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Director Thomas Ostermeier advocates 'dramatic non-dramatic' theatre in his masterclass #tf2010

Ze is net terug van een lange vakantie in haar geboorteland Noorwegen en, al vinden veel Noren Ibsen tegenwoordig saai, zelf houdt ze van zijn werk. Maren Bjorseth is derde-jaars regiestudente aan de AHK. Haar Nederlands is vlekkeloos; het is moeilijk te geloven dat ze hier pas twee jaar woont. Maren is een van de vier regie-studenten die is uitverkoren om een masterclass te volgen van de Duitse regisseur Thomas Ostermeier, artistiek leider van Schaubühne Berlin. Vorig jaar was in de Stadschouwburg zijn Hamlet te zien (met een zich vervelende, nogal dikke Hamlet in de hoofdrol) en in december gaat Ostermeier bij Toneelgroep Amsterdam Spoken regisseren van Ibsen.

De masterclass is een samenwerkingsproject van TF met de AHK en acteurs van ACT. Het is de eerste schooldag voor de studenten en, zoals Maren zegt, ze zijn meteen het diepe in geworpen: ‘Het was heel kort en intensief, we hebben gewerkt van tien tot drie en Thomas Ostermeier is twee keer komen kijken. Het is dan ook echt een work in progress.’

Roma B. brings confrontational and contagious theatre to Amsterdam-Noord and Wouter van Oord brings beautiful piece of text theatre #tf2010

The great thing about the Fringe is the variety. On Saturday night I saw VOS, a play by Slawomir Mrozek, played sparklingly by Wouter van Oord. Dressed in a shirt of the Dutch national team, with the name VOS on the back, Van Oord plays two monologues with conviction. The tension can be read from his face before the start, but is gone as soon as the actor... 

Actors make audience laugh and gawk with intrigue in theatrical jam session 'Night Guests' #tf2010

"I am fifty-eight." Plumply, Saskia Lemming (Oda Spelbos) reveals her biggest secret to husband and jaded folk singer René Lemming (Peter Bolhuis). He married her 12 years ago, thinking she was a young blonde. In turn, he reveals that he actually wrote 'You are the cream of my crop', his number one hit, for another woman. The bomb bursts on reality show 'The Lemmings'. Or rather: on stage at De Balie, where Hadewich Minis, Peter Bolhuis, Oda Spelbos and Yorick Zwart compete in Night guests. A three-hour improvisational 'jam session'.

Roaring Lolita in Stallion Ball ends up very small#tf2010

The room is lit in red. This creates a shadowy atmosphere as you might expect at a nightclub. The music starts playing and from the stairs a young lady in a snappy outfit comes down. She serves pieces of sausage and plays with the crowd. She introduces herself as Lolita. A man in the front row may unbutton her zip. She... 

Dutch actors relive emotional childhood memories during Shelley Mitchell's Method Acting Masterclass #tf2010

"We are artists. Acting is a vocation. Not everyone understands that. Sometimes it's a lonely existence." Understanding, almost motherly, Shelley Mitchell addresses a group of Dutch actors at De Balie. The American actress and founder of The Actors Centre of San Francisco introduces them to 'method acting' during a three-day master class. Not pretending, but becoming one with your character. A way of acting that has won many famous actors an Oscar. Think of Robert De Niro, Juilette Binoche, Al Pacino and Kate Winslet.

Poetic and pure exploration of Aardlek in Amsterdam's basement #tf2010

The search for the gem of the Fringe takes me to Amsterdam's basement. Underneath the Rokin, where work on the North/South line is going on 24 hours a day, theatre collective Aardlek plays the performance PUT. In one of the Fringe Festival's most eye-catching locations, I find myself on an underground voyage of discovery into the past, present and future.

