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Conductor Han-Na Chang: 'Music never offers just one answer'

'She is the embodiment of the incredible lightness of existence, agile, alert and precise on the beat.' So says one critic about Korean-American conductor Han-Na Chang (Suwon, 1982), who led just about every major orchestra after her debut in 2007. In 2014, she scored highly at the renowned BBC Proms with her fresh interpretation of the Fifth Symphony.... 

'Dormant Dutch film world needs kick from Brandend Kalf'

Goed nieuws voor iedereen die ook vindt dat de Nederlandse filmwereld wel wat meer pit kan gebruiken. Op 29 september wordt in filmtheater Springhaver in Utrecht de Avond van het Brandende Kalf georganiseerd. Afgerond met de uitreiking van het Brandend Kalf, de nieuwe filmprijs voor het meest opzienbarende, gedurfde, brutale of bevlogen Nederlandse filminitiatief. Tenminste, als er genoeg crowdfunders zijn die dit project van filmjournalist Karin Wolfs en schrijver A.H.J. Dautzenberg willen steunen.

Ja, u ziet het goed, dit evenement vindt, niet helemaal toevallig, plaats op de avond voorafgaand aan de uitreiking van de Gouden Kalveren. En nee, het Brandend Kalf is geen bijprogramma van het Nederlands Filmfestival. Wanneer we Karin Wolfs vragen om een en ander uit de doeken te doen wil ze er allereerst de nadruk op vestigen dat het een geheel onafhankelijk project is. Ook geen privéfeestje van Wolfs en Dautzenberg. Daarom ook die crowdfunding. Als die slaagt

Voices Outside The Echo Chamber: we need exhibitions like this

Een tentoonstelling die onze blik op migratie en migranten centraal stelt, ons migratiebeleid kritisch bejegent, maar niet in makkelijk pamflettisme vervalt, dat is ‘Voices outside the echo chamber’. Vrijdag 29 april opende in de Tolhuistuin de expositie “Voices outside the echo chamber“– een expositie van Framer Framed, de Amsterdamse organisatie die al jaren de beeldtaal in onze kunsten bevraagt en becommentarieert. Immers,… 

Modern panoramas at Mesdag don't make the old fade away

Although Panorama Mesdag always focuses on one painting, it is not a static museum. Changing exhibitions sometimes highlight Mesdag and his time, sometimes more modern artistic expressions. This time, the museum has approached artists to develop new visions on the concept of the panorama. A laudable decision. Whether the new panoramas are all equally convincing is a second. The main work in the exhibition is... 

Frans Budé: 'A poem has to have a story'

In his recent collection Achter het verdwijnpunt, death plays an important role. Poet Frans Budé lost no fewer than four poet friends in a short time and honoured them in verse. The 70-year-old poet himself still writes as avidly as in his younger years: in addition to an occasional collection about the Maas, to be published in May, he wrote poems for the upcoming exhibition... 

NRC in error: Daan Roosegaarde is not a thief because Ger van Elk is not unique

This Daan Roosegaarde is said to have made a huge fool of himself again. In any case, NRC Handelsblad reported that the man, who is under fire for not naming sources, has again committed plagiarism. For his contribution to the DWDD pop-up museum, a wildly successful thing by the world's fastest culture programme, he hung a whole row of seascapes in a room,... 

What is the relevance of contemporary dance?

Last weekend's workshop The Relevance of Dance, organised by Dansmakers Amsterdam and the European Dance House Network, sought to answer the question: What is the relevance of contemporary dance art for audiences? Suzy Blok, general director of Dansmakers Amsterdam, opened the atelier by talking about the desire of production houses to bring dance more to the... 

Opera Forward Festival: open your heart and be stimulated in a different way

Pierre Audi is the creator of the first edition of the Opera Forward Festival - OFF for short - which is being presented to the public for the first time as part of De Nationale Opera and its 50th anniversary. Opera as an art of inspiration is the supporting idea behind the ten-day festivities. The School During the Pre Launch OFF... 

Edith and Judith after arrival. So that's not how they hang in the exhibition! Photo Gemeentemuseum The Hague

Magical girls by Klimt and Schiele

There are outside opportunities to be taken advantage of. Egon Schiele's Portrait of Edith by his wife Edith will be joined by Gustav Klimt's Judith I from Vienna for a one-off at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. Two fascinating works, both very rarely on loan. And although the artists knew and appreciated each other, there is almost no greater difference imaginable than... 

Hitler on Hacking habitat (Roy Villevoye)

Hacking Habitat: battle for total digital power impressively depicted

In the corridor leading to the airspace, a shabby man stands leaning against the wall. Exhausted, cold, untouchable. It is a young Adolf Hitler, portrayed by Roy Villevoye as the homeless, failed artist he once was. Now he is at Hacking Habitat and full of potential, according to the caption. The art manifestation that has taken possession under that title in... 

