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Culture Council fill-in exercise offers hardly any surprises

Champagne at BAK in Utrecht, deep disappointment at The New Institute in Rotterdam: the Council for Culture has spoken. Today, Thursday 19 May 2016, the first advice after the draconian art cuts by the first Rutte cabinet came out, and heads are rolling. Amsterdam loses prestigious presentation institution De Appel, in The Hague fellow institution Stroom has to redo its homework. The Orkest van het Oosten and the Gelders Orkest have to come up with merger plans within two years. In Utrecht, the city company Theater Utrecht will no longer receive funding despite artistic appreciation. Het Zuidelijk Toneel in Eindhoven Tilburg must make new plans and Opera Zuid must quickly raise its artistic quality. These are the main conclusions of the Culture Council's opinion.

As dramatic as some of this may sound, the advice is actually not, when you look over the whole battlefield. Thanks in part to

Music life loses colourful figure in Bernard van Beurden

"Thea, I must have that concert organiser's number!", his commanding baritone sounded in my ear. Bernard van Beurden (1933-2016) invariably called from the South of France, where he lived - he had a modest pied-à-terre in Amsterdam. As a music journalist, I had interviewed him several times and seemed the right person to help him get information from his distant homeland. Subsequently, we sat for hours... 

Holland Festival 2016 Gardens-Speak-©-Jesse-Hunniford-1-

Audio, the new video (II): Syrian dead speak at Gardens Speak (HF16)

'This regime also rules over you after you die. The regime steals your story. They use you to tell their own story. Relatives are forced to sign statements that the dead were killed by the opposition. The regime uses the dead to oppress the living.' Lebanese artist Tania El Khoury made a statement: Gardens Speak (Gardens Speak). An installation, an immersive[hints]definition: immersive, making you forget the real world around you[/hints] performance, in which the spectators themselves are actors. A performance that consists of a mountain of earth from which soft voices sound from beneath tombstones. That performance comes in June to Amsterdam, as one of the examples of the new Holland Festival programming by festival director Ruth MacKenzie.

The pile of earth in and on which the installation takes place represents the many thousands of anonymous backyard graves in Syria. At the beginning of the Syrian civil war, the struggle was still mainly between opponents of President Assad's dictatorship and his (secret) police. The first victims were often still just students taking part in peaceful demonstrations, handing out pamphlets, or attending the funeral of a friend. After all: bombing funerals was and is a proven method of murderous regimes and crime syndicates to eliminate insurgent networks.

Tania El Khoury heard of the Syrian alternative in 2013: the private burial in one's own backyard, or failing that, in an anonymous city park, with no headstone or memorial. Such an action is both an expression of fear and an act of resistance: these are deaths that the government can no longer abuse. 'The play was not originally intended for European audiences either. It was made in Lebanon and the text was also in Arabic. The last thing I thought about was the European audience. The idea was

Creatures ISH and The Ballet Orchestra

Total spectacle Creatures turns The Ballet Orchestra upside down

In the huge Zuiveringshal of Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek, musicians from jubilee Het Balletorkest live it up on stage in the creative dance performance Creatures. They even lay flat on the floor or swing themselves loose in a small big band.

'Come and see that, Creatures: special show with fifty musicians and ten breakdancers," shouts the man at the door. The last tickets for the premiere must be sold. Creatures is at the Zuiveringshal in Amsterdam for a fortnight. Schools visit the show during the week, on weekends anyone can see it. But Creatures is such a

Voices Outside The Echo Chamber: we need exhibitions like this

An exhibition that puts our view of migration and migrants at the centre, critical of our migration policy but does not fall into easy pamphleteering, that is "Voices outside the echo chamber". On Friday 29 April, the exhibition "Voices outside the echo chamber"-an exhibition by Framer Framed, the Amsterdam-based organisation that has been questioning and commenting on the visual language in our arts for years-opened at the Tolhuistuin. After all,... 

The Muse of South - What does a street name sound like?

Some time ago, I discussed with broadcaster MAX the idea of phoning random residents in music districts to ask what they thought of 'their' composer. Would they spontaneously burst into an ode to, say, Carolus Hacquart, Cornelis Schuyt or Henriëtte Bosmans? Unfortunately, this playful plan never materialised, but lo and behold: a number of musicians joined hands.... 

New avenues for fantasy and horror: nostalgia, nihilism and quirky malevolence

Imagine is al een aantal jaar aan het transformeren. Toen dit festival nog onder de naam Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival door de wereld ging, lag de nadruk vooral op genrecinema. Het Fantatstic-genre is een verraderlijke term die als vergaarbak wordt gebruikt voor sciencefiction, fantasy en horror. In deze postmoderne tijden is fantatstic moeilijker af te bakenen. Het festival veranderde daarom al in 2009 van… 

With George Pieterson, music life loses another coryphée

Last Sunday, 24 April, clarinetist George Pieterson died at his home in Amsterdam, aged 74. 'George was an iconic player with a big musical heart,' says his former student Frank van den Brink. 'He invariably went full steam ahead and whichever recording you listen to, his playing is always remarkable. You didn't necessarily have to put up with his... 

Sensorium: see, hear, feel, smell and dance!

