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Alles wat in musea, galeries, op rotondes en dorpspleienen staat, en boven bankstellen hangt. En Marina Abramovic

The Silence: A festival, premiere, dernière and summer

During the 7th edition of the Brabants International Children's Festival (BRIK), our latest performance Voor de Draad Ermee premiered and we presented Mankind with Paul van Kemenade and Stevko Busch for the last time. For the Wire With It premiered On Saturday 24 June, For the Wire With It premiered to a full house in the Chassé Theatre!.... 

image from the film by David Hannan

Thanks to Wallworth at the Holland Festival one last look up from beneath a dying sea.

The dome of Artis Planetarium is made for stars; it is not a shiny Imax canvas. That the images in Coral: Rekindling Venus by Lynette Wallworth therefore do not splash off the screen is to be expected. Wallworth, a close friend and colleague of ANOHNI, is prominent at this year's Holland Festival and made Coral, Rekindling Venus exclusively... 

Ed Atkins Photo by Kiasma

Poetic gem by Ed Atkins knows exactly how to strike a chord

That he prefers not to hear news about the weather, but that there were once people alive who he knew, and what the weather was like then, Ed Atkins cannot talk about that often enough. So he repeats that phrase endlessly. A 'loop', then, as we know it from music and video art. But performed live. Is... 

Lynette Walworth by Cassandra Hannagan

Lynette Walworth brings empathetic art. That takes some getting used to at the Holland Festival

A TED Talk, but not 15 minutes as prescribed by that scattershot ideas organisation, but an hour and a half. In How To Live (After You Die), the monumental artist Lynette Walworth takes you through a story-with-light images about the temptations of sectarian faith, which, via the Amazon and the Outback, over Donald Trump and along the steppes of Mongolia, ends in the caves... 

Nelson Carrilho werkend aan het beeld Mama Baranka, zomer 1984. Foto collectie Nelson Carrilho

40 jaar na moord Kerwin Lucas Duinmeijer mini-expo over Mama Baranka | Amsterdam Museum presenteert kleine tentoonstelling rondom het herdenkingsbeeld van Nelson Carrilho

Het is deze zomer, op 20 augustus, 40 jaar geleden dat de vijftienjarige Antilliaanse Kerwin Lucas Duinmeijer werd vermoord. Zijn dood, vaak gezien als de eerste racistische moord in Amsterdam, leidde tot veel protesten én tot samenwerking tussen organisaties van migranten om de strijd tegen racisme aan te gaan. De in Curaçao geboren beeldhouwer Nelson Carrilho maakte naar aanleiding van… 

Arrow by Anohni

Amsterdam Museum presents multimedia exhibition by artist and musician ANOHNI at Huis Willet-Holthuysen

From 4 June to 29 October 2023, ANOHNI, the Holland Festival's associate artist, presents a multimedia exhibition at Huis Willet-Holthuysen: She Who Saw Beautiful Things. With this art display, ANOHNI honours its former collaborative partner Dr Julia Yasuda. Also on display are photographs taken by her now-deceased wife Erika Yasuda. These are now on display for the first time. Back to... 

Artwork at TFAF 2023. Photo by author

TEFAF 2023: is the art world still about art? 

Every year, the most important collectors, the museums with the greatest buying power, the best art dealers and the people with lots of disposable income head to Maastricht to look at and (dis)buy art at art fair TEFAF. The champagne flows, designer bags dangle from every shoulder, and over a tart imported from Paris, or an oyster, a decision is made whether to buy a... 

Still from the documentary White Balls on Walls by Sarah Vos

White Balls on Walls: fascinating image of a museum in panic

There is quite a stir among mostly people of certain (white) colour and age about a documentary now playing in movie houses. In White Balls on Walls, maker Sarah Vos shows how the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has to get used to a new era in which old self-evidences are shaking to their foundations. The uproar revolves mainly around the artworks created by established... 

