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Asko|Schönberg brings Inhabit_inhibit: Crushing sound experience


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Belgian composer Stefan Prins rattles the conventions of musical practice with his innovative approach. His brand new inhabit_inhibit is a visionary work, based on the ideas of Timothy Morton, in which man's loss of control over his environment is made poignantly audible and tangible. To do so, Prins uses spatially arranged instruments, electronics and feedback loops.

Follow the news, look outside: according to punk philosopher Timothy Morton, we are living in a time of 'mass extinction' - he thinks 'climate change' is far too soft. We should not see 'nature' as something outside ourselves; we are part of it and must act accordingly. Inhabit according to Prins, represents how we live in our environment, inhibit for the limits we are up against. We have thrown the earth out of balance and now the consequences are out of our control. Do you feel stress? It is justified.

Stefan Prins translates Morton's analysis into a crushing sound experience.

Groups of musicians are arranged around the audience in four places, piano and harp are in the middle of the hall, and bass flute, bass oboe, bass clarinet and baritone saxophone are positioned at various points in the room. Sound design, in the hands of Florian Bogner, is essential part of inhabit_inhibit.

Prins is a musical jack-of-all-trades - he holds a PhD from Harvard, is artistic director of the contrary Nadar Ensemble and plays 'laptop' in a band. Multimedia and innovation are a constant in his work, with which he invariably saws at the chair legs of conventions. Prins also wants to shake up the tired concert practice. So do not expect a calm introduction to this important contemporary composer - but a penetrating one.


Stefan Prins inhabit_inhibit - world premiere


Ensemblekollektiv Berlin

Baldur Brönniman conductor

Florian Bogner sound design

Thu 24 Feb, 20:15 (introduction 19:15)
Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

NB Public rehearsal on 24 Feb 16 - 17h,

5 tickets via Public rehearsal inhabit_inhibit - Asko|Schönberg + Ensemblekollektiv Berlin | Muziekgebouw

inhabit_inhibit is a composition commission from Asko|Schönberg and Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, with support from Ammodo and Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

> see also inhabit_inhibit - Asko Schoenberg (

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