Hoe breng je kinderen in beweging? Hoe stimuleer je hun creativiteit? Hoe leren kinderen dansen als ze weinig ervaring hebben met dans, of andere expressieve kunstzinnige uitingen? ICKamsterdam ontwikkelt hiervoor een toolkit voor dansdocenten in het basisonderwijs: Sensorium. Door de verschillende zintuigen te prikkelen – ogen, oren, tast en neus – wordt het lichaam uitgenodigd te reageren met beweging.  Ik ben in een… 

Princess Christina Competition 2016: varied repertoire at a high level

Even before the welcome applause has died down at the Zuiderstrand Theatre on Saturday 23 April, pianist Manuel Sanguino begins Bach's Partita BWV 826. Crystal-clear runs sound in his right hand, while his left hand shapes the contrapuntal counterpoints just as smoothly. Even the faster passages are beautifully phrased and distinguishable note by note. Sanguino is one of the... 


Once sold for a guilder: now everyone out of the Doelenzaal

The historic Doelenzaal in Amsterdam, home to Internationaal Danstheater, will have flats. Those currently sitting there will have to leave. Doelenzaal sold The users of the Doelenzaal can all leave: International Dance Theatre, Omscholingsfonds Dansers, Dancing on the Edge, Musicians without Borders and Windmill Film. Because the building's new owner wants flats. The Doelenzaal, a design by architects Beirer and Bekkers who... 

Andalusia is Amsterdam and Amsterdam is Andalusia at Podium Mozaïek

‘Dit was eigenlijk een mixtape,’ zegt Yassine Boussaid, zaterdag 9 april 2016 na afloop van zijn concert, ‘zoals mijn neef me vroeger meegaf, voor de lange terugweg van Marokko naar Amsterdam.’  Yassine is de zakelijk leider van het Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest (AAO). Samen met artistiek leider Mohamed Chairi en regisseur-schrijver Mohamed Aadroun zet hij in moordend tempo concerten in elkaar… 

Monsieur Doumani

This write-up may begin somewhat strangely, but the end is going to evoke very different images: All sorts of things are set in motion internally when I find myself in the smallest room of my house. That's because - besides nice, sweet cards from friends and family - there are clippings hanging on the door, theatre guides, newspaper sections and smart magazines lying around. So... 

In memoriam exhibitions Martyn Last

Last Saturday, 2 April, I attended the opening of four exhibitions in Amsterdam featuring work by Martyn Last, who died suddenly in September 2015. He was only 54 years old. The curators Jeroen Werner and Henk Wijnen (i.c.w. the galleries) created an impressive tribute to their late friend and art brother. It is an experience to see so much of Last's work at... 

'Alva'. Unknown stage work by Vondel discovered

This was our April fool's joke for 2016. Thanks for sharing! During renovation work at the Stadsbank van Lening building on Amsterdam's Oudezijds Voorburgwal, a manuscript of a work of poetry that has since been attributed by literary historians to Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) has recently turned up. It is a rough, unfinished version of a play entitled 'Alva' and is dated around... 

Maarten Ornstein Photo- ©Foppe Schut 2014

What goes around comes around: Maarten Ornstein wrote a song for us! #ackler

'Write about that!' How many times have I heard or read that as a cultural journalist. From very good and interesting people, of course. People who make beautiful things, too. But also people who assume that I, as a writer on a website, will therefore immediately hop on a train to a remote corner of the country... 

Het effect van Marciniak en Omega Impact

Grzegorz Marciniak, een muziekmaker die het volgen waard is. En dat doe ik sinds 2006. Toen zag en hoorde ik zijn werk voor het eerst in Den Haag uitgevoerd door het toenmalige Woof-collectief.  Ik maakte contact, het klikte. In 2007 ging Picca in première. Een werk dat Marciniak voor ondergetekende schreef (blokfluit-solo). En ook bij mijn meest recente ervaring, februari… 

What is the relevance of contemporary dance?

Last weekend's workshop The Relevance of Dance, organised by Dansmakers Amsterdam and the European Dance House Network, sought to answer the question: What is the relevance of contemporary dance art for audiences? Suzy Blok, general director of Dansmakers Amsterdam, opened the atelier by talking about the desire of production houses to bring dance more to the... 

The woman behind the maestro: Together and yet apart #Aaltje from Sweden

Aaltje van Buuren enjoys her busy life. She is the wife of successful star conductor Jaap van Zweden. She dedicates her charm and energy worldwide to non-profit organisations that improve the daily lives of autistic children. Music and art are forces that run like a thread through everything she touches. The family can be seen every week... 

Opera Forward Festival: open your heart and be stimulated in a different way

Pierre Audi is the creator of the first edition of the Opera Forward Festival - OFF for short - which is being presented to the public for the first time as part of De Nationale Opera and its 50th anniversary. Opera as an art of inspiration is the supporting idea behind the ten-day festivities. The School During the Pre Launch OFF... 

Still a shame about those critics! 1 reason to buy the new Boekman.

Is there any reason to buy the magazine 'Boekman 106′? For me, yes, although I should immediately throw a magazine that claims to be the Dutch forum for art, culture and policy into the dustbin for displayed arrogance. After all, with a circulation of only 1400 copies, and appearing four times a year, how can you give yourself such a... 

Moisio's choreography 'Mum's the Word' makes you yearn for peace and freedom

Mothers and daughters: is there a closer bond? Their lives are an extension of each other. Mother treads the same path her daughter will later follow. She is a friend, to whom one can always fall back. But underneath, a suffocating power struggle rages, in which they hold and attack each other. Jealousy and competition gnaw at the domestic idyll. Escape is impossible. It is a... 

Peter Sellars: 'This opera is a paradise on earth.'

What does the future of opera look like? The National Opera tries to answer this in the Opera Forward Festival: new visions new voices, organised for the first time this year to mark its 50th anniversary. The ten-day festival kicks off 15 March with the world premiere of Only the Sound Remains by Kaija Saariaho. About... 

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