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'William III is the greatest statesman the Netherlands has produced.' (Podcast)

Machiel Bosman is a historian and writes history disguised as literature. His book Elisabeth de Flines was nominated for the AKO Literature Prize and the Libris History Prize in 2008. This book De Roofkoning, prins Willem III en de invasie van Engeland was also nominated for the Libris History Prize. In this podcast, a conversation with the author who gave us... 

German couple collected unique jewellery in Danish Design #Aarhus2017

Delicate petals, tough links, a denim collar. You can't dream it up or Danish designers have designed them in silver as jewellery. Thousand Jewels offers an overview of Danish design from the twentieth century. Among them are internationally renowned designers and silversmiths, such as Georg Jensen (not only jewellery but also silver tableware), Kaj Bojesen (not only silver but also... 

It has been proven: culture makes people happy. That calls for a good campaign

The positive effects of culture are demonstrated again and again. It is high time the sector used these facts in improving its image. Our western and southern neighbours have boosted the image of culture with a number of successful initiatives. The sports sector is another example of image building that the cultural sector can learn from. There... 

Ten reasons to go to literary festival Winternachten

Writers Unlimited could hardly have chosen a more appropriate theme for this year's literary festival Winternachten: Is this the real life? That question will be on many a mind when the new president of the United States is inaugurated on Friday. Fortunately, some eighty writers who do have something meaningful to say about the state of... 

Marcel Möring: ‘Alleen in mijn werkkamer voel ik me thuis’

Schrijver Marcel Möring maakte een vliegende start in de literatuur, met zijn bekroonde romans Mendels erfenis (1990), Het grote verlangen (1992) en In Babylon (1997). Maar bij de publicatie in 2006 van Dis, het eerste deel van een trilogie, werd er door de literaire kritiek gehakt van hem gemaakt. Ook het tweede deel Louteringsberg werd overwegend slecht ontvangen. Vandaag verschijnt… 

Amira, stop met het imiteren van opera-aria’s, neem zangles nu het nog kan!

Negen jaar oud was Amira Willighagen toen ze in 2013 met opera-aria’s het tv-talentenjachtprogramma ‘Holland’s got talent’ won. Haar Puccini-aria ‘O mio babbino caro’ trekt nog steeds miljoenen kijkers op YouTube. Wat maakt Amira zo immens populair? Zijn het haar zangkwaliteiten of is het haar schattige kinderlijke uitstraling? In Huizen, een dorp in het Gooi, gaf ze een concert met… 

Early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson: A lifetime of ears on stalks

This month, early music pioneer Marijke Ferguson turned 89. She led the adventurous ensemble Studio Laren for 30 years and has been making radio for over 50 years, the last 23 for the Concertzender. Time and again, she manages to intertwine old and new music with pop and world music in an appealing way. On Sunday 11 December, the Concertzender puts her centre stage during... 

Theoloog wil constructiever vloeken

Is er nog niet genoeg woede en agressie in onze wereld? Je zou denken van wel, maar toch vindt Rikko Voorberg (36)[hints]Theoloog Rikko Voorberg (1980) is oprichter van de PopUpKerk, organiseert kunst-installaties en is publicist; hij is gastcorrespondent Woede bij De Correspondent en heeft een vaste column in het Nederlands Dagblad. De PopUpKerk is hij begonnen op uitnodiging van de… 

Herta Müller: 'I like small things'

This week saw the publication of Nobel Prize winner Herta Müller's autobiography, My Homeland, an Apple Pit. A few years ago, A Quattro Mani had an exclusive interview with the Romanian writer, when her first collection of poetry collages was published, The Skirt-chaser and its sly aunt. We spoke to her at her home in Berlin, she revealed how her poetry collages are created, and the making... 

The Harvest of the Month: Claudel, Baker, Russo, Van der Kwast

The summer period is a fine time for catch-up reading - books from recent times that you still wanted to read but didn't get around to before - but we also got a glimpse of a few upcoming titles. That made for a fine, varied crop this month. Eifel adventures Since The Detour, there hasn't been a new novel... 

The Dark Ages: beautiful investigative theatre by Milo Rau. #HF16

When we think of 'The Dark Ages', we think of the rough raw dark Middle Ages, with church and king and no hygiene. However, Swiss director Milo Rau's performance, now at the Holland Festival, refers to a much more recent piece of European history. In a recent interview With the Culture Press, he said:

'The European is an orphan' - Milo Rau on The Dark Ages #HF16

Swiss playwright Milo Rau created a theatrical trilogy about the demise of the European ideal. The second part The Dark Ages is now at the Holland Festival. Rau combined his actors' painful, personal life stories with themes from the works of Chekhov, Shakespeare and the Greek tragedies. With a Freudian sauce: 'Countless people who are The Dark Ages have seen ask me: 'Milo, is something wrong with your father?'

