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Den Bosch

Why Noorderzon is the Groningeniest festival in the Netherlands.

Sometimes there is a gap in the strolling crowd in Groningen's Noorderplantsoen. Often this is due to a local resident with muscle-dog, who continues to make his daily round despite the crowds. It is one of those funny things that give Noorderzon its very own character, as the most Groningen-like of all summer festivals in our country. There is... 

A plea for watching and guessing @tfboulevard

This edition, Theatre Festival Boulevard invited the audience to reflect on the two sides of identity: its immutability but especially its malleability. All this under the heading what you see is what you guess. If there is a performance to which this applies, it has to be Goat Song. A fascinating fifty-minute wordless performance by... 

Gender krijgt Japanse touch op Theaterfestival Boulevard @tfboulevard

‘Geen kwaad woord over Lego of Knexx. Maar identiteit is het meest opwindende bouwpakket.’ Zo opent het voorwoord van Theaterfestival Boulevard in Den Bosch. What you see is what you guess is deze keer het motto. Het verwijst naar de kloof tussen hoe de ander je ziet en hoe je je zelf voelt. Identiteit in de breedste vorm: van gender… 

Why I suddenly missed the writers in Den Bosch @tfboulevard

Usually when I speak to someone who calls themselves a playwright, they say they are 'only' a supplier of a 'half-product'. I never get that answer from a young actor, and certainly never from a director. It is they who make theatre out of the half-products supplied by writers. Actors and directors prefer to be addressed as 'theatre-makers'. Nothing wrong with that.... 

Discomfort delivers little, so look for vulnerability on @tfboulevard. There is plenty of that.

Speaking of bubbles. In the middle of Den Bosch, on the parade square, there are three mega-play blocks you can enter. They are mini theatres, brainchildren of designer Theun Mosk. In one of them, you come across a very large plastic bubble in which young, mostly naked, people move. The audience stands on either side of the bubble feeling uncomfortable. Partly because the naked young people... 

Come watch world freestyle champion Nasser El Jackson transform into a dancer on @tfboulevard.

It started three years ago. Guilherme Miotto, working as a dance maker in Tilburg, was asked by a good friend of his. Whether he wanted to come and have a look in Noord. There, in that rather notorious slum, there were some fantastic freestyle footballers running around. YouTube runs with them, and the best one, Nasser El Jackson, is even world champion. A ball wizard. That is. 

The uncomfortable truth of the paraglider. What I took away from the opening performance of @tfboulevard

About 18 years ago, while on holiday in the Auvergne region, my wife and I picked up a paraglider that had ended up rather unhappily in a meadow full of indignant cows. We were happy to do something. The paraglider looked grateful, although he was a little worried about the car in which we were going to take him back to... 

Just a few reasons to come to @tfboulevard in Den Bosch in early August.

If the weather holds up a bit, the upcoming edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard will be the most tropical in history. The smart ones among us, who opted for a staycation in West Balkonia this year, can indulge their cultural heart in Den Bosch. Not for nothing regularly called 'The Avignon of the Netherlands'. Theatre festival Boulevard is unpacking 2018 with a truly overwhelming... 

Lakedance is well organised: 'You don't have to walk around lost, nice and handsome people everywhere, no complaints anywhere, clean toilets!'

"In the Netherlands, we are actually on holiday," Daphne (40) and Ilja (26) say with a laugh. They are travel experts, with Japan as their core destination. "I visit a few festivals every summer, but whether I'm really a festival-goer? Not so much, I think." Seven years ago, Daphne was last to Lakedance, now she is "getting up to age" and got to go for... 

Gesualdo at the @hollandfestival: a hell of a match made in heaven.

Pizza Napolitana is not going to taste the same again. After all, mozzarella can be anything. We owe this enrichment of our lives to De Warme Winkel, the anarchic theatre company hired by the Nederlands Kamerkoor to enhance their Holland Festival programme. We knew it. And you can go and check that out for yourself, because after that... 

Zwierende parachutes en trillende spieren op Playful Arts Festival: ‘Als de bezoeker niets doet, bestaat het werk niet’

Af en toe schuurt het bij Playful Arts, een intiem festival dat spel en kunst samenbrengt. Alles draait om interactie, zelf doen, ervaren. Sommige bezoekers moeten even een drempel over. Maar dan gebeurt er wel iets. ‘Die dansers moeten echt een keigoeie conditie hebben’, hoor ik iemand achter me vol eerbied mompelen. Aan de overkant van de straat wijst een… 

Choreographer Arno Schuitemaker outdoes himself with gossamer The Way You Sound Tonight at @HollandFestival 2018

It is the spatial arrangement that immediately impresses in The Way You Sound Tonight, choreographer Arno Schuitemaker's ninth performance. There are roughly 25 seats too few. The last Holland Festival visitors to walk onto the Rabozaal stage during the premiere have to find their own place on the still-scented wooden floor. Pijpela Schuitemaker has, to my... 