Stunning transformations by Shelley Mitchell in poignant monologue 'Talking with Angels' #tf2010

Invisible forces, described as angels, speaking through a Jewish woman to her friends at the time of the Holocaust in Hungary. A mysterious and true story, translated by American actress Shelley Mitchell into the one-woman performance Talking with Angels. A huge success in America. Yesterday on stage for the first time in the Netherlands.

True theatre is like Storm and Cappuccino: irresistibly sublime, says Adelheid Roosen on #tf2010

'It is a wonderful thing, for instance, that every day, my body exhibits the same eager desire for a keigoeie kappoetzjino. That every 24 hours the desire to 'want to taste' is born in me and wants to hit me again. And I don't have to do anything for that, that desire drags me into the shower and saliva starts foaming... 

NNT's 11 minutes not only makes you lose the desire to laugh, but all lust. My wife regrets that. #tf2010

Ola Mafaalani. That's a very fierce one. So you can never ignore that. The human is so full of passion and emotion that all her stage work, because she is a director, cannot possibly leave you cold. At least, so it was until recently, with me personally finding her last play at Toneelgroep Amsterdam 'Hemel boven Berlijn' the most beautiful, because it was also the most... 

Opening #TF2010: 'Theatre should be at the forefront of discussion on society, instead of being dictated to by prevailing mores.'

On 2 September 2010, actress, writer, theatre and television producer Joan Nederlof opened the Dutch Theatre Festival with a speech that was as entertaining as it was provocative. As it was her turn to pronounce the annual 'State of the Theatre', Nederlof, born in 1962, seized the opportunity to call on her own generation to take a stand in the social debate. She did so in her own relatable way, known for her roles on TV (Deer Park) and in the theatre (Inside Out):

Drama is much more suited to interpret history than film. @RvanH writes essay on Hannah and Martin at #TF2010

Hannah and Martin by Mugmetdegoudentand is not only a heartwarming performance, played by one phenomenal actress and one inimitable theatre personality, it is also a brainteaser. Trouw reviewer and theatre scholar Robbert van Heuven felt challenged to write a short essay in response to this performance.

First ACT Award presented to casting legend Hans Kemna: 'I didn't want to come at all' #tf2010

Everyone wants to kiss him for a moment. Hans Kemna, shining centre of the 'book ball for actors', has just won the very first ACT Award. The award was presented at Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg, during the ACT gala, the prologue to the Dutch Theatre Festival.

Benjamin Verdonck opens Flemish Theatre Festival: artists must be environmentally aware #tf2010

We had completely forgotten about the environment. While the streets in the Netherlands are flooded and some Dutch people are already talking about Pakistani conditions, here the talk is mainly about looming austerity measures and disintegrating Christian Democrat power blocks. 'Artists of today must relate to environmental issues' is therefore a comment we do not expect to hear from an artist in the Netherlands. We... 

This is my father: flaming stab at anti-Semitism to be seen on #tf2010

In This is my father, young theatre-maker Ilay den Boer (1986) literally puts his own father in the spotlight. He does so by giving his father the lead role in a performance that is all about him. This results in intimate and voyeuristic theatre.
Before the performance, you will be given a booklet describing the life of Gert den Boer. Based on dates and events, visitors can ask questions to the men on stage. Father and son answer, open doors and tell anecdotes. But what if it turns out that they handle some events very differently? Where Jewish Ilay sees signs of anti-Semitism, his own reformed father recognises an innocent incident. How differently do father and son view issues like discrimination or hatred?

Branden: legendary top theatre to be seen again in Amsterdam #tf2010

The destructive power of war and hatred

Writer Wajdi Mouawad (b. 1968) fled his native Lebanon at the age of nine. At the time, a brutal civil war had been raging there for years. Together with his family, he ended up in Canada via France.

There, he develops into an internationally renowned playwright. His work is now performed all over the world. The Ro Theatre introduced Mouawad to the Netherlands for the first time this theatre season.