Opening night Poetry International showcases sprightly poetry #PIFR

Misschien waren de eerste woorden die de mens ooit uitsprak wel een gedicht. In ieder geval zal de mens eerst gezongen hebben, voor hij woorden gebruikte. Als we de destijds geuite oerklank om mee aan te geven dat die duif toch echt van jou is tenminste als zang kunnen omschrijven. Feit blijft, dat Poetry International het festival dat gisteren een prachtige openingsavond beleefde, gewijd is aan een de oudste kunstvormen ter wereld: de poëzie. Maar hoe spinglevend is die kunst wel niet?

Emscher art: substance enough for discussion on public participation in artworks

On the same day that in Arnhem our king opened Sonsbeek 16, there was also a party around the Phoenixsee in Dortmund. Namely, Emscherkunst 2016 opened there, and for those who have never heard of it: it is the continuation of previous art events in the Ruhr region, the former industrial heart of Europe. I went there once myself, six years ago, and had mixed feelings: is investing in art really an appropriate method to save an area abandoned by the economy?

interview Jiří Kylián over Free Fall in Korzo

Jiří Kylián: 'The silence of a photograph, I love that'

Jiří Kylián toont met Free Fall voor het eerst zijn fotowerken. Hij vertelt gedreven over zijn ontdekkingen, zijn inspiratie, en Sabine. Het huis in Den Haag waar Jiří Kylián nu meer dan dertig jaar woont straalt levensvreugde uit. Warme kleurtonen, geurende bloemen, een classicistische inrichting en toch gezellig. Onmiskenbaar de ‘touch of a woman.’ Die vrouw is Sabine Kupferberg, de levenspartner en… 

Nell Zink: ‘Schrijven is pas goed als het goed klinkt en geen… pijn doet’

Ze kwam, zag en overwon. Nell Zink was tot voor kort bijna de belichaming van het clichébeeld van de arme schrijver, alleen op een zolderkamertje. Maar toen de Amerikaanse schrijver Jonathan Frantzen haar werk aanprees, groeide ze binnen no time uit tot een literaire hype. Haar uitgever gaf haar een voorschot van zes cijfers. Van nobody naar ‘Her Nellness’ –… 

Böhmermann: Turkey is the place to be

'No barbaric act can ever erase press freedom,' French President Hollande tweeted immediately after the bloody attack on the editors of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked side by side with him in a mass demonstration for freedom of expression. But that was the reality of the time. Now she stands ... 

Frans Budé: 'A poem has to have a story'

In his recent collection Achter het verdwijnpunt, death plays an important role. Poet Frans Budé lost no fewer than four poet friends in a short time and honoured them in verse. The 70-year-old poet himself still writes as avidly as in his younger years: in addition to an occasional collection about the Maas, to be published in May, he wrote poems for the upcoming exhibition... 

Theatre Rotterdam is going to do it all over again

On Monday 14 March, Theatre Rotterdam will present its plans for the upcoming arts plan period. On Thursday 10 March, Bianca van der Schoot already told about it during a public meeting with a class of Utrecht theatre scholars. What became clear from her story is that she has little desire to start bringing world repertoire with the old Ro theatre share in Theatre Rotterdam. She has a lot of... 

Forever waiting for Godot: Pierre Boulez died

He would have turned 91 on 26 March, but died Tuesday night, 5 January, in his hometown of Baden-Baden. Pierre Boulez was the last surviving composer of the group that reshaped the direction of music after WWII. His fellow maestros preceded him: Karlheinz Stockhausen died in 2007, Luciano Berio in 2003, Karel Goeyvaerts in 1993 and... 

Susan Neiman chief guest at Winternachten 2016: Why the atomic bomb really fell on Hiroshima

Propaganda is not just something that occurs in, say, Russia, but also in the West - more so than we ourselves realise. For example, is it widely believed today that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to capitulate and thus end World War II, nothing could be further from the truth. In that respect, Germany goes... 


Choreographer Helena Waldmann: Stop the underpayment of dancers!

Some think dance has nothing to do with politics. German theatre maker Helena Waldmann clearly thinks otherwise. Waldmann makes socially engaged dance theatre and uses her work to point out the 'social sore spots' of different cultures and sees transcultural similarities in them. Made in Bangladesh is a haunting and poignant performance that draws a parallel between the poor working conditions... 

Watch tip: We Are Jung, We Are Stark

Het gebeurt niet vaak dat een film over een gebeurtenis in 1992 zo schrijnend actueel is. Toen stak een groep van zo’n driehonderd rechts-radikalen in Rostock een asielzoekerscentrum in brand. Wonder boven wonder is toen niemand overleden. Maar het tekende wel velen voor het leven. Onder meer de regisseur van Wir Sind Jung, Wir Sind Stark. Filmmaker en zoon van… 

Unsuk Chin: 'Holland is more open to new music than other countries'

In 1985, Unsuk Chin (Seoul 1961) won the Gaudeamus Music Prize with Spektra for three cellos, six years later she made her breakthrough with her Akrostichon-Wortspiel for soprano and ensemble composed for the Nieuw Ensemble. In 2004, she won the Grawemeyer Award, the world's most prestigious music prize; in 2007, she made a deep impression with her opera Alice in Wonderland. Tomorrow, Thursday 22 October. 

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