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Welcome to the Jungle: een catastrofale clusterfuck bij de Kanaaltunnel

Maaike Engels (videokunstenaar en filmmaker) en Teun Voeten (oorlogsfotograaf en cultureel antropoloog) maakten Welcome to the Jungle. Een documentaire over de totale chaos in het geïmproviseerde migrantenkamp bij de kanaaltunnel in Calais, waar nu een slordige 6000 mensen in barre ellende wachten op hun kans om clandestien naar Engeland te reizen. Welcome to the Jungle is een pijnlijke en bij… 

The six shows you must see in October

Opera2Day, Mariken in de tuin der lusten (opera) The young The Hague company Opera2Day produces one splendid performance after another. But at the same time it does not rest on all its laurels, opting for adventure by presenting an entirely new opera together with the Nationale Toneel. At the centre is Mariken van Nieumeghen, the girl "who lived with the devil for seven years", the music is by Calliope Tsoupaki and... 

240 Pubers stil krijgen bij Shakespeare? Een gebruiksaanwijzing.

Veel theatermakers smeken heimelijk om de invoering van lijfstraffen voor scholieren met CKV. Scholieren met CKV zijn er namelijk op uit om het leven van acteurs te verwoesten. Ze worden daarin bijgestaan door ongeïnteresseerde docenten, die op hun vrije avond meer moeite doen om in de smaak te vallen bij hun pupillen dan bij de aanbieders van cultuur. Als compromis gelden… 

Cooking for Richard III: 'Of course we tie off our sauces with a little blood'

Eating on stage. That's the standard 'Theatre Dinner', but more exciting. Especially if Shakespeare's Richard III is played during dessert. Toneelgroep Oostpool, the Arnhem-based company that has been going strong in recent years with striking performances, goes one step further again in exploring the ultimate audience experience. Sjim Hendrix, not only a chef but also an artist and... 

Matthijs Rümke (1954 - 2015): inspired and committed theatre talent will not go to waste

'Young people can very well decide for themselves where they want to go or not go. And it just so happens that most of the time it is not to the theatre. So what? That will come naturally. Young people make their own choices, and that more often includes a house party than a play. Dragging them inside is counterproductive. And above all, no compulsory book-list performance,... 

The five shows you must see in September

Nederlandse Reisopera, Madama Butterfly (opera), 3 september t/m 10 oktober Nederlandse sopranen zijn net voetballers. Ze vliegen de halve wereld rond, maar zijn slechts zelden in eigen land te zien. Neem nou Annemarie Kremer, in Duitsland genomineerd als ‘Sängerin des Jahres’. De Nederlandse Reisopera brengt haar door heel Nederland in de rol waarmee ze wereldfaam verwierf: de titelrol van Madama… 

Photo: Viktor Vassiliev

Russian Cherry Garden in Amsterdam: 5 important things learned #HF15

There was an air of more expensive perfume in the foyers than at a Dutch gala premiere. The women were younger and smoother, or had a better botox doctor than usual. The jewellery looked very expensive, as did the dresses. Russian sounded everywhere. It seemed as if Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg had been moved for a while to PC Hooftstraat, a few hundred metres away.... 

Van Hove's 'Kings of War' is an intriguing trip

Power and leadership, can one exist without the other? Toneelgroep Amsterdam presented a sampling of three types of leaders on Sunday 14 June at the Holland Festival with 'Kings of War'. Three historical plays by Shakespeare about the struggle for power between the Houses of Lancaster and York together provided the fuel for this performance. With large black letters on a white... 

Kenneth Herdigein, Vastert van Aardenne, Urmie Plein, Reinier Bulder in Race by David Mamet.

Discussion on colour should also rage in theatre

At Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg, Hans Kesting will once again play the title role of Shakespeare's Othello, in a legendary version by top director Ivo van Hove, already 12 years ago. A stone's throw away, at De Balie, is the equally impressive actor Kenneth Herdigein in David Mamet's play Race. Why connect the two? Hans Kesting, the... 

Do you still love me? Sanja Mitrovic

Voetbalsupporters op het toneel? Sanja Mitrovic is een theatermaker met een geheim

Sanja Mitrović is een theatermaker met een thema en een geheim. Het thema bouwt ze met elke voorstelling verder uit. En het geheim zit haar werk op de hielen. Haar thema is het collectief: hoe dat groeit, waar het op gebaseerd is, hoe diep de onderlinge liefde kan zijn, hoe de euforie kan omslaan in razernij, hoe het van binnenuit… 

Lanoye's Shakespeare adaptation voted best playable Dutch play

100 Dutch plays were presented to them, the 224 Dutch heavy users of our theatre seats who took part in a survey by the Amsterdam Institute for Theatre Studies. Plays that ranged from fairly well-known, such as Herman Heijermans' 'Op Hoop van Zegen' from the beginning of the last century and Joost van den Vondel's 460-year-old tragedy 'Lucifer', to completely unknown, such as... 

The five shows you must see in March

Theatre Group Oostpool, Angels in America (stage), playlist

To call the epic about America in the AIDS era a modern classic is an understatement. Since 1993, the play has been performed all over the world with great success. HBO turned it into a disappointing miniseries, Péter Eötvös a completely unsuccessful opera. Toneelgroep Amsterdam recently celebrated triumphs as far away as New York with a five-hour version stripped to the bone, partly prompting 'Meppel-gate'. Director Marcus Azzin has been waiting 20 years to give his vision of this theatrical epic, and at Oostpool he now gets the chance, with a cast that includes only top actors.