Regisseur Alize Zandwijk koos voor het stuk Branden en zet een gewaagde en overtuigende versie op de planken. Bijgestaan door een talentvolle cast van actrices en acteurs. Je ziet de moeder Nawal Marwan en haar tweeling Jeanne en Simon. Nawal is stervende.

The International Choice of Rotterdam Theatre on location

Rotterdam is renovating its theatre into something that should be cosy in its Jan Versewyveld way with lots of wood. The International Choice, the increasingly exciting season opener by Quist's Kist, as the building opposite the Pathé multiplex on schouwburgplein is called, can therefore be seen everywhere except the theatre. Last-minute searches for locations are ongoing.... 

On to Theatre Festival TF and International Choice Rotterdam Theatre

  The Dodo has had its baptism of fire. We now know what the basics are, and therefore what can be improved. and of course there will be others with even more suggestions. We're going to take all that into our tents this July, think and sleep on that and then go with the new insights.... 

A Don Giovanni without Don before it, without scruples and without illusions, but with a few naked women. #hf10

 By Wijbrand Schaap Once in a while, a theatre director stands up who wants to expose the emptiness around him or her. That it is about the emptiness within him (or her) himself, this young director usually finds out some 20 years later, once it has become a little less empty. That's how these things go. We... 

Shukshin's Stories: a 'gypsy boy-with-trane' painting by a grand master. #hf10

The Russian soul. So there is something about that. And you get something from that when you see a Chekhov play (if done well), or read one of his short stories. Or when you read the works of Tolstoi, Dostoevsky or any other inhabitant of that vast nothingness east of Poland. Or seeing the paintings, which a few... 

Teleac course on muezzin singing delivers little deeper insight #hf10

 Above, fun audio from the Holland Festival. We went to watch and listen at this performance. Afterwards, we talked to actor Sabri Saad el Hamus and reviewer Martin Schouten. They had their own views on this play, which was announced as follows: Cairo is the city with thirty thousand minarets. Here you can hear five times a day above the... 

Oerol arrives. Competition for Holland Festival on scarce arts pages in Festivalland #hf10

 The Marathon Effect is well known: put spectators together in a theatre for half a day or more, preferably on uncomfortable seats, and hand them over to a couple of actors with a play. Success seems assured, and the ancient Greeks already knew that. So that there would be no discord surrounding the monster project I Demoni, the Dostoevsky adaptation of Peter... 

Demoni by Peter Stein: Masterpiece leads to masterpiece #hf10

 After a 12-hour theatre marathon, what can be said? That it was good? Good. It can. That it was rare? Also true. That it takes a director in his 70s to stage a Russian novel with such calmness, and that it takes such phenomenal actors to keep the audience hooked for 11 hours to the not-very... 

'Calliope writes very essential notes'. Premiere Greek Love Songs by Calliope Tsoupaki #hf10

 Image report: Ellen Segeren A few years ago, Greek-Dutch composer Calliope Tsoupaki wrote songs with piano accompaniment for Greek singer Nena Venetsanou. Some of these Tsoupaki arranged for the four brass players of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Brass Soloists and the four singers of the Egidius Quartet, whose tenor part is filled in for this occasion by Marcel Beekman. For him, Tsoupaki also wrote... 

De Keersemaeker sinks through the bottom of what is still dance in '3Abschied'

 Text Maarten Baanders (photo Herman Sorgeloos) After sensory work had already been reduced to a minimum in Keeping Still - Part I and The Song, dance philosopher Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker confronts the most extreme reduction possible in life in the final part of the trilogy, 3Abschied: death. Her choice of music strikes again Der... 

Battle of the hashtags: Harmony Festival, Ca vs Holland Festival, Nl #hf10

 Fortunately, there is a considerable time difference between Santa Monica and Amsterdam, but for a while there was a threat of considerable confusion when the organisers of the three-day Harmony Festival thought they could reserve the hashtag #hf10 for themselves. However, since the first twitters, yesterday, things have been quiet in California, as they have discovered that Holland Rulez where trending topics are concerned.... 

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