Choreographer Erik Kaiel: 'No longer controlling everything from my laptop'

On 30 January, choreographer Erik Kaiel was presented with the prestigious Victor Award at IPAY, an international youth theatre fair in Canada, for his performance Tetris. "It's a kind of Buchmesse for youth theatre. If you get picked up there, you go around the world" says Kaiel. Kaiel (1973) has been working in the Netherlands since 2003 and has so far produced his work at... 

something raw logo

This was Something Raw 2016: less rebellious, more social

The raw in Something Raw can mean all sorts of things. The first thought might be something rough, as in the effect of sandpaper on skin or the havoc left by an elephant in the china shop. But rough is a derivative meaning. Raw first of all means unprocessed and fresh. There is a certain hope in the combination of rough and raw: artists who like... 

Self-employed: you don't have to be able to do everything on your own, seek career guidance!

Following the exploration of the labour market in the cultural sector made by the Social and Economic Council (SER) and the Council for Culture last month, there was a lot of attention on the low earning self-employed in the cultural sector. Promising headlines such as "Everyone gets paid except the artist" (NRC) and "It's a matter of waiting every month to see if I earn enough" (Volkskrant) could account for recognition... 

Contemporary trends in theatre and performance at Something Raw Festival 2016

Three mongols playing Mongols. Dschingis Khan, the opening performance of Something Raw, is provocative and consequential. With this performance by German theatre collective Monstertruck, or the also Berlin-based Man Power Mix by Sheena Mcgrandles and Zinzi Buchanan, the festival Something Raw lives up to its name. Something Raw is a festival in which Amsterdam theatres Frascati, De Brakke... 

It's time for a 'slave-free art' seal of approval #tegendebakker

Making art is too much fun and too unnecessary. People really like making art, and really want to show it off. So much so, that they are the only ones doing their contribution to an art event for free. While all other contributors are simply paid. Thus, the art world, including the subsidised one, is one of the places in the Netherlands where slavery is still common. It... 

Hermitage gets 'first' Outsider Art Museum in the Netherlands

The Hermitage Amsterdam has something 'new': a new museum space in the museum on the Amstel river will be home to the Netherlands' 'first' Outsider Art Museum from 17 March. With artworks by national and international Outsider artists. Excuse me, new? Does the museum not know at all that Zwolle once had a similar museum, with an extensive collection of outsider art? Outsider art returns with this... 

Upcoming round of grants will be disastrous for artists, but there is a solution

Op 1 maart moet iedere kunstenaar die steun wil hebben van de overheid zijn aanvraag hebben ingediend. Fondsen, gemeentes en rijk gaan daarna in commissies overleggen. De vierjaarlijkse tombola zal dit jaar nog dramatischer uitpakken dan vier jaar geleden, toen de enorme bezuinigingen door CDA, PVV en VVD werden doorgevoerd. Omdat er nu vrijwel geen geld bijkomt, en vaak juist nog… 

Musicians pay to save their orchestra. TV programme Maestro helps a little.

Het Orkest van het Oosten zet de tering naar de nering, richt zich primair op Overijssel en heeft collectief ontslag aangevraagd. Dat – en heel veel meer – is te lezen in het nieuwe businessplan. Het is genoeg voor de provincie om eenmalig 1,1 miljoen euro vrij te geven en voortaan weer jaarlijks 3,5 ton subsidie beschikbaar te stellen. Het… 

Winternachten is about something

Hello Darkness is the theme of the international literary festival Winternachten, this coming weekend in The Hague. It takes guts, in a time when everything has to be fun and cosy and we prefer not to spend our free time dealing with misery or 'heavy topics'. That is why we love Winternachten, because that festival really goes... 

Susan Neiman chief guest at Winternachten 2016: Why the atomic bomb really fell on Hiroshima

Propaganda is not just something that occurs in, say, Russia, but also in the West - more so than we ourselves realise. For example, is it widely believed today that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to capitulate and thus end World War II, nothing could be further from the truth. In that respect, Germany goes... 

Van Veen (vvd), Pechtold (d66) and Monasch (pvda) during the culture budget debate

We were read in 2015: 300,000 visitors, a total of 10,000 hours of reading time.

Tijd voor ons succeslijstje. In 2015 trokken we 60.000 bezoekers meer dan in 2014. Dat is iets om trots op te zijn. Een website die zich richt op de verhalen die de bestaande media de klein vinden, en dan zulke cijfers. Dat we die 300.000 bezoekers trokken is één, dat ze gemiddeld 2 en een halve minuut per verhaal besteedden,… 

Respect yourself. 5 unique opportunities for art's image.

Het wordt voor ondernemingen en belangenclubs in de cultuur de grote opgave voor 2016: hoe verbeteren we het imago van ‘de sector’? Komend jaar – zo voorspel ik u – zullen kosten noch moeite worden gespaard om de cultuursector een beter imago te geven. Er zal vast ook een onderzoek worden gedaan naar hoe dat imago kan worden verbeterd. Dit… 

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