Photo of presentation with participants Cathelijne Broers, Renée Steenbergen and Rien van Gendt.

4 coming revolutions involving art and money.

The Dutch government distrusts citizens. And that stands in the way of a healthy art sector. This emerged on 17 January during a well-attended symposium at Amsterdam's Veem House. The occasion was the essay published in book form by Renée Steenbergen, who also published articles on this site. At the event, co-organised by Veem and Platform Beeldende Kunst, many makers were... 

Created with Midjourney AI, via the prompt: dog staring picasso style

Beware the new myths of anti-woke

Scored a new bullshit bingo card, today. 'Art must no longer tingle, I quit'. Big headline in a quality newspaper, with below it the terrible story of gallery owner Jeanette Dekeukeleires of Gallery Art Kitchen. The 60-year-old says she is quitting her job because nothing more is allowed. (Read the story here) For instance, she received complaints from young people about the famous PSP poster with that naked woman.... 

A collage of pictures belonging to the exhibition at the amsterdam Museum, with many images of woven artworks

Continue This Thread. Karim Adduchi x Tess van Zalinge - New exhibition on the power of crafts at Amsterdam Museum

Jurken gemaakt uit Marokkaanse borduurapplicaties en patchwork couture van geüpcyclede designerstoffen. De Amsterdamse modeontwerpers Karim Adduchi en Tess van Zalinge kregen in de afgelopen jaren veel naamsbekendheid met hun ontwerpen geïnspireerd op historische en streekgebonden handwerktechnieken. Met duurzame collecties als ‘natuurlijk’ (Van Zalinge, 2022) en community-projecten als de ‘Social [Distancing] Fabric’ (Adduchi en The World Makers, 2021) bieden beide modeontwerpers… 

created by Midjourney AI with the prompt: black female artist exposition

The art world is still white and male.

The website where the Dutch umbrella organisation of museums, the Museum Association, keeps track of audience and number of people employed by its members was unreachable today. Perhaps that is because today the leading website Artnet also came out with revealing figures on the arts sector in the US. The report, titled The Burns Halperin Report, includes an overview of the... 

'Versace broke the traditional male-female image' - exhibition on fashion designer and 'kitsch king' Gianni Versace at Groninger Museum 

Why is the largest retrospective on Italian designer Gianni Versace yet on show in Groningen? "Why not?" jokes Andreas Blühm, general director of the Groninger Museum. Indeed, it seems like a bizarre choice, but if you look a little closer, you will discover a few commonalities between the museum in the down-to-earth north and the maximalism of Gianni Versace, who on 2... 

Amsterdam Museum acquires artwork Aukje Dekker about first female mayor

Het Amsterdam Museum heeft het werk Woman on top (2022) van kunstenares Aukje Dekker verworven. Het werk, waarmee Dekker het feit benadrukt dat Femke Halsema de eerste vrouwelijke burgemeester is van Amsterdam, is dinsdag officieel onthuld in de werkkamer van burgemeester Halsema op het stadhuis. Het werk Woman on top (2022) van Aukje Dekker (beeldend kunstenaar, medeoprichter Sociëteit Sexyland) bestaat… 

Een eruptie van schoonheid in het Drents Museum

‘Napels zien en dan sterven’ waren Goethes beroemde woorden. Als de Duitse filosoof net zo omgeven was door schoonheid als ik tijdens de nieuwe tentoonstelling Sterven in schoonheid – De wereld van Pompeï en Herculaneum, dan begrijp ik zijn uitspraak wel. Voor het Drents Museum is het een eigenaardige keuze: een expositie over een al veel besproken periode en samenleving.… 

Hoe winnen we de ironie terug van extremisten? 

Wie in het werk van de mij tot nu toe volslagen onbekende schilder Rein Dool iets anders dan ironie ziet (zoals de schilder het ook heeft beschreven in een item op tv), heeft niet goed opgelet bij colleges literatuur- en kunstgeschiedenis. Rein Dool schilderde in 1974 een portret van het toenmalige College van Bestuur van de Leidsche Universiteit. We zien… 

How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place?

