focuses on multimedia

’s Hertogenbosch 9-11-2012 – November Music werd afgelopen woensdag succesvol afgetrapt en focust ook in zijn twintigtse editie op multimedia. Het duo Strijbos & Van Merwijk was er al vaker te gast en kreeg die middag de Prins Bernhardcultuurprijs Noord-Brabant, uitgereikt door voormalig Concertgebouwdirecteur Martijn Sanders. ’s Avonds trok hun voor het Amerikaanse strijkkwartet ETHEL gemaakte multimediaspektakel Cross Avenue veel publiek, de twee voorstellingen van Cloud-Messenger van Fred Momotenko waren zelfs geheel uitverkocht.

Dance group LeineRoebana breaks boundaries in Cello Biennale

Dance and music belong together. Yet there is always something new to discover in this combination. The Amsterdam Cello Biennale invited dance group LeineRoebana to create a dance and music performance with cellist Jakob Koranyi and CvA Percussion to music by composer Tan Dun: 'Snow in June'. In recent years, LeineRoebana has shown like no other group how enriching unconventional combinations between dance and music can be.

DUS retains grant, leadership leaves

The Netherlands' most remarkable company when it comes to handling grant money has been saved. The Theatre newspaper reports that the central government has agreed to the new adjusted budget, which had to be prepared after earlier this year a loss of over 2 million euros had arisen. So the company keeps the one and a half million euros and artistic director Jos Thie and his business partner Jelle Snijder are chased out of the city with pitch and feathers, where they can join the Supervisory Board that had already turned a little too blind eye. After all, putting in an overpriced production to make up for the deficit from an earlier run of that same overpriced production: no entrepreneur would ever allow that.

41,5 miljoen per jaar voor verbetering cultuuronderwijs

Het ministerie van OCW steekt de komende jaren tijd en geld in verbetering van het cultuuronderwijs op de basisscholen. Via een combinatie van reeds bestaande potjes en geld dat door rijk, gemeentes en provincies wordt bijgedragen komt er in de komende jaren per jaar 41,5 miljoen euro vrij voor de kunsteducatie. En voordat iedere ZZP-ende kunstenaar nu alvast plannen gaat maken: dat geld gaat vooral naar onderzoeken en procedures, waarbij het meest concrete doel is: ‘de ontwikkeling van een leerlijn cultuureducatie’.

Cinekid honours French animation filmmaker Michel Ocelot with Lifetime Achievement Award

The feature-length French animated film is on the rise. To emphasise this, Michel Ocelot, one of the pacesetters, has been invited as guest of honour by the Cinekid children's film festival. Tonight, he was also presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, which he accepted with a modest protest. As an animation filmmaker, Michel Ocelot (1943) considers himself still an adolescent with much to discover.

Art for all: €3 per person, per month

The discussion was and is endless, but now we have figures. Thanks to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science's new 'key figures', we now know how much the state (all of us) are spending for the opportunity to experience art: per inhabitant, the state spends 38.90 per year on subsidies for dance, theatre, museums, youth theatre, opera and orchestras. So that's just over 3 euros a month. Indeed something to get into each other's hair about, we think.

Nederlands Kamerkoor 75 years young

Amsterdam, 10-10-2012 - Already last summer, the Dutch Chamber Choir (NKK) through our country, working with amateur choirs at surprise station concerts to draw the general public's attention to its seventy-fifth anniversary. In the coming weeks, this anniversary will be celebrated with a series of concerts in seven different cities, under the recruiting title 'A tradition of renewal'.

Internetters kunnen reageren op plan afschaffing CKV

Minister Bijsterveld van OCW gaat het land vragen om advies. Deze week is een zogenaamde internetconsultatie van start gegaan over het voornemen van haar ministerie om de Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming van Havo en VWO scholieren af te schaffen. ‘het Veld’ kan nu reageren, dus wij stellen voor dat u uw mening, en vooral uw inhoudelijke argumenten aan het ministerie kenbnaar maakt, via deze link:

Netherlands closes a special embassy

This week, the curtain officially fell on the Theatre Emabassy, a club of inspired people who had Dutch artists collaborate with artists in developing countries such as Honduras, Bhutan and Congo. The resulting performances were only sporadically seen in the Netherlands, but every now and then a project made a broad impression here too, such as a 'On Hope of Blessing', played by real fishermen, but from Mali.

NFF 2012 - All student awards go to the Film Academy

The Film Academy can be satisfied. The two juries that handed out the three student awards at the Netherlands Film Festival on Monday night had also looked at graduation work from other Dutch academies with a film section. But in the end, all the lucky ones were students from the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, as the Amsterdam programme is called in full. Magnesium again. The Tuschinski Award for best graduation film, this... 

NFF - 'The rules of Matthijs' mandatory curriculum for emergency workers

The crop of feature-length documentaries screened at the Netherlands Film Festival is good. They are extraordinary stories, sometimes startling, sometimes penetrating, sometimes fodder for much discussion, and almost all very beautifully filmed. We wish the jury much wisdom. The nominated documentary 'The Rules of Matthijs' is interesting for everyone, but should be compulsory reading for social workers,... 

Milestone in sight

We never actually pat ourselves on the back, but so once every few years it is allowed. For instance, when you are 'top story' within an hour on the global twitter story website ''. Of course, we often have a sudden surge in visitors, and certainly last September was a top month with 15000 visitors, but something like this, more than 500 visitors in not even an hour.... 

NFF 2012 – Robert Oey maakt opnieuw indruk met Gesneuveld

Iedere avond vindt er op het Nederlands Film Festival een belangrijke première plaats, en zondag was dat de nieuwe documentaire van Robert Oey, over boodschappers en nabestaanden. Gesneuveld laat een kant van onze militaire missie in Afghanistan zien die weinig in beeld kwam. 25 Nederlandse militairen zijn daar gesneuveld. De film is in zekere zin een eerbetoon aan hen, maar… 

'Collective copyright abuse is global problem'

A while back, there was a fuss in the Netherlands about the BUMA, the club that collects copyrights for musicians and publishers. Money had been lost in speculation and a director was engaging in nepotism. These cases do not appear to be isolated. At least, they are also mentioned in an overview of all known cases of abuse of power and corruption at collecting societies worldwide.

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