2015 is not left: 5 reasons why art is becoming more exclusive

Art ends its 70th anniversary as a 'Leftist Hobby' in 2015. There is not much more to predict for this year. Art goes back to the bourgeois status it held since the start of the industrial revolution. 1: Art was never left Art, of course, has never been 'left'. Subsidy may have come from the thinking tubes of social and Christian democrats, but art an sich... 

Plastic Junkies by Antonin Comestaz, photo Robert Benschop

Squeaky plastic and schizophrenia in Here We Live And Now by NDT and Korzo

Among the audience at Korzo theatre in The Hague at the performance 'Here We Live And Now' are a striking number of dancers from Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT). No wonder, as many of their colleagues are involved in this performance. This annual programme featuring young choreographic talent is a co-production of NDT and Korzo. The addition 'The Hague' talent, by the way, may be taken with... 

Roos Rebergen verrast met vertaling Bowieklassieker op feestje in Paradiso

Fijf jaar. Je moet er even doorheen. Niet iedereen is altijd even gecharmeerd van de kleinemeisjesdictie van Roos Rebergen (Roosbeef). Maar wat een strot. En wat een presence. Dus is het meer dan ok dat Roos Rebergen op het verjaardagsfeestje van David Bowie’s carrière iets gewaagds deed: een vertaling brengen van Five Years, het openingsnummer van David Bowie’s klassieke album… 

Hamlet more in demand than Jay Z and Beyoncé. That can only happen in the UK

We are talking about the summer of 2015. Then Benedict Cumberbatch will play the title role in Hamlet, to be seen at the Barbican Centre in London. For the show, which plays for 12 weeks, 214% more tickets have already been sold in the first few hours after ticket sales opened yesterday than for Jay Z and Beyoncé's tour, which is on the same... 

Audience put in their place

Although both performances were created in very different ways, parallels can be drawn between 'Romeo and Juliet. To Romeo and Juliet by Karina Kroft and 'Crastest Ibsen II - People's Enemy' by Sarah Moeremans / Noord Nederlands Toneel. Director Karina Kroft and actor Joep van der Geest in conversation about their relationship with a classic play and their audience.

7 verwarrende redenen waarom de toneelversie van The Fountainhead rammelt, maar u toch moet gaan.

Weer actueel, nu Toneelgroep Amsterdam de voorstelling herneemt, mijn recensie uit 2014. Deze week ging de toneelbewerking van The Fountainhead in première. Het boek is verschrikkelijk, de voorstelling rammelt, de acteurs winnen maar nipt. De inhoud schept echter nog meer verwarring en dat is de reden waarom ik u niet zal tegenhouden om te gaan kijken. En Hans Kesting natuurlijk. Ik zet het even op een rijtje.

Nationaal Ballet brengt betoverende Tempest

Om het 450e geboortejaar van William Shakespeare (1564-1616) te herdenken, maakte Krzysztof Pastor een avondvullende choreografie voor het Nationaal Ballet, losjes gebaseerd op The Tempest (1611). De voorstelling is onderdeel van het Holland Festival. Dramaturg Willem Bruls bewerkte Shakespeare’s laatste toneelstuk over de naar een eiland verbannen vorst Prospero en diens dochter Miranda tot een script waarin het verhaal vier keer wordt verteld, vanuit evenzoveel perspectieven. Het resultaat is betoverend.

Warhorse is bijna perfect: 6 redenen om te gaan. Of weg te blijven.

Zaterdag 14 juni ging in een vloed van avondjurken, smokings, bekende Nederlanders en Gooische Tanks War Horse in première. Een stuk over een oorlog waarin Nederland neutraal was, en waarvan in elk dorp van de rest van de wereld gedenkstenen staan. U kunt gaan kijken. Of niet. We hebben zes argumenten op een rijtje gezet.

Legendary director Peter Brook (89): Theatre is the field given to me

The Valley of Astonishment. Titles don't come much prettier than that of 'The Valley of Astonishment'. Theatre legend Peter Brook's tentative last play is coming to Amsterdam. The Holland Festival gave me and two journalists from Parool and NRC, respectively, the opportunity to talk to the already legendary director when he was alive. Pretty special, because the man who enchanted an entire generation of theatre-makers and audiences with performances such as the nine-hour Mahabharata in Avignon, is considered a deity among theatre connoisseurs and enthusiasts.

Martin Wuttke makes Berlin museum night worthwhile at @hollandfestival

Holland Festival

There are those who spend nights queuing for a ticket. After all, the Berliner Ensemble is mythologically big. As big as the Royal Shakespeare Company in England, or La Comédie Française in France. Monuments to cultural history, dedicated to one writer, like Brecht or Shakespeare, or to an entire history, as the French are used to. We Dutch have

Desdemona in black and white

Holland Festival Holland Festival

Is the kingdom of the dead in the opera Sunken Garden by Michel van der Aa a 3D garden full of brilliant colour, director Peter Sellars chooses in Desdemona by Toni Morrison and Rokia Traoré for sober black and white. On the stage of a sold-out Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ are glass bottles and jars, sometimes lit from below, sometimes from above, with hanging light bulbs like flickering candles. On the left are a number of ngonis (Malian lute) and two koras (Malian harp lute), played by black musicians.

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