Thousands of Dutch people have memories of a time spent in AZCs across the country, but there is no physical archive of this part of Dutch heritage. How can people with a refugee background remember their first place of residence in the Netherlands if there are no longer any traces of this place? How can we reflect on and reflect on... 

The attack on The Girl with the Pearl Earring is the provisional low point of Instagram madness.

A temperature record will be broken in the Netherlands on 28 October. Yet another, and it is indeed incomprehensible that on this day people still book a plane for a weekend in Barcelona. It is unfortunately also incomprehensible that on this 27th October 2022, a young man sticks his head next to the head of The Girl with the... 

We Want it All now showing at the 5th edition of the ICK-Fest at Meervaart theatre.

After international premieres in Lugano (Switzerland) and recently as the opening of the Romaeuropa festival in Italy, We Want it All can now be seen at the 5th edition of the ICK-Fest at Meervaart theatre. On Saturday 29 October | 9pm, We Want it All will have its Dutch premiere during the festival. WE WANT IT ALL In a festive... 

De 59ste Biënnale Venetië: er valt zoveel te halen dat achter de grote en geijkte namen is weggevallen.

Je zou, wanneer je de Biënnale Arte Venetië 2022 bezoekt, meteen ‘woke’ of ‘wokisme’ kunnen roepen. Zo moeilijk is dat niet, want in de keuzes van de curator ligt de nadruk op vrouwelijke en niet-westerse kunstenaars.1 Maar ik zou dat te gemakkelijk vinden en uiteindelijk onterecht. Wanneer je probeert fris te kijken – alle beschouwingen vooraf vergetend – valt het… 

Nieuwe expositie: To those who have no time to play

Framer Framed presenteert To those who have no time to play, de grootste solotentoonstelling van de Amsterdamse kunstenaar Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Yakimanskaya) tot op heden, samengesteld door Charles Esche. De kunstenaar ontwikkelt haar werk samen met tal van anderen, onder andere met Kirgizische textielarbeiders, nieuwkomers, muzikanten en schrijvers. De tentoonstelling bestaat onder meer uit vier objecten in de ruimte, elk met… 

Marte Boneschansker presents: ROUW - Walk through Amsterdam East past places of loss

Op vrijdag 4 november gaat ROUW, het nieuwste werk van theatermaakster Marte Boneschansker, in première bij Plein Theater in Amsterdam-Oost. ROUW is een wandeling langs plekken van verlies. Met een koptelefoon op volg je een zorgvuldig uitgestippelde route door de wijk om te luisteren naar verhalen van rouw die corresponderen met de betreffende locaties. ROUW gaat over verlies. Over dat… 


KMSKA: Antwerp's 'new' museum: 'a muscle-white spaceship descended through the roof, after which the old building closed again like an oyster.'

Two museums for the price of one. With a Mona Lisa in the making. 20 km from the Dutch border. Which is more beautiful? The building or the collection? Last weekend, Antwerp's Royal Museum of Fine Arts reopened after no less than 11 years. And that resonates far beyond the port city. I walk inside with a Danish art historian,... 

Feestelijke onthulling van Monika Dahlberg’s sculpturen door wethouder Touria Meliani bij Framer Framed

Kunstenaar Monika Dahlberg heeft in opdracht van Framer Framed twee sculpturen gemaakt die een permanente plek zullen krijgen bij de ingang van het Framer Framed gebouw. Op donderdag 29 september, om 15:45 uur wordt het werk, getiteld Gatekeepers onthuld door de wethouder Kunst en Cultuur Touria Meliani en stadsdeelbestuurder Oost en portefeuillehouder kunst en cultuur Jan-Bert Vroege. Tijdens de opening… 

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