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arnon grunberg

Maartje Wortel lives through the Oosterpark

'The book is a declaration of love to Niña, I dedicated it to her unborn child.' Writer Maartje Wortel (38) lived right by Amsterdam's Oosterpark until recently. Her friend and fellow writer Niña Weijers lived on the other side. For five years, they walked laps of the park together, sometimes several times a day. In The Groove, Carrot tells about... 

'This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture.'

Honourable members of the House of Representatives, It is with great concern that we look at the Temporary Test Act that will be voted on in your House on Tuesday 11 May. This new law means even more hurdles and restrictions for visiting culture. Restrictions that will be introduced but where the end date is not given. This new testing law could be a godsend for... 

8 phenomena together on stage do not make phenomenal theatre at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Claron McFadden is a phenomenon. Josse de Pauw is a phenomenon. Arnon Grunberg is a phenomenon. LOD is a phenomenon. KVS is a phenomenon. Theatre Festival Boulevard is a phenomenon. I did not yet know pianist Kris Defoort, but he is also a phenomenon. As is Henry Purcell, but we've known that for a couple of centuries: also a phenomenon. After such an opening paragraph... 

Holland on the sofa: 'I suffer from strong mood swings' #wu17

‘Op scholen moet je kinderen literatuur voeren zoals ze in Frankrijk ganzen voeren.’ Met zijn snedige opmerkingen kreeg Tommy Wieringa de lachers op zijn hand, terwijl hij als de personificatie van Nederland op de sofa lag bij hoogleraar psychiatrie Damiaan Denys. ‘Nederland op de sofa’ was een van de eerste programma’s van de zaterdagavond van het literaire festival Winternachten in… 

It's not America here... or is it? #WN17 #WU17

Of het einde van het communisme en begin van het kapitalisme zijn schrijven heeft beïnvloed? Mircea Cartarescu, een van de grootste schrijvers van Roemenië, pareerde de vraag met een grapje. ‘Dat is een veel te kleine gebeurtenis om mijn stijl en romans te veranderen.’ Is this the real life? Dat is het thema van het literaire festival Winternachten van dit… 

Ten reasons to go to literary festival Winternachten

Writers Unlimited could hardly have chosen a more appropriate theme for this year's literary festival Winternachten: Is this the real life? That question will be on many a mind when the new president of the United States is inaugurated on Friday. Fortunately, some eighty writers who do have something meaningful to say about the state of... 

Prize season opened in style: critique on shortlist ECI Literature Prize 2016

The jury of the ECI Literature Prize has brought criticism upon itself with an idiosyncratic choice for the shortlist. In choosing Connie Palmen with Jij zegt het [You say it], Bert Natter with Golberg, Marja Pruis with Zachte riten [Gentle rites], Tonnus Oosterhoff with Op de rok van het universum [On the skirt of the universe], Arnon Grunberg with Moedervlekken [Mother stains] and Martin Michael Driessen with Rivieren [Rivers], the jury ignored... 

Grunberg doesn't come out of his hole in The Future of Sex #HF16

Woody Allen made sure in 1972 that his fans could not watch Star Wars with dry eyes years later. The final scene of his film 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask' shows us the male brain as the bridge of a Star Cruiser where the crew is hard at work to bring a date to a successful conclusion. The spermatozoa in the front are a squabbling gang of take-off runners, heading for an uncertain descent towards beating egg.

24 uur Urbo Kune @HollandFestival vannacht waken en slapen met Morton Feldman’s For Philip Guston

‘Urbo Kune’ is esperanto voor ‘gemeenschappelijke stad’. Klangforum Wien presenteert vandaag in het Muziekgebouw 24 uur hedendaagse muziek en ideeën met als uitgangspunt de toekomst van Europa en ideeën over de ideale hoofdstad van de Verenigde Staten van Europa. Om 12:12 hedenmiddag startte de manifestatie met een onbegrijpelijk statement vanaf het dak. Burgemeester Van der Laan, Arnon Grunberg, Francine Houben wisselen… 

Netherlands Film Festival - Joy leads nominations for Golden Calfs

Joy, directed by Mijke de Jong to a screenplay by Helena van der Meulen, has become the leader in the battle for the Golden Calfs at the Netherlands Film Festival. With seven nominations, all attention has, deservedly, suddenly turned to a small but intensely filmed and acted drama that had hitherto remained somewhat in the shadows. This... 

Tirza opens 30th edition Dutch Film Festival - actors in the spotlight

By Leo Bankersen

Film acting is in the special spotlight during the 30th edition of the Netherlands Film Festival. So that's convenient that the Festival opens tonight with Tirza, a story that is too gruesome to be true, but which, thanks to the acting of Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Sylvia Hoeks and Johanna ter Steege, among others, you have to believe anyway.

Rudolf van den Berg single-handedly reworked Arnon Grunberg's book, about Jörgen Hofmeester, his failed life and his adored daughter, into a haunting road movie, a journey to the end of the night. Scholten van Aschat, who had long been working towards the role, allows the contained bitterness and anger to slowly turn into despair. Hoeks plays her best role so far here and Ter Steege saw enough in this script to put aside her dislike of Grunberg. And don't forget nine-year-old Keitumetse Matlabo from South Africa, as Hofmeester's conscience and guardian angel. The result is a film that wrings and chafes, but also has the allure of a great and bitter tragedy. Tirza is now the Dutch entry for the Oscars.

Tirza is Dutch Oscar entry

Rudolf van den Berg's Tirza, based on Arnon Grunberg's novel of the same name, has been chosen as the film that will be sent to Los Angeles as the Dutch entry for the Oscars in the best foreign film category. Holland Film announced today. In this grim drama, Gijs Scholten van Aschat plays a man who, after a failed marriage,... 

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