The Netherlands is festivalised. And why that is a very good thing. Collaborating festivals come out with a pamphlet (and ask for money)

Grandpa tells. In 1989, a committee of experts chose a different theatre course in my city, Utrecht. The just-risen festival Theater aan de Werf would get more money, the marching theatre would disappear from 't Hoogt and the rest would have to take care of the newcomer with fewer days of programming. Then we took to the streets against the so-called 'festivalisation',... 

Henri Swinkels deputy livability and culture province of North Brabant

Gedeputeerde Swinkels on opportunities for Brabant: 'Unlike in the national government, we already don't work in a 'disciplinary' way here. We don't put everything in boxes.'

The trigger for this story is that relatively recently, the Council for Culture published its sector foresight. The summary opens with the words that 'Culture moves'. A rather euphemistic statement in my view. In this case, it means that the making, spreading and experiencing of culture is constantly changing. The second very obvious observation of... 

Stephanie Louwrier: 'I embrace the fear of failure'

'I once performed in front of a hall somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with a lot of old people. The performance was announced as cabaret. But my work does not fall within one particular genre. Because of the designation 'cabaret', the audience had expectations I did not meet. People wanted a fun, entertaining evening. My performance was rebellious, energetic. I jumped all... 

Chablis, riesling, bardolino and five indies: Boulevard succeeded

Wine tasting and listening to medieval music are usually things people only do with very serious faces. So it took five glasses, three drunken singers and a good hour before the mob in the sober Heilig Hart church in Den Bosch loosened up a bit. With a Frontignan to boot. You do start fantasising about the great dinner you had at... 

The Apocalypse is something to look forward to at Theatre Festival Boulevard

Het mooiste einde van de wereld zit in Melancholia van Lars von Trier. Zwevende populieren, een wollige planeet die ons opeet in een golf van sfeervolle mist. Ik zou ervoor tekenen. Alles beter dan de klotsende aardplaten vol gillende poppetjes in de mislukte rampenfilm 2012. Maar ook weer niet zo leuk als het einde der tijden in The Hitchhikers Guide… 

Boukje Schweigman makes you feel how weird time is at Theatre Festival Boulevard.

Industrial estates are weird. They lie souring on the outskirts of one city, only to seamlessly morph into the same site on the outskirts of another. Once they were A-locations, places of visibility and the incarnate dream of reconstruction. Now they are low-grade structures, halls with a front door, a visible office for the Dirk and a pathetic... 

Humour, marinated in tears on a bed of melancholy. Perfect day on Boulevard

The prize for the longest and most artful kiss of 2017 has been given away and goes to Conny Janssen Danst. In a small tent on the square below Bossche Sint-Jan, this danced kiss forms the technical and dramatic highlight of Clarity. Two dancers, spinning pirouettes while keeping their lips connected, a video artist and the floating music performed live by iET were on Saturday ... 

Thinking won't make you a hero. Artful Flemish musical theatre on Boulevard

Helden zijn niet altijd de slimste mensen. Sterker nog, de meeste daden die als heldendaad de geschiedenis in gingen, zijn ondoordachte acties geweest. Die toevallig lukten. Pure mazzel. Tegenover elke heldendaad staat dus een onbekend, maar niet te verwaarlozen aantal zinloze overlijdensgevallen van would-be helden. De hoofdfiguur van het theaterstuk De Helden, dat ik op 4 augustus in Den Bosch… 

Celebrate art in times of gloom. #tfboulevard

Openingsspeeches. Elk festival heeft er een. Of twee. Je moet er doorheen. Als gast, maar ook als gastgever. Er zou iets op gevonden moeten worden. Natuurlijk moet er een punt gemaakt worden, een vlag gehesen, een champagneflesknal ingeleid. En ook moeten de sponsoren bedankt worden. In deze tijden van een zich terugtrekkende overheid zijn dat er elk jaar meer. En… 

So you'll never leave Den Bosch again (why holidays in your own country can be fun)

Would like your interpretation of the cover girl's look on the Theatre Festival Boulevard programme book. It may be projection, but I see a slightly overwhelmed desperation in those eyes, whose eyebrows have been replaced by two playfully placed arches of St John's, above: Den Bosch on my mind. Where to start, mostly. In the book, especially abundance. Glassily designed... 

Just a Guest is justified summer hit: listening always makes people interesting

I held my heart. Patrick Nederkoorn and Oscar Kocken had been tempted by television to bring their brilliant gem 'Zomaargasten' over to the living room. NPO3 still. The channel targeting millennials. I had visions of channel managers, dramaturgs, audience specialists and gussied-up boys and girls well over forty that these two little artists would... 

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